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Rocked Parts 1-4 Box Set: A New Adult Rockstar Romance (Billionaire's Obsession Book 124)

Page 9

by Wild, Bella

  He was so strong. He grabbed my ass, and with the one arm, he hoisted me up against him. I wrapped my legs around his hips, hooking my ankles to stay in place. He walked up the rest of the driveway, kissing me all the way to the front door. There was not a moment’s pause in our attack on each other’s needy bodies.

  He pulled away just long enough to unlock the door and punch in the alarm code. We fell through the door in a tangled mess of limbs, laughing before our lips frantically searched each other’s again. Johnny picked me up again and carried me across the foyer through the dark main floor of the house.

  When we made it to the living room, Johnny stripped his jacket off my shoulders. He wasted no time in working to tug my shirt out from inside my skirt. His fingers skimmed over the sensitive skin on my stomach. I moaned at his touch, and whimpered when his arms slid up under my skirt and gently squeezed my thighs. Johnny buried his face into my neck, licking up to my ear, his breath hot and fast.

  “What the fuck is going on here?”

  At the sound of Kevin’s voice, Johnny and I sprang apart from each other. A light flicked on to reveal Kevin standing in the entryway, staring at us. He crossed his arms. That glare he shot at Johnny and me, well I was glad looks couldn’t kill. I quickly bent over to pick up the jacket lying on the floor, and threw it on the sofa, feverishly pulling down the hem of my skirt to cover my thighs. Johnny and I stood inches apart, panting to catch our breaths.

  “What the hell are you doing here, Kevin?”

  “Ms. Baker, please excuse us. Johnny and I need to speak privately for a few minutes.”

  I looked over at Johnny. He was angry, and matched the glare Kevin had been doling out to us both. It would have been pointless for me to argue. I passed through the living room and rounded the corner. I had intended to go to the main staircase and up to my room, but the sound of their agitated, angry voices stopped me in my tracks. I flattened against a wall, my body covered in shadows, and I listened.

  “This is exactly what I’m talking about, Johnny. You’re out late and you’ve probably been drinking. You have a show in a few days. Does that mean nothing to you? You need to be resting your voice, eating healthy, working out, preparing yourself for this tour. And it’s almost two in the morning!” Kevin yelled.

  “Since when do I need a chaperone and a curfew?” Johnny fired back. “All we did was go out to dinner.”

  “This could be the tipping point of your career. Don’t you get that?”

  “How could I not? You tell me a thousand times a day. All I hear is, ‘Focus, Johnny. Focus’.”

  “Exactly. That’s all I ask of you. In fact, that was the only condition I made when you practically begged me to take this girl on staff! I knew we were playing with fire, but you insisted, and swore to me that you would focus! You told me it would not get you off-track. Now, it’s twenty-four hours in, and you’re coming home late, it smells like you’ve been drinking, and what was just about to happen in there? Is that why you demanded she get a million bucks for this job? A million-dollar piece of ass? We are not paying her to be your personal playmate, Johnny!”

  Kevin’s words echoed through my head. I tried to decode it, like unscrambling a word puzzle. It didn’t make sense. Johnny was the one who wanted me to come work as his security? And he insisted on such a high paycheck? Why?

  “To hell with you, Kevin. Get the fuck out of my house,” Johnny growled.

  “I’ll leave, but just remember what you agreed to, Johnny. I have executive decision over who we keep on staff. I’m going to let this one go, but one more mistake and she’s gone. And don’t think I’ll back down next time.”

  My heart was racing now. Why the hell do all these important pieces of information get shared when people are angry? And when I’m under the influence! I pressed farther against the wall at the sound of footsteps in the kitchen. I heard a door slam, and shortly after, the sound of glass shattering as it hit a wall. Everything fell silent after that.

  I wanted to go to him; to make sure he was okay. I knew I couldn’t. I had heard Kevin’s warnings just as loud and clear as Johnny had, and if I wanted to have any chance of completing this job and getting paid, this had to stop now. Professionalism needed to prevail. I tiptoed up the stairs, padded down the hallway, and shut myself in my guest room. I locked the door behind me, undressed, and put on some pajamas.

  As I was about to get into bed, there was a knock on the door.

  “Amanda. It’s me, Johnny. Can I come in?”

  I stared at the door. I knew what I had to do.


  Chapter One


  I should have ignored the knock on the door. Whatever conflict there was between Kevin and Johnny, it had to have been going on long before I was in the picture. Kevin was the boss, and I had heard him loud and clear downstairs. We had exhausted all the chances, and it was going to be my ass out on the curb with no million-dollar contract if he wasn’t happy. I needed to keep a professional distance from Johnny. That was simple enough to do in theory, but why was it so hard for me to stick to it?

  “Yes?” I answered without opening the door.

  “Aren’t you going to let me see you, Amanda?” Johnny whispered.

  “It’s not a good idea, Johnny. I won’t get in the middle. I need this gig.”

  “Do we have to keep talking through this door?”

  “Let’s just leave it alone. This contract is too important to me.”

  “I’ll handle Kevin. I won’t let him do anything stupid. We need you. Come on. He’s gone now. You’re going to make me beg, aren’t you?”

  I opened the door slowly. “No. I won’t make you beg.”

  “Good. See? It’s way better looking into your eyes. Can we talk?”


  I pulled the door open some more to make room for him to enter, but he stood there. Instead, he reached for my hand and stepped up to me.

  “So where were we?” he asked.

  “We were about to say goodnight, and you were about to let me get some sleep.”

  He smiled. “Wrong answer.”

  It was clear my weak effort was not going to work on this man. He wrapped his other arm around my waist and leaned down to whisper in my ear, “I want you in my bed, Amanda.”

  The sound of his voice set my body on fire. I tilted my head back as he pressed a kiss on the soft flesh of my neck. I knew how I wanted to react, but my body was in control now. It was on autopilot. His hands snaked up my waist and pulled me in tighter. The sexual energy was palpable, and by then, there was no asking or any words. I needed to have him. I dropped my defenses, and let that need take over as I lost myself in the moment.

  Johnny sensed my silent permission. It shot out from every pore of my body, and from the sound of every shallow breath that escaped my mouth. In a single step, he pinned me to the wall beside the door. I moaned in reaction to his fierceness, wrapping my arms around his neck. I lifted a leg and rubbed it along his calf, allowing my hips to grind on his leg. His cock throbbed, pressing against my stomach as his kisses turned into soft nibbles down my collarbone.

  I pushed up on my tiptoes for more contact with his manhood. I wanted him inside me so badly, I braced my arms around his neck and lifted the other leg up to his waist. With both legs off the floor, I hooked them behind his back and pressed my sopping wet pussy against his hardness.

  I didn’t know where that urgency came from, but I let it take over me.

  “I want you so bad,” I said without thinking.

  “Fuck,” he groaned. “God, Amanda.”

  “Take me right here. Right now, Johnny.”

  He pulled away for a moment and looked into my eyes. His were darkened with need, and something else I wasn’t ready to see. I moved an arm from around his neck and reached down to the hem of my pajama top. Before I could lift it up, he pressed my back into the wall and his hands slid down to my ass. His fingers hooked under the sides of my panties, and w
ith a sharp tug, he had ripped them off me. I hissed at his eagerness. Now the only things between us were his jeans and whatever he wore underneath it.

  Fixed snugly against the wall, I used both hands to undo his belt buckle and zipper. I slipped my hand inside his boxers and wrapped my fingers around his thick, hard cock. Oh God, this cock could own me. He growled at my touch. I stroked up and down the shaft, maneuvering with the other hand to peel his boxers down enough so I could free up some space. In a moment, his hands had gripped tightly against my ass. He lowered himself and tilted his hips to enter me. I held on to his strong biceps and ground down with my hips to meet his steely hardness. In one powerful thrust, he was inside. I called out his name between panting, rocking my hips as he plunged deeper inside me.

  “Oh fuck, Johnny. You feel so good,” I called out.

  “Mmmm. Amanda. All I want is to please you,” he moaned deeply.

  He pressed his lips to mine and his tongue claimed me, darting in and out, matching his cock’s rhythm as it spread my pussy and buried deeper inside me. The feel of his nails digging into my ass and his lips pressed on mine heightened the sensation of his stiff cock driving in and out of me. Before I knew it, my hips were bucking wildly and I was shaking through a fierce climax against that wall.

  “Oh God,” I whimpered out from under his kiss, still rocking through the powerful peak.

  He kept up his movements as I came, and as soon as my body began to relax, he slowly pulled from the kiss.

  “How was that?” he asked.

  “You know you’re good,” I panted out, struggling to catch my breath.

  “I’m glad you liked it,” he whispered. “And I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry for what?” I was confused. What could he be sorry about now?

  “We didn’t use protection.”

  “Shit.” I forgot all about that. “I don’t know what got into me,” I told him.

  “I take responsibility for that.”

  “Don’t. I’m the one who begged you to fuck me against the wall here. I wasn’t thinking…” I lowered my feet to the floor.

  “It’s okay. You don’t have to worry. I’m clean, just so you know.”

  “I am too,” I told him.

  “Good,” he answered.

  I don’t know what got into me, but I blurted out, “And I can’t have kids.”

  Chapter Two


  Johnny had such a soft, kind heart. He bent forward and lowered his head to my shoulder. “I read about it somewhere. I’m so sorry, Amanda.”

  “It’s okay,” I answered, looking away.

  He held my hand and walked me over my bed. He sat beside me and reached an arm around my back to pull me close to him. “Want to talk about it?”

  “Not really.”

  “Are you sure?”

  I nodded. “Positive.”

  He sat quietly beside me, rubbing a hand down my back. I ended up telling him everything.

  “It’s so tragic,” he said. “How did you get past it?”

  “I had a year and a half to get over it. That Jessie Rage took a lot more from me than a title in that prize fight. I have to hand it to her. She punched me so hard in the head, I barely felt all her blows to the gut. But you know what felt worse? In the Women’s MMA, just like most professional sports, the doctors have to comply with certain medical disclosure requirements. They had to make all my surgeries public. That in itself was not so horrible, but what got to me was that no one gave a damn that I couldn’t have kids anymore. All my trainers and fans could think about was that my career was over. Only my parents cared about never becoming natural grandparents, and I could never experience the ‘joys of motherhood’, as my mom put it.”

  “I’m sure at least a few of your fans cared,” he said after a few moments, pulling me into is side as if to tell me it was going to be okay.

  “Maybe one or two of the diehard fans…”

  “There’s always adoption,” he said. “Look at me. I’m adopted. And there’s lots more children without parents out there, if you ever do want kids.”

  “I guess…In any case, I don’t want to talk about this anymore. Maybe we should get some rest now.”

  He stood up and pulled me to my feet. “Okay. So are you ready to stay in my bed tonight?” He whispered. “Because I want to hear you come a few more times before you sleep.”

  “Mmmm,” I moaned, already feeling my arousal start to build again. “I’ve got a flight soon, remember?”

  “And you can sleep on the plane. I want to do things to you that will make you want to get back here, protecting me in my bed.”

  “Oh God.” My voice trembled.

  “Trust me. You won’t regret it.”

  This man already had such power over me. The gravelly sound of his voice claimed me in an instant, and if he had asked me anything more right then, I would have said yes. It turned out that he didn’t have to say anything at all. He leaned closer, kissed me softly on my cheek, and carried me to his room. He lowered me on the bed, gently pulling my pajama up over my head before throwing it to the side. Before joining me in bed, he took a step back and just stood there watching me.

  As if reading my mind about why he wanted me in his bed, he said, “You’re so beautiful, Amanda. I could get used to having you right there every night.”

  I smiled at him, and spread my legs apart slightly to remind him why I was here. I didn’t want him getting emotional. I slid a hand down to my mound and began to circle my clit with one finger.

  “How about you show me how much you want this?” I told him.

  His eyes half-closed and he moaned. He didn’t hesitate another moment. He stripped off his clothes and stalked over to the bed. He crawled in from the foot of the bed, parting my legs wide with one knee. I was so ready to feel him inside me again, but he had other plans. He lowered his head to my belly, and slowly kissed a trail down from my navel. When he got to my mound, his tongue came to rest on my clit. I hissed out a sigh and reached down to run my hand through his hair.

  “You’re so wet for me, Amanda,” he groaned onto my pussy lips. “So fucking sweet.”

  He flicked and sucked voraciously at my clit, and all I could do was fist his hair, tilt my hips up, and let him drive me to another orgasm. Control left the building. My body shook and I screamed out my pleasure this time, while he continued to taste me through my climax. He moved up the bed and pulled me into his arms as my limp body let all that wild desire wash over me. When I was close to regaining my composure, he kissed my forehead and held on to me even tighter. He didn’t have an orgasm yet, but it seemed like he was perfectly fine to let me sleep.

  I turned to him. “You’re…you’re fine just like that?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, if the tables were turned, and you had come twice and left me hanging both times, I’d be pretty damned irate right now.”

  He smiled and kissed me softly on the lips. “Good to know.”

  “So you’re fine?”

  “If you’re asking me if I want you, then yes, I really do. Badly. But I can also be patient.”

  No man had ever been that unselfish in bed with me before. He was good. His willingness to wait made me want him even more. I had to wonder if that was his intention in the first place. With that, I rolled toward him and moved on top of him. I straddled his hips and placed my hands on his chest, rubbing my pussy on his hard cock.

  “Fill me,” I told him, biting down on my lower lip.

  He groaned and grasped my hips, lifting me up slightly. He pressed his throbbing cock at my opening and let out a long groan as I lowered myself onto it. He thrust deep and hard into me, and my cries for more had him digging his nails into my hips as he sank his thick shaft deeper into my flesh. It felt so good riding him, and I could see he would come any minute. He put a hand on the back of my neck and pulled me down to kiss him. As our tongues met and explored each other’s mouths, he stiffened beneath me. He was al
most there. My hips went wild when I felt his engorged cock move faster in and out of me, and when I pulled from the kiss and nibbled a soft bite on his neck, he came.

  He rocked his hips as hot release exploded inside me, and the sensation pelted me to another peak. I buried my head into the crook of his neck and let out a foreign squeal of pleasure. His arms wrapped around my back, holding me securely until I collapsed in the spot beside him in bed. I only meant to close my eyes for a minute. Before I knew it, I fell asleep.

  Chapter Three


  When I opened my eyes again, Johnny was still awake. His eyes ran up my body, and when our eyes locked, I could tell something had changed.

  “Are you okay?” He asked.

  “Yes. A little tired. It’s probably all that alcohol from earlier.”

  He slid out of the bed and put his boxers back on. “I have to do something. I’ll be right back, okay? Wait here.”

  He was gone from the room for less than ten minutes. When he returned, he had an envelope in his hand.

  “Look. I’m sorry about everything. Kevin has no right to hold this contract over your head like this. And he shouldn’t threaten to fire you at the drop of a hat just because of my behavior. I don’t want you worrying about it anymore.” He stood at the side of the bed and stretched out his arm with the envelope. “This is for you.”

  “What is it?”

  I sat up with the covers wrapped around me, and turned on the lamp on my side of his bed.

  “Take it and see for yourself,” he answered, sitting at the edge of the bed. He took my hand that was closest to him, held it open palm facing up, and gently placed the envelope into it. “Go ahead. Open it.”


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