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A Council of Betrayal

Page 4

by Kim Schubert

  “Wait, you mean to tell me that if someone kills Olie, they take her power?” Jerry asked from the grouping of seats behind us.

  I chuckled. “Guess we have more in common with the witches than I originally thought.” I took a long sip.

  “The same goes for Logan. He isn’t to be alone, Mark will be with him constantly, and you as well, Jerry.”

  “Who the hell is going to guard you?” Mark asked.

  I was about to answer that I didn’t need a guard, but Logan interrupted me. “Olie will be attending many of the same meetings we will. Only the meetings with Garrick will need to be covered.”

  I shook my head, signaling the flight attendant for another drink. “Garrick has a small army with him. I’ll be fine.”

  He grunted a displeased answer, but I didn’t care. I was too busy drowning my nerves in alcohol. The Conferences were always a disaster. I had no doubt this year wouldn’t be any different. That much power in one hotel was guaranteed to leave a few dead bodies. Just as long as they weren’t any of mine.

  Chapter 2

  The flight passed, or rather I passed out on the flight. Apparently, the high altitude made me a lightweight. I awoke with Logan stroking my hair, my head nestled on a pillow in his lap.

  I sat up quickly, fighting the head rush.

  “We’ve arrived,” he announced, his fingers still trailing through my hair.

  I nodded, rubbing sleep from my eyes as everyone gathered their belongings and headed off.

  We were loaded up into a long limo. I leaned back against the seat, blowing out a breath, gearing up.

  “You ready for this?” Logan asked softly.

  I smiled, patting his knee. “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.”

  He huffed his amusement.

  I turned to our group. “You’ve probably heard this speech before, but pay attention. You are not to be alone. Making that foolish decision puts not only you but our entire organization in danger. If someone attacks you physically, kill them. If they verbally assault you, hurt them. We cannot appear too strong or too confident. Weakness will be preyed upon, so release you inner asshole. And if you need help with that, you can have some of mine.”

  Grams clapped and said with a laugh, “Well said, Olie.”

  “Questions?” Grams asked, far kinder than me.

  Everyone shook their heads no, while surreptitiously checking their concealed weapons. Glad I wasn’t the only one who was packing.

  “Grant is handing out your schedules. While the attacks will undoubtedly come, these meetings are designed as information sharing sessions. This year we even have a full day of new tech products.”

  I didn’t pay attention to the paper Grant handed me.

  “Logan, you will need to be sure she keeps to the schedule,” Grant said. “Since you two are a power duo, you will be attending most of the functions together.”

  I grunted, leaning back against the leather seat.

  I was tied to Logan the entire weekend? So much for having vacation sex with Garrick.

  Our limo pulled up in front of the extravagant hotel, towering above the heart of the Las Vegas Strip. There is no better way to hide the Supernatural than in plain sight.

  Piling out, I whistled. “I probably don’t want to know what this costs.”

  Grams smoothed down her powder blue suit and I mentally clicked off my weapons. I had traded in my trademark leather pants for soft jeans. My steel-toed boots had made the trip, though, hiding a dagger each.

  Under my fitted suede jacket, I had a small pistol secured against my ribs at my side. The idea was to look like we didn’t have a care in the world, but be able to handle whatever these assholes threw at us. Most of them would keep it clean in hand-to-hand combat, but I wasn’t betting on anyone’s morals keeping me alive.

  The entire lobby was a whirlwind of activity. Shifters, vampires and witches were the dominant forces, and everyone turned upon our arrival.

  Logan came to stand next to me at the front of our group.

  A hotel clerk moved in front of us, careful to keep his eyes on his tablet in front of him.

  “Welcome to The Bellagio, I’m Luke and I will be getting you checked in.” Luke had excellent timing. “If I can get your party’s name and everyone’s fingerprint, please.”

  “Fingerprint?” I questioned.

  Luke gave a small bow. “Yes, our systems have been upgraded. We no longer use keys, but fingerprints, to allow our guests access to their rooms.”

  “Huh, that’s slick,” I muttered.

  “Didn’t Tommy program your phone to unlock with your fingerprint?” Logan asked as I swiped my finger where Luke indicated.

  I shrugged, “I suppose it’s possible.”

  Once Luke finished checking us in, a bellhop came to gather our impressive luggage. I kept my weapons bags with me. He could take the clothing.

  Alec also kept the surveillance detection equipment.

  “If you will follow me, please. I will show you to your private elevators,” Luke announced, scurrying away to lead us.

  “Private elevators?” I muttered.

  “Only the best for you, Olie,” Logan muttered back.

  We passed the bank of six black elevators and continued down the marble hallway to a set of gold elevator doors.

  “To activate the elevator, just press your finger here.” Luke indicated the pad where a call button usually was. “If you have any problems or questions, please do not hesitate to contact the front desk. We welcome you to Las Vegas.”

  With that, Luke left, probably to check in other arriving guests. The poor human.

  Resting against the elevator wall, sandwiched between Logan and Alec, I asked, “Do we have anything scheduled tonight?

  Logan pulled out his phone, checking our schedule electronically, I assumed.

  “We have a mixer that begins in three hours,” he announced.

  “Do we all have said mixer?”

  “Yes,” the entire cabin informed me.

  “Don’t even think about missing it,” Grams warned me.

  I sighed, “Wouldn’t dream of it.”

  Grams, Mercer, Ali, Grant and I were sharing a three-room suite. It was a good thing they had recently made up, or maybe they had made up a while ago and I was just behind. Either way it was beneficial for the arrangement.

  Logan, Jerry, Mark and Alec were across the hall in a suite exactly like ours. I closed the door behind me, and sunk face first into the soft mattress with a groan.

  A knock on the door had me yelling into the pillow, “It has not been three hours!”

  Grams poked her head in, “It’s been two hours and the makeup artist is here to get you ready.”

  I flopped to my back with a groan, staring at the ceiling. “Go shower,” she instructed with a chuckle.

  I huffed and puffed into the shower, keeping up the annoyance to an audience of no one. I was grateful Grams was taking care of details like this. I didn’t think twice about my image.

  Once I was out of the shower, it took another half hour before I was freed from the hair and makeup chair.

  I twirled in my new dress again.

  “Well? Olivia, the suspense is killing me!” Jerry cried in the living room.

  With a laugh I opened the door, taking a spin as I stepped forward.

  “Wow,” he and Mark said together.

  I smiled, running my hands over the black satin skirt. My midriff was covered by see-through black lace, climbing upward to the satin triangles that covered the girls, before tying behind my neck.

  “Jerry, it is amazing!” I cried. “Where did you find it?”

  “I had it custom made,” he admitted with a satisfied smile.

  I should have probably taken issue with the cost, but I couldn’t bring myself to care. I strapped on my throwing knives around my upper thigh. The slight ruffling of the dress hid them perfectly.

  Grams and Mercer exited their room, equally dressed up.

“Oh, Olie, you look lovely.” She smiled, touching my arm before making her way out, her arm linked in Mercer’s. Jerry and Mark went next and I was last, slipping into my matching black satin ballerina flats.

  I doubted I would ever wear high heels again, for the simple reason that the last time I wore them, Blake ripped out my heart.

  I was over that. Mainly, mostly.

  I sighed, closing the door behind me. The conversation in the hallway died. My hands instantly went to my hidden daggers, my body crouching down as I assessed the threat.

  Jerry chuckled, shaking his head. “Darlin’, conversation stopped for you.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him, straightening and smoothing down the dress.

  “Whatever, let’s get this show on the road. Pay attention everyone, just because we are dressed up does not mean blood won’t be spilled.”


  The atmosphere was relaxed in the elevator ride down. I was actually feeling rested after my drunken nap on the plane and another few hours here. It was an unusual feeling, but not unwelcome.

  The doors opened at the lobby and I couldn’t help my smile as we cleared out.

  His eyes found mine, and while he might have been able to repress his smile, his eyes gave his glee away.

  “Garrick,” I greeted him, stepping into his personal space.

  “Olivia.” He inclined his head in greeting. He wasn’t tall, only an inch or so above my own 5’ 8”, with chestnut hair and coffee-colored eyes. His body was forever etched in hard lines from his work as a slave before he was accidentally made into a vampire.

  “It has been some time, my lady,” he whispered, his eyes roving over my outfit.

  My smile widened. “Heard you got yourself a selkie problem.”

  The spell was broken and we moved next to each other, my group in front, his behind, to the restaurant.

  “You heard about that?” he asked, taking my hand and wrapping it around his upper arm.

  “I heard you spent three days marooned on an island while they bargained their terms.” I laughed, noticing Logan slowing down to walk next to us.

  “The little shits. I have to give them credit for their negotiating tactics, but really, who does that anymore?”

  I laughed, watching his intense gaze rove over my outfit.

  “I’ve heard things about you as well,” he said. “By the raw desire of the Alpha’s gaze, it seems those rumors are not unfounded.”

  I debated, knowing any answer I gave would be heard by most here. “You can’t deny the allure of my dress,” I decided on, nudging him.

  Garrick nodded, taking my hand in his and pressing a gentle kiss to my knuckle. “You are always alluring, no matter the clothing.” He nodded his leave, but not before warmth spread upward from my hand.

  I flexed my hand, surprised by his comment, turning to Logan as we felt the flow of Garrick’s party and my own separating.

  “I’m starved. Please tell me they have vegetarian food here.”

  He smiled, resting his hand on my lower back and guiding me to our table. “I’m sure we can find you a salad.”

  “Gag, how about a pie?”

  Grams touched my elbow and I turned to her. “You are sitting with Logan and the Compass Alphas for dinner,” she instructed. “Do be sure to socialize with others after dinner.”

  I nodded, watching as she moved away with Mercer, her gold gown flowing exquisitely with her steps.

  Logan offered his elbow and I took it, our bodies gently brushing up against each other.

  “Are you still down a Compass Alpha due to Darren?” I asked softly.

  The Compass Alphas each patrolled a compass point: North, South, East and West, dividing the country and the packs into four large groups under Logan’s reign.

  “I was going to talk to you about that,” he murmured to me. So many listening ears.

  I nodded, understanding it needed to happen later. I thought Alec would be a good replacement, but Logan might need him for other duties.

  We made our way over the wooden dance floor to the tables adorned with cream linens and blood red roses as centerpieces. Logan pulled out the black leather chair for me. I sat, surprisingly gracefully.

  Logan took the seat next to me, and the empty table suddenly had other shifters sitting down as well. There were six in addition to Logan and me, each muscular, with eyes darting constantly around the room.

  There was only one other woman at the table besides me, and she sat regally. “Alpha,” she bowed her head respectfully. “We are happy to be in your presence.”

  Okay, that was a little much, but whatever, this was Logan’s show, not mine.

  “Sage, how are you faring?”

  “Well, thank you,” she replied, inclining her head respectfully. She turned to me. “We haven’t been introduced. I am Sage, Compass Alpha of the North.”

  “It’s a pleasure. I’m Olie, Head Executioner for the Supernatural Council of the Eastern U.S.” Gah, that was a mouthful.

  “Please let me introduce you to my second, Nathaniel.” She touched the shoulder of a gentleman in a gray suit and he also nodded his polite acknowledgement.

  A belch from the shifter next to him had all eyes turning. The belcher shrugged a broad shoulder, his blond hair mussed and his olive green eyes dancing with mirth. “Sorry, Sage, but we’re about done with the pleasantries.”

  He turned to me with a winning grin that boasted of trouble.

  “Meet my cousin, Hudson,” Logan introduced us.

  I smirked and nodded.

  “He takes care of the West, his beta is Andy. Across form him is Riley. He patrols the South, and his beta is Henry,” Logan finished.

  A waiter set a drink down in front of me. “Hi, I’m Olie and I like to kill stuff,” I said with a smile, lifting my glass up in toast.

  “To Olie!” Hudson rang out. I laughed. The tension drained as the others lifted their glasses. I was certain I’d have to prove myself to these shifters, but hopefully not before dinner.

  Dinner was bland. I made a face at Logan as I picked at my vegetables.

  “Here,” he offered, pushing his plate to me. “Try the risotto.”

  I dug my fork in while he picked at the mush known as squash.

  He made a face, putting the rest of the uneaten bite down.

  “I suppose this means you will just have to eat more dessert,” Logan teased.

  “Read my mind.”

  “So Olivia, we heard about that terrible sex tape that your ex-boyfriend released.” Sage gave me sad, understanding eyes.

  I pursed my lips. “I rather thought it was some of my better work, you know, being without proper tools.” I took a long pull of my drink, smiling at her.

  She shifted in her chair, stabbing a bite of strawberry shortcake. “Really? I actually hadn’t watched it.” She lifted the bite to her painted cherry lips.

  “How long do you anticipate keeping your place with us?” Nathaniel asked, dabbing his mouth delicately with a napkin.

  I tilted my head. “Until it’s pried from my cold, dead hands.”

  Nathaniel swallowed and I smiled, showing all my teeth.

  “Or if Logan gets hitched,” I amended with a half shrug.

  Hudson slung a heavy arm over my shoulders. “I for one am happy to welcome you to the fold, dear Olivia. Aside from needing more attractive females, it sets my weary heart at rest knowing Logan has someone to keep him from getting stale.”

  Logan’s fork landed so forcefully it chipped his plate.

  Hudson released my shoulders, flashing a smile. “I watched the sex tape.”

  I tried to inhale my next sip of alcohol, choking as I looked up at Hudson. He pounded on my back as the liquid fire tried to fry my lungs.

  Pulling an unencumbered breath, I laughed, “Glad you are a fan.”

  He waggled his eyebrows. “I’d love a—“

  “Enough,” Logan growled lowly.

  Hudson took the hint, turning back to his des
sert, but not before flashing me a sly smile.

  The waiter delivered another dessert to me. I smiled, slipping him more money with one hand while using the other to fork half the chocolate pie into my mouth.

  “I am impressed at your appetite,” Sage commented.

  “Enough,” Logan commanded again.

  I drew my eyebrows down at him. I’m not a baby, I didn’t need to be protected, especially from one jealous bitch.

  The band, which had been playing low-key background music, changed to an upbeat tune. That appeared to be the sign for us to stop playing human.

  A hand brushed over my shoulder gently and I turned.

  Garrick kept his eyes carefully on me. “May I have this dance?”

  I took his extended hand, scooting off my chair. “If you will excuse me,” I said to the group, following Garrick onto the empty dance floor.

  “What did you have in mind?” I asked him. His hand rested on the delicate lace on my hip.

  “I was thinking we should really get this party started.”

  “Did you intentionally just quote P!nk?” I laughed.

  He smiled. “Just because I’m older than you, that does not mean I haven’t kept current with the times.”

  I laughed, “Think the band is taking requests?”

  “Darling girl, I expect you to know me better by now. The band is waiting for my signal.” He rotated us toward the stage. The woman playing the harp saw his nod and quickly spoke to the other band members.

  After a brief pause while the harpist counted them off, they burst out with a swinging fifties song.

  I laughed, throwing my head back as Garrick’s eye glittered with an unspoken challenge. “I forgot this was your favorite era.”

  He shrugged, spinning me out with an excellent snap, holding my hand as both our feet made the quick steps to the beat. Coincidently enough, the skirt gave a perfect flare for the hippy, toe-tapping kicking we were doing.

  Narrowing my eyes, I decided to give Garrick a challenge. He spun me again and instead of tapping my feet as usual for a few counts, I rebounded, quickly charging him for a jump. With quick vampire reflexes, he caught me in midair, twisting my body around his neck. I locked my knees, pressing my arms straight out as he spun my body down his own.


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