Page 25
“Have a good weekend.”
By three thirty that afternoon, Lisbeth pulled into the parking lot of a little diner in Cambridge. She spotted Shannon’s van a few spots over and hoped she wasn’t too late. She walked in and spotted her friends in a nearby booth. Pointing to them, she smiled and nodded to the hostess before walking over.
“Sorry I’m late,” she apologized, squeezing into the booth beside Erika.
“Don’t worry. We haven’t ordered yet,” Erika said.
“You look flushed,” Renee said.
“I was rushing around after work. They had a surprise shower for me.”
“Lucky. All I got at work was a whiny two-year-old who threw French fries at me,” Erika said.
“See what you’re giving up?” Shannon teased.
“I’ll pass on the tantrums, thanks.”
“How are you doing?” Lisbeth asked Shannon.
“Things aren’t exactly great. But we’ve started going to a counselor. We’re working on our communication, and we’ve managed to decide on a name for the baby. Aiden. What about you? Does Rachel’s brother have a name yet?”
“No. I feel so bad.”
“What if we all write down a random name and see what sounds best?” Renee suggested.
“This from the girl who has her daughter’s name but is keeping it under lock and key, like it’s a national secret,” Erika said.
“I like that idea,” Shannon said. She pulled a bunch of napkins out of the dispenser and passed them around.
Lisbeth watched her friends scribble names down and pass them to her. She looked through them, smiling and laughing as she read the suggested names. She was sure some of the other people sitting around them gave her dirty looks.
“What?” Shannon asked.
“Which one of you wrote down Evan-Michael-Jamal.”
Erika raised her hand.
“He’s got two last names as it is. Can’t make his life hell by giving him three first names.”
“He’d be unforgettable though.”
Lisbeth shook her head and flipped to the next one. “Patrick wouldn’t be too bad. I’ll keep that one.”
The last one. “Nicholas isn’t too bad, either.”
“Sure, pick the traditional names,” Erika said with a wink.
Before Lisbeth could tease her back, their waiter arrived with four waters and two chocolate milkshakes.
“Oh, that looks good. I’ll have one of those,” Lisbeth said.
“Sure. Are we ready to order?” the waiter asked.
“We still need a few minutes,” Lisbeth said.
He nodded and disappeared in the direction of the kitchen. Lisbeth turned to the menu in front of her and flipped through it.
“You guys have any preferences?”
“Something big and greasy,” Renee answered.
“Aren’t we the poster child for health,” Shannon said.
“I have a craving. Onion rings.”
“Oh that sounds good. Let’s order two,” Erika agreed.
“What would Carolyn say?” Lisbeth asked with a smirk.
“She’d say to steady our breathing.”
“I’m so glad I met you all. You’ve made the last six months amazing,” Lisbeth said as the waiter came back with her milkshake.
“We’re going to order two of the onion ring platters,” Renee said.
“And one chicken quesadilla,” Lisbeth said.
“And for you?” the waiter asked, looking at Shannon.
“Oh, no. I’m splitting with them.”
“I’ll have those out for you ladies shortly.”
Lisbeth leaned back against the seat and felt Rachel kick. No one said anything when she winced. They’ll have a kick line going soon enough. She took a few sips of her drink to give her something else to focus on: brain freeze.
“So, Erika. What’s the latest?” she asked.
Erika spun her glass between her fingers before answering. “They seem really nice. Michelle and Andrew. They’re a few years older than me, and they’re traveling around Europe until the end of the month. They’re really excited and can’t wait to meet me.”
“I know you haven’t met them face to face, but what’s your impression of them?” Shannon asked.
“They sound really fun, and they say they can handle a special needs kid. We’ve been sending pictures back and forth. They were in Spain last week. And I sent them my latest ultrasound.”
“Wonderful,” Lisbeth said, patting Erika’s hand.
“They’ve already started calling him Peter. I like it.”
“That’s sweet. It sounds like it’s all going to work out,” Lisbeth said.
“Yeah. And Dane likes them, too.”
“So things are going well with him?”
Erika blushed. “Yeah. He’s good. Hangs around the apartment a lot.”
“Yeah, he does. But hey, he cooks, so you aren’t going to hear any complaints from me,” Renee said.
“And he’s handy. He helped us put together the crib last weekend.”
Lisbeth smiled. “It really looks like everything is turning out right for all of us.”
“Well, we’ll have to keep doing this even after the babies are born,” Shannon said.
“We could have our own little yoga class,” Renee suggested.
“I like that idea,” Erika said just as the waiter returned with their appetizers.
They split the appetizers between them and chatted for the next hour. They talked about the new movies they wanted to see and the latest TV gossip.
“We should have a Bones marathon sometime,” Lisbeth said, looking at Shannon.
“It’s my one guilty pleasure show. We’ll definitely have to make a night of it,” Shannon agreed.
Lisbeth sucked down the last few dregs of her milkshake and was about to get up to go to the bathroom, when her phone rang.
“I’ll be right back.”
She walked a few paces toward the bathroom and answered. “Hi, honey.”
“You girls having a good time?”
“Yeah. I should be home in a little while.”
“Okay. Did you go shopping?”
“Oh, no. The school had a surprise baby shower for me today.”
“Lucky you.”
“I’ll see you soon.”
“Love you.”
“Love you, too,” Lisbeth said and hung up.
When she walked out of the bathroom stall, Erika stood in front of the mirror, fixing her hair.
“That’s really pretty. I don’t think I’ve seen you wear it before,” Lisbeth said, pointing to Erika’s necklace.
“Oh, I’ve worn it a couple times. Dane gave it to me for Christmas. We haven’t bought the other stone yet. We’re waiting until Peter is born.”
“It feels kind of weird to call him by his name, doesn’t it?” Lisbeth asked.
“Yeah. I’m trying to do it only every now and then. Sometimes when I think about it too much, I get all weepy.”
Lisbeth dried her hands and placed one on Erika’s shoulder. “You’re doing the right thing. And besides, they seem like really good people, and they want you to stay in Peter’s life.”
“I know. And I know there’s a chance I can keep him, but…I’m still not all together yet. I need to be sober longer and figure out my life. So, yeah. It sucks sometimes when I think about it, but I really can’t raise a baby.” She patted down her hair. “Besides, I’ve got a built-in surrogate.”
“She’s never going to tell us that baby’s name,” Lisbeth said with a laugh.
Erika smiled and said, “I know. It’s insane.”
“You sure you’re going to be okay once the babies are born?”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re giving up your baby, but Renee is keeping hers. It just might be a little hard.”
“I didn’t even think of that.”
“Just something to consider so you’re ready,”
Lisbeth said.
They walked back to the table and split the bill. Lisbeth walked arm-in-arm with Erika out to Shannon’s car.
“You all carpooled?”
“Yeah. It was fun. You can just drop us near the T,” Renee answered.
“Don’t be silly. I can drive you home,” Shannon said and unlocked the car.
Lisbeth waved goodbye and headed for her own car.
She had the napkins with the names on them tucked in her pocket, anxious to show Candace, while she rode the elevator up. She felt like they had an actual chance to finally give their little boy a name. Candace was putting the baby shower presents away.
“You didn’t have to do that,” Lisbeth said.
“Just trying to stay organized.”
Lisbeth shed her coat and purse and wrapped her arms around Candace’s waist. Candace turned around, and they shared a chaste kiss.
“Have I told you lately how amazing you are?” Lisbeth asked and let Candace go.
“Nope,” Candace answered.
“You’re amazing, and I am so damn lucky I married you.”
“Yes, you are. Some of these outfits are adorable,” Candace said.
“Aren’t they? We’ll have to pick what they’re going to wear home from the hospital,” Lisbeth said and patted a pale blue one-piece.
“I think we have some time unless there’s something I don’t know.”
“Oh, no. Well, I did have some chicken quesadillas and onion rings with the girls.”
“Aren’t you a rebel?” Candace teased.
“We also talked about baby names. I have some input that I think might work.”
Candace put the last sleeper in the drawer and followed Lisbeth to the kitchen. Lisbeth laid out the napkins on the counter.
“Okay, I’m guessing Erika came up with this one,” Candace said and pointed to the one with three names.
“Yes. I have to say, I like Patrick. And Nicholas.”
“I think I have to veto Nicholas. Though, Michael doesn’t sound too bad with Patrick,” Candace said.
“Would you object to using the Spanish equivalent?”
“Miguel? Not at all.”
“Patrick Miguel,” Lisbeth said and looked at her swollen belly. “There you go, little man. You finally have a name.”
She got a kidney shot in response. “I’m going to take that as he likes the name and not a protest about my food choices today.”
Candace laughed and laced her fingers through Lisbeth’s. “Come on. Let’s relax.”
“You don’t have to tell me twice. My feet are screaming at me to sit down.”
“Then they’ll be begging you for circulation,” Candace said.
“I wish they’d make up their minds.”
They settled on the couch for the rest of the night, flipping through channels and finally settling on one of the Bourne movies. Lisbeth halfway paid attention as she dozed off. It felt good to be home with her three favorite people. As the sound of a car chase filled her ears, Lisbeth wondered what her twins would be like. If they’d be healthy when they finally arrived, or if they would have to spend some time in the hospital. She knew the chance of twins making it to full-term was rare. She was ready to go early but hoped it wasn’t too early.
“Babe, do you want to go to bed?” Candace asked, rousing Lisbeth from her stupor.
“Hmm? What?”
“You look beat. I asked if you wanted to go to bed.”
Lisbeth looked at the clock. “It’s barely nine. But bed sounds like a good idea.”
Candace offered a hand and pulled Lisbeth up. Together, they walked to the bedroom and crawled into bed with their clothes still on. Lisbeth curled up as best she could against Candace’s shoulder and drifted off to sleep.
January 19th
“Thanks for taking the day off to help,” renee said as Erika bent over a stack of drawers.
“No problem. Honestly, waiting tables kind of sucks when you have to pee all the time.”
“Tell me about it. Giving tours when the baby is extra active is not fun, either.”
“So are you ever going to tell me what you’re naming her?” Erika asked.
“Maybe,” Renee said with a wink.
Erika shook her head and went back to fitting drawers into the chest in front of her. Renee sat folding baby blankets and stacking them on top of the changing table. Her room would be crowded, but she was okay with that. The baby wouldn’t take up that much room.
“Are you and Dane going out tonight?”
“No. He has to work an extra shift today. Or else he probably would have stopped by to help with this stuff.”
“We don’t need his help. We’re tough chicks. We can put things together.”
Erika laughed. “You got that right. What else do we have to do today?”
“I think we have to hit the mall, and I was going to make a little name plate for her crib.”
“See, you’ll have to tell me now.”
Before Renee could respond, a sound echoed from the front of the apartment. Someone was trying to open the door.
“Are you sure Dane wasn’t coming over?”
“Positive. I’ll go see,” Erika said.
“No, that’s okay. I got it,” Renee said.
She got up and walked to the front door, undoing the lock and pulling the door open a few inches. Breath caught in her lungs as she stared at the person standing across from her.
“Can I come in?” Bryce asked.
“Who is it?” Erika called.
Renee tried to form words, but her voice caught in her throat. She heard Erika moving from the bedroom, and Renee tried to say something. Erika appeared and looked at Bryce.
“What is he doing here?” she asked.
Renee had shown Erika pictures of them together on Facebook. Renee just shook her head and swallowed over a lump in her throat.
“I don’t know.”
“Who is she?” Bryce asked.
“What are you doing here, Bryce?”
“I wanted to see you.”
“Don’t give me that bullshit.”
“Okay, I get it. You’re like hormonal or something.”
“She’s not hormonal, douche bag,” Erika said, her tone hostile.
It almost made Renee smile. But the fact that her ex was standing in the doorway kept her from feeling anything happy. Still, she should at least give him a chance to explain.
“I got this, Erika.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’ll be down the hall if you need me,” she said.
Renee smirked as Erika turned around and left her and Bryce standing by the front door. In silence, Renee watched Bryce lean against the doorway, gaze fixed intently on her swollen belly.
“So, you got big,” he said.
Renee glared at him and walked into the kitchen. He shut the door and followed her. Leaning against the counter by the sink, she glared at him and tapped her foot absently. It didn’t help control her nerves. It had never been this awkward between them.
“Aren’t you going to say you’re happy to see me?”
She stopped moving and looked Bryce in the eye. “Happy to see you? You took off without a word or warning. Did you think I could just cover your half of the rent?”
“I left you money.”
“For one month.”
“It worked out.”
“I got lucky. You were really selfish.”
“I never said I wanted to be a dad. Or did you forget I asked you to consider other options?”
“You didn’t ask me to consider them. You shoved them down my throat. Do you think I was ready to be a mom? It takes two to make a baby. I’ve had to handle it. I’m going to raise this baby on my own. Did you even think about that before your ran?”
“I came back. That counts.”
“You could have talked to me about this. We could have figured it out together.”
��You wouldn’t have listened,” he said. His hands balled into fists.
“How do you know that? You didn’t even try. All you said was get an abortion or give the baby up. There was no discussion of how we could raise this baby together,” she accused.
“You were so happy about the baby, you wouldn’t have listened. It was all you cared about.”
Fire roiled in her gut and the tips of her ears burned with fury when he referred to her daughter as “it.”
“Well, I am the one caring for her, Bryce. Of course she was my focus,” she said.
“It’s a girl?”
“Don’t change the subject. The point is, you left me alone and pregnant. You can’t just show up six months later, wanting back into my life. Because believe it or not, there isn’t room for you.”
“I did some stupid shit, I get that. But I’m trying to fix that.”
“What exactly are you trying to fix? Are you going to help raise our daughter? Pay child support? Watch her when I have to work?”
“I don’t know. I have stuff to do with the guys a lot.”
“See, that’s why I don’t need you. You can’t put your precious friends on hold for your child.”
“You won’t let me. I could be a good father.”
Renee shook her head and turned her back to him. She wasn’t going to have this conversation with him. Not when he kept flip-flopping his agenda. She was going to raise her daughter on her own. She could do it without him. Besides, not two seconds earlier, he’d claimed he wasn’t ready to be a father.
“She’s my kid, too, Renee. Even if you don’t want me around, she deserves to see her dad.”
“I don’t need your help, Bryce. You made it clear you weren’t willing to give it when I needed you.”
“I already said I was sorry.”
“This time, sorry doesn’t cut it. You made a conscious choice to walk out on us. On our relationship and our baby. You don’t get to just show up and kiss it and make it better.”
“You are such a bitch,” he shouted.
“Get the fuck out of my apartment before I call security,” Renee replied.
Bryce’s anger was obvious as he stomped out of the kitchen and slammed the door hard enough that the entire apartment shook. Renee stayed rooted to the spot until she heard footsteps coming from the bedroom.