Peter and the Elven Songs (War of Contractia)

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Peter and the Elven Songs (War of Contractia) Page 7

by Dixon, TJ

  “Don’t you dare encourage my idiot brother!” She whispers at me and I shrink back under her glare.

  “Don’t worry. My sister would never hurt a friend.” Jimmy says seeing my reaction.

  “A friend…” I repeat.

  “Of course. If you were an enemy she would have burnt you on the spot. Just joking!” He quickly adds seeing Jenny’s fiery glare. Then she turns to me with a smile.

  “I hope to be friends with everyone in the club. I don’t think there’s a single bad person in it. Even if you are having trouble making friends in your class, I think you should be able to make plenty of friends in the club. Most of them aren’t nobles, but even the one or two that are, aren’t the bad sort. Our former master was the bad sort, so we know just how bad they can be.”

  “You used to be slaves?”

  “Yes. Peter bought and freed us from our master. Now we work for him because we want to.” Jenny says.

  “I was listening for info for Peter though, and the money was to support Jenny whilst she supports Peter.” Jimmy tells me.

  “So what will you do now?” I ask.

  “I’ll find another job. Maybe one with a better uniform.” He says and looks disgustedly at his uniform, if you can call it that. Little more than pants.

  “That better not be why you got fired…” Jenny says. “Though I must admit I’d rather you didn’t have to wear that.”

  “It wasn’t, but I’m not going to be sorry to be rid of it.”

  “Enough time wasting, or you’ll be fired too!” The owner shouts at me. “And if you want today’s pay, you’d better get back to work too, boy.” There isn’t anything to do so I don’t know why she gives us such a hard time, but I quickly start cleaning tables. They look clean already but at least it makes me look busy. I take a quick glance and Jenny is gone now.

  It is a while before we get any more customers but as the day loses its brightness the first of the evening crowd arrive. Soon about one in ten tables are full and I am busy serving drinks. This is probably my best time of the day because I’m not bored but not rushed off my feet either. The customers tend to be more polite at this time of day too because they don’t have to wait as long to be served, and any stray hands are much more noticeable.

  I am serving a beer to an elderly man when the whole place goes silent. It wasn’t loud before but there was plenty of friendly banter. I look up and see a man enter with a girl clinging to each arm. They are wearing less between them than I am wearing, and no older than I am. They are really quite beautiful, and there is no way they are with him because of his looks. He is really ugly with warts all over his face and neck. His skin is peeling and there is something green and stringy hanging from his mouth. I hesitate a moment in revulsion, but unfortunately I am the nearest to him and have no choice but to serve him.

  I go over to the table he has chosen and a bit further away than from most customers I ask, “What can I get for you?”

  “You can get your top off for starters.” He says leering at me, but despite his words, his voice sounds rather melodic and I feel funny.

  “I’m sorry?” I ask swaying slightly.

  “Take your top off.” He repeats sounding much more forceful and for some reason I start to obey. Then a gentle breeze blows over me and I realise what I am doing. I back away fearfully.

  “I’ve got this customer.” Jimmy says and I quickly retreat and find another customer to serve. There is no doubt that man used magic on me. Perhaps on the girls at his side too. I wonder whether Jimmy tried to clear their heads too with that breeze. I am glad he saved me again though!

  “I wonder how much he’s paying them.” A young woman says to me shaking her head, before ordering, “A glass of your best red.” I quickly fetch her wine without commenting on her first remark.

  It is getting busier but I can tell the man is still there because nobody wants to sit anywhere near him. It could be bad later when it is really busy. We could lose customers. Clearly boss has realised the same thing because she goes up to him and every eye in the room is suddenly on them.

  “More beer!” He says but she shakes her head. “More beer I said!”

  “You’ve had your last drink here. You will bring my place into disrepute if you stay any longer with your whores. Leave and don’t come back.”

  “I can go where I like, and I can do what I want with my slaves. Now, more beer!”

  “Leave, or I will call the town guard.”

  “No.” He says defiantly.

  “I will be back with the guards. If you are still here you will have to face the consequences.”

  “Ha!” He says and jumps up. Then he throws flames wildly all over the place. Thankfully there are a few mages, and they manage to hold back the flames. Then Peter ports in. Moments later most of our club’s older members arrive along with two people I don’t recognise. One is short and red haired whilst the other has short blond hair but appears about my age. How they knew to come or whether it is coincidence I have no idea but the man tries to port away when he sees so many mages. His port fails.

  “You are under arrest by royal decree. Any further struggles will not be tolerated.” The short red haired girl says sounding more annoyed than angry. He looks her in the face and his knees give way.

  “Your majesty. I was just defending myself from…”

  “Do not lie.” The red haired girl says coldly and I realise that she must be the Queen. The Queen…!? I am not the only one who realises and suddenly customers and staff alike throw themselves on the ground and I am about to follow their example when she says. “There is no need. I am leaving with this criminal. Continue as you were.” She doesn’t even go any closer before porting away with the blond one I don’t recognise, as well as with the man and the girls by his side. The girls looked strangely vacant.

  As people get up the place has a stunned atmosphere. Lots are whispering but nobody is talking normally. Peter ports away with the rest of the group. They arrived at the same time, but perhaps it was by coincidence. I don’t really believe that, but I have no other explanation. After another moment I get back to work before I am told off again. The boss sat down in shock to catch her breath, but I don’t want to tempt fate.

  Soon the whole place is full with far more people standing than sitting. It is much busier than normal. Although it is a day off from our studies, most adults are not lucky enough to get the day off, and most students can’t afford to come. The noble students, who can afford to come, don’t want to be seen here with commoners. I am working until late and I am already really starting to feel the effects of too little sleep. I can feel the boss’s watchful eye. I get the impression she is waiting for me to make a mistake, which makes me nervous.

  It is now dark and the moon is up. It is even busier now, and not another person will fit in here. Thankfully it should start to get less busy soon because most people need to work tomorrow. I hope I can concentrate tomorrow. I need to walk back after work so it will be another night without proper sleep.

  It quickly empties out after a while. Finally boss says in her usual abrupt manner to the few remaining customers, “We close in two minutes. Finish your drink and get out of here.”

  As the last customer leaves I breathe a sigh of relief. I made it without making any mistakes.

  “Yusa, your fired.” The boss says and it takes a moment to realise what she has said.

  “But why?!” I protest.

  “You attract trouble, and you were obviously tired today. You may not have screwed anything up today but it is only a matter of time. Here’s your pay for today, now get out of here.” She says handing me my five black.

  “But I…” I start but she doesn’t let me finish.

  “Go! Before I get angry!” She snaps and then hands Jimmy his pay. “You too.”

  I run outside and it is a blur. After a moment I realise I am in tears. I feel a hand on my shoulder and realise it is Jimmy. I look up confused.

  “It w
ill be OK.” He says softly. Then the others start to pass. Kati looks apologetic and Sam just confused. Then my noble classmate, who caused so much trouble earlier, passes me. She glares at me and Jimmy, but she does so through tears of her own. Then the cook passes with her children and they openly laugh at us. I don’t really hear what they say because my emotions are so strong, but it is obviously nothing pleasant. Of course the boss who lives here doesn’t need to leave so that is everyone.

  “But I didn’t do anything wrong…” I say crying madly now.

  “You are part of Peter’s club right?”


  “Why don’t you join his bounty hunts and escort duties?”

  “I’m not good enough. You had to protect me twice today. I don’t know enough magic yet.”

  “It shouldn’t take long to get good enough though.”

  “I need to pay for accommodation until then though. I was only just able to afford a room in the old dorms with this job, and even that ate into my savings. If I don’t work my savings will run out, and then I can’t stay at the academy. I live too far away to walk every day and I can’t port yet either.”

  “What about asking for help?”

  “Peter offered to help me before, but, I think he meant with food. Who knows how long it will be before I can work on the bounty jobs? I’ll need to find another job, but I bet the boss will tell everyone not to hire me.”

  “Where do you live?”

  “Near the town wall on the east side.”

  “Visualise it.” He says and as I do he ports me there. “I can’t pay your rent but Jenny and I can help you with porting to and from the academy. I can’t enter the academy grounds of course. To be honest you should be focusing on the work at the academy rather than getting another job, even if that means having to accept help.”

  “Wouldn’t it be a pain for you and Jenny to have to port me each day?”

  “Wouldn’t it be a pain to have to walk to and from the academy each day?”

  “More than a pain, it would be impossible.”

  “So will you accept our help?”

  “Don’t you need to talk to Jenny first?”

  “No, I already know what she’d say.”

  “Thank you.” I say and bow deeply to express my gratitude. He has a slight blush as I stand. “I’ll cancel my room tomorrow and rely on your and Jenny’s help with porting. I want to be independent as soon as possible though, so is there any chance of helping me learn to port?”

  “Sure. I’m not the best but as long as it is just basic porting and nothing fancy I should be able to help. It will need to fit around my job, when I get another one, as well as your lessons and training. Jenny is better but I think she’ll be too busy to help with that.”

  “Thank you!” I say. To be honest I’d rather have Jimmy help me even if he isn’t as good as Jenny. He’s been really nice to me, and I feel like I could definitely get along with him.

  “Get changed and get anything you need for tonight. Don’t forget you’ll need to walk the last part because I can’t enter the grounds. I’ll port you there once you’re ready. Don’t take too long though, because Jenny will be worried if I’m not back soon. Talk to Jenny tomorrow about porting home and either she’ll do it or she’ll tell you where to go.”

  “I’ll be quick!” I promise.


  It is pitch black and cold as ice in here. The stone floor is colder still. Dungeon cells just aren’t made for comfort! It shouldn’t be long before my boss is here to get me out though. It would be warmer if they’d left me my slave girls, but at least I don’t need to worry about them betraying me. I destroyed their minds and turned them into obedient pieces of meat for my personal pleasure. There is simply nothing more fun than destroying a proud young noble girl.

  “You got caught.” My boss says.

  “Yes, sorry, won’t happen again.” I say relieved to hear his voice.

  “True.” He says and there is something in his voice that makes me shiver even more than the cold. Then there is a light and every part of my body is screaming in agony, other than my mouth, which just makes silent protests. I see a bloody mess where my arms and legs used to be, but then my eyes are gone too. Soon I will be dead, and at least then the pain will stop. Whilst I can still hear he laughs, “Goodbye.”

  Chapter 5 (Peter)

  It is nearly the end of the second week, and some of the new students are already good enough to take on a bounty hunt. We have eaten lunch and the four of us are sitting round Rin’s desk discussing who to take on the bounty hunt and what sort of bounty to go for.

  “Definitely the Lightwood twins.” Rin says and we all nod. “Not Aventurine or Yusa. They still have a fair way to go before they’re ready.”

  “Helski would be good.” Yu Kii says. I haven’t seen her work but everyone else nods so I see no reason to object.

  “Tabi would be good, but it isn’t long before most of my group are ready.” I say.

  “Then we’ll have loads of wind users, and not enough of anything else.” Rin says and I shrug in agreement.

  “Hello.” I hear Yusa’s voice and turn to see her.

  “Hello. Can we help you?” I answer in surprise.

  “Would you mind talking outside?” She asks shyly. Most of the class are staring and some commenting on the presence of a Year 3 student. I know they will be listening even if we go outside, so I take her hand and port to my room.

  “Sorry, but it’s more private. Outdoors would work too, but it’s warmer here.” I say.

  “Thank you. Here is fine.” Yusa says.

  “So how can I help?” I ask.

  “Will you be doing any bounty jobs tomorrow?”

  “Yes, and I’m sorry, but I don’t think you’re ready for it.”

  “How long do you think it will be before I am ready?”

  “I think Rin would be better able to answer that. It sounds like you are making progress but that you’re still a fair way from where you need to be.”

  “Is there anything else I can do?”

  “To help the club or to earn money?”

  “Ideally both at the same time.”

  I call to Rin using the Queen’s gift. Rin ports here a moment later. I ask Rin. “Yusa wants to help the club and earn money. Is there anything she could do for your mother?”

  Rin looks at Yusa a moment. “Are you willing to do something boring that doesn’t use magic?”

  “Yes.” Yusa answers instantly.

  “Are you willing to work really hard at it?”


  “And still give your lessons and training your best?”

  “Of course.”

  “I need to collect herbs and such for my mother to use in alchemy, but I don’t really have time anymore. If I spend the time showing you how to do it and then you quit though, I’ll be really angry. You’ll need to keep it up even when you are ready for bounty hunting, perhaps alternating between bounty hunting and collecting for my mother. It isn’t going to pay much either. Perhaps ten black for a full day’s work.”

  “Ten black… That would be plenty for just one day’s work.”

  “Peter, is it OK if I skip the bounty job tomorrow to show Yusa what to do?” Rin asks.

  “That’s fine.” I say. Then I turn back to Yusa. “Are you able to port?”

  “Not yet.” Yusa says.

  “We really must get everyone porting.” Rin says. “I’d have thought you’d have spent some time on that by now, after the incident with David’s play.”

  “Who’s David?” Yusa asks curiously.

  “David…” Rin starts to say but I cut her off.

  “No Rin.” I say quickly.

  “Oh. Sorry.” Rin says realising she was about to give away a royal secret.

  “Sorry but we can’t talk about that. Please forget you heard anything, and under no circumstances are you to tell anyone about this.”

  “Is it to do with the Queen?
” Yusa asks.

  “Why would you think that?” I ask after a moment’s hesitation.

  “You ported into the Drake at the same time as the Queen.” Yusa says and I silently curse.

  “That was just coincidence.” Rin says. I can tell from Yusa’s aura that she doesn’t believe it though. Not being good liars I doubt we’ll be able to convince her.

  “You may not believe us, but you are not to talk to anyone about any of this. No more questions either. Do you understand?”

  “Yes.” Yusa says. “And I believe you.”

  “I can tell when people lie.” I say with a sigh and she winces. “Where do you want me to port you?”

  “I’m happy to walk.” She says.

  “No.” Rin says. “It would be better if you ported. If you’re seen leaving Peter’s room it could cause problems.”

  “Outside my classroom then. 3H.”

  “That brings back memories.” Rin says and I nod with a smile.

  “Memories?” Yusa asks confused.

  “We both started in 3H.” I explain.

  “Don’t joke.” She says but then sees our expressions. “You’re serious?”

  “Yes.” I say.

  “What do I need to do to get from 3H to where you are?”

  “The training sessions should help, but we couldn’t have done it alone. Is anyone else in the club in 3H?”

  “Helski, but we don’t get along.” Yusa says.

  “Why don’t you get along?” I ask.

  “I think she’s arrogant, and she thinks I’m an idiot.”

  “What about getting your friends to join the club?”


  “They don’t want to?”

  “I don’t exactly have any friends in my class. I get on OK with Aventurine in training, despite her being a noble, but she’s in 3F, and already in the club.”

  “Does Helski have any friends in your class?” I ask.

  “No.” Yusa says sounding quite happy. “Everyone else thinks she’s arrogant too.”

  “We should be getting back to class.” Rin says and I nod in agreement. Rin ports first and I take Yusa’s hand again and port her outside 3H.


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