Doctor D

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Doctor D Page 11

by Lilian Monroe

  My resolve strengthens and I know I have to figure something out, and I have to leave Emma out of it. I can’t tell her anything, not until I get out from under Stuart’s thumb.

  Just as I make my decision, I hear a knock on my door. I check my calendar: no appointments for another hour.

  “Come in,” I call out, hoping it’s not Stuart. He wouldn’t knock anyways.

  The door swings open and it’s not Stuart. It’s Emma. She pokes that curly head of hers through the door and looks at me almost shyly. She must know that something has happened and I try not to sigh when I see her.

  She steps through the door and closes it behind her. We stay like that, staring at each other in silence.

  God, she’s breathtaking.

  She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. I know she’s here to make sure I’m ok. She was the one who was hurting before but now she’s here for me. My heart skips a beat and all I want to do is wrap my arms around her and pull her into me.

  But I don’t.

  I stay glued to my chair until she opens her mouth. Her red lipstick covers her lips perfectly, and all I want to do is take them in between my own lips and cover her with kisses.

  “Elliot,” she starts. She pauses, waiting for me to say something. I feel like I’m made of stone. I want to say something, to tell her everything is ok but the words catch in my throat. “I just wanted to come by… I heard you having an argument with Dr. Yates.”

  She pauses again, this time studying me. I swallow but still can’t find the words to speak. How much did she hear? If she asks me anything right now I have no idea what I’m going to tell her.

  “I just wanted to say thank you. I know you went in there when you saw I was upset. You didn’t have to do that, and I appreciate it.”

  I exhale with relief and clear my throat. “It’s ok, Emma. He’s an asshole anyways.”

  I can’t say what I want to say. What is wrong with me! I want to say that it killed me to see her like that. The anger I felt towards Stuart was nothing compared to how badly I wanted to protect her, to make her feel like everything was OK. I want to tell her that she’s the best thing that’s happened to me since Gracie.

  But if I tell her that… what else will I tell her?

  “Listen, Elliot. I don’t care what’s going on between you and Dr. Yates. It doesn’t concern me. I won’t ask you about it if you don’t want to talk about it. I just want to make sure it hasn’t affected anything between us?”

  It’s like she knows exactly what to say to make me feel at ease. Finally I can’t take it anymore. I spring off my chair and in two steps I’ve wrapped her in my arms. She melts into me and my heart feels like it’s coming back together. I’ll tell her everything.. Just not right now. Right now I just want to feel her and see her and taste her.

  I take my hand and tilt her chin upwards, bringing my lips down to meet her perfect mouth. Her red lips part and my fingers tangle into her hair as our mouths meet. My lips caress hers and I feel my heart simultaneously feeling like it’s exploding and like it’s completely at peace.

  I can’t let this go, can’t let her go.

  I pull away from her and look into her bright brown eyes. The specks of yellow are glowing almost gold as she looks up at me. My arm is around her waist and I can feel her body fitting perfectly against mine.

  “Come to my place for dinner tonight. I’ll cook. Gracie has already guessed there’s someone else in my life, I don’t want to hide you from her.”

  Her eyes widen. “You want me to meet Gracie?”

  I nod, and feel a smile pulling at my lips.

  “Yeah,” I say, surprising myself. “I do.”

  Chapter 38 - Elliot

  The chicken is in the oven and Gracie is watching TV. I’m fidgeting, pottering around the kitchen back and forth, checking the time every ten seconds. I glance over at Gracie and think maybe it was a bad idea to ask Emma over. Is it too soon?

  When I told her we were having a guest the first words out of her mouth were ‘is it your girlfriend!?’ and I had to laugh. Is she my girlfriend? It’s all moving so fast.

  All I know is that deep down I want Emma here. I want her to introduce her to Gracie and I want to be around her all the time. I just left work an hour ago but I already can’t wait to see her smile and feel the warmth of her body.

  The stuff with Stuart earlier can wait. I’ll tell her everything if I have to, if I don’t figure out how to get out of this thing before long. Right now I just want a moment of happiness.

  The doorbell rings and my heart jumps to my throat. It’s six-thirty, she’s right on time. Gracie rushes past me, sprinting towards the front door.

  “I’ll get it!” she calls over her shoulder. I wipe my hands on a dish towel and follow her to the door. When I get there she already has it open, and has her hand extended towards Emma.

  “I’m Gracie, it’s nice to meet you!”

  Emma’s face is a warm smile and she kneels down and shakes Gracie’s hand. She’s wearing a silky white dress with little flowers on it. It hugs her curves perfectly, dipping down just a bit to show off some cleavage. As always she looks stunning and perfect.

  “I’m Emma, it’s nice to meet you too. Thank you for having me,” she says to Gracie. Gracie waves her hand and opens the door wider, inviting her in.

  “Oh, it’s no problem. I’ve been waiting for my dad to get a girlfriend for EVER.”

  Emma’s eyes finally flick up to me as I lean on the wall of the foyer. Her smile widens and she chuckles.

  “Girlfriend, hey?”

  I grin and roll my eyes in exaggeration.

  “Will you guys stop making eyes at each other and come inside! Let’s have dinner!” Gracie says. I reach over and ruffle her hair.

  “You’re the boss, kiddo.”

  The three of us head into the dining room. I get a couple glasses of wine for Emma and I and then dish up some plates. We all sit down together.

  “So, Gracie, your dad tells me you’re in a play!”

  “He told you?!”

  Emma winks, “Of course.”

  Gracie’s eyes light up. She starts telling Emma all about the play, her lines, the other schoolkids. I watch the two of them talking and can’t help but feel my heart growing in my chest.

  Emma talks to Gracie like she’s an adult, having a real conversation with her and asking her questions. I smile as I tuck into my dinner. Nothing annoys me more than when people ignore children or thinks they’re not worth talking to. Emma seems to get that, she’s totally engrossed in what Gracie is saying.

  “Are you nervous at all? About being up on stage?”

  Gracie cocks her head, fork hanging halfway between the plate and her mouth. “Umm… nope! Not yet.” The fork makes it to her mouth and she chews in contentment.

  We finish eating and clear the table together. The three of us head to the living room and I put on an episode of Planet Earth. Gracie sits in the chair to the left where I usually sit. I glance at her but she ignores me, so Emma and I sit together on the long sofa. That kid is clever, too clever almost.

  David Attenborough’s voice lulls us all into a state of calm. Emma snuggles into me and I put my arm around her. Gracie is totally engrossed in the TV, ignoring us on the couch. I turn my head and place a gentle kiss on the top of Emma’s head. She leans into me slightly as if to thank me for the kiss.

  I don’t remember the last time I’ve felt so at home in my own house.

  Chapter 39 - Emma

  Elliot sends Gracie up to bed and then pours us two more glasses of wine. I clink my glass against his and then take a sip.

  “I’ve had a really nice evening, Elliot. Gracie is such a good kid.”

  Elliot smiles. “It’s been nice having you here,” he responds.

  “I’ll admit I was really nervous all afternoon. I kept panicking that Gracie wouldn’t like me.”

  Elliot chuckles. “That’s cute. I knew she’d love y

  “She’s lucky to have a dad like you.”

  “Sometimes I’m not so sure about that,” Elliot responds as his eyes drift off into the distance. “I’m always second guessing myself when it comes to parenting.”

  “I think that’s normal,” I respond.

  We sit back down on the couch and I fold my legs underneath me. I look at the man sitting next to me on the sofa. He’s strong and muscular, incredibly handsome, and as I get to know him I keep finding things out that surprise me. Brilliant plastic surgeon, of course. Dedicated father, good cook, great laugh. My heart feels full to the brim.

  I want to open up to him. I want to tell him everything about what I saw in the files, about Victor, about my father and his debts, his gambling.

  His gambling.

  I look at Elliot over another sip of wine and wonder if he would ever tell me about his gambling. I want to ask him, I’ve always been a straightforward person, but I know I can’t. If I ask him he’ll know I heard his conversation, and he might ask me about the files. It’s too soon. I need to know more, to know where he stands before I can tell him about my problems.

  He trails his fingers down my leg and grabs my foot, giving it a gentle rub. I close my eyes and enjoy the sensation of his hand massaging my foot, leaning back into the cushions as I relax completely. I trust this man. I don’t know what it is about him, but I know I can trust him.

  It’s just - these debts, and the threats that come with them - that’s too big. It’s too risky. I can’t tell anyone. If I tell him I’m not only endangering myself but I’m endangering him, not to mention Val or anyone else I care about.

  I need to sort this out on my own.

  His hand travels up my calf, massaging gently on the way. His fingers slip underneath the hem of my dress up to my thigh and I feel the warmth heating up between my legs. All it takes is one touch from him and I’m already consumed with desire.

  All my worries fade from my mind as I focus on the sensation of his hands on my legs. I look up at his face and see the same desire reflected there. His eyelids are low, gaze travelling up and down my body. His hand grips my thigh a bit harder, forcing my legs apart slightly as he slides his warm hand further up.

  I lean into his touch, letting my body relax as the warmth of his hands travels up my legs, igniting a fire in my core. His hands move further up, thumbs just brushing my lips. A breath escapes my open lips as a shiver passes straight through my body. He groans when he feels me tremble.

  “Are you sure, Elliot? I mean.. Here?” I think of Gracie upstairs in bed only a short while ago.

  “Just keep your voice down, if you can,” he growls at me with a smile playing in his eyes. I don’t want to argue, I just want him to keep touching me.

  His fingers reach up higher, curling around my panties and diving between my lips. My slit is already drenched with desire and he groans again when he feels my wetness. His fingers move faster, up and down and then up and around my clit. I let my legs fall further open, flipping my dress up around my waist.

  Without warning, Elliot grabs my panties and rips them down my legs. He puts his hands on my thighs and grips them tight, spreading my legs open. His face dives down towards my slit and I hear him groan as he tastes me. My eyes close and my mouth falls open. I can’t think of anything except the movement of his tongue and the warmth that’s spreading between my legs.

  I tangle my fingers into his hair and buck my hips towards him. My clit is budding up towards his tongue, pulsing with every heartbeat. Elliot slips a finger into my opening and I feel my walls contract around it. I move my hips ups towards his mouth, towards his fingers, just wanting more of him.

  “I want you,” I whisper breathlessly.

  “Just enjoy it,” he responds, lifting his head for a moment before plunging back down. His fingers reach inside me and touch my most sensitive spot, making my back arch as a shiver runs down my spine. My legs are trembling, my hands are gripping anything that they come in contact with.

  His mouth is insistent, licking and sucking and kissing me as his fingers work in and out of me. I feel the pressure building in my core and I know my orgasm is building. With every flick of his tongue I inch closer to the edge. His hands feel electric, warm, hot with desire. His mouth covers my slit and envelopes me with his passion.

  Suddenly I feel it. The slow build turns into a crescendo and then explodes through my body. I bite the couch cushion to stifle my moan as my back arches and my body convulses. My walls clamp down on his fingers as my hips buck, unable to stay still as the orgasm crashes through me like a tidal wave.

  He keeps going, not letting go of me or moving his mouth off my bud until my body flops down and the convulsions stop. My orgasm dies down and finally Elliot lifts his head. He grins up at me and lays a gentle kiss on my thigh.

  “You taste amazing,” he breathes.

  He sits back and I see the huge bulge in his pants. I’ve never been with a man who’s so turned on by me, and so turned on by pleasuring me. I take a few breaths to compose myself before shifting towards him and placing a hand on the hard cock in his pants.

  Chapter 40 - Elliot

  I already feel like I want to explode. Emma’s taste is on my lips and my tongue and it’s driving me wild. She crawls over the sofa towards me. Her hair is messy and her skin is glistening.

  I love making her come. Her body arches and contracts and all I want to do is watch the pleasure course through her body. She tastes salty and sweet and I could just eat her for hours. She comes over and leans against me as I put my arm around her. Her hand slides down to my crotch and my cock pulses in response.

  She unbuttons my pants and slides the zipper down. Her hand slides down the front of my boxes and the minute it touches my cock I feel like I’m going to come. She wraps her fingers around my shaft and starts stroking it gently. I lick my lips and I can still taste her juices on them. A shiver runs down my spine.

  Emma pulls at my pants and I shift my weight to slide them down my legs. She dips her mouth down towards my cock but I place a hand on her shoulder.

  “Wait, stop,” I say. She looks up at me, questioning me with her eyes. “I want to be inside you.”

  I can’t wait any longer. Emma grins and turns around, arching her back towards me. I grab a condom from the pockets of my pants. My hands are trembling as I open the crinkling package and roll it onto my hard cock. It feels massive in my hands, bigger than I’ve ever felt it.

  Emma kneels on the sofa and hikes her dress up higher, arching her back towards me. Her ass looks amazing. I run my hands over the curve of her hip, her ass, her waist as I position myself behind her. My cock is throbbing, yearning for the warmth of her pussy.

  I can’t wait any longer. I push my cock into her opening and feel it stretch as I plunge deeper and deeper into her. She moans softly as my cock enters her, exhaling deeply the further I dive into her. Her walls stretch and widen to accept me, gripping onto my cock tightly as I slide in.

  I’m in ecstasy.

  If I felt like I was going to explode before, I was lying to myself. I’ve never felt anything so good, so tight and warm and wet. I start pumping my hips, speeding up and letting my cock plunge deeper and deeper into her. Emma’s moving her hips, backing into me as I thrust further into her.

  I grab onto her waist and pull her onto my cock. Her walls contract, gripping my shaft tightly and I know I’m about to come. I grunt as we move in sync, my cock pounding into her hard.

  This is where it’s meant to be. I’ve never felt anything as good, as right as my cock diving deep into Emma’s pussy right now. Fuck, it feels good. I don’t want it to stop but I feel the pressure building in my balls as they contract towards my shaft.

  I keep pumping my cock and finally feel the orgasm explode through me, ripping my entire body into a million pieces. I close my eyes and feel the explosion rock through my body, making me convulse as I keep thrusting into her. I keep coming and coming, more than I co
uld have imagined. I fill the condom as I push myself into her one more time, groaning with pleasure.

  Now I’m the one in a daze, collapsed on the couch with a sheen of sweat all over me. My shirt is clinging to my body and I try to catch my breath. I tie off the condom and throw it out, collapsing again next to Emma.

  She snuggles into me and I wrap my arms around her. Whatever happens at work, whatever happens outside this house, it doesn’t matter. I know I need to be with her. She makes me feel whole, and I don’t want to let that go. I’m falling for this woman, and there’s nothing I can do to stop it.

  Chapter 41 - Emma

  I left Elliot’s house late last night, and I’m feeling it this morning. I don’t care though, it was worth it. My whole body is tired but at the same time I feel electrified. I can’t stop smiling when I get into work.

  “What’s with you, good night last night?” Dave is standing in the kitchen when I walk in. I can’t help but blush.

  “Oh you know, the usual.” I’m trying to keep my voice steady, trying to keep the smile from creeping onto my face. Dave smirks.

  “The usual, hey? I wish my usual was like yours,” he laughs. I laugh with him and grab my coffee, practically running back to my desk.

  I don’t remember the last time I felt this good. Months ago, or more. I’ve had boyfriends, or lovers, or whatever you want to call them, but none of them have made me feel the way Elliot does. He makes me feel like safe, I’m at home wherever he is. It’s exciting being with him.

  Ever since my father died I haven’t been able to find any joy going out or talking to guys. And now, with him.. It all feels like it’s falling into place. The way he looks at me makes me feel like a queen, like I’m the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen. I don’t know if I’ve ever had anyone else look at me that way.

  The front door opens and Elliot walks through. His hair is tousled and his muscular body is carved perfectly by his shirt. I can see the biceps that were wrapped around me last night and I feel the familiar warmth in the pit of my stomach. He flashes me a smile.


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