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Queen of Hearts (Gambling on Love Series Book 4)

Page 3

by M Andrews

  “I would love to, but after I finish up here, I have to pick up Bailey from school.”

  “Bring her along,” I suggest. Bailey is one of the sweetest kids I’ve ever met, besides my niece Ella, of course. Bailey is a mini version of Lucy. They both have big blue eyes that, with just the bat of their lashes, could own every man in the room. The goofy personality she got from her mother leaves me laughing every time she’s around. “I could use your advice on who the best local artists are around here. I want to open my own art gallery.”

  Her left eyebrow pops up in interest. “You want to open an art gallery?”

  “Yeah. I got my first big break as a photo journalist because one of the editors at Travel Magazine saw a photograph of mine at a studio in New York. I want to showcase artists no one has heard of and give them a chance to be discovered.” If it wasn’t for that studio owner taking a chance on me, I would probably be working at some portrait studio in a mall somewhere.

  “I think that is a fantastic idea and I would love to help you.” A smile slides across her peachy pink lips. Oh, how I want to suck on those lips.

  I can’t fight back the excited smile that erupts across my face. Any moment I get to show Lucy how serious I am about settling down I will take. “Great, here is the address.” I scribble the numbers on the napkin in front of me and slide it to her. As Lucy reaches for it, her fingers brush the top of my hand, and a shudder of pleasure surges through my body, making my dick strain against the front of my pants. Fuck, I want those hands on every inch of my body.

  The room is getting warmer as I imagine her hands gripping my shoulders while I take her on top of this bar. My name spilling from those luscious pinks lips, tits bouncing as I pound into her. Get it together, Hunter. She’ll be yours soon, I remind myself. Lucy is a one of a kind woman, and she needs to be wooed and treated like the queen that she is before she will let her hair down and be the bad girl I know is hiding beneath the sweetness.

  “Bailey and I will see you later.”

  Chapter Five


  Is it wrong to use your child as a buffer to keep yourself from mounting your best friend’s brother? Yeah, I’m going to hell. I didn’t actually have to go pick up Bailey from school, I thought it would be an easy brush off. Hot single guys don’t want to hang out with a mom and her kid. Damn Hunter actually likes my kid. Bailey is easy to like, so that comes as no shock. But now I have to keep up the lie and bring her into her mother’s insanity. I could just tell Hunter I decided to leave Bailey at home with Lucky, but being alone with him and a bed just a few feet away, I wouldn’t stand a chance at keeping my legs closed. Any time we share the same air it takes all my willpower to keep from lifting my skirt over my head and sitting on his sexy face.

  Hunter greets us outside of what will soon be his gallery. He’s all smiles and sparkling eyes. That smile takes the nervous purse of my lips and turns it into a smile of its own. He stops in front of us just as the wind blows across the parking lot, flooding me with the scent of his cologne. My mouth waters.

  “You guys made it.” The deep tone in his voice feels like a warm hug.

  “Hi Hunter,” Bailey says, matching his smile.

  “Hey Bailey, how’s my favorite girl doing?” Hunter scoops Bailey up in his strong arms and spins her around. Her head falls back with squeals. And with that my ovaries are gone. I can’t with this man.

  “Come on ladies, let me give you the grand tour.” Hunter sets Bailey back on her feet then holds the door open for us. His hand finds its way to my lower back as he ushers me through the door. The heat of his touch pulsates through my body, and all I can think is how thankful I am Bailey is here, because with just that simple gesture, I’m ready to pounce on him like a ham sandwich.

  Hunter stays close to my side while he shows us the lay of the land. His entire face beams as he tells me his plans for the gallery. The space is bright with all the light coming in from the wall of windows. It’s has a very modern, industrial vibe with the exposed beams, heating ducts, and copper pipes along the ceiling. Hunter shows off his strength to Bailey, pretending to strain while pushing one of the movable walls. Bailey giggles as she watches him, then proceeds to show him up by pushing one of the other walls across the room. Hunter pulls his baseball cap over his eyes and hangs his head in defeat. I could watch the two of them goof around all day.

  “Way to go Bailey,” I cheer. I stride up next to Hunter and give him a consoling pat on the back. Through his shirt I can feel the hard muscles along his shoulders. Lord help me, he is a wall of muscle. “Don’t feel too bad, she’s been juicing.” I giggle under my breath. My hand lingers on his shoulder and I don’t know if I ever want to move it. By the way he lays his hand on top of mine, keeping it right where it is as he leads us up to the loft apartment, he doesn’t want my hand going anywhere either.

  It’s hard not to fantasize about us coming home from a family outing to our home. Hunter’s arms around me while Bailey bounds up the stairs. It’s a perfect image, but sadly, it will stay just a fantasy.

  The loft mixes the industrial vibe from downstairs with a homie feel for a perfect blend of Hunter. There is baseball playing on the TV and boxes stacked throughout the main living spaces. There is a little breeze coming through the open sliding doors that lead out to a spacious balcony. Though it still needs a bit more work, this place feels very homey. It might have to do with Hunter more than anything. Just being near him makes me feel at home.

  “This place is amazing, Hunter.” I smile up at him. He lets out a quiet sigh, like he was holding his breath waiting for my approval.

  “Hunter, are all these cameras yours?” Bailey asks, peeking into one of the boxes.

  “Bailey, what have I told you about snooping in other people’s things?” I scold.

  “Not to do it when they are around,” she replies. She is so my child.

  “Bailey,” I snap. I glance over at Hunter and he’s chuckling at our interaction. “I’m sorry,” I mouth.

  “It’s fine. She’s just being curious.” He is too sweet.

  Hunter walks over to the box and pulls out one of the cameras, then kneels down to Bailey’s level. “I started collecting cameras when I was a little older than you.”

  Feeling a little curious myself, I join them and listen to Hunter tell Bailey the story of every camera in the box. He takes the time to show her how each one works. Bailey hangs on his every word, and I know the wheels are turning in her head, taking note of everything he says. Bailey has a memory like a steal trap. You tell her one thing and she never forgets it, hence her snooping comment. Hunter is so good with her. He doesn’t talk down to her and encourages her curiosity. They have had a special bond since they met at Brooke and Brian’s wedding. Bailey followed him around the whole night. Most people would have been annoyed to have a strange kid following them around, but not Hunter. He hung out with her, made up silly games for them to play. She danced on his feet and fell asleep with her head on his shoulder. It was so sweet.

  He reaches into the box and pulls out the last camera. Black and silver peek out from the bubble wrap as he peels it away. With a push of a button the view finder pops up, taking Bailey by surprise and making her giggle. “This one is a Rolleiflex from the nineteen thirties. It also happens to be my favorite, because it was the first camera I ever got. My mom gave me this camera. She knew how much I loved to take pictures, and she said a photographer needs a proper camera.” A little sadness flashes across Hunter’s face as he looks down at the camera in his hand.

  Listening to the story brings tears to my eyes. Brooke told me how close Hunter was to their mom and how her death hit him really hard. Explains why he closed himself off for so long and kept women at a distance, never letting them in. Over the past couple years, when he has come to town to visit, I’ve noticed a change in him. He seems more open and willing to let people in.

  “Here, why don’t you test it out.” He hands the camera to Bailey and shows
her how to use it. “You can take a picture of me and your mom.” Hunter takes hold of my wrist and pulls me down on his knee. His arm wraps around me and holds me close to his chest. Before I can take my eyes off him, I hear the click of the shutter. The image of me and Hunter together is forever caught on film.

  Chapter Six


  Over the back of the couch, a small mop of spiky hair peeks up, followed by a pair of cautious blue eyes looking to the left then to the right. I’ve stalked lions that were easier to get on film than my escape artist of a nephew Matthew. The kid can hear the zipper on my camera bag a mile away. But I’ve got him this time. I hold my position crouched down behind the kitchen island. My camera focused and at the ready. Once he sees the coast is clear, Matthew crawls along the couch to where Brooke is lying with her feet up and rubbing her bump with one hand, while she chows down on her sixth grilled cheese of the day. Apparently, baby Logan is a grilled cheese addict. As Matthew leans in to give his mother’s belly a kiss, I quietly rise up and snap a picture of the precious moment.

  “YES, I finally got it!” I shout out my victory. Matthew snaps his head in my direction, then like a bolt of lightning, he races out of the room. Brooke lets out a roar of laughter.

  “You realize he is going to have a complex with having his picture taken.” Brooke snickers before she pops the last of her sandwich into her mouth.

  “I wouldn’t have to go to such extremes to get his picture if he was more like Ella,” I reply, setting my camera on the counter. Ella loves being in front of the camera. I’ve been her personal photographer since I shot the photos for her birth announcements, and I will be the only one to capture the biggest moments in her life. The day she graduates from high school, her wedding day, and when she has babies. Matthew might be a little tougher to get on film, but I’ll hide in trees and behind counters to document that kid’s life. I grab a bottle of beer from the fridge and join Brooke on the couch.

  “Hunter, did you seriously order another camera?” Brooke asks, handing me my phone. On the screen is a shipping notification for the camera I ordered for Bailey.

  “What are you doing snooping on my phone?” I take the phone from her and give her side eye.

  “One, don’t leave your phone out for people to see and two, you used to snoop in my diary all the time when we were kids,” she reminds me.

  “Hey, I was just making sure my sister was being safe.”

  “Well little did you know that was not my real diary. It was the fake one I made to throw you off.” She chuckles manically.

  “You devious little bitch.” I shake my head.

  “You were always up in my business, I needed some place that was just for me.”

  “I was just looking out for my baby sister. I didn’t buy the camera for me, I bought it for Bailey,” I admit.

  “And why did you buy a camera for Miss Bailey?” she asks, resting her head back on her hand, while the other hand continues to rub her bump.

  “I was showing my new place to Lucy and Bailey the other day, and Bailey was fascinated by my camera collection. She had so much fun playing around with them, I thought I would get her one of her own.”

  Brooke cocks an eyebrow up at me, and I know what she is going to say. Brooke hasn’t been the biggest fan of me hanging around Lucy. Once she sees that I’ve changed, that I want to be the man that deserves a woman like Lucy, she will be happy for us.

  “Before you say a word Brookie, I’m not doing this for any other reason than to give Bailey a gift and teach her how to take pictures. That’s all.” And it’s the honest truth. My mom always encouraged me to try new things and take risks, and I want to teach Bailey the same thing.

  “Sure it is, Hunter.” You could cut the sarcastic tone in her voice with a knife.

  “I’m not doing this to win points with Lucy, so I can get into her pants. I’m not that big of an asshole.”

  “Your past actions would say otherwise.”

  I deserve that. I’ve treated women like objects for most of my life.

  “I know I don’t have the greatest reputation when it comes to women, but neither did Brian when you first met him, and he changed. People can change.” She can’t deny that fact. “Bailey is a sweet kid, and I wanted to do something nice for her, that’s all.”

  “Okay, but please promise me you won’t do anything to hurt Lucy. She has lost so much in her life, she doesn’t deserve anymore heart break.”

  “I promise.” In my head I swear on my life I will never hurt Lucy. She is my queen, and I will do everything in my power to make her smile every single day of our lives.

  “If you ever break that promise I will end you,” she threatens. And that is a threat I take very seriously, especially after the ass ripping she gave me after I promised to be there for her at the cemetery on the anniversary of our mom’s passing and I didn’t show. She put the fear of God in me and she was only ten. Lesson learned that day, don’t fuck with Brooke.

  “That is a promise I will never break,” I reassure her.

  “You know what sounds good, cheese fries.” Brooke’s eyes widen.

  “Way to change the subject, Sis.” I chuckle.

  “With bacon crumbles, onions. Oh, and chili. Yes chili.”

  “Good lord, Brooke, you have the appetite of a drunk guy at a football game.” I laugh.

  “This is nothing. Last week I ate an entire large pepperoni pizza by myself. Brian didn’t know whether to be impressed or horrified.”

  “I’m guessing in the end he was impressed, cause I’m pretty impressed right now.” We both laugh. Watching Brooke eat when she is pregnant is like watching a linebacker eat. I wonder what Lucy would be like when she is pregnant. This is something I have thought a lot about since Brooke announced she was pregnant again. I’d love to watch Lucy’s body change as our baby grows inside her. Fulfill all her wild food cravings. To have a family with her would be a dream come true. A dream she has brought back to the forefront of my mind. I want everything that Brooke has with Brian, that crazy in love kind of relationship. Where you can’t tell where one person ends and the other begins. I want that with Lucy. It’s a matter of convincing Lucy how good we can be together and getting Brooke on board with the idea of Lucy and I together.

  Chapter Seven


  My eyes fall closed as I sink further into the warm bubbly water of my bath. The vanilla and lavender bath oil soothes away the stress of the day. I have the first quiet moment of my day, and, of course, my mind immediately focuses on the mile-long to-do list I have for tomorrow. All I want is a moment of peace. No work, just a clear head. I shake away the noise and try to quiet my mind when an image of Hunter appears. He’s been popping into my head a lot lately.

  Watching him with Bailey, showing her how to use his cameras then taking goofy pictures with him. That was the most fun I’ve had with a man in a very long time. It felt so natural and relaxed. It’s crazy to even think this, but we felt like a family. And it is crazy, because there is no way Hunter wants to be settled down with a family, and I don’t know if I am capable of being with any man on that level again. But it felt so real.

  Fifteen minutes of peace is all I get before real life creeps back in. I slip my robe on and gather my damp hair in a messy bun on top of my head. Before I head downstairs to work on payroll, I stop by Bailey’s room to check on her. She is passed out with a copy of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows laying across her chest. My sweet little Potter Head. She was destined to be one, I read those books to her every night when she was still in the womb. I set her book on the nightstand, kiss her forehead, and whisper goodnight in her ear.

  As I shut her door the doorbell rings. It’s after ten, who the hell could that be. I sneak down the stairs and peek out the office window to catch a glimpse of the person at my door before they see me. What the fuck, it’s Hunter. Of course, I’m in my robe and my hair is a mess. This man has impeccable timing.

  I synch my
robe tighter and tuck the loose strands of hair behind my ears, then open the door, praying a breeze doesn’t come and blow my robe open. With my luck it would probably happen. Shit, I may have just jinxed myself.

  “Hunter, what are you doing here?” I ask before getting lost in his deep blue eyes. Seriously, those eyes are like the ocean after the rain. Dark and a little mysterious.

  “I’m sorry to stop by so late, but I got a camera for Bailey, and I was too excited to wait to drop it off. I thought I could teach her how to take pictures.” His smile sparkles in the moonlight as he holds up a box wrapped in brown paper with little white polka dots.

  “Hunter, you didn’t have to buy her a camera. That is way too much.” I can’t believe he did that.

  “I wanted to do it. She had so much fun playing around with my collection, I thought she might like one of her own.” He softly smiles.

  “At least let me pay you for it,” I offer. No one has ever gone out of their way to get Bailey such an extravagant gift before. Toys, books, and nail polish sure, but not an expensive camera. This is something I should be buying for her, not my best friend’s brother.

  “Nope. This is my gift to her. And I may have brought something for you too.” He brings a large black bag out from around his back.

  “Seriously Hunter? No. You don’t have to take pity on me or my kid by buying us stuff.”

  “This is not pity, it’s a nice gesture. Besides I thought this would be something you would enjoy.” He softly smiles, handing me the bag. Whatever it is, its heavy. It’s been awhile since anyone has done something nice for me and Bailey.

  “Would you like to come inside?” He’s halfway through the door before I can get the rest of the sentence out.

  We walk into the kitchen, Hunter takes a seat at the kitchen island and sets the box for Bailey on the counter. I know Bailey will be excited to see the camera Hunter bought for her. His camera collection is all she has been able to talk about. I’ve even spied her looking up cameras on Amazon.


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