The Age of Darkness: Wrak-Wavara: The Age of Darkness Book 1 (The Etera Chronicles Series Two - Wrak-Wavara: The Age of Darkness)
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As planned, those who had participated in the Ror’Eckrah had left Kthama Minor together. At the entrance, they moved the inner stone in place, upon which had been carved the mark of Wrak-Ayya, the Age of Shadows. Next, they placed the huge outer boulder, upon which had been carved the symbol of Wrak-Wavara.
The shame of the Age of Darkness was sealed in the Chamber of the Ancients, in Kthama Minor, until the time came, if ever, for the rest of history to come to pass.
Finally, they cloaked Kthama and Kthama Minor from the Sassen. When the Sassen awoke, they would no longer remember the location of either.
Straf’Tor’s words rang in their minds, “Fear is the only thing the Sassen understand. So fear is what we will give them.”
With the last act finished, the Mothoc Leaders released the Akassa and the Sassen from the Connection. When each awoke, they would enter a new tomorrow and every day thereafter would move them separately forward to the futures of their making. As for the Chamber of the Ancients, in which rested the bodies of Moc’Tor, E’ranale, and Straf’Tor, its secrets would wait silently until the descent of the Age of Shadows.
If you are just joining the series—welcome! I hope you have found it enjoyable. If you are returning reader from Series One (S1), I am thrilled that you have followed me into Series Two (S2)!
The books planned in this series, Series Two (S2), so far are:
Book One: The Age of Darkness
Book Two: The Chamber of the Ancients
Book Three: The Secret of the Leader’s Staff
Book Four: The End of the Age*
Book Five: From the Dust of Etera*
*Titles of unpublished books are subject to change!!
I am speculating there may be more books than these five, depending on reader interest.
If you have not read S1, please consider it. S1, Wrak-Ayya: The Age of Shadows, covers the journey of the People thousands and thousands of years following what takes place in this series.
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I wish you well and I hope you continue with me on this journey of What If?
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Blessings - Leigh
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I must acknowledge the love and dedication expressed by the readers of Series One. It is your encouragement and appreciation that has kept me going. Though I had planned on releasing S2 Book One earlier, life had other plans. But you never gave up on me and your patience has been remarkable.
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So, in between publishing the books, I will continue to try to entertain you with the sappy, humorous, memes and cartoons I publish on our FB reader group page, The Etera Chronicles.