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Thug Paradise 3: Forever Thuggin

Page 8

by Mz. Lady P

  “Daddy loves you, you know that right?”

  “I know Daddy. Stop crying. Mommy’s back now, so you don’t have to cry anymore.” I put my head down in my hands as I cried. This shit was too much. Why is God punishing us? Thug walked over to me and handed me a piece of paper.

  “Read this shit.” Thug walked over to me and handed me a piece of paper.

  “What’s this?”

  “It was inside the box.” I opened the paper and began to read.

  Now you know how it feels to lose a child. If it’s any consolation, she died peacefully. When I hit you with my car my intention was to kill your ass. I know how much you love your kids, so I knew how to get back at you. I would say we were even but there’s so much work to be done. It’s time for the King and Queen of the Chi to be dethroned. P.S. I enjoyed watching Nico fuck the shit out of you. It seems like you enjoyed it to me, but that’s my opinion. This shit is only the beginning of my wrath. I’m going to make all of you motherfuckers feel my wrath. I started with you and your husband first. It was only right since you’re head of the family. You know what they say, “Kill the head and the body will fall.” Sit back and watch the original bad bitch get down. I’ll be seeing you real soon.

  “Do you think it’s Nico trying to throw us off?”

  “Right now I do not trust anybody. We have so many enemies there is no telling who is behind this shit. I have Nico’s bitch and their daughter, put up for safekeeping. That motherfucker ain’t got no choice but to come out. It’s time to pay the piper, no more motherfucking games. I have let that nigga make it too long. Can’t believe I never even got to meet my daughter!” Thug punched a hole in the wall before walking out of the room. I continued to read the letter over and over again, but nothing was coming to my mind. I shed more tears because I felt responsible for all of this. Being hard headed is the reason my daughter is dead. I will never be able to forgive myself.

  Chapter 14- Thug

  Sending the Devil to Hell

  Parents are losing their children everyday where I’m from, but when it’s your turn to sit on the front pew, the shit is so unreal. It doesn’t matter that my daughter didn’t die from a bullet. She died at the hands of a ruthless motherfucker who wants payback from her parents’ actions. It’s true when they say sometimes the child has to pay for their parent’s sin. I take lives but I ain’t never killed a motherfucker who didn’t deserve it. Ka’Jariana was an innocent baby, she didn’t deserve the hand that she was dealt. From the moment she was born, she had been through some shit. It’s eating a nigga up because I wasn’t there to save her. It’s real fucked up that I don’t even know the color of her eyes. She’ll never grow up to become a lawyer, doctor, or even the first black female President of the United States. No first words, no first steps, no first day of school. My baby will never have any milestones, and it hurts me to the core. I’m trying to be strong for Tahari, but she’s drowning herself in weed and liquor. I really can’t be mad because when I was grieving I did the same thing, but it wasn’t good for me or our kids. The kids don’t even know they had a little sister. To be honest, no one knows but our family. We’ve decided to keep it that way. She’s going to have a private service with our family only. Auntie Gail and the rest of the family, are flying in for the services. I already set up some homes for Markese and his crew. Their wives and children are all coming as well. His crew and my crew get along well. We all get money together now. Trish and Aja are going to have a fit when they find out Rahmeek and Markese have come out of retirement. I’m also glad that all of our wives get along as well. Aja, Nisa, Stacy, Niyah, and Trish have been known to get down how they live as well. Them and Boss Lady Inc. together is about to be some shit. I can feel it. Despite all of that, it’s a good feeling to have all of my family’s support. I know that they depend on me a lot, but sometimes I need their support as well. No matter what, they are there, no questions asked. Family is everything to me that’s why it hurts to know that somebody felt the need to fuck with one of my seeds.


  I had been keeping Nico’s baby mother and his daughter in one of K-Money’s safe houses. It had been a couple of days since I dropped them off there. She had no way in or out without the security code. There was plenty of food for her and her daughter. I believed her when she said she had no idea what Nico was into. I would never harm the little girl but I would put a bullet in that bitch’s head quick if I thought she was lying. It was all a part of my game to make them think that I was going to kill their daughter. I’m ruthless but not heartless. It’s a big difference.

  When I entered the condo, Monae was laying across the couch asshole naked. My little man jumped at the sight of her. She was bad but not my type. I ignored her and continued into the kitchen with the snacks that I had brought for her daughter.

  “Do you always walk around naked in front of your daughter?”

  “Actually I don’t. I have respect for myself, but since you’re holding me against my will I thought that if I gave you some of this good pussy and my magnificent head, you would let us go.” I couldn’t help but laugh. This was the first time I ever heard a kidnap victim willingly give up the pussy.

  “Let me put you up on some shit. My wife’s pussy is great and her head is superb. Go put on some clothes, we have some things to discuss.” I sat back and smoked a blunt while I waited for her to get dressed. A text came through from Malik letting me know he had a package for me at the warehouse. I hit him back letting him know I’ll be there shortly. King, Nasir and Dutch had been scoping out the condo that Monae had dropped him off at a couple of days prior. After I knew that Khiandre was cool and my daughter was dead, I knew it was time to snatch his ass up and put him out of his misery.

  “Sorry about my behavior earlier.”

  “It’s cool, but check this out. I need you to tell me everything you know about Nico, starting with the shit he has going on here in the A. I’m not sure if you’re aware, but he was holding my wife and my daughter hostage for eight months. My daughter was placed on my doorstep in a box. That’s why you and your daughter are here. Now this shit can go two ways. On one hand I can let you both walk out of here with your lives and a new life. That’s only if you’re honest with me. On the other hand, I will kill you and her without hesitation if I even think that you’re lying. I’ll give you a minute before you make a decision.” Monae was sweating bullets as she sat across from me.

  “Look Mr. Thug.”

  “Wait, hold up. Don’t call me that. I’m just Thug.” That shit didn’t sound right to me. I didn’t even want her to start off greeting me like that.”

  “I’m so sorry about your daughter Thug. I had no idea Nico was holding your wife and daughter. A year ago, he showed up on my doorstep and promised me a better life for our daughter. He moved me out here and I barely see him. Nico just wants to keep tabs on me and keep me under his authority. The only thing I do know is where his stash spots are and when his shipments come in. I’ve went with him a couple of times to meet up with the middleman. His name is Python. He has the head of a Python tatted on the front of his neck. They are working for some queen pin that’s from out here. I’ve never seen her before but I had a feeling he was fucking her. I can give you the info to his bank accounts and anything else he owns, because all of the shit is in my name. He wants everyone to think that he’s still dead, so that’s why he put everything in my name. I am willing to do anything to take him down. I’m tired of him beating on me.” Monae was showing all of her emotions as she spoke. I already knew she was telling the truth in regards to not knowing about him holding my wife captive.

  “Thank you for your honesty. The information you gave has helped me a great deal. All of his bank accounts and properties are now yours. Where he’s going, he won’t need them. You and your daughter can go back to Chicago and live your life. Can I trust that you won’t rat me out to the police if I let you and your baby girl walk out of here free and clear?”

u have my word. Fuck the police. Them stupid motherfuckers are the ones who knows he ain’t dead. Watch CPD them motherfuckers ain’t to be trusted. I hate the police. You have my word that no one will ever know about this. Thank you so much for sparing us. From the bottom of my heart, I’m sorry about your daughter.”

  “Thank you. Now get dressed in those clothes I brought for y’all. A cab will be here shortly to take you back home.”

  “How do I know he won’t ever bother me again?” I pulled my phone out and showed her a picture of Nico bloody and battered.

  “Trust me. He will never again walk this Earth and bring harm to another woman. All kids should grow up with a father. I hate that your daughter has to grow up without one. Consider me her godfather. She will never need for anything as long as I am alive. Here’s my business number. Don’t hesitate to use it.” Monae wiped the tears that had fallen from her face.

  “Tahari is so lucky to be married to a man like you.”

  “Believe it or not, I’m the lucky one.” I gave her a hug and left. I had to go kill her baby daddy.


  “I swear you niggas never wait for me,” I said as I watched my young niggas King, Nasir, and Dutch work Nico’s ass over. Malik, Dro, Quaadir, and Sarge were off to the side taking shots. I swear they don’t give a fuck about nothing.

  “This nigga talk too fucking much,” Dutch said as he punched Nico in the face.

  “Damnnnnnn!” we all said at the same time. Debo don’t have shit on them haymakers Dutch be throwing. Nico looked like he was on his period covered in all that blood.

  “Clean yourself up nigga, you’re bleeding,” I said as I threw him a napkin that fell on his lap. Of course he couldn’t get it because he was tied up.

  “Let me wake this motherfucker up. I need to know what the fuck happened to my niece,” Malik said as he began to slap the shit out of Nico.

  “Can we just kill this motherfucker already?” King said as he stood off to the side changing his blood soaked leather gloves. I handed him the blunt and he took a couple of pulls.

  “Not quite yet Bro. There’s some shit that needs to be discussed, plus the night is young. Let’s have some fun with his ass. Have a seat my niggas. Flame that shit up.” After we all gathered in front of Nico he began to stir around.

  “That’s right, wake your ass up Lucky Charms,” Malik said and we all started laughing. Nico spit blood out on the floor and looked up at me. I took my gun from my waist and shot his ass in both of his legs.


  “Shut the fuck up! Was that how my wife screamed when you were raping her or when you was letting her and my daughter suffer in a fucking basement!” I smacked his ass across the face with my gun, knocking out the few teeth that he had left.

  “Hand me that machete.” Nasir grabbed the machete from the wall and handed it to me.

  “Naw, hand me that motherfucker.” We all turned around to the sound of Tahari’s voice. My dick got hard as I watched her walk towards us with an all-black leather jumpsuit and black riding boots on. Not to mention iced the fuck out. Barbie, Keesha, Khia, Gucci, Dior, Chanel and Ta’Jay, all walked in behind her. They were all dressed alike. Of course they were iced out as well.

  “Can we get matching outfits? They be showing up to kill people looking good as fuck. Come here Barbie, let me rub on that ass. You got my dick harder than a motherfucker right now.”

  “Shut the fuck up Malik!” Quaadir said as he smacked him upside his head.

  “How you feeling baby?” I asked Tahari, as she walked towards me and gave me a quick peck. She snatched the machete from Nasir and chopped one of Nico’s hands off without so much as a blink of an eye.

  “Grimy motherfucker!” she said as Barbie, Keesha, Ta’Jay and Khia began to rain blows on his ass. I pulled Tahari on my lap and whispered in her ear, “I want to fuck you so bad right now.”

  “Lead the way. I always told you, you could get this pussy wherever and whenever you like. Just lead the way.” We both stood up and I grabbed her hand to walk away.

  “I don’t fucking think so Tahari. We’re here to handle this business. You can do that shit later,” Ta’Jay said.

  “I never make my husband wait when he wants some pussy. I bend it over and buss it open for him at his command. If I don’t another bitch is always ready and willing. Plus, we’re making up for lost times.”

  “I’m glad she’s hearing it from you,” Sarge said as he knocked back a shot.

  “Shut the fuck up nigga! She bet not be bending over or bussing it open for nobody. Come sit your ass down Ta’Jay. Let me find out you out here being fast,” Malik said and was dead ass serious.

  “Something is really wrong with you, Malik. I swear Peaches dropped your ass on the head when you were a baby,” Ta’Jay said as she went and sat on Sarge’s lap. Black love looked good on all of us. Here it is we were in the middle of murking a nigga, but for a second we all had to reflect on the love we have for one another. Tahari and I were rubbing off on them. I was glad to see Khia and Dro at least talking to one another. I led Tahari to one of the back offices. We kissed each other passionately for a minute, before I unzipped the front of her jumpsuit. She stepped out of her boots and I pulled the jumpsuit off of her. She stared me in my eyes as she slowly unbuckled my jeans. Once they hit the floor, I wrapped her legs around my waist and plunged deep inside of her wet, juicy walls without hesitation.

  “Oh yeah, just like that Ka’Jaire.” Tahari was scratching the shit out of my ass cheeks as she pulled me into closer to her.

  “Fuckkkkk!” I said as I roughly thrust in and out of her.

  “I’m about to cum bae.”

  “That’s right. Cum all over your dick.”

  “The only way I’m gone do that is if you cum with me,” Tahari said as she grabbed my face and started to suck on my bottom lip. She knows that shit drives my ass crazy. Moments later we were both coming. Tahari let it rain all over my dick. Once I was done releasing all of my seeds in her, I had to lay my head on her shoulder. She had drained a nigga. Had me wanting to go to sleep with my damn thumb in my mouth, no bullshit.

  “Come on Ka’Jaire. Let’s get this shit over with. I need to get home and get the kids ready for the funeral tomorrow.” I handed her some paper towels to wipe herself off and I did the same. We got dressed in silence. I guess we were both thinking about our daughter. That shit only fueled my anger. She kissed my lips and we went back out to finish the job.

  “Bout time. Let’s get this shit over with. I’m hungry as fuck,” Quaadir said as he pulled his leather gloves onto his hands. Nico looked like he was on the verge of death after losing so much blood.

  “Who is the bitch you work for Nico?”

  “Kill me nigga, I’ll never tell.”

  “Who the fuck killed my daughter?” Tahari said as she brought the machete down on his other hand. She continued to hit it until it fell of on the floor. I had to jump back because it almost landed on my foot. That shit would have freaked me out.

  “You killed your daughter.” Before I got a chance to react, Tahari snatched my gun from me and emptied the clip in his ass. At the same time, her crew were also dumping bullets in his ass. He looked like Swiss cheese when they were finished. I wasn’t done asking questions, but I knew my wife was tired of looking at this nigga.

  “Let’s go y’all. I’ll see you at home Thug.” She kissed my lips and handed me back my gun.

  “We might as well retire and let their asses run shit. They be straight handling niggas,” King said as he started pouring acid on Nico’s body. The stench was horrendous but we had to do it. Once we were finished, we called the clean-up crew to dispose of his ass properly. I was comfortable knowing that he was dead and gone. I just wish we would have did the shit right the first time. Things would be so different for us. Now that Nico is out of the way, I needed to have a talk with Peaches. As a kid, I used to always hear them talking about Python. When Monae said his name, Snake and Ve
nom immediately came to my mind. Python is their oldest brother. He never really came around back in the day. I do know that he was the man behind the scenes of Venom’s operation. This shit was about to be interesting.

  Chapter 15- Tahari

  Little Girl Gone

  Never in a million years did I think that I would be burying my child. Maybe this is God’s punishment for me killing all of the other babies he had blessed me with. The day I found my daughter in that box, I made a promise to God that if I ever got pregnant again, I would never get an abortion. This shit hurts so badly. I’ve been trying to get dressed for the last two hours and I just can’t seem to bring myself to do it. Quiet as kept, I really don’t want to go. I almost died when I saw her little body in the small glass casket. Thug had dressed her in a beautiful soft-pink dress with the cute little matching hat. She had on beautiful tights and ruffle socks along with some custom-made rhinestone draped shoes. Her Daddy went all out for her. It amazed me how he was able to make all the arrangements. I felt bad because I had been no help at all. I wished that I would have just waited it out with Nico. Instead, I reacted without thinking of my daughter’s safety. She paid dearly for that. Thug always says that I don’t think before I react. I never understood that at first, but now I do.

  “Why aren’t you dressed yet?” Ta’Jay asked as she walked into my bedroom.

  “I’m trying Sis. It’s just hard. How did you do it when Heaven died?”

  “I’m not going to lie, it was hard. Every day was a struggle just to get out of bed and get my day started. I don’t know where I would be without you guys. Here, flame this up.” She handed me a blunt and I flamed it up. At the same time, I started to get dressed.

  “I love you Sis. Everything is going to be okay. Let me go make sure Sarge and Lil Sarge have their ties on properly. I’ll see you in a minute.” After Ta’Jay left, I smoked the rest of the blunt and I got ready to say my goodbyes to my baby.


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