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SEAL by Fate

Page 23

by Rhonda Lee Carver

  “I’ll convince her.”

  Nix lifted a brow. “So then…” This was getting more complicated by the second.

  “Over the years I promised Melly I would hand her the family ranch, Shy Brooke, when I thought she was ready to take the helm. For years it seemed like she wasn’t interested, too busy with life, until three months ago. She came to me and said she was ready. As you can see, I was caught by surprise and had no clue what the change was. Melly even moved back to Shy Brooke a few days ago. It’d be a disservice to give her the ranch only to watch her make bad decisions. I’m certain she’ll agree to have help, someone to show her the ropes, make her prove that this isn’t just an impulsive decision that’ll peter out, but a true love for the land. You’ll be the guy.”

  His mouth went dry. “Me?”

  “Come on, don’t look like you could fall over. I know you and your brothers worked your own ranch and know the ins and outs. You understand that a ranch is more than riding horses.”

  Nix wanted to argue, but it was true. Bo Cade had taught his kids everything he knew about taking care of a ranch, but the family farm wasn’t nearly the size of Shy Brooke. “Yeah, I might know my way around working the land, but I haven’t run one. Your foreman might be the best pick to show your daughter the ropes.”

  “Randy has been at Shy Brooke since Melly was in diapers. Problem is, my girl is as stubborn as a mule and as strong as one. She’ll tell those boys out there what to do and they’ll follow along like hypnotized puppies. I need someone who isn’t afraid to tell her no. Someone who ain’t afraid they’ll lose their job if she takes control.”

  “Won’t she think it’s a bit odd that a man wearing a badge is guiding her on running a ranch? And here’s the biggie. One from your own team.”

  Carson leaned back into his chair and it squeaked under his weight. “She would if she knew. You’re new. She has no clue you’re on the team. Melly’ll only know that you’re Bo Cade’s son.”

  “Ah…” The puzzle was coming together.

  “You will be my eyes and ears. I want you to understand how important Shy Brooke is and then you might see why I’m in no hurry to put her in the role she wants. The ranch belonged to her great-grandfather on her mother’s side of the family. I met Melly’s mom, Monica, at a time during my life that I’m not proud of. My wife, Patty, and I had separated. I didn’t think we’d get back together and I looked to the bottom of many whiskey bottles searching for answers. Then one night I saw Monica and she was a breath of fresh air. She had the loveliest, brightest blue eyes and thick hair that landed at her waist.” An unexplainable sadness passed through his eyes. “She helped me when I had no hope. I stopped drinking, haven’t had a drop since, and those were the most wonderful four months of my life…and then Patty was in a car accident. She broke a lot of bones and needed care, and I couldn’t leave her, not like that, so we dropped the divorce proceedings.” Carson reached for his water, drank half of it before recapping the bottle. “That last night with Monica, when I told her what I was doing, I thought I’d never see her again. Emotions were high. I had no clue that nine months later she’d show up and tell me that she was about to give birth to our child. She wasn’t asking for anything, just to let me know. When I told Patty, she was very understanding and wanted us to be a part of the baby’s life. We never had any children of our own. Well, I didn’t get to see Melly as often as I wanted when she was growing up because I was stationed abroad a lot, but Patty was very involved. And then we got the terrible news…” Carson turned his cheek and looked out the window, “that Monica had cancer. The doctors had given her six months to live and she held on for a year, but before she passed, she’d met with Patty and me and told us her wishes. Monica wanted us to live at Shy Brooke with Melly. I mean, it made sense, but I didn’t ask, or expect, that the ranch would be signed over to me. All Monica asked was for me not to give Melly the deed until she was completely ready.” He sniffed loudly. “After Patty passed away too and Melly had been living out of state for a few years, I moved to an apartment close to here. The ranch house was too quiet. We always complain that we want peace and quiet, but when we get it, it doesn’t feel right. I still go out to the ranch, supervise things. It works. Unfortunately, Randy has told me of his plans to retire, so you see things need to be put in order first.”

  “Could you help her run things…?”

  “She and I…well, we’ve always butted heads. She thinks I’m overbearing. I probably am.” He swiped his palm down his cheek and turned. “I’ve never liked her boyfriends. Never liked her choices.”

  “I’m sure my parents would agree that they haven’t liked many of my choices.”

  “Just tell me I can count on you.”

  “Just so I know we’re on the same page, you want me to go to the ranch with your daughter under the pretense that I’m helping her take over the helm? Yet, what I’m really doing is making sure she’s behaving herself? Responsible enough? Sir, that’s a glorified babysitter.” He wanted to sigh in aggravation, but he contained his irritation. After all this was his hero sitting across from him. Nix gripped the arms of his chair, waiting for the team to jump in and shout, “Surprise. You’ve been punked. Welcome to the team!” This must be what it was because he’d never been asked anything stranger before.

  Carson pushed back his chair and stood, wobbled slightly, then caught his balance against the edge of the desk. He took the five steps to the window and looked out, his jaw set tight. “I know this request must come as a shock, and I feel since I’m asking you I should at least tell you why…beyond just a father’s love for his daughter.”

  Nix realized this wasn’t a joke, or a test for the new guy on the team. He listened as Carson continued, “I’ve always put my career and country before everything, although I didn’t realize that until much later in life. That’s why Patty and I almost divorced. The military life is hard on families, but it’s what we sign up for. The military was in my blood and I couldn’t give it up. Patty was a saint, put up with a lot, knowing I loved Monica even though I never acted on my feelings after I said goodbye. Melly reminds me of her mother, the hair and her smile…beautiful. They both embodied freedom, fearlessness, strength. Monica and I had so much in common, yet nothing at all.” His shoulders slumped some as if he couldn’t hold up the weight any longer. “It was nice, but all good things must come to an end.” He turned, walked to the desk and took a seat on the corner. “I haven’t always been there when Melly needed me. Losing her mother at ten was hard on her, and then Patty. My daughter rebelled, had every right to, and we were both sharing heartache, but we never talked about it. She thinks I’m being overhanded by not giving her the ranch, but there’s more to it.”

  “I understand, but how…”

  “Does this tie into what I’m asking of you? Monica didn’t want Melly saddled down with the responsibility to run the ranch like she had been. She wanted Melly to travel, to have a chance to live, have fun. Monica understood that it takes a lot to run a ranch. Commitment. Responsibility. Melly took her mom literally because that child has been living freely since she turned eighteen. From one mistake to another. Even quit college to pursue a dream. Before I sign over her mother’s legacy, a place she loved, I need to make sure my daughter is ready.”

  “You think your daughter doesn’t want the ranch? That this is an impulsive fluke?”

  Carson shrugged a thin shoulder—thinner than Nix remembered. “I think she does, but after this last fiasco…”


  Carson straightened the collar of his shirt. “It doesn’t matter now.” He waved a hand through the air. “I-I just want her to take responsibility of something. Choose a path.” His face turned two shades whiter. “I found out recently that I have cancer, stage three.”

  Nix slumped back into the chair. This was an insane idea. He couldn’t think of anything he’d least likely do than babysit his boss’s daughter. Yet, after hearing Carson’s logic behind this situa
tion, Nix understood. And cancer? How could Nix turn the request down? The other man must have sensed Nix’s trepidation.

  “I’m not telling you this for your pity, son.” Carson pressed his palms flat on the desk and leaned forward. “But it’s important for you to understand the bigger picture.”

  “Does your daughter know that you have cancer?”

  “No. Not yet.”

  Shock curled within Nix. The man was persuasive that’s for damn sure, and very serious about this, enough so that he bared his soul to Nix. He was locked into this whether he liked it or not. “Okay, but is there a time frame we’re looking at?” Nix couldn’t dedicate himself to this assignment without a set deadline.

  “One month. That should give us plenty of time to answer the big question. Is my daughter ready to take the responsibility of Shy Brooke.” Carson pushed himself off the desk and swiped his hands together. “It’s time she left the life of a reality star behind her and found her place.”

  Stuck on what he’d just agreed to, it took Nix a little longer than normal to wrap his brain around what Carson had said. “Reality star?” Had he heard right?

  “Something she did five, six, years ago. I swear I told her it would live with her long after they stopped shooting Survivor Island, but she refuses to see.” He tore a hand through his hair and shook his head in irritation.

  A dark cloud suspended over Nix’s head. Flaming hair. Bright, engaging smile. Reality star. Survivor Island. Carson could be describing Melissia. Oh fuck. Nix’s stomach twisted. He searched the office, looking for a picture…

  Had he ever met Carson’s daughter? Could he remember what she looked like?

  The speaker on Carson’s desk buzzed followed by Claire’s voice, “Sir, your daughter has arrived. Shall I show her in?”

  “Thanks. I’ll meet her in the lobby.” He lifted his finger from the button and stared at Nix. “Are you with me, son?”

  “I…am I with you?” What could he say?

  “You don’t have a girl, do you?” Carson’s lips thinned.

  “A girl? No.” Although he dated on occasion, Melissia had been the first girl he’d been into, really into, for a while. And it wasn’t much considering it was a one-night stand and she left before the sun came up. He didn’t have much time for dating and wasn’t that interested in the idea either. Serious relationships deserved serious intentions and tons of time. Nix loved his career and never really understood how couples could balance out work and personal. He always figured he’d eventually settle down, but now with the career change, the aspect of his future was even more unsettled or certain. Lord knew his parents talked about grandkids often, badgering their kids to find the right one and have a family. He refused to fold under pressure though. “What does that have to do with this, sir?”

  “A woman, a partner, might not like the idea of you living on a ranch with a pretty woman, even if it’s work related.” Carson looked hopeful shown by his extending smile.

  “Living on the ranch?” Maybe at some point he’d stop repeating everything Carson said, but this situation seemed to grow more furry layers every minute.

  “Of course, Cade. You’ll be staying in the hand quarters unless I can talk Melly into letting you stay in the guest room, but I wouldn’t count on that, at least not right away.”

  Nodding, that’s about all Nix could do as he still searched for a photo. Even though the circumstances seemed similar, how could it be possible that his Melissa was Melly, his boss’s daughter? That would be a fucked-up twist. But then he found what he was looking for, a framed picture sitting on a file cabinet. Although it was a grainy picture, Nix would know the hair, the smile, the beckoning eyes anywhere. And then he knew, things just took a spin down crazy town.




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