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Hard Justice: The Asylum Fight Club Book 3

Page 45

by Bianca Sommerland

  But between the way Ezran had watched Garet at the dance club opening, and this most recent exchange, there was a new level to their relationship neither of them knew how to handle.

  He lifted his mug, speaking over it. “You know he doesn’t hate you.”

  “Then why—?”

  “Didn’t you get the reaction you wanted?” Noah gave the teen a level look. “This may be a conversation you want to have with your brother. You’re what, sixteen?”

  Garet tugged his bottom lip between his teeth. “I turned seventeen last week. Matt wanted to throw a big party, but with how everything was after...after the whole mess with Jamie, I asked him to keep it a quiet thing. We went out to dinner with your mom.”

  “Not Ezran?”

  “It felt weird asking him.”

  “Well, you might want to work on that before…” Noah gestured toward the speaker. “Whatever that was.”

  A blush spread from Garet’s cheeks to the top of his ears. He gave a quick nod, then went back to his own coffee.

  He looked so embarrassed and sad, Noah had to give him some hope, even if all it did was put him and Ezran in a better place. “This time of day on a Sunday, he’s probably at the shop. He’s always in a good mood there and he’ll enjoy the company and the extra set of hands. Weren’t you working on a restoration together?”

  “Not since…” Garet shook his head. “You know. I mean, he was focused on Reed and being angry at everyone.”

  Noah inclined his head. “Fair enough, but things have settled down. Go back to what works between you.”

  “Yeah…” Garet grinned, perking up. “That I can totally do. Thanks, man.”

  Not ‘dude’, thank fucking god. He watched the boy shrug on his jacket and head for the door, speaking up just before he opened it. “And, Garet?”

  Glancing over his shoulder, Garet waited.

  “Don’t be a brat.”

  That got him blushing again before he slipped out.

  Chuckling, Noah finished his coffee. Started on his second while reading the paper until his mother showed up, arms full of packages. He hurried to hold the door for her, but at a hard look didn’t comment on her taking so much rather than letting him bring everything in. When she was in good health, his mother was fiercely independent.

  She set down her packages and hugged him before jutting her chin toward the stairs. “There’s two cans of paint still in the car. Go grab them while I bring this stuff up.” Her eyes shone with excitement. “He’s going to love this.”

  ‘This’ took the entire day, and he wanted his mother to stay so she could see Jamie’s reaction, but she waved the invite off with a laugh.

  “You two need all the alone time you can get. I’m having coffee with him tomorrow to talk over some of the interior design for his arts center. He can tell me what he thinks of our hard work then.” She kissed Noah’s cheek. “I’m so proud of you. This place you’ve built, the man you’ve become, the man you love…” She blinked fast. “This is everything I’ve ever wanted for you. Everything I was so afraid you’d never had because it took me so long to realize the person your father really was.”

  He hugged her tight. “I learned from the strongest person I’ve ever met.” His lips slanted. “After being...guided to the right path.”

  “Mhmm.” She frowned, looking up at him. “Are you sure you’re ready for Rhodey to come back here?”

  Without hesitation, he nodded. “I trust him. He won’t do that again.” And he truly believed that. Not only because his uncle knew he’d made a mistake. Because Rhodey would do anything for his big sister and disappointing her impacted him more than her fist in his face.

  His mother still looked uncertain, but it was on Rhodey to earn her trust back. She nodded, squeezing him one last time before he walked her to the door.

  Jamie would be back any moment. He smiled to himself as he went back up to his loft, checking one last time that everything was in place. His smile faded as the “I’ll be home around five-thirty”, Jamie had left him with turned into six and he still wasn’t back. He tried Jamie’s phone—no answer. At six-thirty he grabbed his jacket and started out, hoping Jamie hadn’t hurt himself while testing the weak floors in the church and couldn’t call. Why had Noah waited even this long? Panic clawed at his throat as he pictured Jamie, lying on the floor, bloody and broken and alone. Matt was supposed to be there for part of the day, but he’d had a class scheduled at the community center at five. Which meant Jamie could’ve been without any help for two hours.

  Outside The Asylum, the security gates opened before he’d reached his car. He headed toward it, jaw clenching as Jamie got out of the cab idling in front of the gates, a huge grin on his face.

  He’d changed his hair back to the platinum blond, the style giving the impression woken up looking that perfect doing nothing more than run his fingers through his hair. Kohl framed his eyes, making the green shine like precious stones, alight with joy and mischief. He had a pair of charcoal-colored jeans on, which didn’t look like they’d cost over a grand, but were sexy as fuck, strategically ripped on one leg, just below his groin, with another rip he showed off as he turned, right under the curved of his ass. His snug, crimson shirt showed off every sleek line of muscle, and his swagger as he moved toward Noah made it very difficult to remember why he was upset.

  His dick very much liked the idea of bending his boy over against the side of that cab and giving the driver one hell of a show. From the hungry look that man was giving Jamie, gaze locked on Noah’s boy’s ass, he wouldn’t mind at all.

  Hooking his finger to the loop on Jamie’s collar, Noah glared at the cab driver until the man realized he was being watched and quickly pulled out and drove away. Tugging Jamie close, Noah claimed his lips, his voice rough when he recalled he needed an explanation for his little cat showing up an hour late without bothering to call.

  “Is there a problem with your phone again?”

  Jamie blinked at him, then shook his head and laughed. “No, fixing my hair took longer than expected and then I saw these jeans in a store window and had to get them. I feel again. I stand out, but that’s okay, because I’m Noah’s boy.” He rose up on his tiptoes and stole a quick kiss. “I almost stopped by the tattoo shop to get my nipples pierced, but then I noticed the time and figured you’d want to be there with me for something like that anyway.”

  “I would.” Noah weighed his options as he studied Jamie’s carefree expression. He loved seeing his boy this happy, but damn it, he knew better than to worry him by not checking in. Anniston Falls could be amazing, but also dangerous, never mind the potential risks of his work in the church. “At what point did you decide you no longer respect me enough to call when you’re going to be late?”

  Eyes widening, Jamie shook his head. “It wasn’t like that, I got distracted and…” Defiance darkened his eyes. “I haven’t had to answer to anyone in over two months. It’s going to take some time to get back in the habit.”

  Brow raised, Noah held Jamie’s gaze until he swallowed hard and lowered it. The spanking the other night had been hard enough to make it clear he’d enforce the rules, no matter how small the infraction, and that would have given Jamie some comfort, but he needed more. Whenever he was away from Noah, those doubts on how solid things were between them likely returned. He hadn’t gotten to a place where his submission felt secure.

  But Jamie was practically begging him to take those steps. To help him feel safe surrendering completely. Not giving him enough slack on his leash that he didn’t feel the pull of it at all.

  “One, you know I expect a call or a text if you’re going to be late. That rule applies to everyone, even myself, Lawson, Curtis—hell, Doc makes sure to let someone know if his schedule’s changed.” He gave Jamie’s collar another tug. “Two, this is your reminder that you answer to someone. That you wanted to. You didn’t forget already, so don’t give me that.”

  “I didn’t think it was a big d
eal.” Jamie inhaled slowly. “I honestly did get distracted. On the way back I was worried, but I hoped seeing me like this would make you happy enough to let it slide.”

  Head cocked to one side, Noah waited until Jamie cautiously lifted his head. His lips curved. “I am happy and I’d much rather be stripping all those clothes off you to fuck you against the closest hard surface, than to punish you. But that’s three. You don’t anticipate my reactions and try to manipulate them. You may cheat at cards or in the ring, not when it comes to surrendering control.”

  Jamie wrinkled his nose. “How much trouble am I in?”

  More than you know. But he’d let his boy sweat for a bit. “You’ll see.” He released his collar and put his hand on the small of his back, guiding him inside. “I have a few surprises that I should make you wait for after all this, but I won’t deny myself the…” He glanced over as Jamie stopped short, eyes narrowing. Having come in unnoticed at some point, Rhodey leaned casually against the bar, looking over some paperwork. He hooked his finger in the back of Jamie’s collar when he moved forward, causing it to tighten around his neck as he whispered in his boy’s ear. “Don’t start.”

  The way Jamie sucked his teeth sounded a lot like a hiss. Cute, but he was working his way up to four. A very bad idea.

  Lifting his gaze, Rhodey smiled. “I heard everything worked out. It’s good to see you, Jamie.”

  If looks could kill, he’d be picking out a suit for his uncle’s funeral, but then Jamie gave Rhodey the most sugary sweet smile, his tone practically dripping with it. “Thank you, sir. You take losing well. It’s a good quality.”

  Noah sighed. “Four.”

  Rhodey let out a rough laugh. “I don’t even want to know.” He held up the paper in his hand. “It’s a boy.”

  This had better be a joke. Noah rubbed a hand over his face and groaned. “Have you become a sperm donor, because last I checked, you’re more likely to kill with a woman than sleep with one.”

  “True. And I have. With several.” Rhodey gave him a crooked grin. “But don’t worry, I’m not suddenly packing a baby along with my Luger.”

  That was a relief. He tended to hand the pistol off to his favorite mercs, the sentimental piece he’d gotten from his grandfather, a prized possession, and also a test. The sights were off a fraction and it was awkward to handle, which could have deadly consequences in a tight situation. For some reason, his uncle and his buddies found that amusing.

  A baby should never be anywhere near the lot of them. They might actually believe one could be packed somehow.

  Humor lit his uncle’s eyes. “You don’t know me as well as you think, nephew. I’m great with kids. And I’m now the proud owner of a thirteen-year-old.”

  Jamie’s lips parted. “But you can’t own—”

  Holding up his hand, Noah shook his head. “You adopted…” Oh fuck. “Charlie? But how? His brother has custody and his girlfriend was given temporary rights. The only reason Mom was able to take care of him was because she was paying the woman off.”

  “The girlfriend took one last payment and washed her hands of the boy after his brother died in prison. Tragic, really.” The feigned sadness in Rhodey’s eyes was transparent and sent a chill down Noah’s spine. By his side, Jamie moved a little closer. His uncle didn’t seem to notice. “It’s Coal now. Coal Jarvis Leonov.”

  Noah blinked. “Jarvis?”

  “He picked the name, don’t ask me.” Rhodey folded the paper and slid it back in the envelope before standing. “I have to go to his school and have all his files changed. Take him out to celebrate. He’ll be spending the summer with me, which should give your mother a nice long break since the other ones are heading to university.”

  “The whole summer?”

  “Camping. We’ll have fun.”

  “Yeah...camping was always a blast.” Noah’s dry tone didn’t impress his uncle, but that poor kid had no idea what he was in for. “Are you going to let him sleep?”

  Lips drawn in a firm line, Rhodey met his eyes. “Yes. He hasn’t tried to kill me yet.”

  That was true, but Noah couldn’t see his uncle treating the boy any different than anyone he’d trained. Including Noah. And as fucked up as Charlie—Coal’s—life had been, he’d managed to come out of it without becoming hard and cold. He loved Noah’s mom and got along well with Garet.

  Rhodey walked up to Noah’s side and put a hand on his shoulder. “Look, I get it. Your memories with me aren’t great. I had to replace what your father taught you with something. Coal’s been exposed to some nasty shit, but he wasn’t taught much of anything.” He shook his head. “I’ve done a lot wrong. And I might not deserve it, but this is my chance to do one thing right.”

  Fair enough. Noah still had his doubts, but with what his mother had learned, he had a feeling she’d be watching Rhodey like a hawk. But he did have one piece of advice. “He’s a kid, Rhodey. Don’t forget that. You’re officially his father. Be a better one than mine was.”

  That word, father, seemed to hit Rhodey harder than anything else. He rubbed his hand over his mouth. “Well fuck… Yeah, I’ll do that.”

  Jamie relaxed against Noah’s side, his tone more than a little naughty. “Good luck, Daddy.”

  “Bad kitty.” Rhodey crossed the bar, tapping Jamie on the head with the envelope as he passed. He grinned at Noah. “Make it five, just for me?”

  Noah smirked. “Why? He’s being nice, which is exactly what I asked him to do.” He brought two fingers to his temple in a mock salute. “Congratulations. I’ll get you a T-shirt.”

  Rhodey returned the salute with his middle finger before slipping out the front door.

  Moments later, Noah finally had Jamie upstairs in their loft and was able to relax and soak in the wonder in his boy’s reaction to every new discovery. A plush microfiber throw blanket on the sofa with the poster for one of Jamie’s favorite movies, School of Rock. Framed records from a few of the bands he loved on the walls and prints on the mantle of him accepting awards and singing his heart out on stage. The walls in the bedroom had been painted the color of the ocean view from L.A.—one of the few things Noah had enjoyed on his trip—a deep, rich blue that his mother had made blend in well with the furnishing by adding a darker blue duvet to the bed and some cushions, which would be a pain, but comfortable for Jamie to kneel on when he was feeling generous.

  Not that he’d told his mother that.

  Every room in the loft had something that was very Jamie. Mugs with lyrics from Jamie’s old albums, fluffy white towels with music notes...and paw prints on the bathmat.

  Jamie shook his head, looking completely overwhelmed. “I wouldn’t have thought of any of this, but I love it. So much. Thank you!”

  “Not done yet.” Noah crooked his finger and went to Wren’s door, knocking lightly before opening it.

  On his bed, Wren sat up, a big smile on his lips. He rose, a fluffy little bundle in his arms as he approached Jamie. “He’s a demanding little thing, but he’s so sweet.”

  Eyes wide, Jamie took the kitten, letting out a soft sound of awe as the tiny thing tucked his nose under Jamie’s arm. His lashes were glistening with unshed tears. “I’ve never had a pet. Is he for me? Really?”

  Cupping Jamie’s cheek, Noah nodded. “He’s ours. My mother’s fostering a litter and she’s looking for homes for the kittens. I chose this one for you.” He looked between Wren and Jamie now. “He’ll need a lot of attention and I don’t want to see fur on any of my clothes unless I’m holding him and it can’t be avoided.” He tapped Jamie’s nose. “And don’t let Wren push you out of chores when it comes to him. You’ll both be punished if he’s neglected. I’ll be doing my share as well. I grew up with a lot of pets and I take their care very seriously.”

  Jamie nodded, snickering when the kitten batted at Noah’s hand. “Can I name him?”

  “Of course.”

  “He’s...Little Dommy.” Jamie leaned in to kiss between the kitten’s ears. �
�And I love him very much.”

  The last made it hard to object to Jamie’s name choice, so Noah simply shook his head with a laugh. “That works, but you’ll get to play with him later. Give him back to Wren for now.” He curved his hand around the back of Jamie’s neck, leaning in to bite the curve of his ear. “I’m about to teach you a lesson you won’t soon forget.”

  That got him a nervous look from Jamie, as Wren shot his boy a pitying one. He kept his hand on Jamie’s neck as they left the loft and went down to the dungeon. Nights when the club was open gave the space a whole different feel, but there was nothing like taking Jamie in here when everything was quiet. There was a more ominous feel to the space with few lights lit and the only sound their shoes on the hardwood floor.

  Jamie shivered, drew in a harsh breath, and rubbed his arms. Goosebumps had spread over his flesh and he looked from side to side as though someone might jump out at him.

  But there was no one else.

  Yet anyway.

  Noah lowered his hand and snapped his fingers, which made Jamie jump. “Strip.”

  The order seemed to calm Jamie, his cheeks flush as he hooked his fingers to the bottom of his shirt, drawing it up and over his head in a slow, sensual motion. Teeth between his lips, he undid his jeans, toeing off his sneakers before gracefully removing his last piece of clothing.

  Nodding his approval, Noah gestured for Jamie to follow him to the far wall. Where he selected a slender cane from the display. He turned, meeting Jamie’s horrified look with a stern one of his own. “Four. You can test the boundaries all you want, and sometimes the punishments will be mild.” He had to fight not to smile when Jamie’s brow creased. Yes, their definitions of ‘mild’ were probably quite different. “But you scared me today. There could have been a real problem and I wouldn’t have known because you’ve developed a very bad habit of being late and not getting in touch. Or making sure I can reach you.” He snapped the cane down on his own palm, letting the pain steady him. He was not going to enjoy this. “That won’t happen again.”


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