Peter and the Elven Songs (War of Contractia)

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Peter and the Elven Songs (War of Contractia) Page 8

by Dixon, TJ

  “Bye, see you at training.” I say and port back to class.

  “Did you have fun with that Year 3?” A girl asks me.

  “Fun?” I ask confused. I don’t recall her name even though she sits next desk along from Rin and Yu Kii.

  “Ignore Gillia.” Rin says. “She’s just a trouble maker.”

  “Ok.” I say still confused but sit back down by Rin’s desk. I can hear Gillia laughing but I take Rin’s advice and try to ignore Gillia.

  “We need to focus on teamwork soon.” Rin says.

  “I know, but first we need to get everyone at least good enough that they aren’t going to get kicked out of the academy.” I say. “They’re getting better at their own element but they need to at least get the basics right for all of the elements.”

  “Perhaps before you take them on the bounty hunt tomorrow you should make sure they can work together though.” Rin says.

  “That makes sense. Who did we say to take?”

  “Helski, Tabi and the Lightwood twins.” Yu Kii reminds me.

  “Maybe we should reconsider Helski.” I say remembering what Yusa said.

  “I think she’s ready.” Yu Kii says confused.

  “I think you should give her a chance.” Rin says.

  “I think we should wait until the second time. I’m also concerned that we aren’t going to have a water user. I think we need Charlotte or Emma.” I say.

  “They may not be as enthusiastic as the Year 3s, because it may look like we’re testing them even though they’re in a higher class than us. They also probably don’t need the money, but I can see why you’d want them.” Rin says.

  “Perhaps we should do the job with just Year 2s tomorrow. We could treat it as teamwork training. Then next week you’ll be on the team again, so we can do it with the Year 3s.”

  “You’re not going to be with us tomorrow?” Yu Kii asks Rin surprised.

  “No, I have something else to do.” Rin says.

  “To do with that Year 3?” Hermes asks.

  “Yes, Yusa is going to be helping me out, so I need to show her what to do.”

  “Oh, ok. So we’re going to do a job with Emma and Charlotte?”

  “Yes. Next week we should hold an extra training session for Helski, Tabi and the Lightwood twins to see if they can work together. How long until Aventurine or Yusa are ready?” I ask Rin.

  “They’re both good at the basics. They were from the start, but they’re having trouble getting the complicated bits. If you just want very simple water magic they could already help, but they lack precision and speed, especially at a distance.”

  “So how long do you think before they master that?”

  “I don’t know, but not anytime soon the way things are at the moment. Yusa has made better progress than Aventurine, but only slightly.”

  “Might it help to have Charlotte work with them as well?”

  “No, that would just confuse them.” Rin says sounding a little annoyed.

  “Have any of the other’s shown promise at water magic?”

  “Both the Lightwood twins, but not as much as they did at their own elements. Other than Niji none of them are bad at it but none have the same control that Aventurine and Yusa have. Those two may be a bit slower, and lack precision, but they succeed every time. Most of the others only succeed about every other time.”

  “Back to your seats everyone!” The teacher calls out ending our discussion. The afternoon lesson goes slowly, mostly because I am distracted. Finally it ends and it is time for our training.

  “Find out what classes your groups are in.” I tell Rin, Hermes and Yu Kii before we port to the training ground. I wish we could use the arena but it seems to be too well used in the colder months, so we have to do our training outside in the cold.

  Before we start our training I ask everyone in my group what class they are in and make a note of it. Some seem nervous or embarrassed but I need to know. Everyone can fly now so the training is about using magic whilst flying, which is a bit trickier since they not only need to maintain their flight magic, but concentrate on another spell at the same time. Cherry has no trouble, and Tabi is able to do so now as well but the others are having a harder time.

  So as not to waste their time I have Cherry and Tabi practise some more difficult wind magic whilst flying. They are both now struggling but I am confident they’ll overcome it quickly. I have Emma help them whilst I focus on the others. To my surprise Midori makes great progress and halfway through the lesson I have her join Cherry and Tabi. It is the first time she has really stood out but her progress today has been remarkable.

  Most of my group are making progress but Neko seems to be really struggling. She can do some really great magic on the ground and she can now fly, but combining the two seems a much greater challenge. Each time she tries to cast a simple spell she just drops out of the air like a rock. Thankfully she is only hovering above the ground so she isn’t hurt, but I just don’t understand what is going wrong.

  “Stop.” I say as she starts to rise again. Her face falls as she lowers herself back down.

  “I’m sorry! I really am trying my best!”

  “Show me again your flight magic, but without trying anything else.” I say and she does so. “Fly as fast as you can.”

  “Ok.” Neko says and flies fairly fast, but not as fast as I expected. I jump into the air and follow her. After a while I realise the problem.

  “That’s enough.” I call out and we both land. “You’re breathing too quickly. You need to slow down your breathing when you fly. It will improve your flight magic, but it will also make it easier to use another spell at the same time.”

  “Breathe slower?” She says confused. “I thought the more air the better for wind magic.”

  “No. There are occasions when more air can help, but for most wind magic less air is better. You get much more control.” I explain.

  “That’s different to what the teacher said, but I’ll try it.” Neko says and this time she just about manages to cast a spell before falling to the ground. “I did it, sort of.”

  “Continue to practise, but it may be worth practising just flying again first.” I say and then move on to help Niji who seems to be having some trouble. By the time we switch groups Neko is flying around using basic spells without any trouble.

  “Hello Peter.” Sherry says. She is still really struggling with wind magic but it is not for lack of effort. Even though she really struggles it is fun working with her. She can make a joke out of anything, but she is never mean to anyone. At the end of the lesson she has finally managed to get off the ground, but it will be a while before she is flying properly.

  “Year 3s will meet again the day after tomorrow, but all Year 2s please remain here.” I say. After a minute all the Year 3s are gone and the Year 2s are gathered around. “Everyone here, with the exception of Rin, will be going on a bounty hunt tomorrow. We’ll meet at the Drake at… Is there something wrong Jenny?” I ask sensing her aura change.

  “Could we meet somewhere else?” Jenny asks and there is raw fury in her aura, though she remains completely composed.

  “Ok. You can tell me why later but we’ll meet in my room. This is more about teamwork than about the bounty itself, but we will split any reward equally. Any questions?”

  “What will we be hunting?” Charlotte asks nervously.

  “I don’t know yet, but we will make sure it is something we can handle.”

  “Don’t worry.” Emma says with a friendly smile. “We’re not going to let you get hurt.”

  “It’s not like I’m afraid.” Charlotte says embarrassed, though from her aura I can tell she is. Of course she is the only member that hasn’t done a bounty hunt before.

  “Most people would be on their first hunt.” I say. “But there really is nothing to worry about.”

  “I said I’m not afraid!” Charlotte says sounding annoyed now.

  “Anyway, be outside my room by dawn ev
eryone. Just knock when you are there.”

  “Why so early?” Emma asks surprised. “The town hall doesn’t open that early.”

  “I’m going to get the job tonight so we don’t need to wait for it to open. I want to start early so we don’t have to rush the job.”

  “Tired people make mistakes.” Emma says concerned.

  “Do you have anything else you need to do today?” I ask.


  “Then have an early night.”

  “With all the training and everything I’m sure everyone is going to be tired getting up so early. We didn’t have a day off last week either.” Emma says. Rin, Hermes and Yu Kii don’t look to agree but Charlotte seems concerned.

  “Fine, an hour after dawn, but just this once. We have an ambitious goal and we can’t afford to waste time like this.” I say. She still doesn’t look happy but seems unwilling to protest further.

  My next stop is of course the town hall. Jenny accompanies me because I still need an adult to get the job. I bring Rin along as well but tell everyone else to go to bed.

  “She didn’t say it out of laziness.” Rin says sensing my frustration.

  “I know, but…” I say shaking my head.

  “What about this one?” Jenny asks and I look at the notice she pointed out.

  “What are oglops?” I ask.

  “They are small four legged creatures with lots of blood sucking tentacles. They’re really quick so it is hard to hit them with spells, but not very tough so it usually only takes one hit.” Jenny says.

  “They don’t normally live anywhere near here though. Where is this job?” Rin asks suspiciously.

  “It isn’t far from here. A farm called Izumi.” Jenny says.

  “That really isn’t far from here.” Rin says in shock. “I’m amazed they got that close to town.”

  “If it is at a farm does it say what happened to the farmers and their families?” I ask.

  “They were all killed, except a small girl who is close to death.” Jenny says sadly.

  “We’re taking that job.” I say resolved to avenge them.

  “It should be impossible for them to have gotten there. Unthinking monsters like that would never have gotten this close to town. Not without help. Someone is behind this.” Rin says frowning. “It could even be a trap.”

  “If someone is behind this, then I hope they are there still. I want to get vengeance for the people they had killed.” I say angrily.

  “You don’t even know the people who were killed. Besides you have two new team members who may, or may not, work well as a team. This was meant to be training. I think you should forget this job.” Rin says and I frown whilst I consider her advice.

  “Sorry but I’m going to take the job.”

  “Then I’m coming with you.” Rin says firmly.

  “You need to show Yusa what to do.”

  “It can wait.”

  “No. If I need you I’ll let you know, but until then you will work with Yusa tomorrow.”

  “Why did she have to choose now to want a job?” Rin asks though it is clear she is not expecting an answer. Jenny however provides one.

  “She was fired from the Drake, but it wasn’t her fault. Jimmy was too.”

  “So that’s why you didn’t want to meet at the Drake?” I ask and she nods.

  “Sorry. I know its selfish but to fire them both for no good reason… It just makes me really angry.” Jenny says.

  “I don’t blame you. I’d feel the same way.” I say.

  “Until Jimmy finds another job I’m going to need to keep some of my share.” Jenny says apologetically.

  “I still think you ought to keep it all, and not just until then.” I say.

  “Well, maybe for now.” Jenny says. “It might be a while before he gets a new job, because that liar at the Drake is spreading her lies all around town, about both of them.”

  “Maybe we should warn Yusa.” I say concerned.

  “She already knows.” Jenny says.

  “Oh, you told her already. Good thinking. What am I missing?” I ask noticing slight deception in her aura.

  “I really wish you couldn’t read auras quite so well. It’s nothing important.” Jenny says.

  “Ok. I won’t pry.” I say, still curious, but accepting that she doesn’t want to talk about it.

  “Thank you.” Jenny says gratefully.

  “Let’s take the job and get an early night ourselves. That includes you Rin, because if we do need you, I don’t want you to be exhausted.” I say.

  The next morning Emma is the first to knock on my door.

  “Good morning.” Emma says cheerfully.

  “Good morning.” I answer and stop myself from asking whether she is too tired.

  “Is anyone else here yet?” Emma asks.

  “Just me and Hermes.” I reply.

  “Hi Emma.” Hermes says as Emma enters.

  “Hi Hermes.” Emma says and before I can close the door Charlotte is there.

  “Good morning Charlotte.” I say.

  “Good morning Peter.” Charlotte says nervously.

  “Come in and sit down.” I tell her.

  “Thank you.” Charlotte says. She enters and looks for a seat.

  “On the bed. There’s room for everyone.” I say. Both Emma and Charlotte choose to sit on Hermes’ bed. Then Yu Kii and Jenny arrive and we are all here. I have them sit next to me.

  I then explain. “Before we leave I’m going to quickly go over the job. The mission is to kill some oglops. They are fast, so hard to hit, but should only require one hit to kill. They have blood sucking tentacles so are quite dangerous if you let them get too close. I don’t think they should be an issue for us, but I want everyone to keep their guard up. They don’t normally come so close to town, so it is possible there could be someone behind this, and they may have set up a trap. If need be I will give the order and we will port away. If I give that order I expect everyone to obey straight away. Understood?” Everyone now looks nervous but they nod. “Any questions? No. Ok, Jenny will port us, so everyone hold on.”

  We are on top of a small hill and the farm is in the distance. I ask Yu Kii. “Can you sense the enemy?”

  “Yes. There are… twenty two of them.” Yu Kii tells me.

  “Anything else?” I ask.


  “Can anybody else sense anything?” I ask and everybody shakes their heads. I concentrate my senses for a few more moments but sense nothing unusual. “Where’s the nearest one?”

  “Over there.” Yu Kii says pointing at the hedge on the edge of the field. I peer towards it and see the blood glistening end of a tentacle.

  “Jenny, do you see it?”


  “When I say now we both attack it. If we both miss, Emma and Hermes follow up with flame and lightning attacks too. We’ll alternate until we get it. If it gets too close Charlotte, create an ice wall around us. If that fails Yu Kii create a stone wall. If all else fails I’ll lift us into the air and we’ll attack from above. Do you understand, and are you ready?” I see everyone nod. “Now.” I say and attack with lightning as Jenny creates a ball of flames. We both hit.

  “It’s dead.” Yu Kii says.

  “That was easy. Have the others reacted?”


  “They really do seem to be mindless. Where’s the next one?”

  “What do we need as evidence?” Emma asks.

  “The core. It shouldn’t be destroyed easily.”

  “That’s ok then.” Emma says sounding relieved.

  “There are three over there.” Yu Ki says pointing near to the farmhouse. I can’t see anything.

  “Can anyone see them?” I ask, but everyone shakes their head. “We’ll need to get closer. Yu Kii, warn us if any approach.”

  “I see it.” Emma says when we are much closer. We stop and after a moment I see it too. I only see one though.

  “The other two are under the g
round nearby.” Yu Kii says just as I am about to ask.

  “Hmm. If they come up then we’ll be fine, but if they attack from below it will be a problem. Yu Kii, let us know if they come at us from below. If they do I’ll need to lift us into the air. Otherwise though, same tactic as before, but if you need to create a wall do so below the ground as well. Now.” I say and attack with lightning. Again both mine and Jenny’s attacks hit, but this time the other two oglops need to be dealt with. Fortunately they just come up and race towards us. Emma and Hermes target the same one but both miss. Jenny and I attack the other one and Jenny’s attack hits. Then we all focus on the last one. Emma’s attack hits it first.

  “The rest are inside the house.” Yu Kii says.

  “Should we collect the cores next?” Emma asks.

  “No. We’ll deal with them all first.” I say then look at the house. It is a fairly big house but not massive. The enemy are going to come at us from every direction if we enter. I suppose we could burn it to the ground, but I’d rather not if we don’t have to. “Any ideas how we can lure them outside? Preferably without destroying the house.”

  “I could simulate blood with water magic. It might trick them.” Charlotte says.

  “You can simulate blood.” I say surprised.

  “I can give water the same smell. It wouldn’t fool a person, but they don’t have eyes so if it smells the same it might work.”

  “I like it, but let’s do this one from the air. If they all come out at once and we’re on the ground it could be bad. Emma, can you use the flight magic?”

  “Sure.” Emma says and lifts us up.

  “Nearer the entrance, but not too close.” I say and she flies us to a reasonable distance.

  “That will do. Charlotte, your turn now.” I say and watch as a pool forms near the door. Moments later the first one comes out and I blast it with lightning. The next one just jumps over the corpse and lands in the pool before standing there confused. It goes up in flames. Then the rest pour out of the building and we quickly wipe them out.

  “That’s all of them.” Yu Kii says.

  “Let’s get the cores then.” I say and Emma lowers us to the ground. The cores are red crystals and soon we have all of them. “There’s only twenty one.”


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