Thug Paradise 3: Forever Thuggin

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Thug Paradise 3: Forever Thuggin Page 11

by Mz. Lady P

  He walked inside his closet and started packing some clothes.

  “So this is it Ka’Jaire, you’re really leaving us?”

  “As long as you’re happy with carrying that nigga’s baby I’m leaving your ass. As far as my kids go, I’m not leaving them. I’ve already talked to them and they know that I’ll be at my momma’s house. As a matter of fact, they can come and stay there with me if you need to focus on that demon that you’re carrying.” At that point I was at a loss for words. There was so much I wanted to say but the words couldn’t come out. Since the kids were in the backyard, I got up from the bed and watched them play from the window. Watching them play with the water hose and their water guns made me feel better. There were some rough days when I thought that I would never see them again. From time to time, I would glance up and Thug would still be packing. I refused to cry or beg him to stay. It hurt like hell to see him walk out of the door. He went downstairs and I followed him as he gave the kids pep talks about being good for me. Once he was finished, he walked towards the door and I followed him again.

  “You’re forgetting something,” I said as I slipped my wedding ring off of my finger and placed it into his hand.

  “What the fuck you giving me this for?”

  “I no longer need it. When I was gone away from you, I kept my ring hidden from Nico because I knew that he would take it from me. Besides our daughter, it was the only thing I had that kept me going. It’s what bonded our love. Now that you’re leaving me I don’t need to wear it. It’s a lie. The whole marriage was a lie. For better or worse always comes into play when you’ve fucked up. I held on and I hung in there even when you were out cheating on me. Trust me I know that you still cheat on me. You just do a better job at hiding it. I’m not blind to the fact of who you are and what it is that you do. I just choose to play my role as your wife and beat a bitch up when she forgets what her role is. Once again we’re at our worse and you’re walking out on me. I admit this is my fault because I choose not to get an abortion. This is the third time you’ve walked out on this marriage. It’s all good though. You just do you and am I gone do me.” I acted as tough as I wanted in front of that nigga. I think all women do it, but when we’re alone we have every right to breakdown. The sound of my kids tearing shit up in the house made me wipe my tears quickly as hell. I had to be a mother no matter what was going on. Not even Ka’Jaire “Thug” Kenneth could make me slack in my motherly duties.

  Chapter 20- Thug

  We’re Supposed To Be In Love

  I’ve never questioned Tahari’s love for a nigga until she revealed that she was keeping that nigga’s baby. That shit hurt like hell. For her even to think that shit was going to be cool to begin with, was disrespectful as fuck. How could she even think about having a baby by him knowing that he’s the reason our daughter is dead. Not only that, it’s bothering me that she now feels inclined to keep the baby of her rapist and not her husband. When Tahari got that abortion it really hurt me. Knowing that she’s keeping that nigga’s baby has me all in my feelings. I don’t give a fuck who’s mad about what I did. Fuck I look like staying with her ass and she’s keeping that bitch nigga’s baby. So fuck me and my feelings? Tahari knows how the fuck I get down. She had to know that I would never roll with that decision. Do I want my marriage to end over this? Hell no, all I want is my family to be whole again but it’s better that I walk away.

  I could never be mean to a kid. In my heart I know that I will never be able to love that baby the way I love my kids. I’m having a hard time understanding why she wants to keep the baby of someone she claims to be a monster. Despite the shit going on in my personal life, I need to deal with the street sheet that’s going on. I had been sitting in my office at Thug Inc. Headquarters, waiting for everyone to arrive. So much had been going on that I hadn’t had a chance to bring Adonis in on what was happening. I knew for a fact he wouldn’t be welcomed right off bat because he was a cop. However, I’m head of this family and what the fuck I say goes. I have a lot of shit going on and the way I feel could murder a motherfucker if they looked at me wrong. My phone began to go off and it was my mother screaming and hollering. The only thing I could make out of what she was saying was that Quanie had been shot and I needed to get to the hospital. I swear if ain’t one thing it’s another.


  The waiting area in the hospital was packed to capacity with all of our family and our crew. As soon as I walked in, all my men stood to their feet. I hated when they did that but they insisted on it. They knew that Quanie was a part of my family now, so they knew to shut shit down and get here.

  “Where is Peaches?”

  “Her water bag busted. Gail is back there with her now,” Malik said with a look of worry on his face.

  “Any word on what the hell happened?”

  “He got hit up in her driveway. They were on their way inside of the house when he got hit up. He wasn’t even breathing when they brought him in.” I shook my head as Malik told me what he knew. The shit didn’t sound so good. The last thing I needed was for Quanie to check out. Peaches would be left yet again without a father for her child. I didn’t want that for my little brother or sister. Plus, Peaches deserves to be happy for a change. I had my reservations about her and him being together but he has really showed me that he loves my mother. Peaches is the happiest she’s been in a long time, so it’s imperative that Quanie survives. Tahari arrived at the hospital with all of the kids with her.

  “Daddy!” Kaia said as she wobbled her little bowlegged self over to me. I picked her up and sat her down on my lap. Of course, Ka’Jaiyah made sure to get in where she fit in at. Ka’Jariea came over and kissed me on the jaw. She sat next to me and laid her head on my shoulder. KJ, Kaine, Kash, and Kahari were all up under her. The boys were truly momma’s boys. Kaine and Kash were my little niggas but they loved their mother.

  “What’s up Daddy’s girls? How come you didn’t leave them with Marta?” Tahari completely ignored me and started talking to Barbie and the rest of her crew. Before I could respond, Gail came out and she was crying. I had to jump up to my feet and rush to her. For a minute my heart stopped being in an anticipation as to what she was about to say.

  “They’re so beautiful y’all.”

  “What the hell you mean they?” Malik said sounding like a spoiled brat.

  “Peaches had twins, a boy and a girl. Come on so y’all can see them.” I just stood there in shock. Peaches old ass had given birth to twins. Tahari, Ta’Jay, Keesha, and Barbie were so happy and excited. They damn near knocked us down trying to get through the double doors.

  “I don’t know what the fuck y’all so happy for. Y’all built in baby sitter done had two kids on y’all ass. Now you gotta tend to your own kids instead of dropping them off to Peaches.”

  “Shut the fuck up Malik. Your ass is just jealous,” Ta’Jay said as she stuck her tongue out.

  “Not right now. Let’s go see the babies, check on Peaches, and get back up here so that we can see about Quanie. I wasn’t in the mood for all the petty ass arguing and back forth drama with everybody.

  “They’re so beautiful,” Tahari said as she peeked in the window at the babies. They didn’t have any names yet because Peaches wanted to wait until Quanie was okay.

  “They look just like you bae,” Barbie said and we all started to laugh because they really did look like Malik. Before we could respond, I received a text from King was downstairs along with the rest of the men, telling me that he needed us to come back to the emergency room.

  “Take my kids home Tahari, it’s too late for them to be out here. Call me as soon as you make it home.”

  “Nigga please. Last time I checked you were no longer my nigga, so stop trying to tell me what to do.” Before I knew it I had pushed her ass into the glass window that we were just looking at the baby’s through.

  “As long as I’m your husband I’ll tell you what the fuck to do and when to do it. Take your ass home like
I said.” I had to hurry up and walk away from her because I felt my anger building up to a point where I wanted to hit her ass for the constant disrespect. As soon as we all stepped off the elevator, I ushered the girls and my kids out of a side door. Gail stayed with us because she was going to stay the night with Peaches. Once we walked into the emergency department, it looked like a scene from a Western movie. Quaadir, King, Nasir, Dutch, Markese, Sarge, Rahmeek, Killa, Hassan, and Boogie were all standing front and center with their guns out, and another crew of men I never seen before also had their guns out.

  “What in the hell is going on out here?” Gail asked as she started walking towards the men. I grabbed her back just in case some shit popped off.

  “Is that you G-Baby?” A man said as he stepped in front of all his men. He gestured for them to put their guns away. Of course we weren’t going to do no goofy ass shit like this. As the man walked towards Gail, I noticed the huge tattoo of a python on his neck. I instantly took my gun and pointed it at his ass. I watched as this nigga lifted Gail up off of the floor and kissed her in the mouth while grabbing her ass. We all stood in the lobby in shock as we watched her kiss this nigga back.

  “Nigga, is you stupid violating my motherfucking momma,” Markese said as she stepped to the nigga and pushed the shit out of him.

  “You must be Markese. A father knows his son anywhere.”

  “I’m his father motherfucker,” Uncle Mike said as he walked up on Python with his gun out. This shit was getting crazier by the minute.

  “Baby, just calm down,” Gail said trying to hold Mike back.

  “Get your hands off of me and sit your ass down over there. I just saw your display of public affection. Don’t even talk to me with that mouth you just had on this bitch nigga.”

  “I know that shit right Unc,” Malik said as he cocked his gun and aimed it at Python as well.

  “In case you stupid motherfuckers forgot, Quanie is back there fighting for his life. Peaches is a wreck upstairs because she just gave birth to their children, who by the way are a month early. Quanie wouldn’t want y’all acting like this.” Gail said with tears falling from her eyes.

  “Wait a minute, Peaches had a baby by my son Quantez?”

  “Your son?” We all said in unison.

  “Yeah. I nutted up in his hoe of a momma and got her ass pregnant. A DNA test confirmed that I’m his father. My little nigga done got Peachhead pregnant, huh?” He thought that shit was funny but I didn’t see where the joke came in at.

  “Watch it motherfucker. That’s my Momma.” I had my gun out and under his chin, dying for this nigga to get disrespectful.

  “You must be the infamous Thug. I’ve been waiting to meet the man who killed my brothers. I like how you roll. Reminds me of myself before I went away. Put your gun away youngster, I come in peace. After all, we’re family now.”

  “Fuck outta here nigga. Your ass ain’t no kin to me. Are you a booty bandit too?” Malik said as he pointed his gun at Python as well.

  “I’m not my brothers. I understand what they put y’all through but that’s not me or how I roll. I love pussy and pussy love me. Ain’t that right G-Baby?” Python winked his eye and I saw a twinkle in her eye. She was feeling this nigga. Markese was fuming and he had every right to be. Gail was being disrespectful to him and Uncle Mike.

  “This is what you want huh? I’ll be out by the time you get home.”

  “Hell naw! You need to whoop her ass Uncle Mike. I bet she act right then.”

  “Shut the fuck up Malik. Mike, please don’t do this,” Gail said as she followed him out of the emergency room doors. This nigga, Python was loving this shit.

  “I don’t know what the fuck your plan is. Just know we stay ready. You and your team of clowns might as well pack your shit and go back to where the fuck it is you come from. I’m the motherfucking King of the Chi. In case you didn’t know ask about me motherfucker! Now because Quanie is my lil’ nigga and my mother loves him, you get a pass and to walk away with your life. Use that pass wisely that’s the last one you’ll get. ”

  “Do we have problem here?” I became heated when I heard Tahari’s voice. I turned around and there was the damn Boss Lady Inc. suited and booted as usual.

  “Didn’t I tell you to go your ass home with my kids Tahari?” I walked away from Python and at the same time, the doctors had come out and was talking to Python. This was the shit that made me mad. Right now we’re in a serious ass situation and in walks all of our wives. We love that they’re so passionate about what they believe in, but they have all of us looking like some real bitches right now.

  “I’m not about to keep telling your ass to stop taking this Boss Lady shit to the extreme,” Malik said as he muffed Barbie in the face.

  “Keep your hands off of me Malik.” On cue each couple was arguing in the middle of the damn emergency room.”

  “All of y’all get the fuck out and go home. This shit is ridiculous. The only reason you stupid motherfuckers is not in jail is because I grew up with the head of security. I cannot believe that y’all are out here pulling guns out on each other and arguing. Get the fuck out and I don’t want to see none of y’all. I’m sick and tired of all the drama with y’all. Just in case you motherfuckers cared, Quanie is going to make it. He came out of surgery successfully,” Peaches said.

  “I’m sorry Ma.” We all tried to rush towards her as she sat in wheelchair, but she put her hand up to stop us from coming any further.

  “Not right now. I’m so disappointed in you, Malik, Quaadir, and Ta’Jay. I just gave birth to your sister and brother and this is how y’all act. Just get out of my sight right now.” We all kissed her on the jaw and headed out to leave.

  “Tahari, Keesha, and Ta’Jay. The seeds of Venom, come and give your Uncle Python a hug.” He walked towards them with his arms stretched out wide.

  “Back the fuck up nigga,” Quaadir said as stepped in his face. He looked like he was ready to murk his ass but that would have to wait until later. I pulled him back and we walked out. I saw Peaches with her purse in her lap so I knew she had her gun in there and wouldn’t hesitate to put a bullet in his dome.

  “Get up with me Python. We’re not done with this shit,” I said to his ass and we all left out of the hospital. In the parking lot, it was still chaotic as we all continued to argue. Before I knew it, I snatched Tahari’s ass up and dragged her to my car.

  “Let me the fuck go!”

  “Get your stupid ass in the car.” I had to push her inside the passenger seat.

  “Don’t be manhandling me. You know that I’m pregnant.”

  “Fuck you and that baby.” She had me fucked up if she thought I gave a fuck about her being pregnant because I didn’t. Without hesitation, she punched me hard as hell in the face, busting my lip and my nose. My shit was leaking everywhere, it was all over my damn clothes. I knew that if she stayed in my car I was going to fuck her up. I jumped out of the car and walked around to the passenger side to open up the door.

  “Get out of my car.”

  “No problem. Give me your house keys first.” I looked at her like she had lost her mind. I wish I would give her my keys. Just because I left don’t mean I won’t still be coming there to check on my kids.

  “You got me fucked up. I’m not giving you shit. Now get the fuck out before I drag you out.

  “I wish the fuck you would Thug. I’m telling you now we about to be fighting in this parking lot.”

  “I see you think I’m playing with your ass.” I yanked her ass out by her collar and pulled her out forcefully. Once she was out, she started swinging and that shit was connecting; her ass hits hard as hell. I was blocking her hits the best I could but she was quick as hell.

  “I’m sick of your shit Thug. Tahari hit me in the eye and before I knew it, I swung back and hit her ass so hard that she hit the ground. When I saw her on the ground that’s when I realized what I had did.

  “Get up baby. I’m sorry, I didn’t mea
n to hit you like that.” I kneeled down and lifted her up. I carried her back to the car and put her in the seat. I could see blood trickling from her nose so I took my shirt off and applied pressure to it. Tahari was quiet the whole ride home. She wouldn’t look at me or say nothing. Once we made it to the house, I lifted her up and carried her upstairs to our room. I looked at my face in the mirror and my damn lip was split. I got the first-aid kit and I went to clean Tahari’s face up. She had a little cut on her head from when she hit the ground. Her nose was still bleeding and so was her lip. She just sat on the edge of the bed in daze. I felt so bad for hitting her. The whole scene was out of character for us. We might argue but we never get to a point where we come to blows.

  “Please say something Ta-Baby.”

  “There ain’t nothing to say.” Tears were streaming down her face. I wiped her face and I kissed her lips. I pushed her back on the bed and pulled her leggings off of her. She was squirming and pushing my head away as I was trying to dive in and eat her pussy.

  “No. I hate you so much right now. Please don’t do this. Just leave.” Tahari was crying really hard now. I knew I shouldn’t have done it because she said no, but at that moment I just wanted to make her feel better. I put her legs over my shoulder and I went in for the kill.

  “I’m so sorry,” I repeated in between the kisses and licks that I placed on her pussy. I couldn’t help but take her swollen clit into her mouth and sucked on it. The only thing I could hear was the sound of sniffling. He body wasn’t even responding to what I was doing. I just stopped, went to the bathroom and cleaned my mouth and put some Neosporin on my cut lip. When I walked back into the room, Tahari was balled up on her side of the bed with her back towards me. I got undressed and climbed in bed with her. I hugged her tightly, but she moved away from me like I had the plague. I left it at that and rolled over myself. I wasn’t about to keep trying to apologize to her when she knocked the shit out of me first. My intentions were to just leave but I was drained from the day’s events so I went straight to sleep.


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