Whispers in the Dark [A Raven Saga Book 3]

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Whispers in the Dark [A Raven Saga Book 3] Page 22

by Crymsyn R. Hart

  "Stop this,” Seth whispered. Desire dripped from his voice.

  "No,” Jayd responded and nipped his ear. “I need you, Seth."

  This time, he grabbed her and yanked her away from his neck. Jayd saw that he was nearly panting. His eyes had gone from silver to black, and he had small points of fangs. “You don't want this! You don't want me!” The anger in his thoughts seared her mind. She fought through the rage. It hurt her soul to see how much she had wounded him.

  Jayd leaned in, stopping centimeters from his lips. “Yes. I do."

  In that moment, Seth pounced on her, knocking her to the floor. He stared at her, breathless. His eyes searched hers. His thoughts scorched hers. He waited again for her to hit the punch line and push him away again. The surge of joy rushing through her was amazing and took her breath away. There was electricity between them. Seth pressed his lips to hers. His mind opened and their link hummed to life. The instant he touched her mind, she felt that side of her that was so lonely was instantly completed. His power wrapped around the both of them. Suddenly she was placed on something soft. He was above her looking down. His hand was running through her hair.

  "Do you accept me? Do you really want me?” he asked.

  Jayd smiled. “I've been a fool. Of course I want you. I'm so sorry for putting you through hell. I never meant to. I had to figure things out. I had to work all of this out. You have my heart. All of it. Do you forgive me?"

  Seth didn't respond, but captured her lips and made good use of them. Her insides melted. Her heart was released from its loneliness and she was in heaven. He stole her breath away as if he were feeding on it. Jayd had to pull away to be sure that she could breathe. She put a hand on his chest and gave him a smile. His brow was furrowed.

  "What's the matter?” There was a cold bite to his voice.

  Jayd laughed. “Nothing, Seth. I just needed to breathe. That's all. I swear."

  Seth cupped her cheek. “You still need to feed. I can feel you hunger. It throbs inside my heart. Drink, Jayd.” Seth craned his neck to the side. Jayd leaned in, but didn't bite.

  "My hunger for blood can wait, Seth. I need other things right now."

  "Oh, yeah. What?"

  Jayd smiled. “Let's find out!"

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  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Seth felt his heart breaking into a million pieces when he heard the words he had wanted to hear slip from Jayd's lips. He had been waiting for three months for her to tell him that he was wanted instead of being used. He didn't mind that she fed from him. The Raven Warrior looked forward to seeing her every full moon. It shattered his soul to be so cold to her, but he was only doing what she wanted. Jayd had requested that she needed some space and he had given her that. He had watched over her day and night. He would have done anyway no matter what. She was his heartmate. There was no way of changing that now. He had brought her back to life. Jayd had chosen him over death. It had taken this long for her to realize that she needed him and he needed her.

  "Jayd, you have to feed or you'll die,” he whispered. He sat up against the pillows and looked around, realizing that he had folded them in the darkness back to her house. There were more pillows on her bed than he had remembered. They were covered in silk and velvet.

  She leaned over him and began unbuttoning his shirt. The sweep of her fingers on his flesh made him shudder. Jayd took her time when she undid each one. He loved how she bit her lip in concentration when she tried to get one button, but it was stuck. Seth let his fingers slide under her T-shirt to feel her skin. Since she had some blood, her flesh was warm and her heart throttled against her chest. Her desire for him hummed in his head along the link that they shared. Seth understood from their connection that Jayd had been struggling with her feelings for the past couple of months. It had sunk in that Jayd loved him with all her heart. That realization made him feel complete.

  "I need you, Jayd,” Seth whispered. He kissed her chin. Jayd didn't respond, but got to the last button and had his shirt open. The cool air on his flesh made him chilly. Jayd didn't wait when she lowered her mouth to his chest, taking one of his nipples between her teeth biting it lightly. Her tongue circled around it and then sucked it between her lips. Seth let his back arch. He wound his hands through her blond hair. It was softer than he imagined it. He brought a strand to his nose and smelled it. The scent of the french fries she had ordered for him was trapped in her hair. Seth chuckled to himself, but was unprepared for when Jayd's mouth wrapped around his hard member. A low moan rumbled in his chest. It had been eons since he had felt this way. Her velvet lips tickled the soft flesh and his hips rose up uncontrollably. He didn't know if he could hold onto himself.

  "Jayd, love. I appreciate your eagerness, but ahh, God, woman. Do you know what you're doing to me?” Seth asked when he felt the amusement in her in thoughts.

  She knew what she was doing. Her tongue worked around his length while her free hand ran the expanse of his chest. He was laid out flat on the bed. Her nails were sharp when she scraped the skin. The pain was delicious. Seth needed to feel all of her. It was unfair that she was still dressed. He released his hold on her hair and let his fingers dig into her shoulders. Seth felt Jayd's teeth slide into place. The extra friction against the soft flesh of his member made him harder. He pushed up against her, feeling Jayd take all of him into her mouth. He was going to come soon. His stomach muscles were clenched. The tightness was spreading down to his groin. He struggled to keep himself in check. Seth closed his eyes and envisioned the link between him and Jayd. Two could play at this game.

  He imagined his fingers stroking up the sides of her stomach, tickling her lightly, and stopping when he made the curve of her breasts. His thumbs played with the knobs of her nipples when he turned them counterclockwise. They were hard against his fingertips. He brought his mouth to one and held it between his teeth, biting down on it gently. The other he kept his hand on, squeezing the mound of her flesh. He felt Jayd stop her assault on his member.

  A moan came from her lips. “What're you doing to me?"

  Seth opened his eyes, but kept his mental assault going. Through their bond, he could feel her body still responding to him. Jayd's nipples jutted out against her T-shirt. Her breathing became erratic. Seth could smell her desire. Her green eyes searched his wondering what kind of power he had over her. Seth chuckled. “I'm doing exactly what you wanted me to. Besides, I had to figure out a way to get you to stop. We have all the time in the world to explore one another, Jayd. I want to make this memorable between us."

  Jayd got up from the bed. Once her weight was off Seth, he was able to pull his shirt and pants the rest of the way off. Jayd didn't say a word, but he caught her looking at him. He crossed over to her and held her face between his hands. Seth stared at her, amazed that such a wonderful beauty was his. Jayd smiled, but didn't try to break away from his hold. From her mind he gleaned that she was trying to figure out what he was doing. Seth kissed her forehead gently and then each of her eyes. Her skin was soft. And she smelled of peaches. Then he brought his mouth down to hers and sucked it between his lips. Tasting her. It was all that he wanted to do. He wanted to sample all of her. He licked her lips and let his tongue slide between them. He lifted it against one of her curved fangs. He pricked himself on purpose so that she could taste his blood and he could entice her hunger. If it throbbed dully in him, it was pounding inside of her. Jayd had to finish feeding, but her desire was taming her hunger at the moment. Jayd moaned when she tasted his blood. He withdrew from her lips and then stared at her for a moment. He sensed her confusion.

  "What?” Jayd asked.

  He smiled. “Nothing. It's just that you're so beautiful. And you're mine. Do you know how long I've wanted you? I've waited so long.” His slipped over the fabric of her T-shirt and cupped her breasts lightly, brushing his thumbs over them.

  "Seth, I didn't mean to make you wait."

  He looked up and smiled, running his th
umb over her lips. “I didn't mean that. I mean that I've been a Raven for twenty-five hundred years and you were the one that was brought to me. I don't care that you're a vampire or if you had three heads and twelve fingers. You're mine. Will you let me have you?” Seth needed to know. Jayd had to accept him so his curse would be broken.

  Jayd lifted her shirt and pulled it off. Her hair tumbled around her and she pushed it off her face. Her fang caught her lip. She wondered what Seth would think of her. Her mind was an open book to him now that their link had been cemented. She wasn't blocking him. Seth ran his hand over one breast. It stood captured in its black silk prison. Lace around the edge of it showed the swell of her mounds, and he desired to feel their weight in his hand. Jayd reached around and undid the clasp. Seth watched when she let the bra slip to the floor and then she undid her jeans and daintily shimmed out of them. Then off came her panties, and she was naked

  Jayd reached out and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her body was colder than it had been before. Even a few minutes ago. She had to feed, but Seth could tell that Jayd wasn't worried about that. She pressed her flesh against his. He was taller than her, but every curve fit to his body just right. Her desire flared through his mind. Jayd looked up and stared into his eyes. He brought his up and traced the brand that was on her left shoulder. It was the twin to his own.

  "I'll have you, Seth,” Jayd whispered against his lips.

  He drew her into him in a large hug that he thought would crush her, but Seth could hear her thoughts whispering to him.

  "I want you Seth. More than you know. I'm yours."

  He took her lips and claimed them as his own. When he did, a surge of power moved down his back. It was stronger and an electric shock. It bowed his back and deepened his kiss. Seth could tell Jayd felt the same thing because she moaned into his mouth. He focused on their mental bond and felt it tightening, weaving together, and making them stronger. Jayd's heart skipped a beat. So did Seth's. Seth pulled away when the energy subsided.

  "What was that?” Jayd asked.

  Seth rested his forehead against hers. “It means I'm free."

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  Seth watched while Jayd held Whitney. The infant cooed in her arms and wound her chubby hands through his heartmate's hair. Seth chuckled and shook his head. It would be nice for he and Jayd to have children, but after three months of them being together, he knew that wasn't possible. When she became a vampire, that ability was taken away. However, he knew that something would present itself to them when the time was right. Right now, he had suggested to Jayd that she might want to meet the other Raven Warriors and their heartmates. Tremain had been a little cautious at first, considering Jayd was a vampire and his brother thought that Jayd might snack on the babies.

  Seth had assured him that Jayd would not harm the children or Linnea. Then again, Tremain had been more protective of his heartmate and their twins after Betha had kidnapped Linnea and Whitney.

  "So how are you adjusting?” Alena asked.

  Seth glanced at Darius's heartmate. Alena was a werewolf and had tamed Darius when no one thought that he could be. “It's wonderful. Being human all the time."

  Alena shook her head. “No, that's not what I meant. I mean not being under Caleb or Betha's rule anymore."

  Seth was surprised that Alena was talking about Caleb's punishment. Their leader ... former leader ... had been stuck in Raven form watching over Betha who had been wild in her castle. None the Warriors were connected to her any longer, but Seth could still hear the queen in the back of his mind raging. Now he ignored it. It was nice to be able to do that and not have her screeches shredding his brain. Jet had been instilled as their leader for now. So far so good. Nephthys had not assigned Seth a charge yet, but he assumed that she would soon. Tremain had a new one that kept him busy and Darius was still assigned to the boy that he'd been watching since birth. Both of them were at the same table. Darius was holding Nicholas and looking green. Seth guessed he wasn't sure what to do with the baby.

  "It's a change. But I think for the best. Something had to be done. I only hope that Caleb can overcome whatever hardships are ahead of him."

  "Please, the one that's insane is the Banshee Queen herself. After Maili died, she was nuts. We've all witnessed it,” Darius chimed in.

  Seth nodded absently. He enjoyed watching how the moonlight reflected off of Jayd's flesh. Her heart was beating faster. She enjoyed the cooing of the baby. She fed from him almost weekly, a few sips here and there to keep her hunger in check, and she had proved that she could go a month without feeding. They both knew that he loved it when she bit him. And she loved it when he bit into her. Seth had found that by indulging in the hunger he shared with her, it brought them closer together than what they already were. He shared her thoughts and felt what she felt. Jayd's eyes flicked over to him when Seth thought about her. She smiled and sent him a few images of what she wanted to do to him later.

  "You are evil," Seth messaged back.

  "I'm a vamp, and don't you forget it." Jayd giggled.

  "Will you two quit it?” Tremain asked. Seth looked at the other four sitting at the table. Linnea had her eyes focused on the table. Alena was trying not to laugh, and Darius was a shade of red that matched his hair.

  "Quit what?” Jayd asked innocently, when she met Seth's eyes. He burst into laughter, realizing that every one of them had gotten the gist of what they'd sent to one another. He could tell that Jayd liked the other two women. He was getting to know the other two freed Warriors better. Seth had never taken the time to find out what Tremain and Darius were all about before he was freed from his curse.

  "I think we're embarrassing Darius. I bet a big Warrior like him has never done—"

  "Seth, you had better stop right there,” Darius interrupted him. Darius sent him a mental image of him and Alena engaged in something similar to what he wanted to do with Jayd.

  Without another word, all of them burst into laughter. Seth held up his hands. “All right. I give. I don't need to know what you guys do."

  "Good,” Tremain said.

  "So what now? Do we all get together for supernatural tea parties of something?” Alena asked. “I can see it now. A witch, a werewolf, and a vampire walk into a bar."

  "So what's the punch line?” Jayd asked.

  Seth got up from the table when Jayd handed the baby off to Linnea. “I think the punch line is whatever you want to make it. Ladies, I'll promise I'll bring her back soon. Maybe you can do a shopping trip."

  Linnea groaned. “Jayd is welcome here any time. The children love her."

  Seth kissed Jayd on the cheek and wrapped his arms around her. In a moment, the shadows took hold of them both. Darkness deposited them back at her house on the soft pillows he had come to love. Jayd embraced him from behind.

  "Thank you.” Jayd kissed his neck lightly. Seth held in a shiver, but once her teeth slide into his throat, he moaned. He was glad that the others got along with her. Seth enjoyed the sensation of her pulling on his blood. When she did, he couldn't help feeling that there were changes on the horizon. Not just for those who had been freed, but for the others who were still cursed. Something was stirring. Something was whispering to him the dark. He couldn't make out the message yet. No matter what it was, he would face it, and Jayd would be by his side.

  The End

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  About the Author

  Crymsyn Hart's worlds are filled with luscious vampires, gorgeous gods, quirky witches, and brooding shifters.

  Crymsyn is a crafty witch and psychic who, for many years, worked in Boston while attending Emerson College. She graduated with a degree in creative writing. When she gets bored, she sneaks away to local cemeteries and coffee shops to find peace and quiet. Graveyards might be a great place for the dead, but she still has to listen to their chattering. It can get annoying when all you want to do is write, but she can tell you quite a gh
ost story. Crymsyn shares her life with a small zoo including a playful puppy and her hubby Mark.

  If you come after dark, you're more than likely to find her snuggled up with a gory horror movie or a bloody vampire movie.

  * * *

  Visit www.amirapress.com for information on additional titles by this and other authors.




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