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Hunters of the Gods 5: The Countdown (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

Page 3

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “I’m sorry, I don’t know why. All I can assume is that it has something to do with her past, before we connected and were called to protect Alexandra. I grew up with Alexandra and Alyssa in the small town we lived in before the attack. You know, I was supposed to be her date for prom,” he said to them.

  Law squinted and felt the jealousy and anger. It was instant.

  “Uhm…I didn’t say that to upset you. We knew we weren’t mates. I mean I knew as a wolf we weren’t, but we were friends. It wasn’t until after the attack on Alyssa that Alusia and Avi and Loki came around and then became her best friends. There was a natural bond there. Still don’t know how it happened or why they are all so close, but they share some kind of bond,” Kurtis said.

  “Wonderful. More secrets. Now if only we could see her again, we could ask,” Law said.

  “She will return to you. There is much going on these days. Lots of uneasiness with the Circle and with other packs. We need to eliminate the threat.”

  “First we have to identify it, Kurtis.”

  “It will happen, Law. These men are good. I wouldn’t be surprised if we hear from them by tonight.”

  * * * *

  As Cable’t and Buschool were greeted by the front entrance to the castle by staff, it became obvious that their presence had been well anticipated. Servants, some human, looked on in awe but quickly lowered their eyes in deep respect for them. He and Buschool ventured deeper into Vlan Portin’s castle on the hill, a monstrosity fit for hundreds, yet only he resided there with some servants and women. His brother, Serpia, resided there, as well, until he disappeared, then supposedly took his own life with help not been his brother Vlan knew of. It had been devastating to the Vignola, and a complete shock to everyone. Since then Vlan, being one of the highest leaders of the Vignola, he focused on his leadership and his façade of greatness.

  The place had a reputation for both upscale parties of rich and famous. Warlocks, sorcerers, magi and all sorts of evil and not so evil creatures, it was never truly quiet and empty. Something Vlad Portin, one of the heads of Vignola liked.

  “Right this way, sirs. May we offer you a drink?” the one house curator, Mervin, asked, then gently waved his hand toward a wall of women, tilting their necks toward them in offering. Cable’t’s nose twitched as he and Buschool declined and continued walking. Vlad was always such a cordial host. His guests were privy to anything they wanted. They were led through a series of long, deep, stone tunnels, typical of the ancient history of this particular castle. It was quite stunning, but also typical. Vampires had evolved so much in the last several hundreds of years. He could remember some pretty fun parties here, as well as some distasteful practices.

  He for one, enjoyed his more modern, upscale estate with his one dark chamber which he no longer needed. This place was ancient, as was Vlad Portin, one of the oldest rulers of the Vignola. As they got to the main doorways to what Vlad kept as an entertaining and meeting living room, the doors opened and the sounds of classical music played by a small orchestra serenaded the other guests. Eyes went to him and Buschool, not only that they were together, but that they shared the same fate, being mated to a female wolf and her wolf mates, and women with powers these vamps would love to get their hands on. He already cleared his mind of his mate, the wolves and anything of importance he didn’t want these fellow vamps to know of. Buschool did the same.

  “Greetings Cable’t, Buschool. Please come on in and join us. We’re just having a drink or two before we sit down to discuss some things.”

  “Thank you for the invite, Vlad,” he replied, and nodded in respect to the higher vampire, but not more powerful and Vlad knew it. Vlad glanced at Buschool and eyed him over as others in the room did and looked unhappy with him.

  Buschool reached for a drink of champagne, didn’t greet Vlad as Cable’t had, but instead looked around the room.

  “A more relaxed setting for a meeting I see. Getting soft in your old age, Vlad?” Buschool asked.

  Vlad chuckled. “Me, getting soft? I’m not the one whipped by a female were,” he said, and the other vamps chuckled.

  Cable’t worried that Buschool might lose his cool but instead Buschool stared right at Vlad. “Jealous?”

  The room went silent.

  Before matters could get a bit uncomfortable another person arrived, and Cable’t and Buschool were surprised to see Pierre Lu Con. He was a prominent vampire, filthy rich, very attractive, as he always seemed to have women around him, and was a bit of a daredevil.

  “Ahh, this is definitely the place to be this evening,” Pierre stated and headed right toward them to shake Cable’t’s hand first, because he was closest and then Buschool’s.

  “Long time no see, Pierre. How are things in Sweden?” Buschool asked him.

  “Hmmm, love it there. The women are divine. You still haven’t taken up my offer for a visit,” Pierre said, and took the glass of champagne Cable’t handed to him. He raised it and they raised theirs and then all took sips.

  “That was over a hundred years ago,” Buschool replied.

  “Seems like yesterday to me, and, the offer is always there. However, I suppose you both won’t be interested in the women, considering the news that you found your mates.”

  Cable’t looked at Buschool.

  “Then again, it isn’t like your women are vampires, as well. Wolves are very sexual creatures, and I hear both of your mates are stunning,” Pierre said, and winked over the rim of his glass.

  “Let’s begin, shall we?” Vlad stated, and they all headed into the other room, adjacent to the one they were in where a large dark wooden, ornate looking table with room to seat about twenty. However, there were only twelve present this evening and Cable’t didn’t mind one bit. As everyone took their positions at the table, Cab sat between Buschool and Pierre as Vlad began.

  “The meeting we call this evening was necessary in the wake of recent events in Hungaria as well as in the United States. Not sure if everyone is aware of the attack on Cleatta this morning at her home in Bulgaria. She was a wonderful sorcerer and witch, she will be truly missed,” Vlad stated.

  “What? When did this happen? Who is responsible?” Buschool asked, and Cable’t sat forward, too. He knew of Cleatta and her husband, a warlock. They had two children.

  “The two children are gone. Taken by whomever killed Cleatta,” Vlad said, and Cable’t felt the vamp trying to read his mind. He narrowed his eyes at him.

  “What are you not saying, Vlad? Do you or don’t you know who did it?” he pushed.

  “A wolf did it,” one of the others stated.

  “A rogue?” Buschool asked.

  Vlad chuckled, and then leaned forward. “Is that what you would believe? A rogue? Why, because now that you’ve had wolf pussy you think they can do no wrong?”

  Once again Cable’t was afraid of Buschool’s reaction, but instead Buschool leaned back.

  “Obviously you are jealous. Try to put that aside, as a leader of Vignola and share what you have. Perhaps it will be something we can assist with.”

  “It most certainly will be, Buschool, and I am not jealous of you at all.”

  “Vlad, we did not know anything about this. Obviously you think we may know something, so is this what the meeting is all about?” Cable’t asked.

  “It’s about loyalty, ancestry, and about what new powers the two of you have because of these new mates of yours.” He sniffed the air. “You stink of wolf,” Vlad seethed.

  Buschool leaned forward, but Cable’t placed his hand on the table. “Spill it, Vlad. What you want, and what you expect from us. What Vignola expects?” he asked.

  “For one, to meet these mates of yours for ourselves, instead of relying on hearsay. We need to know that you are loyal to the Vignola.”

  “Why would you think otherwise?”

  “The recent massacres. The evil penetrating the land in the US, and your connection to the packs that are the only ones who seem willing and able
to remain strong. Why is that?” Vlad asked.

  “Saint pack and Keuric have always been the top wolf packs of this realm. They have numbers in the hundreds of thousands, wolves, other creatures that remain loyal because they practice traditional were laws, rules and regulations and do not stray from the rules.”

  “So their families were thrilled to learn of your mating to them?” Pierre asked and popped a grape into his mouth.

  Cable’t looked at him.

  “You all know I watched over Alexandra, and that I broke the rules to save her life. I risked killing her. It wasn’t until I saved her that I realized she was my mate.”

  “You distanced yourself further from vampire activities in those years,” Pierre said to him.

  “You now know why. There are things going on. Rogue wolves emerging in armies, women and children being abducted and used to expand smaller were packs.”

  “So let them kill themselves. We don’t mix into were battles and business unless it is profitable for us,” Vlad said very coldly.

  “Is that so? So if these rogues are successful, and this one leader emerges and kills the were system and gains complete power, where do you think it leaves all of you vampires, never mind sorcerers, warlocks and witches?” Buschool asked him.

  Vlad stared at him a moment. “The ones who killed Cleatta were powerful and determined. They left behind remnants of black magic, but the stench of wolf strong.”

  “Black magic? Do you know who?” Cable’t asked.

  “No. The men we sent said it was difficult to decipher and that senses were mixed. They got very dark, uneasy sensations and felt that it was definitely black magic mixed with something else,” Vlad said to them.

  Cable’t looked at Buschool and tried not to give up too many details or ideas going on in his head, but it was hard to not to. Vlad could give them some answers they were looking for, too.

  “The only witch, and recent black magic we were exposed to was when Buschool was abducted by Delia,” Cable’t stated.

  “Delia was able to abduct you?” Vlad asked with a smirk.

  “She had help, and I was tricked and in bat form when I was caged, and a spell cast over me.”

  “How did you get free?” Pierre asked.

  “Friends of our mate, the wolves from Keuric and Saint packs.”

  “How could they possibly have fought against Delia? She has high powers. The only one who could fight her would be a stronger magi and witch, and there are no others,” Vlad said.

  “It was done, and she escaped. Perhaps it was her who killed Cleatta. Our investigations into the one responsible for all the attacks on the were packs turned up a sorcerer working together with a wolf associated with Knoll pack,” Cable’t said to them.

  “Knoll pack? Your recent problem was your mate being abducted by Alphas of Shay correct?” Vlad asked.

  “It was resolved,” Buschool stated.

  “You interrogated the Alphas and got your answers? You know who is leading this fight against the packs?” Vlad asked.

  “No,” Buschool replied.

  “Why the hell not?” Pierre asked.

  “The Alphas were taken into custody by the guards of the Circle for them to handle questioning,” Cable’t replied.

  “Ahhh, so they are already ripping you of your authority as vampires? I see, you are allowing the wolves to lead you.”

  “We are not. It is their situation and involves wolves not vampires. Our job is to protect our mates,” Buschool stated, and Cable’t could tell that he was getting angry at this line of questioning. Alex was right. Their power and standing was being questioned.

  “We are to meet your mates. See the powers they have for themselves. Bring them here tomorrow.”

  “No,” Buschool replied.

  Vlad widened his eyes. “You deny an order by the Vignola?” Vlad asked.

  “I deny the location and the day. I prefer a more relaxed setting, where they won’t feel on display or under interrogation. They have done nothing wrong. The gods have put us together with these women as our mates. We will protect them fully, Vlad,” Buschool said.

  “Fine, then Friday evening, the fundraising event in my estate in Dallas. There will be many wolves and humans present. That should make your mates feel more comfortable. Do not be late,” Vlad said, and then the meeting went on covering a few other topics.

  They were both more than ready to leave the castle an hour later.

  Chapter Three

  Alusia was well past sorrow at the passing, or rather murder, of Cleatta. She was now angry, especially as she watched the sorcerer Vipis go into the restaurant to meet up with Alpha named Ferdol, a killer for hire. She wanted so badly to go in there and kill them both, but she knew she couldn’t. They were surrounded by humans, all unknowing to the evil monsters that sat right in the center of the place looking smug and confident. She had learned of Ferdol months ago, as his name popped up when several high ranking Omegas in certain packs started turning up dead. She didn’t have enough information on him, but knew she needed to further investigate him, or at minimum give the information to the Alphas of Keuric and Saint pack. With that thought came thoughts of Rule, Temerec, and Law. She wanted to see them. Her hunt for Delia was turning up nothing at all. The witch disappeared and not a soul in Alusia’s contacts knew of where she was or suggested any place to look. She had no choice but to head back to Texas. Alexandra and Avi were going to need her soon enough. She and Avi were invited to meet members of the Vignola and that was a frightening concept.

  She listened to the evil jerks talking, and then was about to leave when she heard them mention the event tomorrow evening. “The master believes that it will come in handy to get the cooperation of that leader. His hatred toward wolves is grand, and he can be manipulated by me, I am certain of it.”

  “You need to be careful, Vipis. Vampires are quite resourceful and powerful, and they have ways of detecting magic before it’s too late,” Ferdol replied.

  “The master wants me to try. If you think about it, the cards are falling into place, and while you and I eliminate small threats and even larger ones, we can set the situation up so in the end no one will know the difference.”

  “It won’t matter by then. There may not be any Alphas left but the master.”

  “That’s not what Roovio Gaines believes.”

  “He’ll get what the master believes he should get. Perhaps more answers at the fundraising even in Dallas Friday evening. What is next now that we eliminated that stupid witch?”

  “I’ll explain, but not here,” Vipis said, and looked around the room and then right toward where she was eavesdropping. She was in disguise as usual, but also placed a spell over her body to remain undetected. She wasn’t stupid though, and wouldn’t risk being identified or caught, so she moved out of his sight in time, and when she felt it was the right time to escape the rest of the way she did.

  Alusia was furious. So it was them that killed Cleatta. Who was this Roovio guy they were talking about?

  Alusia waited to follow Vipis, and once she heard about the event he was attending she would make sure that she was there, as well. Now to head back to Alexandra and update her on the current information, and to find out who Roovio Gaines was and what role he has played in the destruction of were packs. This could lead them closer to the leader, the one they called the master, or perhaps this Roovio is the master himself?

  Chapter Four

  “I heard from the men who went into Knoll pack territory. They texted us a name. It’s Roovio Gaines. He’s the lead Alpha of Knoll pack,” Kurtis told Preston and the other men who gathered in the living room at the Saint Pack estate.

  “Roovio Gaines? I don’t know that name. Does anyone recognize it?” Puello asked, and they all looked around at one another. Their fathers were there too and the mates to all the alphas.

  “No, it doesn’t sound familiar at all,” Rule replied.

  “We could look into it further and see wha
t comes up, unless Alexandra and Alyssa have anything?” Rule asked.

  “No, I’m afraid nothing is coming to me on this. However…” Alexandra looked out toward the French doors that led to the backyard and open land.

  “What’s wrong, Alex?” Preston asked.

  “I get this feeling like something, someone is out there,” she said to them.

  “Out there?” Cable’t asked, and stepped toward her and then covered her shoulders with his hands.

  “Yes, definitely, someone is out there,” Alyssa added.

  Puello took her hand and brought it to his lips.

  “I’ll go and look. Discretely,” Buschool said.

  “I’ll come along,” Cable’t said.

  “The window, Puello,” Buschool asked, and Puello opened the window to the side of the room away from the glass sliding doors. The roar of wolves echoed through the windows.

  “Rule, Temerec, Law, go help them,” Alexandra said, and they immediately opened the French doors, shifted into their wolves, and headed out.

  * * * *

  Alusia was making her way through the grounds to head toward the main house when she caught the scent. Rogue wolves and perhaps warlock. She shifted into her wolf, placed a spell over her body, and went running toward the scent. Sure enough, three men were standing by the house, right near the sliders and taking pictures.

  Alusia could see them taking pictures and she feared that whomever they were spying for would find out about Buschool and Cable’t being mates to Alexandra and Avi. Then they suddenly started to run in separate directions. Just then she made the decision to run after the one closest to her. She heard the call of the bats, and then heard the roar of additional wolves. Just as she growled low and tackled one of them, he lashed out at her and she countered, rolling and fighting him. When suddenly more roars echoed around them, and as she rolled the wolf to his back and slashed at his neck, he kicked her hard, sending her off of him and against the tree. She whimpered at the pain but then heard him cry out. She saw three wolves. One with his clawed hand against the wolf’s throat and the other looming over him.


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