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Whispers in the Dark [A Raven Saga Book 3]

Page 20

by Crymsyn R. Hart

  "Robyn, for half a millennium, the council has stood by and let you do what you will. We have not stepped in to tell you what you can and cannot do. We had hoped at first that you would prove to be Seth's heartmate, but after your tries to get along, it was apparent that you and he weren't compatible. Now we are going to have to step in because you give us no choice."

  Robyn laughed. Seth saw a scowl cross Horat's face. Nephthys did not react at all. Robyn spread her arms out to the both of them. “What're you going to do to me that is worse than this? Put me back on the rack and torture me until the sun burns out? Please. Who will take my place? I have helped in the past."

  "Your knowledge will not be lost. We have already discussed this with Tremain and his heartmate. Linnea is a powerful witch. By his gift to her, she is now immortal and counted among our numbers. She will take the place of the Raven Warriors’ sorceress. All your power and all your spells will pass to her."

  "You're going to give a mortal witch my power? You can't do that! I was born a witch. I have earned my place here. I will not give it up without a fight."

  Nephthys stepped forward. “You have no power here, Robyn. All those who come here are at my whim or the council's. It's rare that I intervene on such a major basis with what the council decides, but with the events of the past couple of days with the Banshee Queen and with you, I have taken over ruling this Council, with Horat's input of course, but you're not worthy of the powers with which you were born. For ages, you have abused them, trading our secrets to those who had the highest prices, trading enchanted daggers to those who would use them to harm my Ravens. Who knows how many are still out in the mortal world? For all of your deeds, you ask me what is worse than the existence that you are living now. I'll tell you. From this point forward, you will don wings for twenty-eight days of the month. You'll be assigned to those humans who need protecting. All your witchy powers are stripped from you forthwith. If you step one talon out of line, you will be confined to Raven form until I see fit for you to regain human form."

  "Y-You can't do that to me! There's never been a female Raven. That's not what the curse is made for. I ... you..."

  Hearing the punishment for Robyn, he knew the council and Nephthys had not made the decision lightly. It would kill the sorceress to be a Raven Warrior. He did think it was a good idea for Linnea to replace her. Tremain's heartmate was a confident and powerful woman who would make a good sorceress for the Warriors. However, the bell of doom was tolling in his head. If they had given this severe a punishment to Robyn, then what were they going to rain down on him?

  "I can do whatever I want, Robyn. I created the Warriors, and I can destroy them with one thought. Be glad that I let you live. Maybe now you will learn some humility.” Nephthys wrapped her hands around the sorceress's neck. Seth saw that her fingers had become black talons. He had never seen the goddess this angry. After a moment, she took a breath and released the sorceress. “Go fly somewhere else. I'm done with you.” The goddess waved her hand and Robyn was no longer there. Seth looked between Horat and Nephthys.

  He waited for his sentence. It would be severe. He only hoped he would get to see Jayd again in her next life, if he lived that long. Could he exist that long until she was reborn to humanity? Seth felt his heart cracking and turning to ice at the possibility of being alone again. The years would stretch out before him, and he would have to make do. He doubted that even flying the skies would give him peace of mind. How could it when the other half of himself was no longer in his grasp?

  "What are you going to do with me?” Seth asked, not daring to look up. He kept his tone even and his gaze at the marble floor. He had never noticed the designs etched into it. In one block were symbols from different religions, hieroglyphics, runes, and others that told a story. Instead of an answer, he felt the tip of his sword pressed against his throat. He swallowed and tried not to show any fear. Maybe this was another test he had to pass, but he could not help it. Inside, he was crumbling from the past couple of days. Everything he had held dear to him was blowing away if it were ash. All his ideals of being a Raven Warrior meant nothing now that Jayd was not there to share it with him. He had planned on killing Robyn, then go before the goddess, throw down his sword, and wait for her judgment. It was obvious now that she had beaten him to it. The tip of the blade hit his chin.

  "Get up, Seth. You're not going to be the martyr here,” Horat said.

  Seth watching the council Leader handling his sword. It seemed to fit right in his. He did not know if Horat even had a sword or if he could transform into a bird. He had never inquired about the council leader's abilities. Seth watched Nephthys take the sword from Horat.

  "Seth, we acknowledge that five hundred years ago you took pity on the sister of your charge. You thought you could right a wrong by at least saving Robyn. You never anticipated the repercussions of your gift by bringing her into this life. If you had never turned her into a Raven, none of this would be necessary. You would have been able to give Jayd your gift and save her from Azrael. Since the tapestry of fate was woven differently, we've had to make some arrangements to put things right."

  Seth's heart skipped a beat. What had they done? “What arrangements?"

  "We both realize how much you love Jayd. However, she has already died. Azrael has taken her soul into the other realm where she'll be slated to reincarnate as a human being once more and relive her life. After some discussion with Azrael, we have all reached an agreement. Since we have now cursed Robyn to be a Raven Warrior like you, your gift for giving one soul, of making one person into a Raven, has been restored to you."

  Joy erupted in Seth's heart. He had never heard of the council coming to a decision this dramatic. It was against the principles of the Raven Warriors. Why now were they changing their minds? Was he going to be able to get Jayd back? Would she still be a vampire? It didn't matter either way. He was able to hold her in his arms once more. “What does that mean?"

  "It means that Jayd will be restored to her body, if she wishes to come back. Once she accepts you, then you will be free of your curse. Until then, you are bound just as the rest of your brethren are."

  "You're going to bring her back from the dead? Will she be human?"

  Nephthys gave him a sad look. “No. What damage was done to her body even I cannot fix. You and she will share the same characteristics that you did before. You merged part of yourself with her and gave her a human heartbeat. That part of her hunger will always be with you. But there is a stipulation that we have put on both of you being together. Because Jayd is a vampire, only you will be allowed to feed her. She must not attack any innocent humans. If she does go feral, it will be up to you to put her down. We will not change our stance on this. Is that clear?"

  Seth didn't say anything. He stared dumbfounded at the two beings in front of him. He was going to be able to get Jayd back. The Raven Warrior was going to be able to comfort her and hold her in his arms. Of course he would feed her. It was his duty to be able to care for his heartmate no matter what she needed. He would walk through fire to get to her. He would face demons and the pits of hell to get to her if it meant that she would be alive again. He found himself nodding. “Of course. Yes. Whatever you want. Just tell me what I have to do and I'll make sure that it happens."

  Nephthys took the blade and drew it across Seth's arm. He didn't say anything when blood appeared on his ebony skin. It dripped onto the floor, staining it. Nephthys took the blade and sliced it across her palm. She didn't wince or show any sign that she was hurt. The goddess placed her hand over his wound. Seth watched when her blood, red ripe raspberries, dripped onto his wound. “With my blood, I grant you the power to once again bring one person into the flock and find shelter under my wings."

  A zing ran through Seth and then warmth settled in his soul. Nephthys passed her hand over the wound and the blood and cut were gone. The goddess handed him back his sword. “Use my gift wisely this time, Seth."

  Seth didn't sa
y anything, but took the sword and slipped it into its sheath. He launched himself into Nephthys's arms and gave her a hug. He felt if he was still human. He felt like the day he did when he was going to be initiated into the priesthood of Ra. His insides were all knotted and his brow was sweaty. Even his hands were moist. There was nothing they could do to him now. He had his life back. He had his soul back. All he had to do was go back to her. He hoped that Jayd wanted to come back to her life with him. He kissed the goddess, who was giggling, on the cheek. “Thank you. For everything, Great Goddess. If this was your plan all along, forgive me for ever trying to make you angry."

  Seth knelt before her, picked up the hem of her dress, and kissed it. He didn't know how else to show his gratitude. “Seth, get up. You're embarrassing me, and that's really hard to do. Go to her. Arik is thinking maybe you've gotten into some kind of trouble."

  Seth didn't bother to get up and let the shadows wrap around him. He did so with a renewed sense of his restored destiny. Maybe this was the path he was supposed to walk in the first place. Maybe he was supposed to have originally changed Robyn. Either way, he had Jayd back again. Seth felt the darkness lift, unfurling around him like wings. When he appeared, Arik went for his sword. After he realized it was Seth, he relaxed. Arik got up.

  "There has been no change. Is everything all right, brother?"

  Seth smiled from ear to ear. He clapped Arik on the back. “Oh, yes. More than better. Wonderful. I can't talk about it right now. Thank you for watching her. Will you excuse me?"

  Arik was going to say something, but he didn't. He returned Seth's smile and then walked out of the room, leaving Seth alone with Jayd. The Raven Warrior walked over to the bed and gazed down at her. She was an angel in his eyes. Nothing had changed about her in the hours he'd been gone. Outside the sun had risen, he could feel it burning his skin even though he was inside. He figured this was part of sharing Jayd's nature with her. He sat down next to her and brushed his hand along her cold cheek.

  "Will you come back to me, my love?” Seth couldn't wait any longer. He called his power and bent over Jayd. He pressed his lips to hers, feeling the warmth flowing from him to her. This time, instead of being covered in golden energy, she was blanketed in silver because the power of the moon cursed them, the moon goddess, Nephthys, who ruled over them. Jayd's lips were cold against his. He let the power flow out of him and into her, watching for any changes, feeling for any changes with the link they shared.

  Seth searched her face and her chest. There was nothing. No heartbeat. No breathing. She was still dead. He picked up her hand and brought it to his cheek. When he did, the wetness from his eyes fell onto their entwined fingertips. “Please come back to me, Jayd. You're everything I've ever wanted."

  After another moment, Seth saw Jayd's chest rise, and she take in a large breath. She rose off the bed, and her eyes snapped open. She looked around frantically and tried to pull out of his grasp. The look in her eyes was wild. Seth figured it was the sudden shock of coming back to her body. But he held her, and after a few moments, she seemed to be calming down.


  "Yes.” He kissed her fingertips. Her heart was beating slowly, but she was here with him. The hunger bloomed inside of him again, and he knew she must be feeling the effects of it also.


  "Does it matter? You're here with me. I can feel your hunger, love. Feed and then we can talk.” He brushed his hair aside and drew Jayd to his neck. She didn't argue with him, and her fangs pierced his throat. Seth let out a sigh when she locked onto his neck. He couldn't help the feelings of love and contentment rolling off of him to her through the link that had been rekindled between them. When he tried to search her mind for the same feelings, there were none. Jayd still had blocks up around her emotions. She still didn't know her feelings about him. That was when it hit him with what Nephthys had said in Council Chambers. Jayd had to accept him before he would be free of his curse. He didn't dwell on it. He would stay a Raven until he won Jayd's heart. He wasn't going to push her.

  She withdrew from his neck. He was left feeling dizzy and lightheaded, but he didn't let it show. “Did you take enough?"

  Jayd nodded and looked away. Seth caught her chin and forced her to look at him. “Hey. You have nothing to be embarrassed about. I'm here for you. Whatever you need or want.” He felt her guilt for feeding on him, but he also knew her joy for being alive again and with him. Seth knew that she had feelings for him. Jayd just wasn't letting herself be open to them. Not yet.

  "Seth, I don't deserve you."

  He laughed. “I say differently. I don't deserve you."

  Jayd smiled and leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. She looked away from him and then got up. At that moment, Seth felt a rift between them. She resurrected a wall to block him. He thought she wanted nothing to do with him. It hurt a little, but he tried to understand what she'd been through. He wanted to take her in his arms and make love to her, but he knew better. Right now he didn't want Jayd to feel that he was crowding her. For now, Seth sat on the bed and waited.

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  Chapter Twenty-One

  Jayd's heart pounded against her chest. Her hand rested over it absently. She tried to piece everything together that had happened to her in the past few hours. The last thing she remembered was Azrael leading her through the void after she landed in the meadow. She hadn't wanted to die, but she didn't have any other choice. Her hand traveled over her chest to where Robyn had stabbed her. Her flesh was whole. Things after going into the void were a little hazy. She remembered talking with Azrael about making a choice. Jayd figured now that choice was coming back to life or not. She must have chosen yes. Here she was. She was standing in Seth's cabin. Her heart was beating slowly. She was breathing and her thirst had been slacked all thanks to Seth. He had a bigger role to play in her resurrection. She was sure. Jayd felt different somehow than she had before. She was still a vampire, but there was something else. She felt more powerful, and something itched on her shoulder. She concentrated on it and realized her flesh was moving. She tore at the cloth and tried to see what it was. However, she couldn't and could only trace it with her fingers. Whatever it was, it was slightly raised and circular. There was a design in it. She didn't know what that was.

  Seth was still on the bed, waiting for her to acknowledge him. His mind hovered on the outskirts of her thoughts, but she wasn't ready to deal with him yet. When she had first awakened, his outpouring of affection had nearly seared her mind. Jayd hadn't been able to deal with it. Even drinking his blood, through their link, he broadcasted how grateful he was to have her back that he wanted to be with her forever. Jayd still didn't know if she was ready for that. If she would ever be ready for that. There was so much to sort through. She was in a whirlwind. She craved for the darkness to wrap around her and take her away from all of this. However, even with that ability in her grasp, she had to stay and face her emotions. She couldn't hide or repress her emotions. Her memories of the past were easily accessible now she had returned from the dead. If she thought about it, she recalled the way her mother smelled. She could remember what her aunt was mumbling on her deathbed. Jayd shook her head. She didn't have time to rehash the past. Right now, she had to think about the future. All of it was a jumble inside her mind. She knew what Seth wanted from her, but she still couldn't give that to him.

  She wanted to. Part of her did. Another part wanted to tear down her walls and give him everything he had ever wanted. That part wanted him to save her from herself. It wanted him to rescue her from her hunger. He had shown his devotion by bringing her back from the dead. She turned around and looked at him. He was a pillar of strength sitting on the bed, holding her up, if that was what she desired. Aunt Gabrielle had always taken care to instill in her about being independent and finding herself. Her aunt had said that she had never needed a man to get her through life. Jayd could be the same way. Jayd wished she could talk to her aunt right
now. It would make life so much easier with someone to talk to.

  "Jayd, what's troubling you?” Seth asked.

  Jayd met his eyes. They were dark holes that reminded her of the void of blackness she had walked into with Azrael. However, Seth's showed so much more feeling. “Seth, God ... I don't even know where to start."

  He chuckled and got up from the bed. He reached out and captured both of her hands. He brought one to his lips. His eyes never left hers. He kissed each one of her fingertips gently. Seth's lips burned against her flesh. He didn't try to intrude on her mind. His desires were clear to her, even through the block she had put between them. She had read them in the images she received from his blood. He wanted to feel her body crushed against him, to wrap his mind around hers and get lost together. But he stayed at bay. Jayd watched when he turned her palm over and kissed the middle of it. With each kiss, her desire for him rose. It wasn't her vampire hunger that enveloped her, but a human one. The same one she had the first time he had kissed her. It was making her legs weak and her knees shake. It gathered in her stomach and made her cold body hot. Seth drew her closer, working his lips up her arm, stopping at her wrist and biting the sensitive flesh there. A little moan tickled her lips. Her wanting almost had her, but Jayd did not want to go into their budding relationship with too many doubts, fears, and questions. Okay, at least I know I want a relationship with him.


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