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Possessive Neighbor (A Neighbors Novel Book 1)

Page 6

by KL Donn

“Tell me something about you, Reed.” I gaze up at him as he watches me. His square jaw is strong and stoic. His eyes are always so deep, soulful.

  “What do you want to know?”

  “Whatever you want to tell me.” I just want to learn more about him. “Did you always want to have a family? Have you tried? Been married?”

  “Yes. No. No.” He smirks playfully. “I’ve been in two serious relationships that I thought could have turned into forever, but both women eventually showed their true colors.”

  “Carla.” I hiss her name like a cuss word.

  “Carla was one, yes.” I look away, wanting to know what happened with her but too afraid to ask. “Carla became too clingy. In that, she didn’t want me to go to work, and when I was at work, she would show up out of the blue. Sometimes, I would be at the precinct, and a lot of times, I was out on a case. She didn’t have any boundaries. It got to the point where we had a huge fight, and she asked me to choose between her and a job I worked my entire life for.”

  “You chose the job.”

  “I did. I always knew it would take a special woman to understand my commitment to making the world a safer place for our children; she didn’t. It was then I knew we were never meant to be.”

  I mull over his words before expressing my own. “I won’t do that.” A yawn interrupts me. “Make you choose, that is. I appreciate your dedication and selflessness. I think it takes a strong person to put their life on the line for complete strangers.”

  Brushing the hair back from my face, Reed traces the lines in my skin with a gentle finger. Circling my eyes, careful of my bruises. Along my jaw. Brushing his thumb across my bottom lip and pulling it down to collect the moisture from my mouth.

  “I’m going to love you so deeply, Hope.” He breathes the words out before his mouth descends on me.

  Our lips touch, and this time is nothing compared to our previous kisses. My heart rate spikes, my veins throb, and every cell in my body is on fire from his touch.

  “When you are ready, when your body is healed, you and me, pretty girl? We’re going to ignite the sheets.” His words steal my breath.

  Making me wish I could fast forward time.



  One Week Later.

  Staring at my naked body, I’m not sure how to feel about it. My bruises have turned an ugly shade of yellow and puke green, but they no longer hurt, so that’s a bonus.

  My baby bump expands every day. My love for this precious darling grows stronger with each passing moment, and when I witness Reed touching her, talking to her, I fall deeper in love with him.

  As the days pass and my happiness grows, I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. Every time I’ve had a single ounce of joy in my life, something horrible has happened to counteract my ever-expanding feelings.

  I'm accepted into college: my parents die months later.

  I become pregnant with Leslie and Miles' baby: they’re killed in an accident a month later.

  I’m the most elated I’ve ever been in my life, and yet, I’m terrified tragedy is about to strike.

  “Shit.” The muttered curse word has me spinning so quickly I nearly fall. Reed's strong arms wrap me up against his body. “What are you doing, pretty girl?”

  His voice is gravelly, eyes are darker than usual, and if that's what I think it is, he’s grown hard in his pants. “Uhm… Well, I was checking out how the bruises were healing and got distracted.”

  We’ve slept in the same bed every night since I came home from the hospital, but I’ve been too shy to change in front of him or even shower with him on one of the many occasions he’s invited me. So he’s never seen me naked, and now, I’m questioning how desirable I could possibly be to a man like him.

  “Nicely, I see,” he groans.

  “You’re home early,” I point out, neither of us making a move to separate.

  “I am.” He doesn’t explain why. Biting his bottom lip, Reed’s eyes travel down my body in the mirror on the wall, and I can feel the blush creeping up my face.

  Pulling back, I shiver with the loss of his warmth. Reed unbuttons his shirt, shedding it like it’s on fire. I watch fascinated as he continues to rid himself of his clothes until we’re both standing here naked.

  Me, battered and bruised.

  Him, masculine and potent.

  Polar opposites of one another and yet exactly right.

  “Reed.” I whisper his name like a prayer.

  “Pretty girl.” He growls mine like a curse. Uninhibited and craving something my mind can’t comprehend but my body seems to. “Do you have any idea how many times I have pictured this moment? Imagined what our first time would be like. How you would feel and react.”

  Reed wraps his arms around me again, skin to skin. Front to front. I’ve never been bombarded with so many feelings at once before. None of which I can identify except one.

  An incredible desire to be with this man.

  “About as many as me?” I bravely sigh.

  “You been thinking about me, Hope?” I nod. “Good. But still probably more.” The raw honesty we share is something I’ve craved my entire life.

  One more confession, though.

  “I’ve never been with a man before, Reed.”

  Everything quiets down, magnifying my declaration.

  His fingers briefly tighten on my hips, igniting a flame deep in my core for him. So much strength and power reflected in the small gesture.

  “I knew you were made for me.” He smiles before turning us to the bed. Gently guiding me to my back, Reed lays on top of me, careful not to put his full weight on my burgeoning stomach.

  My heart contracts at the emotions I detect in Reed’s eyes, lining his face, and trembling his flesh. He’s allowing our bodies to do all the talking while I experience this moment for the first time.

  As his hands tenderly trace along my collarbone, between the valley of my breasts, across my baby bump, and between my thighs, I fight not to close my eyes. I want to behold him, for him to behold me.

  For us to acknowledge. To accede that we’re in this together, and nothing will stand in our way.

  Lifting one of my legs into the crook of his elbow, Reed explores my folds with his other hand. Plays me like a finely tuned piano. When I feel, first, one finger nudging at my entrance and then another, I know I should feel some sort of discomfort, but as long as I can meet his stare, I feel nothing but decadence.

  “Hope.” He moans my name, and I feel his hardened length tapping against my thigh as he tries to hold back from taking me too soon.

  Arching my back as the pleasure lights me up, I beg, “Please, take me, Reed. Make me yours.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you.” He sounds tortured.

  “You won’t. I promise.”

  Capturing my lips with his, he envelops one hand around my back, pulling me deeper into him. Tangling our tongues, I feel his other hand on my jaw, tilting my head so he can kiss me deeper. His tongue sweeps through my mouth, licking along every surface he can reach. By the time we’re forced to pull apart to breathe, I feel the head of his manhood caressing my entrance, and we both stare down our bodies to watch him disappear into my channel.

  His thrusting is gentle at first, allowing me to adjust to the new invasion, but soon, he picks up pace, sliding a little further with each inward thrust of his hips.

  I’m grateful my hymen was broken during insemination because I’ve heard it hurts terribly, and now, I can simply enjoy the pulsing sensations through my sex. The way the veins in his cock throb against my walls. The push and pull of each movement.

  Everything is new.

  Erotic in a way I had no idea I was missing.

  Until now.

  Until Reed.


  I’m trying to be gentle. To make Hope's first time memorable and pain-free. She’s had enough harshness to last a lifetime. But fuck, she’s like molten lava, and my body wants to take, take, take until we
’re both weak and breathless.

  The way she focuses on me makes me feel like a fucking king that can climb the tallest mountains and defeat the most ruthless of warriors. She watches me in a way that says she’s waiting to see when I feel the most pleasure. When the truth is, just being inside her body is like heaven.

  Her round tits swaying with each thrust has my dick wanting to fuck her deeper, longer. To devour her in a way she can’t possibly understand. I’m fucking possessed by this woman, and I don’t know how I’m supposed to leave her body.

  “I’m not going to last very long if you keep doing that.” I grumble the words in a low tone because if I speak any louder, my body might take that as a sign to take her harder.

  “Do what?” Her innocence is killer.

  “Watching me.” Her blush is fucking hot as hell. “I never want to stop fucking you, Hope, and if you keep staring at me like I’m a goddamned king, I won’t stop. I’ll keep fucking you long into the night. Until we’re both so sore, we won’t be able to move.”

  Her mouth forms the perfect little O as she registers my words.

  Kissing along her jaw and down her neck, I cup a breast and suck her nipple into my mouth. Flicking the engorged tip with my tongue, her pussy tightens on me, and I feel her trembling ramp up to a full-blown shiver as her nails dig into my shoulders. Holding on tightly, she lifts her thighs and squeezes my hips, pulling me in deeper.

  “Hope, what the fuck did I just say?” I hiss with her nipple still in my mouth.

  Biting down gently when she doesn’t answer me, my eyes flick up to see hers are closed, and she’s so tense, I think she might snap.

  Moving to suck on her other nipple, I slide my hand down between our bodies and massage her clit. Rubbing in gentle circles with a small amount of pressure.

  “What’s happening?” She groans as her body grows taught.

  “Scream for me, pretty girl. Scream my name.” I don’t let up on the erotic assault I’m plying her body with as she flies into oblivion, clenching on my dick so hard I can’t move. I’m stuck with my cock as far into her cunt as I can get, and as soon as she grows limp, I sense my own orgasm chasing me to the finish line.

  “Fuck!” Slamming my lips over hers, I fuck my tongue into her mouth, mimicking my cock until I feel my dick damn near explode with my release.

  When I can finally breathe again, Hope lies limp with her eyes closed and one hand in my hair. Rolling to the side, I pull her with me, and we settle, lost in each other’s arms, hearts beating wildly in our chests.

  Gazing down at my woman, now, her hair a mess, body nude, leg tossed over mine, I know I’ve done it.

  I’ve fallen completely in love with my pregnant neighbor.




  Didn’t want to wake you. Luca picked me up. I have an appt. at 8 for the baby. Back soon.



  Not how I expected to wake up. I’d have gone to the appointment with her. I’m dying to know more about the baby, but I think Hope is afraid that what we have isn’t real yet. I think she’s waiting for something bad to happen.

  Waiting for her to get home, I explore her house a little more. Not snooping per se, but I want to get a better feel for who she is. Staring around the austere nursery, I have to wonder why she doesn’t have anything yet. Hope doesn’t seem the type to not be prepared.

  Spotting the bookshelf she bought when I took her shopping, it hits me like a ton of bricks. She didn’t need the damn thing then. She just didn’t know how to tell me she needed baby furniture and not some shelf.

  “Christ, woman,” I mutter. Gazing down at my watch, I see it’s almost nine and wonder how long her appointment will run when I hear a vehicle pulling up.

  Taking the stairs down, two at a time, I’m at the front door before it can be opened and walking down the path to Luca’s truck in bare feet and no shirt. I open Hope’s door before she can.

  Pulling her into my arms, I kiss her until we’re both breathless. Her warm hands on my bare skin as I hold her close is just what I need.

  Drawing back, I grin at her dazed look. “Morning, pretty girl.”

  “Dude, that’s my sister,” Luca grumps as he leans over the bed of his truck.

  “Get used to it,” I tell him, picking Hope up and holding her ass tightly in my hands. “Wake me up next time.”

  “Okay,” she agrees, her eyes still slightly glossy. “Thanks, Luca!” She waves a hand back at him as I carry her up to the house.

  “I missed you.” I kick the door shut behind us, spinning so her back is pressed against it. Delighted she’s wearing a dress, I pull the skirt up, push her panties to the side, and free my cock to slide home.

  “Fuck,” I moan as her head hits the door with a light thud. “I could live inside of you.” I didn’t even realize how badly I craved her until our lips touched outside.

  “I like it very much,” she whispers back. Pushing her hands through my hair as I thrust in and out of her heated pussy with rhythmic movements, she tugs my head back, initiating a carnal kiss that has me turning feral.

  “You can’t kiss me like that, pretty girl.” The words come out in a deep growl.

  She bites my lip until a pierce of pain makes me hiss. “Why not?”

  “Where the fuck did this siren come from?” I don’t give her a chance to answer me as I take over the melding of our mouths.

  My need to be the only one she thinks about drives me to pound her harder than I ordinarily would. Her continuous moans indicate she’s enjoying it, though.

  “What was the appointment for?” I groan, trying to distract myself into slowing down and enjoying the ride we’re on.

  “What?” She gasps, and her nails dig into my scalp.

  “This morning.” Christ, it's hard to think.

  “Follow up.” Hope lets out a long moan as I feel her pussy tighten. “From last week.”

  I stop moving, and she whines. “Peanut okay?”

  “Yes.” Her eyes open, and she glares.

  “You okay?”

  Her expression deepens. “Reed Burkhart, if you don’t finish what you started, right now, I’m going to scream and not in the way we both want.”

  “Okay, pretty girl.” My grin turns into a smirk when she growls at me. “I like you like this”—I pump my hips sharply—“growly and in need of me.”

  She leans forward and bites my lip, tugging until I follow her.

  Girl's got bite.


  I was on the edge of something terrific when he stopped moving. Now I feel irrationally angry at him.

  “Reed.” I hiss his name again. His sexy smirk shines bright as he observes me. I can’t tell if he enjoys teasing me or likes when I bite him.

  Spinning away, Reed walks the few steps to the couch and sits down, causing his hardness to push deeper, and my insides quiver for more.

  “You want this, pretty girl?” He stretches his arms out across the back of the sofa. “Take all you want from me.”

  Stunned, I have no idea what to do.

  My body does, though.

  I close my eyes as he leans his head back, and my hips rock back and forth slowly. I can feel my body chasing the high that bombarded me last night. The intense feelings I never knew existed, and now I’m addicted to them. I want that again. Over and over until I can no longer move.

  Reed has awakened something carnal inside of me, and now I’m hooked. “Reed,” I whine, not sure what it will take to get where I’m trying to go.

  “Yeah, pretty girl?” I love when he calls me that. “Tell me what you need.”

  “You,” I whisper, and his hands are on my hips, helping me to find my stride.

  It feels like hours, but I’m sure it's only seconds before my body explodes in bright lights. Pleasure rolls through every muscle of my body, and I’m left a ragged mess against his chest.

  I can feel the exact second when Reed’s overtaken with
his own lust, and I begin kissing along his pecs. Licking across his flesh, nipping at his collarbone. Doing all the things he does to me, and I feel a sense of power as his hands tighten, and he pulls me as far down on his lap as he can before releasing inside me.

  Panting and languid, I don’t want to move.

  “You were supposed to get baby furniture, weren’t you?” I feel the rumble of his words in his chest. I nod. “Let’s do that today.”

  At his suggestion, I sit up to meet his eyes. “You want to do that?”

  “I do. I also think it’s time for you to start thinking of you and me as us instead of two single people.” My eyes drop at his accuracy. “I don’t know what you’re afraid of, but I’m not going anywhere, and just as soon as you’re comfortable, I’ll be claiming her”—he places one hand across my stomach—“as mine too.”

  The inflections in his tone speak of two different emotions, but I’m not sure what they are, so I give him my fears in the hope that he understands. “Every time my life has been going exactly how I want it to, something dreadful happens.”

  Lifting my chin with a finger, I’m forced to meet his stare again. “Leslie and Miles?” My chin wobbles. “You’re afraid I’m going to leave or get hurt?” Tears pool in my gaze.

  “Your job”—his jaw locks, and his eyes narrow—“it opens you to more danger than the average person.”

  “Hope,” he brushes a hand down his face. “I thought we talked about this already.”

  “We did,” I rush to say. “And I would never ask you to choose between me or your passion for the job. I’m just asking for some time to work through my insecurities.”

  He nods, and his face relaxes. “But you want this? Us? Right? Because I’m telling you now, I already fucking love you both, and I won’t let either of you go. Not while there’s breath in my body.”

  “You…you love me?” I shed tears for an entirely different reason now.


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