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The Brass Ring

Page 2

by Mavis Applewater

  "My mistake." Jamie responded in a hurt tone as she brushed away the policewoman's hands. Then she gathered what little dignity she had left and walked away.

  "No wait." The policewoman reached out for her as Jamie started to stumble once again. Strong arms held her carefully preventing her from falling and embarrassing herself further. "Ugh!" The petite blonde snarled as she steadied herself.

  "CC I've always known you had a way with women." A tall dark skinned woman to Jamie's right snickered. "But now you have them throwing themselves at you!" More laughter ensued as Jamie took a sudden interest in her footwear. "Damn girl what's your secret?" Jamie was plotting her escape as more and more comments were being made at her expense.

  "Look I'm sorry for intruding." Jamie muttered as she turned to CC.

  "You're not." CC responded unable to meet Jamie's eyes.

  "CC her eyes are little higher than that." The dark woman teased her friend.

  At that moment Jamie realized that CC had been addressing her cleavage. The tall brunette turned an unnatural shade of red and buried her face in her hands. Feeling slightly relieved that the shoe was finally on the other foot, Jamie relaxed slightly. "Maybe if I had been wearing this earlier today, you wouldn't have given me that speeding ticket?" Jamie quipped.

  "She didn't?" One of the policewoman's cronies laughed. "Shame on you CC."

  "Tells us sweetie was the big bad CC mean to you?" The first woman placed a gentle arm around Jamie. "Come on what did she do? She didn't frisk you now did she?"

  Both CC and Jamie blushed furiously at the comment. "Enough!" CC barked out. "You'll have to excuse them they don't get out very often." CC apologized.

  "Oh come on CC lighten up." Her friend teased. "Isn't she beautiful when she's angry?" The woman addressed Jamie. "I'm Kendra by the way."

  "Jamie." The blonde answered as she relaxed slightly.

  "Nice to meet you Jamie." Kendra smiled keeping her arm around the smaller woman's shoulders. "Now tell us all about how mean Robocop over there was to you. She didn't do a strip search did she?" Jamie's mouth hung open uncertain how to take the woman's teasing.

  A growl escaped from CC. "They have opened the upstairs and I'm going to dance." CC snapped coldly and stormed off. Jamie swallowed hard as she watched the taller woman's retreating form. "I blew it." Jamie muttered as the crowd surrounding her dispersed. "No no sweetie." Kendra who had remained reassured her.

  "I should go and apologize." Jamie said with a hint of sadness.

  "No." Kendra replied firmly as she gave her a slight hug. "I did this. Sometimes I just don't know when to quit. Look I'll go and soothe her ruffled feathers. Then you could . . ."

  "Never mind." Jamie cut her off in a dejected tone. "I think I'll just cut my losses now so I can leave here with some dignity."

  "Come on sweetie." Kendra encouraged her. "Trust me her bark is much worse than her bite."

  "Thank you but I've made a big enough ass out myself for one evening." Jamie responded.

  "No you didn't." Kendra answered gently.

  "I fell into the woman's lap." Jamie snorted.

  "Well it was certainly an ice breaker." Kendra teased her.

  "Oh yeah it was real smooth." Jamie sighed. "Look thanks again but I'm just going to dance and then head out of here."

  Jamie walked away with her shoulders slightly slumped and made her way upstairs. She was careful to stay clear of CC. A woman approached her who was about her height with thick glasses and asked her to dance. "Why not." Jamie found herself saying as she walked off to the dance floor. The woman wasn't a bad dancer but she just wasn't a terribly good one either. Jamie endured two more dances with her all the while scooping the crowd for CC. She spotted her at one point leaning against a wall talking with Kendra.

  After leaving the dance floor Jamie made her excuses to the woman she had been dancing with and decided it was time to leave. She descended the staircase feeling a sense of loss at the way her entire day had gone. Just as she reached the bottom of the stairwell she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned and found herself captured in a fiery blue haze. She could feel her emerald eyes twinkle in response. "Wait." The tall beauty said in a voice that almost sounded as if it was pleading with her.

  "Yes?" Jamie responded in a slightly nervous tone.

  She watched the tall woman shift nervously from one foot to the other. Uncertain as what she should do Jamie just stood there as she felt her mouth go dry. "Was I going too fast again?" Jamie finally offered hoping to prod the policewoman into speaking. "Huh?" The woman responded with a blank stare. They remained that way for a lingering moment as Jamie felt her eyes drift down to the taller woman's chest. Jamie was losing herself in a delightful fantasy when CC decided to speak once again. "I uhm . . ." CC stammered as Jamie returned her gaze to a more appropriate position.

  "Yes?" Jamie repeated in a curious tone.

  "Dance . . . you . . ." CC stammered like an idiot.

  "Excuse me?" Jamie questioned her as she tried to understand what the woman was trying to say. Jamie watched the policewoman fight some internal battle as she chewed on her bottom lip. Jamie glanced at her watch quickly while she waited for CC to compose herself. It was getting late and if she wanted to catch the train she would need to leave very soon. "I have to go." Jamie finally said regrettably.

  "No." CC managed to blurt out as Jamie looked at her in bewilderment. Jamie found herself amused by the policewoman's nervousness. It was hard for her to phantom that this was the same woman who had treated her so coldly earlier in the day. "I . . . uhm . . ." CC began to stammer once again. "Wow." She finally said as she blew out an exhausted breath. "I'm sorry I'm not usually this much of an idiot." CC finally managed to say. "I wanted to know if you would like to dance with me?" She blurted out finally.

  "Here?" Jamie responded with a slight chuckle trying to ignore the way her heart had begun race. She was relieved as she watched the slight smile emerge on CC's face.

  "No I meant upstairs." CC answered with a slight blush. "You know where the music is."

  "I'm sorry." Jamie answered with a slight frown.

  "Oh. Well okay." CC sighed heavily. "Sorry." She offered to the smaller woman as she turned to walk away.

  "Wait." Jamie called out as she panicked slightly. Reaching out she touched CC's arm gently feeling a sudden surge of warmth. "It's just that I need to catch the train. My roommate won't let me use her car anymore since I got that ticket this afternoon." Jamie explained hurriedly. "Not that I like to take her car to clubs anyways. She's a bit of a phobe." "That's putting it mildly."

  "Sorry about writing you up today." CC curled up her lips in embarrassment. "I was going to let you off with just a warning. But my partner is a bit of a hard ass and I'm a rookie. Plus I'm not out on the job. You know how it is."

  "Yeah. I do." Jamie sighed deeply and glanced at her watch once again. "I need to go."

  The last thing Jamie wanted to do at that moment was leave. But the thought of adding cab fare to her already over extended budget at that moment was unthinkable. "What if I gave you a lift home? That way you could stay for one more dance." CC offered hopefully.

  "Really?" Jamie asked brightly.

  "Yeah." CC responded with a shrug. "I mean it's the least I can do."

  "Okay." Jamie agreed barely containing her excitement.

  The couple returned to the second floor and made their way through the sea of bodies. They danced shyly to 10,000 Maniacs 'She drives Me Crazy'. Jamie felt that the song was more than appropriate. Without speaking about it the couple remained on the dance floor for several more songs, their bodies drawing closer and closer together. As a slow song began that neither was familiar with CC looked down at her with a questioning gaze. In response Jamie wrapped her arms around the taller woman and drew her close.

  The sensation of their bodies touching for the first time sent an electrifying jolt through Jamie. She heard herself moan as the sensation settled in a southern location. She sn
uggled closer as she felt CC wrap her arms around her back. The swaying of their bodies and the feeling of CC's hands roaming across her back caused Jamie's breathing to grow heavy as she felt her thighs begin to quiver.

  Jamie looked up at her dance partner and once again found herself captured by the woman's beauty. She tilted her head up just as CC was bending hers down. Their lips brushed together slightly. They smiled at one another shyly before pressing their lips together once again. Jamie felt her body taking over as she pressed herself against CC's firm body. She found herself moaning deeply as she felt CC's tongue beginning to tease her bottom lip.

  Jamie parted her lips slightly and CC accepted the invitation and began a gentle exploration of Jamie's mouth. Jamie was lost in the thrilling sensation. She found herself exploring CC's body. Her hands began to caress the taller woman's breasts. She felt slightly light headed as two nipples harden beneath her palms. She heard the taller woman moan deeply. The sudden thrill that shot through her body caused Jamie to tear her lips from CC as her hands remained firmly in place. Jamie cast an alluring gaze up to her dance partner. "Take me home." Jamie requested in a husky tone just loud enough to be heard over the music. Her companion simply nodded mutely. Jamie lowered her hands and wrapped her arms around the taller woman.

  On the drive to the dorm the only conversation consisted of Jamie providing direction. The air was filled with an electrifying sexual tension. Once CC pulled her aging Mazda up in front of Bowdich Hall she shift the car into neutral and pulled on the emergency brake. The two women found themselves sitting there in a heated silence unable to look at one another.

  "So?" CC finally offered. "Can I call you?"

  "Yes!" Jamie blurted far too quickly. She blushed at her overly eager response. "Smooth." She chastised herself mentally. Clearing her throat quickly she made an effort to regain her composure. "I mean that would be nice." She turned to find two bright blue eyes twinkling back at her. "Do you have anything I could write my number on?"

  CC looked around quickly and reached over to the glove compartment. In her movements she accidentally brushed against Jamie's chest. Jamie moaned involuntarily from the contact. Their eyes met in a misty gaze causing a surge of heat to pass between the two women. Jamie felt the shy kiss brush gently across her lips. Her heart began to race from the tender contact. Without thinking she laced her fingers through the taller woman's long silky tresses and pulled her closer to her. As their kiss quickly heated to a passionate level, their hands began to fumble to release their seat belts.

  Once free from their restraints their hands began a sweet exploration of the other's body. The windows of the aging Mazda quickly fogged up as the two woman tried to press together each craving a deeper connection with the other's body. More than once CC felt her knee or the side of her body rammed by the car's stick shift. "Nuts!" She exclaimed suddenly as she pulled away. "We're rolling." Quickly CC reengaged the emergency brake.

  Both women blushed as they once again captured each other's gaze. Then suddenly they were both overcome with a fit of giggles. "Uh hum." Jamie cleared her throat managing to quiet her laughter. "I think we were looking for something." CC cast an alluring glance at her companion. "Pen and paper." Jamie suggested brightly.

  "Right." CC responded in a deep tone. Leaning across the tiny vehicle once again she managed to open the glove compartment. Once opened an array of items spilled out onto Jamie's lap. "Oh God." CC exclaimed in embarrassment as she quickly retrieved a variety of items mostly ketchup packets off of Jamie's lap.

  Finally managing to find a pen that worked and a napkin CC handed them over to Jamie. The blonde quickly wrote down her telephone number. Chuckling slightly when she had finished. "What?" CC questioned her.

  "I guess it's true what they say about cops." Jamie laughed as she held up the white and pink napkin from 'Dunkin' Donuts'.

  "Hey." CC responded with a mock snarl as she snatched the napkin away from Jamie. "I travel down to Rhode Island a lot on my days off, to visit my kid sister."

  "That's sweet." Jamie answered with a smile.

  "Yeah well." CC muttered trying to brush off the compliment. "I don't get along with my Mother or Stepfather but Stevie means the world to me."

  "You're just a big softie aren't you?" Jamie teased.

  "Am not." CC protested in vain.

  "Uh huh." Jamie chuckled slightly. "I should go." Jamie added in a quiet tone.

  "Right." CC sighed.

  "I don't want to." Jamie confessed. "But if I don't I think the temptation would be too much and as attractive as I find you I don't think compromising my virtue in the front seat of your car is a good way to start off. "

  "Compromising your virtue, eh?" CC teased in return.

  "Yeah well." Jamie swallowed hard not wanting to go into details in fear of scaring the woman off. "When you call just ask for me I'm in room 403."

  "Okay." CC answered with a bright grin. "And you are right." Jamie stared at the woman in confusion. "I don't want things to go to far too fast either. I like you and I would like to get to know you better." CC reassured her with a gentle caress on her arm.

  "Thank you." Jamie answered with a sigh of relief.

  CC walked Jamie to the main door of the dormitory and after another heated lip lock made her way inside. As she climbed the staircase she wondered if CC would call? And if she did how long would it take for her to do so? Jamie climbed into bed and dreamt of the tall policewoman. Jamie would not need to wait long before CC called. The following morning the call came. They talked for over an hour before some of her dorm mates began to complain about her tying up the telephone. CC was seeing her sister that weekend but suggested that they go out the following weekend.

  The following week passed far too slowly for Jamie's tastes. She had spoken to CC at length every day and agreed to a picnic on Saturday. CC arrived early and they made their way to Cold Springs Park in a neighboring town. They relaxed and played all day and much to Jamie's delight they even took several rides on the antique carousel. They each vied to catch one of the brass rings but neither was successful. It was the perfect first date. They talked about everything and much too Jamie’s relief CC was neither put off or overly eager by her lack of experience. The only disagreement the two had was over the carousel, which CC insisted upon calling a Merry-Go-Round. Despite the differences in linguistics the two shared a perfect afternoon and it looked to Jamie that more would follow. The only thing CC requested was that Jamie keep their relationship quiet for now, fearing fallout within the department.


  May 1989

  JAMIE AND CC STUMBLED into the dorm room in a fit of giggles. "I had fun today." Jamie said as she closed the door behind them. "Your kid sister is quite a handful. I didn't think we would ever get her off of that carousel. You would think someone who just turned sixteen wouldn't enjoy that kind of thing." Jamie added as she pulled her tall girlfriend in for a hug.

  "Her? What about you?" CC teased as she found herself lost in Jamie’s deep green eyes. "And around here it's called a Merry-Go-Round."

  "Hey at least I got the brass ring." Jamie laughed as she held up a solid brass ring in triumph. "And it's a carousel you Yankee."

  "I can't believe my baby sister is sixteen." CC sighed as she wrapped the small blonde into her arms tightly. "I worry about her so much. Living with our parents, well our Mother and her Father isn't a healthy situation."

  "She has you." Jamie pointed out. "And she seems to have her head on straight."

  "True." CC sighed heavily. "It's just that some days I don't know if Stevie is going to grow up to be a stand up comic or a master criminal."

  "For your sake I hope it's the smell of grease paint she follows." Jamie said as she relaxed into the warmth of CC's embrace. "It wouldn't do having one Boylston’s finest arresting her own sister."

  "Boylston’s finest." CC chuckled. "I've only just finished my probation period."

  "Hmm." Jamie sighed contently as she took i
n the scent of her girlfriend's leather jacket. Tilting her head up she found herself captured by the deep blue eyes that made her heart skip a beat. It was hard to believe that they had only known one another for a little over two months. "Who could have imagined that getting a speeding ticket could be so rewarding?"

  "What are you thinking about?" CC asked her as she stroked Jamie's long blonde tresses.

  "Us." Jamie nuzzled closer to CC. "About the day we met."

  "I gave you a speeding ticket." CC snorted as recalled she could barely keep her hands from shaking as she wrote out the traffic citation. "I wanted to let you off with just a warning but I wouldn't have heard the end it of from Dirk."

  "I know." Jamie said with a smile as she brushed her lips gently across CC's. "I was very disappointed. It was the first time in my life being a cute blonde didn't pay off."

  "Oh it did." CC purred at the memory. "But you know how it is. God I hate being in the closet."

  "I know sweetheart." Jamie comforted her. "It sucks. I hope when I get to med school things will be different than they are here."

  "Speaking of which, where is your gruesome roomie any way?" CC scanned the room carefully for the offensive party.

  "Claudia is spending the weekend with her boyfriend." Jamie offered softly as she claimed CC's lips once again.

  "Really?" CC moaned against Jamie's mouth.

  "Uh huh." Jamie confirmed as she stole another kiss. "You know I never thought I would see you again after the way you totally ignored my flirting with you while you wrote up that ticket. Imagine my surprise when I saw you sitting at the bar that very night. I thought you were pretty hot in your uniform but seeing you there in those tight blue jeans . . . well, it was almost too much for me."

  "Oh is that why you told me off?" CC teased her as her lips began an assault on her neck.

  "Hey I had to do something to get your attention." Jamie moaned as she felt her knees begin to quiver. "And I didn't really tell you off. I was just embarrassed after falling into your lap."


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