Book Read Free

November Rain

Page 13

by daisy harris

  “Good night.” Elias went back to folding, but he smiled as Solomon left.

  Joe’s knee gave a twinge of pain as he parallel parked. But when it came to climbing out, Joe was amazed at how far he’d come in PT. He’d found a spot two blocks away from the precinct, and he barely used his cane as he made his way the distance. At this point the cane was just for balance when his muscles became fatigued.

  “Good morning, Detective.” One of the younger guys opened the door for him as Joe approached.

  Joe gave him a nod. “Thanks.”

  He made his way down the hallway, and though Joe always tried to keep it stern and professional at work, he couldn’t help but smile like an idiot every time someone said, “Welcome back.”

  When he passed Mainer’s office, the sergeant was on the phone, but he waved at Joe to hold on a second.

  Hovering in the hallway, Joe had a quick shot of nerves that Mainer would change his mind. He’d tell Joe to take another few days off, or even a week. Joe gathered his strength. He’d made it this far. Joe could handle anything Mainer threw his way.

  “Hey, Joe.” Mainer hung up his phone and motioned Joe inside. “You don’t have to close the door.”

  Reassured, Joe went into the office. He didn’t sit, though. No need to drag this out.

  “How are you doing?”


  “You look better.” Mainer glanced him over, and Joe had a feeling his boss was talking about more than Joe’s leg.

  “I am better.” Joe stood taller than he had before. Since starting physical therapy, Joe bet he’d gained an inch in height. Dr. Soren had Joe working on his back and his alignment and stretching out his neck. Between all the exercises Dr. Soren had him doing and swimming at the Y, Joe felt like he was back in his twenties.

  “Great. Wade’s got a ton for you to work on.”

  As if summoned, Joe’s partner came to the door. “Hey! Joe!” Wade smiled like he was genuinely pleased. “You’re back.”

  “Don’t look so surprised.” Joe couldn’t help but crack a grin at his partner. He and Wade might not be buddies outside work, but Joe’d missed Wade’s dry humor and even Wade’s shrink observations about everything.

  “Did things work out with that immigrant family?”

  Joe rolled his eyes. Elias and his brother were citizens, but Joe didn’t see the point in correcting Wade. “Yeah. Thanks for the help with that.”

  “No worries.” Wade jerked his head in the direction of their offices. “Come around when you’re done here.”

  “Yeah.” Joe chuckled. Wade was no doubt plotting to torture Joe with paperwork.

  “Doing some volunteer hours during your medical leave?” Mainer looked surprised but also amused.

  Joe didn’t want to explain, so he just smirked as he headed to the door. “You know me, boss. Always the humanitarian.”

  Joe chose a restaurant out by Madison Park—a little French place with low lighting and flowers on the tables. He’d considered Ethiopian briefly but then thought better of that plan. Elias’s sister-in-law probably cooked better at home.

  They’d put off their date a couple extra days to give Joe time to rest after starting back to work, and Joe itched with expectation. Out the front window, lights battled with drizzle. Joe shivered every time he saw a head of dark and curly hair pass outside.

  They’d said seven, but it was only six forty-five. Still, Joe smiled to see Elias getting off the bus across the street and then coming around the curtains that hung in the doorway. Elias’s eyes were bright with excitement, his hair damp. He wore a white dress shirt and slacks with a stylish jacket that he’d obviously chosen more for fashion than warmth.

  Joe stood, noticing he barely felt an ache. Or maybe he felt it, but he didn’t mind it as much as he used to. Before, Joe’d been scared when he hurt—freaked out about what it meant. But working with Dr. Soren had taught Joe that pain wasn’t the enemy. Fear was what kept Joe stuck in bad habits.

  “You’re early.” Joe pulled out the chair for Elias. He waited until Elias sat to press a kiss to his temple.

  “So are you.” Elias’s smile was shy but a lot more knowing than it had been when he and Joe first met. Elias took a sip of water, swallowing in a way obviously designed to draw Joe’s eye, and Joe realized with a jolt—Elias had learned how to flirt. “It’s not every day I’m asked to a nice restaurant by a handsome man.”

  “Well, it’s not every day I have a handsome man to invite out.” Joe had ordered wine, but as he reached for it, he realized he was being presumptuous. “I got a red. Do you—?”

  “That sounds wonderful.” Elias’s gaze was permissive, sweet. Like he wanted to be with Joe no matter what they ate or drank.

  Joe wondered how he’d ever thought to take advantage of that kindness. “Let me pour you some.” He filled Elias’s glass first, and then his own. When they’d both lifted their cups, Joe caught Elias’s hand. “How’s your sister-in-law doing? Or do you not want to talk about it?”

  Elias softened like the air went out of him, and Joe wished they were on his couch so he could pull Elias close. But Elias needed this, and so did Joe—a chance to interact like gentlemen. And a chance for Joe to treat Elias with care.

  “She’s okay. Much better than before.”

  Joe nodded. “Wade knows good docs.” He clinked their wineglasses.

  “Yes.” Elias grinned. “And thank you.”

  By the time they ordered food, Joe felt the brush of Elias’s foot against his. He tried to hide that he was pleased. After all, Elias might have kicked him by accident. A moment later, another limb brushed his under the table. Elias’s soft Italian loafer slipped between whatever the hell Joe had put on his feet when he left the house. Honestly, he couldn’t remember what he’d worn because he’d been so nervous.

  “How’s your physical therapy going?” The line of Elias’s clavicle showed where his dress shirt had pulled slightly to the side, and Joe found he wanted to take that narrow bone between his teeth.

  “Great,” Joe answered honestly. “I’m down to going twice a week.”

  “That’s good.” Elias’s raised eyebrows suggested he was impressed. Or maybe surprised was a better term.

  Their food came a moment later, and Joe and Elias waited for one another to start eating, and then both smiled because their gazes caught. Joe couldn’t resist. He lifted out of his chair to try for a kiss, but when he couldn’t reach, he stepped around the table to get at Elias’s cheek.

  Elias turned at the last second, brushing Joe’s nose, then his lips. That was enough to crack his heart wide open. If they’d been at a slightly more gay-oriented restaurant, he would have pulled Elias out of his seat and kissed him for real. Maybe that was why Joe had chosen someplace more mainstream.

  “You sure you should be doing that? With your leg?”

  “Oh, I’m not on so many restrictions.” Joe stretched out in his seat. The food was great, but Joe didn’t want to rush to the finish. “So long as I don’t try jogging yet…” He gave Elias his most charming smile.

  Elias had been lifting a bite of steak to his lips, and he stopped, spoon suspended halfway and his mouth hanging open. It would have been comical if it didn’t make Joe want to climb right over the table to get to him.

  “Take me home.” Elias set his food down.

  “You sure about that?” Candlelight flickered over their table so gold danced over their food and their glasses, and even over Elias’s smooth skin.

  “Yes.” Elias’s nod wasn’t the eager bobbing of a kid anymore, but the slow acknowledgment of a man who knew what he was getting himself into. He’d seen the worst of Joe, and for some reason Elias was still here.

  “Sure thing.” Joe waved down a waiter and got their food to go, and when they got outside, he got the kiss he’d wanted so badly.

; “Joe?” Elias wove their fingers together to hold his hand as they walked.


  “Are you well enough to…?” The tentative heat in Elias’s eyes let Joe know exactly what Elias was talking about.

  He smirked. “Yeah. I think so.” There might not be any acrobatics in their near future, but Joe bet he could handle taking their sex life to the next level. He pulled Elias in closer so he could whisper in his ear. “You think you’re ready for me?”

  “Mm-hmm.” Elias nodded, biting his lip.

  “C’mon. Get in the car.” He clicked the locks on his Prius—the only really nice thing he owned. Dan had called it his mid-life-crisis car when Joe bought it, but as Joe slid into the heated front seat and palmed the pleather steering wheel, he realized how stupid Dan had been. Joe was just getting started.

  Elias was in the passenger side in a snap, so Joe took off to his apartment. He found a parking spot fast enough, and though they stopped to kiss a few times on the stairway up, soon the two of them pushed into Joe’s apartment.

  They eased off one another’s clothes, and Joe didn’t even worry when he reached to cup Elias’s erection. Elias smiled and opened his mouth in a groan—his previous skittishness having vanished like clouds clearing in June.

  “Oh God.” Elias pumped into Joe’s hand a few times, but then he turned to get on the bed. He stayed on his hands and knees, a clear demand of what he wanted.

  It wasn’t the easiest position for a near virgin, but Joe respected the offer. He got behind Elias, reaching past for supplies. “You know I love you, right?” Joe kissed his way down Elias’s spine, stroking his sides. “So fucking much.”

  “Yeah.” Elias writhed. “I do too. So much.”

  Joe got them ready, but when he tried to go slowly to work himself inside, Elias slammed back—crying out like it hurt and was amazing and like he’d been waiting to do that since they met.

  “Ah, hon.” Joe palmed Elias’s hips, holding him tight. When Elias seemed ready, Joe showed him how to move. “You make it feel so good.” Joe kept his voice soothing, so Elias would know it wasn’t lack of interest making Joe hold still. “Want you to love it.”

  Elias rolled his back, settling further on Joe’s cock. Then he pushed up slightly so he was closer to sitting.

  Joe leaned back to sit on his calves, a position he was fairly sure he couldn’t have done even before the shooting and to which he owed entirely to the stretches he did in PT.

  “Joe…” Elias dropped his head back onto Joe’s shoulder.

  He wrapped his arms around Elias. Though Joe worried it might get Elias off too soon, he gripped Elias under the balls, working his way closer to his cock.

  “Only you,” Joe whispered in Elias’s ear, because he was pretty sure that’s what Elias was thinking too. “And only me.”

  “Oh God.” Elias clamped a hand around Joe’s. The rigid shaft in Joe’s hand said Elias was just as close as Joe was.

  “You hold on for me, okay?”

  Elias nodded.

  Joe cupped the base of Elias’s cock, squeezing to help him hold off. When Elias’s breathing slowed, Joe eased them forward so Elias was on his belly. “Go ahead and come on the sheets,” Joe teased. “I don’t mind.” Then he found a good, deep grind.

  “Yes, yes…” Elias’s whimpers rose, each one higher pitched than the last.

  “You ready?” Joe whispered, because silly and romantic as it was, he wanted to finish together.

  “Fuck, yes.” Elias reached back, cupping Joe’s head. Elias’s hips whipped at the mattress.

  Joe loved the sweat forming between their bodies and Elias’s gasp every time Joe went deep. He loved the build and the tear and even the way Elias’s moans got breathy.

  “Fuck, honey…” Joe clamped his eyes closed. He pressed his forehead to Elias’s back and held him so hard Elias might have bruises. Joe felt like his heart was pumping into his groin, pouring out his dick. And on the next stroke, Elias whined and cried as he came too.

  “Love you so much.” Joe couldn’t seem to stop saying it as they collapsed together onto the bed, a tangle of limbs and heat and cocks still pumping. Elias cuddled into him, spent and perfect.

  Elias murmured, “Me too,” and wove their legs together under the covers.

  Joe drifted, not sure if he was awake or asleep, only that he was in heaven.

  “Joe?” Elias twisted slightly, lifting his head with an inquisitive look on his face.

  “Yeah?” Joe would give him anything.

  “Tomorrow will you wear those underwear for me? The ones you got the day of the shooting?”

  “Really?” Joe never actually wore stuff like that and had only bought them to get a rise out of Elias. Still, he loved the idea of Elias mouthing him over the fabric. “Sure thing. But we need to get a pair for you too.”

  Joe imagined nights around the apartment, modeling overpriced underpants for one another, before stripping them off with tongues and teeth. Good thing Elias got a store discount.

  “If you like,” Elias said coyly. His expression was all smiles, and Joe was so damn proud to have put it there. “We can shop in the morning.”


  The apartment was filled with dust, but Elias thought he was making progress. He wore gloves up to his elbows. Joe had teased him that they were perverted, though Elias couldn’t imagine what a man would do with them.

  “Can we bring things up?” Joe called from downstairs.

  “Um…” Elias peered around the space. The living room was still a mess, but he’d cleaned out the bedroom. Hurrying back in there, he swept one more time. “Okay. But only the one room. I haven’t touched the kitchen yet.”

  The duplex apartment next door to Sara and Solomon had come up for rent by April, but it had taken until May for Joe and Elias to finish all the paperwork to move in. Too bad they hadn’t had time to paint, but Elias hoped to keep all their furniture away from the walls until they had a chance to change the color from the weird pinkish-mauve the old lady had painted to something more neutral.

  “Wow. It looks better up here already.” Joe kissed Elias on the cheek as he passed, carrying a pile of boxes.

  “It does.” Solomon was behind him, carrying somewhat less.

  In the months since Joe’s recovery, he had become a bit manic about his physical health. Not that Elias could complain. Joe looked amazing naked.

  “This color, though…” Sara brought up the rear of their parade, carrying some pots and pans from her house next door. The box, she held on her hip rather than in front of her. Since she’d found out she was pregnant, she made sure everyone could see her belly so they’d notice the instant she started showing.

  Elias had told her they were fine with the kitchen supplies Joe would move from his apartment, but as usual she hadn’t listened.

  “I know. This color is horrible.” Elias cocked his head, wondering what else to paint to make the new place feel like home. “What do you think? Maybe gray?”

  “Too sad.” Sara shook her head. “White or yellow.”

  Elias smirked. He was looking forward to getting out of Solomon and Sara’s place in part because it was so bright. He felt like he never left the sales floor.

  “Whatever you want.” Joe gave him a wink from the bedroom door. Elias’s brother turned away out of embarrassment, but Elias didn’t care. He and Joe would be living together. They could live in a basement and he’d be happy.

  “I think gray, then. Bluish gray.” Elias could picture how sleepy and calm it would look in the morning, and how it would bring out the green in Joe’s eyes.

  “You Seattle people are crazy.” Sara shook a finger at him, and then headed downstairs for another load.

  Solomon chuckled at his wife and followed her.

  “You think we’re crazy?” Joe asked, cross
ing the room to pull Elias into a hug.

  “Maybe. They say it happens because of the rain.”

  Joe kissed his cheek, rubbing his nose to the spot right under Elias’s jaw. “Then I’ll take crazy.”

  About the Author

  Retired party girl and ’80s film enthusiast, Daisy Harris spends most of her time writing sexy romance and plotting the fall of Western civilization. Ms. Harris lives in Seattle, where she tortures her husband by making it rain. She enjoys watching bridges cause traffic, watching football games cause traffic and blithely wearing wool socks with sandals.

  She has two little girls who’ve challenged Ms. Harris’s feminist tendencies by insisting that makeup and high heels are appropriate for every occasion, including rock climbing and camping trips.

  Daisy writes M/M romance about gods, zombies, firefighters and college boys. She’s never missed an episode of The Walking Dead.

  Find Daisy on Twitter as @thedaisyharris, on the web at and on Tumblr at

  Look for these titles by Daisy Harris

  Now Available:

  Fire and Rain

  From the Ashes

  After the Rain

  Nothing but Smoke

  Coming Soon:

  David’s Selfie

  They’re going to need a bigger tent.

  After the Rain

  © 2014 Daisy Harris

  Fire and Rain, Book 2

  Henri’s list of bad exes is as long as his arm, but nothing prepared him for his latest, heart-stomping breakup. He thought he couldn’t feel more abandoned, until his ride for a group camping trip bails, leaving him stuck driving for hours with a guy who is absolutely not his type.

  After breaking up with his girlfriend of five years, firefighter Logan is working up the nerve to explore his interest in men. He knows he’s gay. He just hasn’t had the guts to do anything about it…until now.


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