Thug Paradise 3: Forever Thuggin

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Thug Paradise 3: Forever Thuggin Page 10

by Mz. Lady P

  All this time I thought Ta’Jay was spoiled and couldn’t hold hot water. She’s a saint compared to Aja’s trick ass. Rahmeek has my sympathy being married to my cousin. Her ass is crazy. Since Aja was gone, I thought that it would be a fine time for me to bring up the Python situation. We were done for the night, and were just sitting around shooting the breeze before it was time for us to head home.

  “I need to holla at y’all about some serious shit that’s going on. When I was back in Atlanta, I got word that the nigga, Nico, had been working with Python. The nigga Python is supposedly working under some queen pin but no one knows who it is. I was wondering if you could shed some light on Python.” I looked at my mother and Gail and it looked like all of the color had drained out of their face.

  “I thought that he had life?” Peaches said with a raised eyebrow.

  “I did too,” Gail said as she nervously fired up a cigarette.

  “I’m missing something. Who is Python?” Rahmeek asked as he fired up a blunt.

  “Long story short, when I was with Snake, and Ta’Jay’s mother, Cassie with Venom, we let them talk us into setting up his oldest brother Python. Python was in charge of everything. Back then we didn’t know any better. Snake had me so gone in the head that I would do anything for him. Quiet as kept, Python taught all of us the game. He was always good to us. He was nothing like his brothers and Snake and Venom hated that. So one day we had placed ten kilos of heroin in the trunk of his car and called the police on him. He was sentenced to life in prison. After that, Venom and Snake took over everything. Cassie and I were along for the ride and down for whatever they wanted. ” It never ceases to amaze me the shit that nigga had my Momma doing back in the day. I want to kill his ass all over again.

  “So, if this nigga is out we need to be prepared for his ass. He might be out for some revenge or some shit,” Markese said as he took a couple of pulls off of the blunt and passed it to me.

  “Yeah, I’ve set a meeting up tomorrow with everybody. We all need to get together and put some shit in motion. The last thing I want is for that nigga to be on bullshit with any of us. My wife is really going through it right now so I need to get at this nigga ASAP, just in case he on some bullshit. Plus, I have a funny feeling that whatever queen pin he was working for, is behind the death of my daughter.”

  “Python don’t work for nobody. If anything, whoever this supposed queen pin is works for him,” Gail said matter-of-factly.

  “How do you know Ma?’

  “Let’s just say me and Python have history.”

  “What type of history Auntie Gail?” I watched as she looked over at my mother before looking back at us.

  “He thinks that he is Markese’s father.” Markese began to choke off of the weed smoke that he had inhaled. I reached over and start hitting his ass in the back to stop him from choking.

  “I thought you knew for a fact that Mike was my pops. Like on some for real shit, you were just out randomly fucking niggas. This shit is so fucked up.” Markese kicked the chair over and stormed out of the house. Rahmeek and I followed behind him.

  “Slow down bro. You got Gail in there crying and shit,” Rahmeek said as he tried to stop him from pulling off. I knew how he was feeling because I had been through the same shit with Peaches. I wonder how their mother was because Gail and Peaches are a piece of work. This shit is like a never-ending cycle of bullshit. The shit they did back in the day is affecting us today.

  “I’ll finish this shit up here. Go home and cool off, tomorrow we have that big meeting at Thug Inc. Headquarters.” I needed him to go home and get a clear head. I had a feeling that we would be meeting Python real soon and we would be ready for his ass.

  Chapter 19- Tahari

  Lonely and Brokenhearted

  “Thug is going to kill you for cutting off all your hair,” Trish said as she pulled the cape from around my neck. I don’t what had come over me. I woke up this morning and looked the same. I wanted to do something different with my hair. So I cut it off and it curled into a really cute style.

  “I know girl. Ka’Jaire loves my long hair. He’s going to be so mad that he has nothing to grab on when I’m sucking his dick.”

  “Really bitch?” Barbie said as Trish placed the cape around her neck.

  “I’m just being honest. I be having that nigga looking for shit to grab on. Barbie, shut your ass up. Don’t think I forgot about you sucking Malik dick on my back porch. Had that nigga crying like a bitch and screaming for Peaches. Thug woke me up talking about he think somebody was being killed.”

  “I was so embarrassed when Thug caught us.”

  “That shit was too funny.” We all laughed and I couldn’t help but feel overjoyed. I had really missed these women while I was gone. I felt myself getting teary eyed because this was one of those little things that I missed. Fun times with my girls.”

  “What’s up bitches?” Khia said as she came through the shop doors.

  “Hey Khia boo. How is Khiandre?” Trish asked as she wand curled Barbie’s hair.

  “He’s up and talking now. They let him come home this morning. Dro’s mom has been here since we made it back from Atlanta. I haven’t seen or heard from Dro in a couple of days.” Khia looked so sad and it pissed me off because Dro was being a real bitch.

  “That’s real fucked up he hasn’t called and checked on his son,” Barbie said as she rolled her eyes with disgust.

  “He checks on him through his mother. I’m just so hurt by my actions. I should have thought things out before acting on my emotions. I could have killed my baby. If my baby would have died, I would’ve never been able to forgive myself.”

  “Don’t be so hard on yourself. We’ve all had a moment when we acted before we thought it out. The most important thing is that Khiandre is alive and well.” I was trying my best to soothe Khia but I knew she was more fucked up about Dro being laid up with his bitch. She had told me that she tracked his phone and found out the bitch’s address. I was just waiting for her to give me the green light and we were at both of their asses. After sitting around for a little while longer talking shit and catching up, I decided to head home. For the last couple of days I’ve been feeling nauseous and having headaches. En route to my house, I picked up a pregnancy test from Walgreens. I knew that if I was pregnant it would be Thug’s, because I had got a period after having sex with Nico for the last time. I swear it was like God wanted to keep me pregnant. I was glad that Thug was still out handling business when I finally arrived home. Quanie had already picked up the kids and took them home with him, to spend the weekend with him and Peaches. He’s being a great grandfather to them with his young ass. That shit sounds so funny to me.

  Before climbing in the shower, I opened the pregnancy test and I peed on the stick. It was now a waiting game. As I took a shower, I wondered how Thug would feel about me being pregnant again. We were still mourning our daughter, so I was unsure if he was ready for a baby so soon. I continued to shower in deep thought. As soon as I got relaxed, the shower curtain swung open and Thug was staring at me with an angry scowl.

  “We’re going to the doctor first thing in the morning.” Thug dropped the pregnancy test inside of the shower and walked out of the room. I kneeled down and picked it up and it was positive. I cut the water off and wrapped a dry towel around me. I didn’t even bother drying off, I just went straight to Thug’s office.

  “What’s wrong with you Ka’Jaire? Aren’t you happy I’m pregnant again?” I stood in front of him as he sat at his desk smoking a blunt.

  “I would be if it was mine.” My heart sank hearing him speak those hurtful ass words to me.

  “What do you mean? Of course it’s yours.” I quickly wiped away the lone tear that had fallen from my eye.

  “When you’re pregnant with my seeds, I can feel it. Right now I feel no connection to the baby that you’re carrying.” Thug got up from his chair and pushed past me. My heart began to beat rapidly and my breathing became err
atic. I felt as if I would pass out at any moment. Once I gathered myself, I went upstairs to bed and Thug was asleep on his stomach. I put on a nightgown and climbed in bed with him. I cried really hard as I laid my head on his back. I knew that he heard me sniffling and he felt my tears falling on his back. I never dreamed that I would be crying myself to sleep after getting back home to him. The next morning I woke up and Thug was already gone. I got dressed and headed straight to the doctor’s office. I was scared to go by myself so I called Keesha. I needed my sister with me right now.


  “Stop crying Tahari. Everything will be okay. Thug knows that you didn’t get pregnant by Nico on purpose. Just get the abortion and everything will go back to normal.”

  “You don’t understand Keesha. I promised God that if I ever got pregnant again I would never get an abortion again. I just lost my daughter, how can I kill a baby that God has blessed me with?” I was so confused at the moment. On one hand I wanted this baby and on the other hand I knew that if I kept it Thug would leave me.

  “He’s not going to love me anymore.” I cried so hard as we sat inside of my car.

  “Thug loves you and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that. You two have been through it all and you will get past this this. Just go home and tell him everything. If he doesn’t get in tune then we’ll just kick his ass too.”

  “Thug will shoot our asses.” We both laughed but knew full well that he would shoot us. I felt a little better after talking with Keesha. When I made it home, Thug was in the movie theater watching The Last Don. He looked so good with nothing on but a pair of boxers. With the kids being gone, he walked around free and clear. It was a wonder he had boxers on. It’s nothing for him to walk around the house naked. His eyes were bloodshot red and he was high as a kite. I had no idea how he was going to take the news, but I had no other choice but to tell him. Thug was sitting back with his legs open and his hand in his boxers. I got on my knees and placed my body in between his legs. As bad as I wanted to make love to his dick, I knew that right now wasn’t the time for me to do it. It kind of hurt my feelings that he wasn’t responding to my touch, but in a way I understood. He was in his feelings about me being pregnant.

  “I found out that I’m ten weeks pregnant.” I looked in his eyes and he was hurt. He was trying his best not to show his emotions.

  “Did you schedule an abortion?”

  “No, of course not. When we lost Ka’Jariana I promised God that if he gave me another chance to have a baby I wouldn’t get an abortion. I’m sorry that I’m pregnant by him. It’s not my fault that I’m pregnant by Nico. He raped me Ka’Jaire!” Thug was still staring at the screen as if I wasn’t even in talking to him.

  “So, basically you’re telling me that you’re going to have this nigga’s baby?”

  “I can’t get an abortion Thug. You can raise this baby. I’ve raised KJ and baby girl as my own. I can’t believe you wouldn’t support me in my decision.”

  “That was different. They were before your time. I will never support you having that nigga’s baby. I understand that he raped you. That shit hurts me to my heart every time I think about it. I can’t even imagine seeing you walking around with that nigga’s seed inside of you.” Thug was talking to me through gritted teeth.

  “What are you saying Ka’Jaire?” I couldn’t stop the tears from falling as I laid my head on his lap. I was holding on to his legs for dear life.

  “I’m saying that as long as you’re pregnant with his baby, I can’t be with you. The fact that you’re even considering keeping it is like a dagger to my heart. You had no problem with killing my seed when I was locked up. You never even gave me a say so in the matter. I had to deal with the fact that you killed my seed in my own way. Your ass never gave a fuck when you made that selfish ass decision, just like you’re doing now. I hate to do this Ta-Baby, but I just can’t sit back and act as if I’m cool with this shit. That wouldn’t be fair to you or me. You have access to everything. We’ll come up with some plan as far as me spending time with the kids.”

  “Please don’t do this. I can’t take it if you left me. We just got back together. I need you Thug, please don’t do this to me.” He was now standing over me and I was holding on to him for dear life.

  “Are you going to kill that nigga’s baby like you did mine?”

  “I can’t do it. Please don’t make me do it.”

  “I’m not going make you do shit that you don’t want to do. It’s over between us.” Thug was trying to walk away but I was holding on to his legs as he tried to get out of the room. As he walked, I was being dragged across the floor because I had latched onto him.

  “Get the fuck off me!” Thug snatched away from me with so much force that I almost hit my face on the floor.

  “Pleasssseeee! Come back! I need yoouuu!” My screams and cries fell on deaf ears. Thug never came back. I ended up falling asleep on the movie theater’s floor. In the middle of the night, I got up and went in search of Thug, but he had left the house. When I climbed in bed I found a letter from Thug underneath my pillow.

  Walking away from what we share is the hardest decision I have ever had to make. There is no doubt in my mind or in my heart that I love you and most importantly that I am in love with you. When I thought you were dead, I was also dead. I was just a shell of the man I used to be when you were here with me. Losing you hurt my heart and soul. Having you back with me gave me so much life. The fact that you’re pregnant with another man’s seed makes me feel as if I’ve lost you again. This nigga has caused too much grief in our family. Our daughter is dead because of him. I feel totally disrespected by the fact that you’ll even consider giving birth to his child. As much as I love you, I have to walk away from you because it hurts too bad to see you carrying a baby that’s belongs to that nigga. Know that you’ll never want or need for nothing. Same goes for my seeds. I know you might not understand but one day you might. I’m sorry it has to end like this but a nigga’s heart can’t take it. No matter what, you have my heart under lock and key. I hated to take the coward way out and write a letter. I feel like a bitch doing it, but I can’t even look at you right now without being in my feelings about this shit. Just know that I love you and that shit won’t ever change. Love Thug

  After reading the letter I cried myself to sleep. I just couldn’t understand why this was happening. I became sick just thinking of life without Thug. How could he just overreact like this? What was I supposed to tell our kids when they asked where he was? The next morning, I woke up and felt empty. I rolled over and looked at the empty spot beside me. Reality set in that Thug had really left me. My feelings were so hurt. I got up and went to look in the mirror. My once beautiful haircut was now flat. I grabbed a feather comb and combed it out. It was now lying down flat and cute. I like it this way even better. Thug was so mad at me that he never said anything about my haircut. After handling my hygiene, I decided to start on lunch. It was after twelve and I knew the kids would be home soon. I pulled out some chicken tenders, hot wings, and French fries. Once I was finished, I lay across the couch and opened up my Facebook account. I don’t know what came over me, but I changed my relationship status to Single. I updated my status to Single and ready to mingle. Looking for a real nigga because I married a bitch nigga. I was in my feelings so I really wasn’t thinking when I made the status. My phone started ringing and I cut it off. I didn’t want to talk to anyone. I wasn’t in the mood to explain my status. I ended up dozing off on the couch, only to be awakened by the sound of the kids coming in the house.

  “Hey Mommy,” they all said at the same time.

  “Hey my babies. I missed y’all. Go and wash your hands so you can eat.”

  “They ate at Dave and Buster’s. Go in the backyard and play. Let me holler at your Momma real quick.” Thug was so mad I could feel the anger radiating off of him from a distance. I knew he had either seen or heard about my status. I knew he hated Facebook. I guess a part of me want
ed any kind of attention that he would give me. It was childish of me but I didn’t care. I guess I wanted to get a rise out of him since he walked out on me. I jumped up from the couch and hauled ass up the stairs. I was trying to make it to the room so that I could lock the door. I wasn’t quick enough though because Thug caught me by the back of my neck before I could make it inside of the room. He pushed me inside the room and locked the door behind him. He came at me like a raging bull and tackled me on the bed. I could feel his hands squeezing around my neck. I felt myself clawing at his hands, trying to get him to stop choking me. He was on top of me and I felt like I was going to die from him pinning me down.

  “Make this the last motherfucking time you ever put our business on social media. As far as you marrying a bitch nigga, you got me fucked up with that dead ass nigga whose seed you’re carrying. This is your first and only warning to watch it with the fucking disrespect before I treat you like a bitch on the street. Do you understand me Tahari?” Instead of crying at the fact that he was choking and threatening me, I became turned on. I shook my head ‘yeah’ and he loosened his grip he had around my throat. I grabbed his face and I began to suck on his bottom lip. I could feel his dick harden through his pants. I continued to suck on his lip and kiss him as I unbuckled his pants. He lifted my T-shirt dress up and pulled my underwear to the side. He entered me without hesitation. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly, as he viciously thrust in and out of me. For the first time in all of our years of being together, I felt like I was just a fuck. There were no words spoken between us. The only sounds that could be heard was his balls smacking up against my skin. Thug was so angry with me that he was taking all his frustrations out on my pussy. The shit was damn near painful as he showed me no mercy. Minutes later it was over. Thug went inside the bathroom and cleaned himself up. When he didn’t come out with a towel for me I was surprised. I crawled up in the bed and pulled my knees up to my chest.


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