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The Wielder: Sworn Vengeance (The Wielder Series)

Page 27

by Gosnell, David

  Crap. Sil just did the paralysis thing on her.

  “Sorry, this is important and I don’t have time for your attitude,” Sil says to a stiff Sheyliene. She basically picks up Shey and sets her to the side and then looks at Karen. “She’s really pissed off. Can you keep her off my back until I get my diaries into Arthur’s hands?”

  Karen nods “yes” to her and Sil drags me down the hall to her room. We go into her apartment, then to the bedroom and she fiddles the combination on a lock for a foot locker near her bed. Sil takes a deep breath and pulls a book from the locker.

  “This is an old one. It will prove that Dorothy was right about me. It is… not how I am now, please keep that in mind.”

  She reaches over to another side and pulls out another book, taking time to unfasten the lock from it. “This is my most current diary. You’ve seen me doodling in it. This is the one that’s most important.” She sets it atop the older one and hands them out to me. “Just don’t look at them now. I couldn’t stand that. It’s hard enough…”

  I thought to say something snarky like, “Why share them to begin with?” but quashed that thought remembering what Karen said about how she was "putting herself out there." Instead I just give my standard politically correct, “okay” and take them, conceding promises not share them with anyone.

  “I haven’t had time to go and create a fake diary. These are as they are, as I left them – you agree, right. These are real? This is important, you know these are real?”

  I look at Sil, her alligator like eyes fixed back on mine pleading for a response. I feel how serious she is about this little exchange - it’s obviously not so little to her.

  “Yea Sil, these are real. I’ll look at them with that in mind.”

  She breaks her intense stare and shakes her head in acknowledgement, looking away. “Good. Good.” The eyes return to me, but feel quite a bit less intense. “Thanks for that. Now we better get out of here before princess thinks I’ve had you by sheer proximity to my bed.”

  I chuckle; Sil does have a wit when she chooses to use it. We leave her apartment and she heads down the hall towards the living room, towards the sound of a ranting Sheyliene. Me, I unlock my door and set the diaries on the table in front of my sofa. Then I turn to head back to the living room.

  It wouldn’t be fair to leave Karen to referee those two. After all, she’s just a guest in this house.

  Chapter 69

  Shey’s little tiff ended the moment we told them about the vampire’s nest and what we had committed to do. Sil’s bitching started the moment that I told her she wasn’t coming along.

  We need a new vehicle. I figure the mini-van has been RFID’d and GPS’d in ways I could never fathom. We can’t be tracked to Znuul’s. So, my answer is to just buy a new vehicle since Pffif isn’t here to un-bug it. Of course I didn’t say that out loud figuring that we have been bugged in here too.

  Besides, the mini-van has served us well for years and years. It’s about on its last legs.

  Sil was not happy, but she does yield. I'm not sure if her displeasure is for missing out on eating some vampire soul or just not being part of the team. Either way, I got her to understand that we need a new vehicle and she is the best one to figure what that was and as Karen put it, “negotiate a good price for Arthur.”

  That part seemed to get her on board.

  After that, I really didn’t sleep well. That’s probably because I went through Sil’s diaries before laying down: big mistake.

  The old diary was beyond heinous. I felt fortunate I was able to withstand her approaches. No good intentions were there at all. The picture of me holding Dorothy’s heart out in what I presume was first person Sil’s view was about enough. The image of her sitting at Maldy’s side, with her wearing a dog collar and chain spoke volumes. I did not make it past six pages into that book. There was no reason to.

  But that wasn’t what kept me up. The newest diary was okay enough until I got to the page with Sil and me in full wedding garb with Znuul as my best man and Shey as her maid of honor. Of course, it couldn’t be Sil in human form either – she is full on succubus.

  The page after that was even worse. The two of us walking down the street. Sil with stroller in hand and a big pregnant pop-belly. Oh yea, wings, horns and tail too. Just like that’s normal in public.

  There was another page that was almost in old Saturday Evening Post style, with demoness Sil by the Stove cooking something up and me reading a newspaper. The catch was all the little Cubati kids in the kitchen and the one on my lap. All that was missing was a Ward Cleaver pipe in my mouth.

  I am so very, very screwed. Shey and Sil both want to marry me and have babies with me. That’s not going to happen. And even if it could, doing so with one, hurts the other. What the hell am I doing to make my summonlings want this from me?

  I consider joining a monastery, taking a vow of silence and celibacy - then say, “screw it,” silently to myself for all of the drama. I can’t win. Either way, the expectations on me are way too much.

  Maybe I got some sleep. Fitful as it was. Maybe.

  Chapter 70

  A cold shower, shave and healthy brushing and flossing can revive anyone. Coffee helps too. Goodness knows I need revival.

  I step out to my apartment’s living room and look at the objects of my torment - Sil’s damn diaries. The first one, not so much – that was expected. The second one, that’s the bugger.

  I pick them up dreading having to return them. I can hear it now… “I want you so bad – take me now!”

  With a deep breath to brace myself, I head out into the hallway and walk down to Sil’s door. Then, I knock.

  I hear her voice from inside… “Just a moment Arthur!”

  A moment to remove whatever clothing she was wearing, I’m sure.

  I wait anxiously and then the door opens, revealing Sil in human form, with wet hair, waving me in. “Come on.”

  To my surprise, she’s dressed, though how may be debatable. She’s wearing a top that basically drapes to her navel and has no arms whatsoever – so both front and side cleavage. The skirt goes to her knees, but is just about split to her waist for maximum leg reveal.

  I never get a chance to get a word out about her wardrobe.

  “I’m seeing car dealers today - best to keep them off balance.”

  This is true. I hand her the diaries and tell her, “Thanks.”

  She takes them back and looks at me in that kind of alien way of hers I can’t ever interpret. “We should talk, come.” With that she heads over and sits down on her sofa. I choose to pull a chair over and sit across the table from her. Sil’s face indicates some displeasure at my choice of seating arrangements. I guess I’m supposed to cozy up now.

  I get one of Sil’s patented Elvis like sneers and a roll of the eyes. “Well at least you aren’t mocking me.” Her sneer turns to a wicked little smile, “Well I guess you understand now why I didn’t tear into Sheyliene when she shared her feelings – would have been a bit duplicitous.”

  I chuckle. What must have been going through Sil’s mind, when Shey declared we were engaged and planning to adopt?

  Before I can say a word, Sil leans in slightly, catching my eyes with hers. They’re like the eyes of a friend who’s getting ready to ask you to do something that you both know is wrong, but too much fun to pass up. “So did you have that ‘I am so totally screwed’ moment because, well, you are?”

  This time Sil chuckles as she leans back into the sofa.

  I try to look at her as seriously as I can, despite her observation being rather funny. “You think this is funny Sil?”

  Her squirrely smile tells me the answer before her voice did – “Yes, I do.”

  Ah, damn. Hard to argue that unless you’re me – it is kind of a ridiculous situation. I try to look at her seriously and impart some gravitas. It’s not working. I give in to the chuckle – there’s no other alternative.

  Sil breaks the humor and sa
ys, “So tell me at least you see that I’m not trying harm you. I want you… not mind-slave version of you. And I do understand the difference between fantasy and real life. I know you’re not marrying me and I know I’m not having babies - I’m a summonling. That means I’m barren.”

  “This is all pretty freaky Sil.”

  “I suppose you would think it is,” she replies. “So, I’ve been truthful – now it’s your turn… do you still feel I wish to harm you?”

  There’s a few moments of silence between us, her looking at me in that way she does and me avoiding her gaze. I consider my feelings, consider what I’ve seen, and consider what’s sitting in front of me. “No Sil, I’m not thinking you want to harm me – but there’s a lot more to the equation than just that. There’s me and my weaknesses, there’s Dorothy looking over me – and a little fairy that would be heartbroken.”

  Her expression never changes. “Good. I don’t want you thinking I’m out to get you… other than to you know, get you. And by the way, that little fairy needs to learn to share.”

  Like that will happen.

  Sil’s expression changes from playful to serious, “There’s something else we have to address Arthur. And you need to know I’m not trying to bust on little Ms. Pixie princess. There are issues.”

  What do you say to that but, “Okay, go on?”

  Leaning back against the sofa, she fixes me with a no-nonsense gaze. “First, let me say that little thing loves you to death. No question. And you are very, very, good for her. Her issue with me, is that she feels that I am a threat to you. I get that. Wanting to defend you is excusable and maybe even commendable. But we have to admit, is that our little Pixie is less than mentally centered – right?”

  Shey is not exactly balanced. It’s hard to argue that one. So, I push the issue – “What’s the deal Sil?”

  “Her judgment is clouded,” Sil scoots to the edge of the sofa, leaning forward into me, and as such that blouse opens up revealing her ample décolletage.

  “Dammit Arthur, you can see my breasts anytime! My eyes are here and your attention should be to.”

  Embarrassed, I meet her very serious eyes and she continues. “Sheyliene believes I’m going to ruin and dominate you. So, when we’re in the midst of battle what if that broken little brain of hers decides that letting Maldgorath go is better than me being with you? She knows about your promise to me. If he gets away, don’t think for a moment he won’t come after our family.”

  Our family. My family. And if he does get away, then yea – he’s probably going to make it personal.

  “Crap Sil."

  Sil looks away from me, her jaw clenching – then looks back with purpose. “I’m releasing you from your promise to bed me if we kill him. You know and I do too, we have one shot at him. If we miss, or he gets away – he’s coming after family. What if he reaps Helen… could you shoot her? I don’t know if I could. What about the great great’s? Could you pull the trigger on any of those little ones? When we strike, he needs to fall. Sheyliene is our answer to the damned dragon and we can’t have her worrying about you falling victim to me. If that dragon whisks him away we are so screwed. So very, very screwed.”

  My mind is blown. Sil again abandoned the one true law – self before all. She’s putting the needs of my family before her own. Oh, yea – “our” family. I am stupefied. She leans back, crossing her arms - her blouse covering back up what was so well exposed – but I hadn’t paid attention since she called me out on it.

  “You sure you want to do that Sil?”

  “Never surer. And I just did. You have no say in it. I don’t want to have you out of obligation anyway; it would be so much sweeter if you actually wanted me. More natural – more organic if that makes sense. And I want our family safe.”

  There’s only one thing to say that – “okay.”

  We sit there in silence for a short while. That is until she breaks the silence sating “So, how far do you want me to take the negotiations?”

  Clearly a fine change of subject and a welcomed one at that. “You mean the new car?” I ask knowing exactly what she meant.

  “Of course,” she replies, “What good is having a demon whore if you can’t use her every now and then? Let me be a guy’s girlfriend for a week or two and I’ll probably get a free one.”

  She’s not lying. But that doesn’t sit well with me either. I’m not her pimp. “Just pick us out the right one Sil. I’ll stroke the check. I’m not pimping you out.”

  She leans in a little again, but not enough to expose her assets. “There’s this rag top Porsche that would look solo good on me.”

  “Try to remember that there are seven of us.”

  The Elvis sneer returns. “Damn efficiency.” Sneer again turns into a smile… “Okay, but it doesn’t have to be a mini-van does it?”

  “No.” And with that I stand up. Time for this little meet to end. I look down on her and sense a vulnerability I never have before. She stands to escort me out. Then suddenly she sits back down.

  “We’re not done yet.”

  Oh man…

  I sit back down and try to cast my most exasperated look at her. Her look at me is classic Sil, naughty smile and eyes – tongue peeking through her teeth.

  “I have a confession, since we’re being all truthy. It’s about you feeding me.”

  Generally speaking, when Sil is talking about me “feeding” her it involves the pop of energy I supposedly emit when I, well, orgasm. “Sil, are you going to tell me this whole ‘make love to me to feed me’ thing is a lie?”

  Her smile goes a mile wide and her eyes roll. “Oh no - that’s true. But, I did learn a while back when you started the whole healing magic thing that it... fills the gas tank let’s say. No glorious blush of pleasure… but no hungers. No hungers is good.”

  I’ve been doing the healing magic for going on three years now. That’s three years of hearing her bitch about the hungers and begging for a ‘proper’ feeding. I squeeze the bridge of my nose and compose myself, “Could have saved yourself a lot of irritation, Sil.”

  That gets me a little laugh, “Saved you some too. I see that now, but at the time I thought the ‘feed me Arthur’ gambit was the best play to get you into me. Goodness knows, you don’t seem to care for the whole feels-so-good pitch. Anyway, I want you to be ready, because I plan to come to you regularly and have my more unique dietary needs taken care of - in a non-sexual way. You don’t mind do you?”

  I can only imagine the look on my face based on Sil’s amusement as I respond, “Don’t mind at all – I do have a responsibility for the care and feeding of my succubus, don’t I?”

  “My succubus,” Sil purrs back at me. “I like the sound of that.”

  “Glad to oblige, anything else I can do for you short of… that?”

  That statement touched a nerve, because she went from fun, flirty Sil to pissed off Sil in zero flat.

  “Because that would be so damned horrible… Yes Arthur you could do something, what about spending some time with me? Not sexy time… just time.”

  “Well… uh.”

  “Nice Arthur. I tell you Vets needs time – no hesitation. Shey needs whatever – sure! The gods damned hound gets more attention than me. All I ask for is…” She stops and turns away from me, collecting herself with a deep breath. She turns back to me totally composed like it never happened. “Sorry, major bitch fit there. Promise I won’t start throwing plates around.”

  She stands indicating that we are done. “I’ll get us a great deal on the car, count on that.”

  I make my way to the door and turn around. Sil is right atop me. We nod at each other and I head out to hall.

  “Off to tell Pixie the good news,” proclaims Sil making a bee-line down the hall to Shey's apartment.

  Me, I’m off to go get my sword. We have an appointment with a vampire’s nest.

  Chapter 71

  My sword is very happy when I tell it we will be addressing a vampi
re’s nest. It doesn’t tell me as much as I sort of feel it. I’ve been told it takes some time to build the connection to the sword where actual direct communication takes place with the angelic spirit bound to it. Gunter tells me his sword is quite the chatter-box.

  I join Vets and Karen out in the living room, apparently Sil and Shey are still having a conversation. I don’t hear any screaming or breaking of things so I have to assume that it is going as well as it can. How bad could it be? Sil is yet again telling Shey she’s let me out of a promise.

  I plop down on the sofa next to Vets and look at Karen. “Ok General Karen, what’s the battle strategy?”

  “It’s pretty straightforward. This is a residential location. We open up the building to maximum daylight, go in, burn them outright and drag the husks to the daylight, or slice their heads off and drag the bodies into the daylight. So, do we have a strong vehicle that we can tear open walls with?

  “We have a 1991 Toyota minivan”

  That gets a disappointed look and a sad sounding, “oh.” “Do we have explosives?”


  “Well, then this may take a while. I hope Lucrezia’s people in law enforcement can buy us the time we need.”

  We are joined by Shey and Sil. Sil, without saying a word steps over to me and holds out her hand. My poor bank account... But she does need taxi fare.

  “Look at you all dressed up,” exclaims Karen, “You sure all you’re shopping for is a new car?”

  Sil’s response is to turn around to her, flip back her raven bed head hair and jut a leg out, ala the infamous red carpet leg-thrust. “Distraction works in my favor.”

  “Here’s the card,” I say breaking their little moment. Sil snatches the card from my hands waves “bye.”

  Shey plops down on the arm of the sofa next to me. “When do we go,” she asks.

  Karen answers that by standing. “Now. Weapon up everyone – Vets, make sure to bring a sword too.”


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