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Wild Desert Princess

Page 5

by Deering, Debbie

  Amanda watched the pain and remorse settle on Jahan’s face and prayed it would be enough to change the way he treated Chia. “I’m afraid she inherited the problems I had with her. I had a very difficult pregnancy and almost lost her once. I could not have another child. Now you see why she’s so incredibly dear to us.”

  “Yes, I wish I’d known. I shouldn’t have chased her. That lump on the head and nearly drowning, surely hasn’t made her condition any better.” Jahan refused to think about the possibility that he might lose both Chiandra and his child. He couldn’t bear the thought.

  He spun around when he heard Dr. Kahn’s voice at the nurses’ station, spying Jahan and Chia’s parents, he strode towards them, his dark face grim. “She’s fine for the moment. The cramping has stopped. Thankfully, there was only a bit of spotting. She’s resting quietly now, her blood pressure has leveled out.”

  The tension suddenly drained from Jahan and tears sparkled in his obsidian eyes. “Thank God.”

  “We still have to watch her carefully and I’d suggest you postpone the wedding for the time being.” The doctor suggested.

  “Absolutely, we can wait until she has recovered and then make our plans,” Jahan agreed, deciding her health was more important.

  “She should be out of danger in a couple of months. The first trimester is the hardest, Jahan. She wants to see you.” Dr. Khan had tried to talk Chia out of it, but he’d been too afraid of agitating her further to push it.

  Hope glittered on Jahan’s face as he rose to his feet. “May I go in now?”

  “Yes. But Jahan whatever you do, don’t upset her.” Dr. Kahn cautioned.

  Jahan nodded and walked slowly to Chia’s door. He took a deep breath and stepped inside, his face paling as he saw her lying so still and fragile on the bed with tubes in her arms.

  Chia sensed when Jahan entered the room, she smiled weakly and motioned for him to come closer. “Jahan,” she whispered.

  “Chia,” he moved towards her, his heart nearly shattering at the vulnerable droop to her shoulders. “Oh, baby,” he moaned.

  “I’m sorry, Jahan. I never meant to put our child in danger. I didn’t know I’d be a high risk for pregnancy.”

  “It’s not your fault, honey. I have pushed you too far. Please don’t fret yourself.” He tenderly cupped her cheek and pressed a soft kiss on her trembling lips.

  Chia felt tears fill her eyes at his gentleness. “I want to tell you now, Jahan. I love you. I have loved you since I was a little girl.”

  “Baby, I have loved you since I saw you as a baby. I knew even then you were the other half of my heart. I have made such a mess of this.” He groaned.

  “I want to be your wife, Jahan and bear your children. Can we make a fresh start?” She hopefully watched his face, praying they could make a go of it.

  “I want that more than anything, baby. Dr. Khan the suggested we wait to wed, he doesn’t want you to get excited.”

  “No, tomorrow bring in the priest, and just enough witnesses, plus my parents. We must be married as soon as possible for our child’s sake,” she insisted with a small return of spirit.

  “Whatever you want, Chia. I must go make arrangements. Do you wish to see your parents?”

  “Please send them in.” As he turned to the door she called in back. “Will you come back later and stay with me awhile?” she asked shyly.

  “Honey, I’ll be back just as soon as I set everything up and you’ll have a hard time getting rid of me.” He flashed her one of his sexy, cocky grins as he hurried out.

  He met Amanda and Malek with a smile. “She wants to see you both.”

  Malek sighed with relief, “Where are you off to?”

  “She wants to get married tomorrow. There are a few things I need to put together.” Jahan could no longer hide the joy he felt. “She loves me.”

  “Of course she loves you. Shes always loved you.” Amanda told him, confused that he hadn’t known what had been so blatantly obvious to everyone else.

  Malek led her to Chia’s room, sending Jahan on his way with a smile. Amanda ran to Chia’s side, Malek on her heels. They stood by the side of the bed gazing down and Chia’s smiling face.

  “He loves me,” she sighed happily.

  “Oh, honey. He has always loved you. Your mother and I have known since you were just a baby.”

  “I didn’t know, Daddy. I thought it was all about possession.”

  “Part of it is, the largest part is love though, Chia.” Amanda tenderly brushed Chia’s hair away from her face.

  “I hear you’re getting married tomorrow.” Malek hoped it would not put too much stress on her.

  “Yes, a small, quiet ceremony. Jahan is taking care of it now. Before I fall asleep I want you both to promise me you will try to work at the constraint between you. I know it is because of Jahan me and I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t worry about us honey. Your father and I will be just fine. Right now you need to concentrate on getting well.” Amanda refused to look at Malek. She wasn’t ready to deal with their problems just yet. They needed to get through the next few days and help Chia get stronger first. Once she was out of danger then they could try to salvage their relationship. She prayed there was something to save besides the physical attraction.

  “Okay, Mama. I’m very tired,” she said and could not stay awake any longer. She’d never felt so tired in her entire life.

  “Rest baby, we’ll come back later.” Malek bent down and kissed Chia’s forehead. Amanda then sniffed and walked out of the room. She felt so alone, it had been heaven to lean on Malek for a while. The exhaustion hit her all at once and she staggered, nearly falling to her knees.

  “’Manda!” Malek swept her up and carried her to the chair. Dr. Khan hurried over and took her pulse. “You need to go home and rest, Amanda.”

  “I’m fine,” she weakly protested.

  “We’re on our way now, doctor. I’ll take her home and make sure she rests.”

  Amanda glared at the bossiness in Malek’s voice. “Don’t start,” she warned.

  “’Manda, give it a rest. We’re both exhausted, and we’re both headed home.” Malek fought to control his frustration. Losing his temper would not help heal the rift between them.

  “Oh very well,” she grumbled.

  Dr. Kahn smothered a smile and brought over a wheelchair. “Your chariot, my lady,” he teased.

  “I can walk,” she insisted.

  “Either your husband will carry you or you can ride down in the chair. Your choice.”

  “I think you’re both insufferably bossy,” she huffed and allowed Malek to settle her in the chair. Within moments they were down in the garage and on their way home. Her mood had not improved as they had talked over her head, as though she were not even there.

  Chapter Nine

  Jahan sent for his driver and car and rushed back to his home. With just a few calls he altered the wedding plans, and set up the ceremony for early the next day. His concern for Chia was deep but he finally had hope they could work it out and begin their lives together as a man and wife on a positive note.

  David caught him just as he was ready to go back to the hospital. Jahan moved from the set of his gaze, something serious had happened. “What is it, David?”

  The opposing faction, The Aldinin, and made threats against you if you continue with your plans to negotiate a peace.”

  “Those damned fanatics. They want to keep our people in the dark ages.” Furious, Jahan paced his office.

  “That’s not all, Jahan. They threatened Chiandra and her family as well.”

  Jahan viciously cursed, “Send guards to the hospital immediately and inform Malek. He ran out of the house and jumped into his car. He had to force himself to slow down when he nearly crashed into another car.

  Jahan slammed to a stop in the parking garage and rushed up the stairs not bothering to wait for the elevator. By the time he got to Chia’s room, his personal guard were already in plac

  “She was fine when we looked in on her, sir” the one in charge stated.

  Jahan nodded and entered the darkened room. He crossed to her side and paled when he noticed the note lying on her pillow. He moved quickly and quietly grabbed it and then took it out of the room. As he read the threat his face hardened with fury. They thought he’d give up all his hard work because they dared to threaten Chia. In moments, he’d called his military commander and had made arrangements for extra protection for Chia and her parents. His personal guard would be waiting for him when he left and would be like a shadow for however long it took to put a stop to the threats. Jahan refused to bow down to terrorists.

  He spoke with Dr. Khan and they agreed it would be best to keep the news from Chia, to give her a chance to recover and the baby a better chance to survive. She’d be upset, but he’d deal with her fiery temper when he had to.

  He started back into the room and Dr. Kahn laid a hand on his own. “You’re too tense, Jahan. If she wakes up and takes one look at your face, she’ll know something is wrong. And right now she needs as little stress as possible.”

  Jahan took a deep breath and visibly forced himself to relax. After a few moments he stepped past the guards and went to Chia’s side. She blinked groggily at him a tentative smile on her face.

  “Hi,” she murmured, her heart racing at the pure masculine appeal of his handsome face. Lord the man was pure sex.

  “Hey, baby. How are you?” Jahan bent his ebony head and took her parted lips in a heated kiss. He forced himself to release her when every instinct pushed him to claim her then and there.

  “Mm. Better now that you’re here.” Chai gazed up at the heat in his midnight black eyes and wished she was well enough to make love with him. It had been far too long. She could well remember the incredible magic of his touch. The way his body claimed and possessed her. How utterly feminine his masculinity made her feel.

  “Stop looking at me that way, honey or I might catch on fire. I’m nearly burning for your touch as it is,” he rasped, his body hardening in arousal.

  “We can’t have that,” she teased and deftly released the snap and zipper of his trousers.

  “Chia,” he groaned as her hands found the hot, heavy weight of his cock, and stroked him with sure fingers. “God, you are driving me mad.” Instinct had his hips thrusting forward, his shaft sliding through her clutching fingers. He felt his climax rushing through his body and stifled a groan as his seed spurted over fingers.

  Chia watched the creamy liquid cover her hands with awe. She had not thought that she had the power to affect Jahan so. “Did I do it right?” She couldn’t resist asking, an impish smile on her face.

  “If you did it any more right, I’d be on my knees,” he husked and wiped his shaft and her hands with a tissue. “I’ve missed your touch, Chia.”

  “And I yours,” she admitted. “Has Dr. Khan said how long it will be before we can be intimate?”

  “No. but we won’t take a chance with yours or the baby’s health. There are other ways of making love besides intercourse. Although I can’t wait to bury myself deep inside your, tight, hot body.”

  Chia’s breath caught in her throat at the seductive quality in his deep voice. He could make her bones melt with just a few words.

  “Perhaps Dr. Khan will let me go home after we wed if I promise to take it easy.” Her teeth nibbled her lip with nervous agitation as she worried about where she would be going home.

  “What is it, Chia? What worries you so?” Jahan caught her hand in his, marveling at how small and fragile it was.

  “Where will home be, Jahan?” A tiny tendril of fear lodged in her stomach. She wanted to become his wife and she worried she would not measure up.

  “We shall go to my palace in the city at first. We’ll keep you close to Dr. Khan and the hospital. Later, if you wish we can go to the desert fortress.

  “I’ll have some say where we live?” Chia’s eyes sparkled with hope. She’d feared she would have little to say in their lives and felt a burden lift from her heart. Jahan was a very important leader, well used to everyone obeying his simplest command. It hadn’t taken her long to know with her hot temper that they were in for some heated discussions.

  “Of course you’ll have input on our homes. Chia you will be my wife. Your opinion is important to me.” Jahan had never seen Chia so unsure of herself and he hoped the restrictions she’d be under the next few months would not put undue stress on her or their marriage.

  “You do realize there will be times when we disagree, don’t you? We’re both too stubborn and used to having our own ways for everything to be perfect all the time.” She stroked his hands idly, feeling the innate strength as he squeezed her fingers gently.

  “But think of the fun we will have when we make up.” Jahan caught her lower lip in his firm with teeth and nipped gently. He felt her tremble with desire and moved slowly away, fighting to regain control of his passion. He wanted her with near desperation.

  “You’re insatiable,” she smirked knowingly, enjoying her own sharp arousal as she stared in rapt fascination at the large bulge at his groin. “You’re quite large aren’t you?”

  “Chia, enough. I’m about ready to burst my zipper as it is. I think I should leave you, so you can get some rest tonight. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day.”

  “I’m tired. I’m not sure how much sleep I’m going to get with all the things going on in my mind.”

  “That will make two of us. If you need anything call my cell.”

  “Goodnight, Jahan,” she murmured sleepily.

  “Goodnight, baby,” he whispered, his lips brushing the soft curve of her lips.

  Chia sensed Jahan was hiding something from her. She only hoped it was not something that would cause problems between them. For once they were actually getting along and she found she liked the kinder side of Jahan. For too many years she had been on the sharp edge of his displeasure when he had thought she was a slut. Even now she found it still had the power to hurt her. It had not been difficult for her to keep her virginity. No man had ever excited her as Jahan had. She had several male friends in college. Once they realized she wasn’t interested in anything other than friendship, they had backed off and actually been a buffer between her and unwanted male attention.

  At times her curves had been more curse than blessing. Being so curvaceous at such a young age had caused her to be treated like a freak in many of her classes. She had actually been glad to go to the private school for girls. It had taken her a long time for her to become comfortable with her femininity. A wonderful school counselor had been a great help. The woman was a bit on the plump side, with full curves. Chia had envied the sylph figures of all the other girls until Ms. Beesham had helped her appreciate her own body the way it was. Thank God, Jahan like her body.

  She yawned sleepily and finally drifted off a smile on her lips.

  Chapter Ten

  Jahan entered his home, his guards inconspicuous in their vigilance. They had become an integral part of his life and most times he was not even aware of their presence. He hoped Chia would be able to ignore them. She had been allowed so much freedom as she had grown up. He feared she might begin to stifle under the protections he would have to place around her. None-the-less, he would not budge on the matter of her safety. She would just have to accept that he knew best on the matter.

  As he made his way up to his suite, he finally allowed the exhaustion to overcome him. He set his shower temperature to steamy with a pulsing spray and tossed his dirty clothes in the hamper. For long moments he allowed the water to pound against the tensed muscles in his back. He wished Chia was with him. He’d love to take her against the shower wall. It was a fantasy he had and vowed to make it a reality as soon as the doctor gave the all clear. He prayed she didn’t lose any of her fabulous curves. She was so sexy, all wonderful woman. He loved the way her breasts over filled his hands. He glanced down ruefully at his hard cock. He had be
en in a constant state of arousal since he had made Chia his. He quickly brought himself to release, imagining it was Chia’s body squeezing his hard flesh.

  By the time he entered his bedroom, his servant, Josef, had left a tray with his favorite food, a large cheeseburger and a glass of milk. Rarely, did he allow himself the luxury. Tonight it hit the spot. He worked steadily for a couple of hours and finally crawled into his bed, sound asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. His dreams were of a fiery haired vixen who constantly gave him hell.

  Chapter Eleven

  Malek slipped out of bed early and went to see Jahan. Amanda was sleeping peacefully, surprising, she’d not made a fuss when he’d carried her to their bedroom. She’d been too tired to eat and after a quick shower, she had crawled into bed and had immediately fallen into a deep sleep.

  Malek had grabbed a bite in the kitchen and then spent a couple of hours beefing up his security. His own guards were patrolling the outer grounds of their home.

  When Jahan answered the door immediately, Malek suspected he’d been up for hours. “Jahan, any word?”

  “None. They seem to believe their threat will be enough to make me change my plans. Thank God, she slept through it.” Jahan raked a frustrated hand through his long hair.

  “We cannot stop now, Jahan. Success is within our grasp.” Malek watched the younger man pace restlessly. He reminded Malek of a caged panther. Heaven help any man who harmed Chiandra. Jahan would become the wild beast, destroying those responsible without a qualm.

  “I have no intention of caving to these terrorists demands. We shall go on as planned, just with more security measures. Chia won’t even be aware of it until she is released from the hospital and settled in our home.”

  “She won’t be pleased with the restrictions you are going to place on her.”

  “She won’t have a choice. Her safety is of the utmost importance. She carries my heir,” Jahan stated with his old arrogance.

  “Jahan, I agree that she must be kept safe. I just ask that you not fall back into ordering her around. Remember the importance of keeping her calm.” Malek urged his future son-in-law. He was worried that Jahan was about to make a terrible mistake.


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