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With Hearts Aflame: Valentine's Day Box Set

Page 29

by Maren Smith

  "Would you like to dance while you wait?"

  "No, she wouldn't. This lovely submissive is taken, Colby."

  Hearing his familiar voice, Val spun quickly. Unused to her new shoes, she lost her balance and lurched forward, right into Eric. When his strong arms caught her, she beamed up at him in thanks, delighted to see him after what seemed like forever.

  "This is your Dom, Val?" Dr. Colby asked as his wide-eyed gaze shifted to Eric. "She's yours?"

  "Her presence here tonight indicates that she is." Although he spoke to the other man, Eric's eyes were locked on Val. They both knew what her presence meant.

  "Her lack of a collar is an oversight on my part, one that I plan to remedy straightaway."

  "I was always a day late and a dollar short, in love and money," Charles said.

  "He's the one who sent the anonymous invitation, Sir Eric."

  "That shows the doctor's got good taste." Watching him shift his reflective gaze to Charles, Val could tell he was up to something. "Sorry, my friend, but I know of a sub who I think you'll hit it off with, if you're interested.

  "I don't know," he said, clutching his chest comically, "my heart is broken."

  "See that hot little sub in pink satin by the stage. That's Patrice. Tell her that Master Eric says you're a good guy and he'd like her to dance with you tonight, since your date stood you up. You'll have to take it from there."

  Charles' eyes flared as he spotted Patrice. With her shoes giving her added height, Val could see her, too. The thirty-something woman was stunning and looked like a young Pam Anderson. With a short wave, the good doctor was off.

  "I think I'm insulted. What a fickle man."

  "If not for him, we'd have never met. I'm just paying it forward."

  "Pay it forward. I like that." She beamed up at him, so happy to be with him again.

  "Come with me," he suddenly ordered, grabbing her hand and tugging her along behind him. She ran as best as she could, trying to keep up.

  "Wait, Eric!" She called, but he didn't hear over the noise. Desperate, she wrapped both hands around his wrists and tugged.

  He stopped and she plowed right into his bare back. "Valerie, what on earth?"

  "I can't keep up in these shoes."

  Eyes sweeping to her feet, he shook his head. "Those are stilts, not shoes." Bending at the waist he caught her in the belly with his shoulder and was off again, a shrieking Valerie reaching back to cover her bottom.

  "Eric! Wait! I'm not wearing panties," she squealed. The crowd parted as they passed, laughing and casting knowing grins their way. "Everyone can see everything!"

  "They're going to eventually, baby. This is a sex club, remember?"

  "But not in the middle of the bar."

  Arriving at the administrative entrance, he swiped his card and carried her on through. She felt him pull off her shoes before he set her down and caught her up in a steamy clinch. "I missed you, little one."

  He didn't give her time to answer before claiming her mouth in a thorough kiss.

  When he pulled away, he lifted her against him ordering, "Wrap your legs around me."

  She gasped when she did. Her skirt riding up in that position exposed not only her ass, but her bare pussy, which was now pressed against his equally bare abdomen. Her wide eyes looked into his, which were alight with pleasure. "I can feel how silky smooth you are. You followed every order perfectly. I'll need to spank you more often."

  "Okay, just don't leave me alone for four days afterward."

  "Ah sweet, I regretted it every minute."

  "I know. But if it happens again, you better call me every day, buster."

  At her sass, amusement sparkled in his sexy grey eyes. "You've gotten a little big for your britches while I've been gone."

  "No, you won't let me wear any." She giggled then and hugged him tight. "I missed you too, honey."

  He carried her to the conference room and plopped her bare ass in one of the executive chairs. Squealing at the chill, she squirmed and quickly pulled her skirt over her butt. She'd be eternally embarrassed if she left a wet spot.

  Eric placed a clipboard in front of her. "This is our D/s contract. We don't go any further without it. Read it and ask questions. I'll wait."

  Val nodded and looked at the legal looking document before her. It read like a standard contract, we the undersigned… She saw phrases like "care for," "guide," and "nurture" under the Dom's responsibilities, which made her smile. The sub's responsibilities included helping the Dom achieve open and honest communication, expression of thoughts, feelings and desires, fostering positive self-image, happiness and self-fulfillment. Surprisingly, it wasn't all about sex, bondage, and discipline as she expected. The last few lines caught her attention. It said the submissive was to strive through submission to satisfy the wants, needs and desires of the Dom to the enhancement of the sexual, emotional, intellectual and spiritual needs of them both.

  "This is beautifully written, Sir."

  "Not what you expected?"

  "Not at all. I don't see anything about punishments like I thought I would."

  "It's written in general terms. If you disobey, as you did on Thursday night, you won't be honoring the contract by submitting to my wants and needs. Therefore, it would be up to me to guide you in the right direction, to foster our happiness. If I choose to guide you through spanking, that meets the terms of the contract. See how it all fits together?"

  "Yes, but doesn't that leave a lot open for interpretation?"

  "That's where trust comes in. The ins and outs of our play will develop as we go along. I already have a good idea of some of your hard limits—sharing, ménage and groups—although you don't mind watching those activities. You are rather shy with your body, so I can add exhibitionism as a soft limit and possibly revisit it later as you grow in your own self-image. Blood, severe pain, and I dare say humiliation, are also hard limits. How am I doing so far?"

  "Perfect." The depth of his understanding boosted her confidence ten-fold and confirmed her decision. "I'm ready to sign, Sir."

  "You're sure? I am quite serious about this, Valerie. Do you realize that? I'm too old to be bed hopping anymore."

  "You are not old, and the only bed I want you hopping into is mine. I have thought of this non-stop since the day we met. I know it's been quick but I've never felt these emotions before. The way you make me feel… well, it's like I didn't start living until the day we met. I don't want to go back to the way I felt before: alone, unfulfilled, wondering what was missing."

  He searched her eyes, a smile slowly tilting his sexy lips. "Then sign and make it official."

  * * * * *

  When they stepped into the crowded dungeon, Valerie felt the same exhilarating assault on her senses. The sensual sight before her was so overwhelming, she asked Eric straight out, "Does it ever get old, Master?"

  "I hope not, because if it does, I'm not doing my job, for you or The Club." He clenched her hand firmly and began to move. "Let's make the circuit, shall we? Then I have a surprise for you."

  Her curiosity was instantly piqued. "What is it?"

  "I can hardly tell you and ruin it. Let's just say you'll get a charge out of it." He chuckled at her puzzled look, but let it go as they approached the first station. For the next hour, as Eric made his rounds, an endless stream of members came up to him, with the usual questions, suggestions or just to "BS"" as he called it. Eric told her it didn't pay to make plans for the first hour, the members expected him to be visible and he made a point to make it so. They finally made it to the owner's private booth at half past ten. She was surprised to see that a lounge waitress was serving two glasses of pink champagne. Eric motioned her in the booth and followed close behind.

  "I thought there was no alcohol allowed in the dungeon."

  "On special occasions, we allow champagne toasts, but the rule is actually no glasses or glass bottles. Notice our fancy stemware." She accepted the proffered glass from his hand and laughed
. It wasn't real glass, but rather the cheap plastic kind that snapped together and was sold by the sleeve.

  "A toast, to us," he began, but lowered his mouth, his kiss a mere brushing of lips but filled with emotion. The excitement of something new charged the air around them, and Val hoped and prayed it would grow into a loving, long lasting and fulfilling relationship. As if he read her thoughts, he lifted his head and his glass. "I have never wanted to be this close to a woman before. I care for you very deeply, Valerie. May we hold this feeling forever."

  "To us," was all she could manage as they touched rims. There was no clink of fine crystal, just an anticlimactic clunk of cheap plastic. She couldn't help but giggle and Eric chuckled.

  "Savor that little taste, my sweet, that's all you get tonight."

  She lifted it to her lips and the effervescent wine tickled her nose. Still, she knew it was bad luck not to drink after a toast so she drained it, setting her empty glass on the table as a little shudder passed through her. Champagne was not her thing; she didn't like the bubbles or the taste.

  "Not a fan of champagne?" He was smiling at her, amusement clear in his features. How had he known? "You wrinkled your nose and made a cute little pucker. It's a little too dry I take it?"

  "I'm from Texas, Master, a beer or a margarita are about as fancy as I get."

  "I'll remember that, sweetness." He tipped back his glass and finished his small serving. "You'll save me money for retirement. That glass that you chugged like a sailor on shore leave was from a $1000 bottle of Armand de Brignac Rose Champagne."

  "Wow!" She grimaced at the taste as well as the exorbitant price. "You don't always get what you pay for, huh?"

  A burst of laughter rent the air, out of place against the backdrop of moans, slaps of floggers and cries of pleasure. It was a paradox, but the easy acceptance of sexuality in the room, along with the playfulness and pleasure, was refreshing.

  Thomas came up to their table, and with a brief nod to Valerie, congratulated Eric on capturing such a beautiful little sprite. Then he added, "All is in readiness for your demonstration, Sir."

  "Thank you. We should begin right on time, my friend."

  With a nod, he moved away.

  "Demonstration, Master?"

  "Yes, I'm sorry I didn't get to tell you, but part of the festivities tonight, aside from the champagne, pajama theme, live band and dancing, are four demonstrations. Since we missed our chance on Thursday, I scheduled us for the eleven o'clock slot, which is in about twenty minutes."

  "What kind of demonstration?"

  "That's the surprise. Will you trust me, Val?"

  Her nickname from his lips startled her. It had always been Valerie, or little one or some other sweet endearment. The sting of his deliberate use of her full name had faded, so she thought. Her eyes stung with tears. "You called me Val."

  "Is that bad?

  "No, it's wonderful. The night we met, I told you my friends called me Val. When you chose not to, I thought you didn't want to be friends."

  "Have you worried all this time about that? Silly, sweet subbie, I prefer Valerie. It's as beautiful as the woman who bears the name."

  "I worried—" Her voice broke. "Never mind, you're right. I'm silly."

  Pulling her close, he kissed the tear that had escaped. "Ask me next time something is bothering you, sweetheart."

  "I will, Master." Her hand rose to his cheek and she looked into his beautiful eyes, seeming more blue than their usual steely gray. "People around here don't know you at all, do they? You're a romantic behind that stern, unyielding Master Dom exterior. You're one of those fluffy Doms that Master T wanted to set me up with that night."

  "You can think that, little one. Just remember the night of the carousel and how your butt felt after this fluffy Dom got through with you."

  Her mouth opened to say more, but she thought better of it. That spanking had hurt, but had also been one of the hottest things she'd ever experienced in her life. Closing her mouth, she decided she got the best of both worlds when she found Eric.

  "Discretion is the better part of valor," he said with a nod of approval.

  "Ten minutes, boss," Thomas said, having materialized at Eric's elbow. "You better head out or you'll never get started on time."

  Sobering instantly, Eric demanded an answer. "I need your decision."

  "What if I say no? Is that even an option, with our contract I mean?"

  "Dammit, Val, didn't you learn anything in three days of classes?" Suddenly, the stern Master had reappeared, a mercurial presence, the complete opposite of the playful romantic from a few seconds ago.

  "I can use my safeword?"


  "Would you have to cancel if I said no?"

  "I have Alicia on standby."

  Val bristled instantly. That little bitch would love to scene in public with Eric, but that was so not happening. "I'll do it."

  * * * * *

  Room No. 9, the voyeur's room, had large glass windows on three sides for viewing of the scene inside. Currently, the glass was wide open allowing spectators to watch and hear everything going on in the room. Eric led Val to the pedestal-style bondage table in the center of the room.

  "I know this is your first public scene, so I'll angle the table so that they can only see you from the top and sides. By the way, this is one of those times I would have allowed panties."

  "Now you tell me." Nervously, her eyes swept across the deep wall of spectators jockeying for a position to see the Master Dom's demonstration. She felt like a fish in a bowl. "There are a million people out there."

  Glancing up, he shook his head and deadpanned, "I'd say fifty."

  "That didn't help, Master."

  "Sweetness, the boss always draws a big crowd. This is your first scene so they're eager to check you out as well. Are you ready?"

  "Yes, Master." Her voice was soft and reedy thin. She looked around the room for a lighter or a book of matches, a fire extinguisher or a bucket of water, anything to indicate what he planned. Was it fire play or something else? The curiosity was killing her.

  "That didn't sound very convincing. Relax." His hands stroked up and down her back and his whisper was gentle in her ear. "Trust in me."

  "I do, Master." Her voice was stronger and much clearer as she expressed her faith in him. She did trust him.

  "Much better, but first things first."

  His hands rose to her neck and with one small tug, released the thin tie, which allowed the lace to slip freely from her body. "So beautiful," he murmured, taking a moment to caress her soft skin, teasing her nipples to hardness, then stroking down her back and lower, where he cupped her bottom in both large hands and lifted her. She relaxed, forgetting about the audience as his mouth robbed her of thought.

  A cool hard surface against her bare bottom snapped her to attention. "Lie down and get comfortable."

  The fear of the unknown swept through her and she shivered. Eric moved around the table, securing her wrists and ankles to the four corners. He then rotated the table as promised. The crowd groaned with disappointment, reminding Val of their presence, and she shuddered.


  "No, Master."

  "Nervous is good, but I don't want you panicked. Take some deep breaths and listen to my voice. Tune out everything; focus only on me."

  Nodding, she watched as he pressed a little foam pad with several wires to his skin, just beneath the waistband of his lounge pants. A niggling suspicion took root in the back of her mind. "I'm scared."

  "Don't be, little one, I will take care of you. Tonight is about exploration, pleasure and trust. That is all."

  She jumped when she heard a buzzing noise all of a sudden. Eric approached her and leaned over, pressing his hands on the table on either side of her head. She felt a small vibration beneath her. His thumb stroked her shoulder and an electric charge ran through her body. Then a small spark—was that static?

  "What just happened?"

bsp; "I just happened."

  "Excuse me? I don't understand."

  He leaned forward. "You don't need to yet, baby. Just feel." His lips touched hers and a buzz of current passed between them.

  "You just shocked me, Master."

  "Open your mouth and stick out your tongue for me." Tentatively, she did as she was told. When he did the same, he touched the tip of his tongue to hers and another crackle of electricity tingled where they touched. After a moment, he plunged his tongue inside and kissed her. The tingles in her mouth diminished but others erupted in every molecule of her body.

  When he stopped and broke contact, she moaned in frustration.

  "Patience. Everything is not a race to the finish. Some things, like fine wine or a beautiful woman, are meant to be enjoyed slowly, savored and appreciated."

  Standing, he began doing something underneath the table with his feet. Simultaneously, the lights dimmed. "Watch my hand, Valerie. Let me introduce you to something new and exciting—and electrifying."

  In the low light, she saw him lift his hand and spread his fingers. He lowered it slowly over her belly, stopping about an inch before contact where she felt a tingling begin. Abruptly, an arc of blue lightning danced between his fingertips and her body as a crackling sound rent the air. She squealed with alarm.

  "What is that?"

  "Did that hurt?"

  "No, Master."

  "Then hush and enjoy the adventure silently." He moved his hand higher, toward the peak of one full breast. He didn't touch her, just hovered over her skin, close enough for the current to dance between them. It was beautiful, but scary as hell.

  "But—" she began again.

  "You said you trusted me. Was that a lie?"

  "No, Master, I'd never…"

  "Then obey me. I will not let any harm come to you. I promise." He stared down into her eyes, his face stern and resolute, expecting—no, demanding—her complete trust.

  As she lay there, fifty pairs of eyes upon her, she realized only one pair mattered. They were steely gray, appearing almost black in the low light.


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