The Brass Ring

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The Brass Ring Page 9

by Mavis Applewater

  "It would appear so," Stevie teased. CC yawned as she held her niece tightly. "Did you get any sleep last night?" Stevie asked with concern.

  "Couple of hours," CC replied, yawning once again.

  Jamie felt a pang of concern that CC hadn't been sleeping. "Would you like some coffee, James?" Stevie asked.

  "Yes, thank you," Jamie replied eagerly since she'd had no sleep at all.

  "Caitlin, go get Jamie some coffee," Stevie instructed her sibling firmly.

  Jamie watched in amusement as CC curled up her lips and snarled. "Fine. Don't think I don't see this as an attempt to trick me into giving up the peanut," she grumbled as she stood and handed Emma back over to her mother.

  "That was too easy," Stevie said suspiciously. She sniffed for a moment before taking a quick peek into her daughter's diaper. "I should have guessed," Stevie said in disgust as she rolled her brown eyes. "You only love her until she leaks. Come on, Emma. Mommy needs to change you before Daddy gets here."

  CC chuckled as she led Jamie into the kitchen. Jamie couldn't help but notice her muscle definition as she reached up to the top cabinet. A sigh escaped from her. CC turned and gave her a curious look. Jamie blinked guiltily, knowing that it was clear what she'd been thinking. The sigh wasn't 'gee I'm tired' or even a 'hurry up and get the damn coffee'. No, it was clearly the kind of sigh that screams 'wow, you have a hot body!'

  Jamie stood there chewing on her bottom lip, trying to think of something to say. Anything that would get her out of the embarrassing situation that she'd placed herself in. It was hopeless and she knew it. "Sorry," she muttered finally as CC handed her the coffee. CC smirked at her and shook her head in amusement. As CC turned back to replenish her own cup of coffee, Jamie took a quick glance up and down the woman's long legs. She said a silent prayer of thanks that CC was clad in boxer shorts.

  "Enjoying the view?" CC taunted her as she turned back around. Jamie had already been busted and decided to just go with it.

  "Yes." She smirked confidently. CC's blush showed that the leggy brunette was thrown slightly by Jamie's bravado. "I see that you're still working out," Jamie continued, amused by the flustered expression on the normally stoic policewoman's face.

  'What the hell am I doing?' Jamie suddenly panicked, realizing that she was flirting with her ex-girlfriend. But it felt so right. She couldn't deny it; just being around CC made her crazy. She placed her coffee cup on the kitchen counter and tried to steady herself. "Are you all right?" CC inquired carefully. Jamie shook her head in confusion.

  CC placed her own coffee mug down and wrapped her arms around Jamie. The doctor melted into CC's touch. Instinctively Jamie wrapped her arms around CC's waist as the brunette rubbed her back gently. "Sometimes when I'm around you . . ." Jamie began softly as she laid her head against CC's chest. Nothing in the world felt as good as being held in CC's arms.

  Jamie lifted her head and found herself locked in an electric blue gaze. Her pulse raced as she watched CC tilt her head slightly. The only thought racing through Jamie's mind was that she wanted to kiss CC. No, she needed to kiss this woman. Their faces were only a breath apart when the sound of a ringing doorbell interrupted them.

  They stepped away from one another shyly, each seemingly lost in her thoughts. Jamie turned away slowly as CC leaned on the counter. Jamie picked up her coffee and sipped it as she wondered whether the interruption had been a good thing or a bad thing.


  "THAT MUST BE Brad," CC commented as she picked up her coffee cup. Jamie simply stared off into space, her body still reacting to the kiss they had almost shared.

  "Brad?" Jamie responded absently as sounds from the outer room invaded her senses.

  "Emma's father," CC supplied with a shrug.

  "Really?" Jamie perked up. She had been curious about little Emma's origins. Not that it really mattered. Emma was an adorable little girl. Jamie was just an overly inquisitive person.

  "Come on," CC offered as she led Jamie back into the living room. Jamie grabbed her mug of coffee and followed the taller woman. Jamie looked at the tall dark-haired man who was fussing over Emma. Something about him was familiar. "Hey, Brad," CC called out happily.

  "Girlfriend," Brad responded as Jamie smiled, realizing that Brad was a big queen.

  "Brad this is . . ." CC paused with her introduction. ". . .our neighbor Jamie." The blonde doctor smiled, thinking that the situation was a little unusual.

  "Nice to meet you, neighbor Jamie," Brad said as he smiled over at her.

  "She's the doctor who took care of Emma," Stevie added as Jamie tried to figure out where she'd seen Brad before.

  "Oh my God!" he squealed. "I can't thank you enough."

  "It was no problem." Jamie brushed it off. "You look very familiar," she finally said.

  "I . . .well . . ." Brad stammered uncomfortably.

  "Brad performs at a lot of the clubs in town," Stevie supplied.

  "That's it," Jamie responded brightly. "It's Cher." She slapped her forehead.

  "Excuse me?" CC nudged her.

  "I saw you perform last night at Vapor," Jamie explained brightly. Then her heart dropped. Liz was a friend of his. That's why he looked so uncomfortable. He must have heard the whole story about what had happened. "You were very good," Jamie muttered quickly, noticing the curious looks they were getting from both CC and Stevie.

  "Thank you," Brad responded sincerely while still unable to look at her directly. Jamie knew that she had nothing to be embarrassed about. Still she didn't want CC to know she'd been making out with another woman.

  "You have everything?" Stevie asked as she checked the bundles of baggage she had loaded Brad down with. He nodded as she led him to the door. Everyone exchanged goodbyes quickly. Stevie stepped outside with Brad.

  Jamie and CC just sipped their coffee, trying to ignore the uncomfortable tension that was surrounding them. After what seemed like an eternity, Stevie reentered the condo.

  Jamie was relieved that Brad had left without a chance to reveal her activities the night before. "So that's Emma's father?" Jamie asked Stevie.

  "Yeah." Stevie smiled brightly. "Brad's one of my best friends. He absolutely adores Emma."

  "So how did . . ." Jamie began, uncertain if she should pry into Stevie's life.

  "Brad and I go way back," Stevie cut her off. "We even shared an apartment in college. We both got dumped after being in long term relationships. So we went out one night to cry on one another's shoulders."

  "And drink," CC added.

  "We woke up the next morning saying 'we didn't, did we?'" Stevie laughed. "When I found out I was pregnant, it was pretty clear that we did. We were both surprised, to say the least. "

  "You were surprised?" CC grunted.

  "Enough out of you, tough stuff," Stevie chastised her. "Okay, now both of you out."

  "What?" CC yelped. Jamie just stared at her blankly.

  "The contractor is coming over." Stevie sighed. "You are not going to be here. Emma's room has taken forever because of you," Stevie accused her sister. "Jamie, do me a favor and take her out of here," Stevie pleaded.

  "But I'm exhausted," CC whined.

  "You are not staying here," Stevie growled. "You keep interfering. Jamie, please take her with you so I can move my daughter out of what is supposed to be my office."

  "Okay," Jamie agreed before she could think about it.

  "Good," Stevie said with satisfaction.

  "But . . ." CC began to argue.

  "No buts," Stevie flared. "If you had your way, Emma's room would stay down here next to yours until she's ready for college. No go play with Jamie."

  Jamie's jaw dropped at what Stevie had just said. "Fine," CC grunted as she stormed off towards her bedroom.

  "Jamie, thanks for doing this," Stevie said gently. "Oh, and Brad is a big gossip queen. I heard about last night," Stevie said flatly as she held her hand up to stop Jamie from saying anything. "It's none of my business. But I want
you to understand something. I know that the first two times you hurt my sister it wasn't your fault. Do it again and I'll make you sorry you were born."

  "I have no intention of hurting her," Jamie said with anger.

  "I know that," Stevie said quietly. "I'm just telling you how I feel." Jamie stood there. She understood that Stevie was simply looking after her sister. She tried to brush away the uncertain feelings she had. As CC reemerged from the bedroom dressed in jeans and a sweater, Jamie realized that she had just agreed to spend the entire day with the woman.


  CC SHIFTED NERVOUSLY as she stood in Jamie's living room. "So," She said as she sucked on her teeth, trying to appear calm, "what would you like to do?"

  "I feel like we've been sent off on a play date." Jamie chuckled as she tugged nervously on her T-shirt.

  "I know," CC admitted as she finally lifted her gaze to meet Jamie's. "So, you want to make out?" CC teased, hoping to break the tension.

  Thankfully Jamie laughed in response. "Would you totally freak out if I said yes?" the blonde questioned her as she continued to laugh.

  "Yes," CC answered honestly as she released a breath of relief. "How did we end up here?" Jamie stared at her with a curious expression. "I mean, we had a good thing and then everything was over. Now I just don't know how to act around you. Somehow it was easier when you hated me."

  "Not for me," Jamie said with sincerity. "I had all this anger. I had a fear of commitment. Now, I realize that I've wasted a lot of time. I shut people out. All of it was based on a misunderstanding. I don't know what I should be thinking or feeling. The only thing I know for certain is that I'm still attracted to you." CC felt her heart skip a beat at Jamie's admission. There was a but or a however coming though - she could feel it. "But I'm not certain if what I'm feeling is because of the you in the here and now or because of what we had and lost."

  "I feel the same," CC admitted. "I still find you very attractive. Why wouldn't I? You're a beautiful woman." Jamie blushed shyly and the sight tugged at CC's heartstrings. "But I don't know if it's you or the past that's calling to me."

  "Well, why don't we just start over?" Jamie suggested with a shy smile. "Forget about the pressure of the past and just let things happen. I would like to be friends with you again. I could live without the speeding ticket this time though," Jamie added playfully.

  "I don't know about that," CC hedged. "So neighbor, now that I've been banished from my home, what should we do today? Since we haven't really hung out together since we were dating."

  "I have an idea," Jamie said with a mischievous grin. "I just need to get changed."

  "Should I be nervous?" CC called after her as she yawned.

  She settled down on the sofa and fought back the need for sleep. She glanced around Jamie's home. It was simple. CC could see that the doctor had yet to fully unpack. It lacked something. If she hadn't known that Jamie lived there she would never have guessed that this was the outgoing blonde's home. She thought about what Jamie had said about mistrusting people and fearing commitment. CC felt a chill run through her, knowing that she had inadvertently been the cause of that. She also realized that she'd been doing the same with her life.

  "Ready?" Jamie said from behind her. "You'll need a jacket," Jamie added as CC grimaced. When she returned to her home to retrieve her jacket, she promised Stevie that she wasn't staying. She wondered as she climbed into Jamie's car if she was really ready for this. And just what did this confusing mess mean? Jamie started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. CC was still lost in her thoughts. "Jamie said she wanted to become friends again. Is that all? Should that be all? Was it possible that they were meant to be more? Or was it just her hormones that were driving her insane?"

  "What are you thinking about?" Jamie inquired as she maneuvered her car.

  "I'm just wondering where in the hell you are taking me," CC lied.

  "Patience," Jamie chided her.

  "Right." CC snorted as she allowed her eyes to flutter shut.

  CC's eyes fluttered open as a wave of confusion washed over her. Slowly she began to recall where she was. She sat up and looked over at Jamie. She felt a slight wave of disappointment that the blonde doctor was wearing sunglasses. She really loved Jamie's eyes. "Sorry," she apologized as she looked out the window with curiosity. "Was I asleep long?" she asked as she stretched out her arms. She grimaced in annoyance when her hands hit the roof of the car.

  "Not long," Jamie informed her. "Are you working tonight?"

  "No." CC yawned.

  "Me either," Jamie informed her. "Good thing since I think we both need to catch up on our sleep."

  "Hmm," CC sighed in agreement. "Why are we on Route One?" she inquired, taking in the tacky stretch of highway littered with every type of restaurant imaginable.

  "You'll see," Jamie taunted her as she pulled into the right hand lane.

  CC could see the large orange dinosaur coming closer. "Oh no," she groaned as she began to realize just what Jamie had in mind. "You have got to be joking." Much to her distress Jamie pulled into the parking lot next to the soft-serve ice cream stand.

  "You promised me," Jamie said with a pout.

  "Isn't there a statute of limitations on something like that?" CC whimpered.

  "No," Jamie refuted as she removed her seatbelt.

  "Can't we just go back to your place and watch cable?" CC suggested hopefully.

  "No," Jamie said flatly as she stepped out of the car.

  "It's too cold," CC protested as she got out of the car.

  "Come on, you big baby," Jamie chastised her. "Look at it this way - the course will be empty."

  "The course?" CC groaned. "It's not real golf," she added as they approached the booth. "You're serious?" CC continued to groan as Jamie paid the teenager and received two putters and two golf balls.

  "I've always wanted to come here," Jamie said brightly as she walked over to the miniature golf course. "And you promised," Jamie added sternly as she waited for the brooding policewoman to catch up with her.

  CC had promised her, but that was over a dozen years ago. She had managed to avoid this little activity back then. Now she was doing penance. She was at the Route One Golf and Baseball Park. Better known as the putt putt place with the big ugly orange dinosaur. She had always thought of the big monstrosity as a sure fire way not to miss the exit for Route 99.

  "What is it?" Jamie pried. CC thought the blonde seemed far too amused by the situation.

  "The truth is that I completely suck at this," CC confessed reluctantly. "I mean I'm not just bad at it; I suck wind."

  "Cool, more fun for me." Jamie chuckled as she handed CC a putter. As the brunette felt the walls closing in on her, Jamie swatted her on the backside and nudged her towards the first hole.

  "Okay," Jamie said triumphantly as she perused the scorecard. "There's a six stroke limit for any hole. You can move the ball a club head from the boards. No more than four players to a group. Balls leaving the carpet should be placed at the point of departure. There's no penalty."

  "I think that one's going to come in handy." CC sighed as she watched Jamie place her ball down in the proper place.

  As Jamie stooped over, CC was given a very nice view of the blonde's firm backside. "Then again, this could be fun," she noted in amusement. It took Jamie three strokes to sink her ball. CC marked it down on the scorecard. She crinkled her forehead as she tried to write with the stubby little pencil. She handed Jamie the card and said a silent prayer as she positioned her ball. After six tries Jamie took pity on her and they moved to the next hole.

  The next hole was the Ocean Wave. CC felt slightly better when it took each of them four strokes to sink their balls. But the next hole was the Chinese Pagoda. Jamie managed to sink her ball in two strokes and almost caught CC staring at her ass. Once again, CC exhausted all of her shots and they moved on.

  The Bowling Alley was very easy, just a straight shot across the oversized pins.
It took both of them only two strokes. "You're getting better," Jamie said in an encouraging tone.

  "Bite me," CC snarled as she set up her next shot at the Lighthouse. She could feel Jamie's body standing very close to her own as she putted. She did fare better as Jamie took three shots and she took four. It was far less embarrassing than having to pick up her ball without sinking it.

  At the Dinosaur's Cave she was having trouble once again. She noticed Jamie putting down her own putter. "Let me help you," Jamie offered as she wrapped her arms around CC's waist. CC's mouth went dry as Jamie's hands covered her own. The feel of Jamie pressed against her body was making her head spin. "Like this," Jamie explained as she guided CC.

  "I've got it," CC choked out, needing to distance herself from Jamie's body.

  Her body temperature dropped once Jamie stepped away from her. CC's vision was bleary and her palms were sweating. She swung wildly. Her blue eyes focused on the red ball that flew off the course, over the fence, and into the traffic on the highway below. They both cringed as angry motorists honked their horns. CC braced herself for the sounds of cars crashing into one another. Thankfully, the sound never came.

  "Way to go, Tiger Woods." Jamie chuckled.

  CC spun around and glared at her. Jamie covered her mouth with her hand. CC knew she was fighting back the laughter. CC growled as Jamie's eyes widened fearfully. "I'll get you another ball," Jamie offered quickly before dashing off to seek refuge. "We couldn't have gone to the batting cages or played skeet ball?" CC moaned in embarrassment.

  Jamie returned, still trying to hide her smile. "Not a word," CC cautioned her sternly. They continued on and CC thankfully fared better. She even managed to score a hole in one at the Rocket Ship. Jamie seemed more than a little miffed by that. After completing the eighteen holes they returned their equipment. CC glared at the teenage boy in the booth who was chuckling at her.

  "How about some ice cream?" Jamie suggested.


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