Thug Paradise 3: Forever Thuggin

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by Mz. Lady P





  Thug Paradise 3: Forever Thuggin’

  Copyright © 2015 by Mz. Lady P

  Published by Shan Presents

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of the author.

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  Her face was stoned

  Was shocked on the other end of the phone

  Word back home is that you have a special friend

  So what was oh so special then

  You have given away without getting at me

  That’s your fault

  How many times have you forgiven me?

  How was I to know

  That you were plain sick of me

  I know the way a nigga was living was whack

  But you don’t get a nigga back like that

  Shit, I am a man with pride

  You don’t do shit like that

  You don’t just pick up and leave

  And leave me sick like that

  You don’t throw away what we had

  Just like that

  I was just fucking them girls

  I was gone get right back

  They say you can’t turn a bad girl good

  But once a good girl’s gone bad

  She’s gone forever

  mourn forever

  Shit, I got to live with the fact

  I did you wrong forever

  I had been playing “Song Cry” by Jay- Z, over and over again. I was drinking a fifth of Remy and smoking on a Kush blunt as I scrolled through pictures of Tahari I had on my phone. Our room had become my sanctuary. At one point, I couldn’t even come in the room. Now a nigga never wants to leave out of it. The room still had her scent and all of her belongings in it. I couldn’t even bring myself to get rid of her things. If I did, it would mean my baby was really dead, and a nigga was in denial like a motherfucker. It was crazy how since she’s been gone, I haven’t been able to function. You never know the impact a person has on your life until they’re no longer around. My mother always used to tell me that I had better stop taking Tahari for granted. I never felt like I did but now that she’s gone, I see the error of my ways as a husband. No matter what went on, I should have been a better husband and friend to my wife. It’s been six months and a nigga is fucked up. I’ve given up everything to my brothers and my team. Fuck all that shit. I want no parts of it. I’ve had a good run in the game. I don’t even have it in me anymore. I lost my heart and my soul when I lost my wife. Shit will never be the same. My days are spent smoking and drinking until I pass out. That’s the only way I can cope. I can feel her and the shit is spooky to me. I’ve murked plenty of motherfuckers and never lost a wink of sleep. My wife’s death is taking a toll on me. Ya boy is fucked up.

  “Daddy, are you thinking about Mommy again?” Ka’Jaiyah asked, as she came into the room and stood in front of me with her hands on her hips. I put the blunt out before she could start complaining about the smell. I laughed because all I could think of was Tahari getting on her about walking in our room without knocking.

  “Yeah, I’m thinking about Mommy again.” My baby climbed on my lap and kissed me on the jaw. This child won’t let me breathe. Since Tahari has been gone, she has become even crazier over me than she was before.

  “Are you going to come and eat some ice cream and cake with us?”

  “Tell Ka’Jairea to put me some up. I’ll eat it later.”

  “Okay. Daddy, can you please spray some air freshener? You know I hate weed smoke.” I just shook my head at her as she walked her little grown ass away. Her ass was going to give me high blood pressure. She had been kicked out of Kindergarten for fighting all the kids and cursing the teacher out for talking to me. Sometimes I think her mother possessed her. She doesn’t play about a woman talking to me. That’s my little baby though.

  Today is Tahari’s birthday and the family is here celebrating. It ain’t shit for me to celebrate. My wife ain’t here for me to spoil her, so I’ll pass. I’m not in the mood to talk about the good times and let fucking balloons go. That shit will not bring her back or make me feel better about her death. I’m feeling like I want to murder somebody. That’s just how fucking angry I am right now, but I have no one to blame but myself. Maybe that’s why I’m taking the shit so hard. If I had only used a better choice of words during our argument, she wouldn’t have been so angry and got into a damn car accident. I’ve always prided myself on never living with regrets, but letting her walk out of the door will be something I’ll regret for the rest of my life.

  “Are you just going to sit in here all day and sulk? Those kids are so excited about singing happy birthday to their mother and releasing her balloons. Come on and try to enjoy yourself. Tahari would not want you to be like this. She would want you to be happy and move on with your life.” I looked at Peaches as if she were crazy.

  “Now, you know Tahari would come back from the dead and kill my ass if I moved on.” The both of us laughed because she knew my wife was crazy as hell. We couldn’t stop laughing. That was until Malik walked his ass in the room and killed my vibe.

  “So your old ass thinks being pregnant is funny?”

  “Shut the fuck up Malik! That’s not even what we are in here laughing about. Watch your mouth motherfucker, before I knock your teeth down your throat.” I swear these two act like brother and sister and not mother and son.

  “Wait a minute. What are you talking about Malik?” This nigga was looking like he was about to cry. I swear my mother fucked him up as a kid.

  “I’m talking about that nigga Quanie getting my momma pregnant. It’s bad enough he be fucking her. Now he wants her to give birth too. I can’t take this shit.” Malik sat down on the bed beside me and snatched the blunt out of my hand. I really didn’t know what to say about Peaches being pregnant. These days it ain’t much that surprises me.

  “Why are you being so fucking dramatic Malik? I’m a woman. I have sex and I just so happened to get pregnant. I’m surprised myself. At this point Malik, you just need to come to terms with the fact that I have needs. I’ve been having this conversation with you since you were like five.”

  “And we gone keep having this conversation until I’m fifty or better. Your ass should have been on birth control or had your damn tubes tied, clipped, and burned. Your old ass ain’t got no business trying to give birth. I hope you have a girl because I’m the baby boy of this family and ain’t no little nigga gone bump my slot. I put that on everything I love.” Before I knew it, Peaches had jumped up and started hitting Malik. I was laughing hard as hell because Malik was dead ass serious. My phone started to ring. I didn’t recognize the number but it was an Atlanta area code. It probably was Quaadir or Keesha. They had moved back to the A. Keesha was too distraught to stay here.

  “Hello!” I yelled because Peaches and Malik were still arguing loud as hell.

  “I need you Ka’Jaire, come get me.”

  “Who the fuck is this?”

  “Please help me. He took my baby.” I was drunk and high as hell, but I wasn’t crazy. That was Tahari’s voice and it sounded like she was crying, or a motherfucker was playing games with me. I was getting ready to say something else, but I heard a nigga yelling, asking who she was on the phone with. The line went dead. I plopped down on the bed and put
my head down in my hands. I was trying to wrap my mind around the fact that I had just heard my wife’s voice, or did I?

  Chapter 2- Tahari

  A Living Hell

  Tears streamed down my face, as I stood naked in front of the video camera that Nico had set up. This was the first time since I had been here that he has mistreated me. For the last six months, he has been the perfect gentleman to me and my two-month-old daughter, Ka’Jariana Kali Kenneth. Yes, I have had another baby. I had no idea I was pregnant until I had been here for three months. During those months, I had recuperated from the injuries I sustained in my accident. I was already six months in when I realized I was pregnant. That meant I had to get pregnant right after the abortion I had. All I could think about is Thug and my kids. During the time that I’ve been here, I had an agenda of my own. I played nice with him in order to survive. After waking up and realizing I was with the devil himself, I fainted from the shock of it all. When I finally came to, I could hear him talking through the vents that were in the bedroom where he had me locked in. There were no windows or a door. Everything just seemed like it was made of brick, but the room was spacious and had everything I needed.

  I could hear Nico on the phone talking to someone. After listening to the conversation, I knew that whomever he was talking to was close to me. That meant it was a snake amongst us. It was then I knew I would have to play along with Nico, in order to find out who the fuck it was. I cringed each and every time I heard him mention Thug’s name. Nico was plotting to kill him and take over his territory. Nico thought that I was the same Tahari that he used to beat the shit out of for breathing wrong. He had no idea what I was capable of, and that was the beauty of it all. He wasn’t prepared for my wrath. I fucked up last time, but I was going to make sure I showed him, and whoever was helping him, no mercy.

  Things were going fine until he took my baby from me. To add insult to injury, he began wanting to have sex with me. He never tried to have sex while I was pregnant, or after I had the baby. The last thing I wanted to do was have sex with this motherfucker. This pussy belonged to my husband and him only. I fucked up once by giving this shit to Quaadir. I refused to make the same mistake twice. I know that this is different because he’s basically holding me against my will. In my heart, it really doesn’t matter. Thug will look at me differently if I have to fuck this nigga. I know my husband and he can’t handle shit like this.

  It was rare for Nico to leave for hours at a time, so this morning when he said he had to handle something for a couple of hours I stole the cordless phone before he locked me in the bedroom. I was so lonely. It had been a week since I saw my baby. I had no idea what he had done with her. Once I knew that he was gone, I pulled the phone out of my jogging pants. I trembled as I dialed my husband’s number. I cried so hard when he answered. His voice was so powerful. It made me weak in the knees and I fell to the floor. I was trying to pour my heart out to him, but that was short lived because Nico came back.

  “Who the fuck are you talking to?” he asked as he snatched the phone from my hand. At the same time, he punched me so hard I fell over on the floor. That’s when he dragged me from the room to his bedroom. Once we made it inside of the room, I watched in horror as a hooded figure held a gun to my daughter’s head.

  “Please don’t hurt her. I’ll do anything you say.” I was trying my best to crawl out of Nico’s grasp to get to my baby, but he held on to me tightly. The person in the corner was quiet. I tried my best to see a face but I couldn’t.

  “You love that nigga Thug don’t you? You’re willing to do anything to get back home to him and them rug rats, aren’t you? ” I shook my head yeah because I did. I wasn’t about to give him or whoever the mystery person was in the room that type of satisfaction by saying no. Hell yeah I wanted to get home to my family. Nico started ripping off all of the clothes I had on my body.

  “Please don’t do this!” I said through tears, as he got undressed. He focused the camera on us and forced me down to my knees. I was now eye level with his dick. I shook my head no, so he slapped me across the face a couple of times with his dick. I threw up in my mouth a little just thinking that at one point in time, I was in love him and his dick.

  “Do you tell that nigga Thug no? I bet you are licking balls and all for that bitch made nigga. I taught you how to fuck and take the dick. I barely could get head back then, but I know you a pro at that shit now. Now open your mouth. My bitch likes to watch me fuck other bitches.” I looked over at the hooded figure and I now knew it was a woman. The gun was still pressed against my daughter’s head. I opened my mouth and let him shove his dick in when I saw the bitch cock the gun back. I closed my eyes and pictured Thug.

  “Open your motherfucking eyes. Look at me. You can stop thinking about that nigga. When I’m done with you, he’ll be a distant fucking memory and I’ll be Daddy again.” I laughed hard as hell at him. He could never make me forget about Thug.

  “What the fuck you laughing at?” he asked as he yanked me up by my throat.

  “There is nothing you could ever do to make me forget about my husband. After all, he’s the same nigga that made me forget about your bitch ass.” The same nut that he had spewed in my mouth, I hawked it up and spit it in his face. The blows began coming full force before I eventually passed out. When I came to, I was on my stomach. I tried to move but I was tied up. I couldn’t focus my eyes because they were swollen shut. The pain was too much to bear. I silently cried as I made my mind drift to Thug’s face. I needed to make his face a permanent fixture in my mind. That was the only way I was going to survive. He was my strength. It was because of him I had become a force to be reckoned with. Nico was not going to come in and break me. The only way that would happen was if I was dead. I have every intention on walking the fuck out of here with my daughter.

  “As long as you fight me I’m going to make this shit harder for you. Now until you get with the motherfucking program, this is how I’ll treat you, like the disobedient bitch you have always been. You know I love you Ta-baby. You love that nigga and he has already moved on. He thinks your stupid ass is dead. There is another bitch living in your house right now, raising your kids. That nigga popped the question to the bitch. It’s a wrap for you. That nigga has moved on. He definitely ain’t going to want you, when I send him the videos of you walking around this motherfucker like you happy where you at. Did you really think I had no idea what the fuck you were on? Stop trying to outthink me Ta-Baby. I know you hate it but you’re my bitch again, so I advise you to get with the program. I’m that nigga these days. I can give you the world, all you have to do is let me.” He stroked the side of my face as I cried. I cringed as he climbed on top of me and shoved his dick inside of me. He grabbed me around my throat as he violently began to thrust in and out of me. He was going to have to come better than trying to spit lies about Thug. I hope he had fun while he could. Thug was coming for me and the shit was not going to be pretty.

  Chapter 3- Peaches

  A New Life

  I’ve been trying my best to keep my family from falling apart, but it’s getting harder and harder. I still wake up and expect to see my Tahari. This shit just can’t be life. I swear I wish that I could trade places with her. She should be here with her husband and their kids. Each and every time I look into Thug’s face I want to cry. I’ve never seen my baby so broken. I’m actually scared for him, so I moved in to help with the kids. Lord knows Thug needs the help. There is only so much Marta can do. That woman is a godsend because she has also moved in full time to help with the kids. She is so much more than a maid and nanny. That woman is family and I trust her wholeheartedly around my grandbabies. Speaking of the kids, I swear I am about to kill this damn Ka’Jaiyah. Since Tahari died, she has been going crazy. I swear this little girl has been here before. I’m pissed because Thug let’s her do whatever the fuck she wants to do. I’m not having that shit. I’ve never seen a damn kindergartner get kicked out of school.

“Get your grown ass in this house!” I had just picked Ka’Jaiyah up from her new school. She had been fighting once again. The fact that she stomped towards the stairs made me want to strangle her ass. I started to go after her but Thug stopped me, of course. That’s the shit that he has to stop doing. She needs to be disciplined for her behavior. I’m whooping her ass and I don’t care what Thug says.

  “Come here daddy’s baby. Why were you fighting again? I told you that you have to stop fighting all the time. You’re too pretty to be out there fighting.” Thug held his arms and Ka’Jaiyah ran to him and started crying. Not one time did her ass cry in the car. Although I was mad at her for constantly getting in trouble, I hated that she was crying so hard that she could barely get her words out. I had to go over and rub her back.

  “Stop crying and tell us what happened Yah-Yah.” That’s my little nickname that I gave her.

  “I’m sorry I was fighting Daddy. Please don’t whoop me grandma! The girl was laughing because I don’t have a momma anymore. She said her mother told her that you have to find me a new momma. I don’t want a new momma. I want my own momma. I want Mommy! I want Mommy!” She jumped up off Thug’s lap and ran upstairs crying. I couldn’t help but cry as I watched my son fold. He wasn’t in any condition to comfort his daughter because he wanted Tahari too.

  “What the fuck am I supposed to do?” Thug put his head down in his hands and started to cry. I’ve never seen my baby cry so much in my life. Tahari’s death has taken a lot out of him and the kids.

  “There’s nothing you can do. I’ll go check on her. In the meantime, you need to get out of this house. You need some fresh air, not to mention a damn haircut. Being in this house is driving you crazy. I’ll take care of the kids. Call your crew and get some drinks or something. I love you Ka’Jaire and we will get through this as a family.

  “I love you too, Ma.” Thug kissed me on the cheek and got up to get dressed. Now I had to deal with my grandbaby. I almost want to find that little girl and kick her and her momma’s ass for fucking with her. She might be bad but don’t fuck with mine. I fight kids too.


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