Book Read Free

Body and Soul

Page 12

by Roddy Murray

  He headed back to the hotel that night in fine spirits and returned to his traditional pastime of slagging Hearts Football team to the exasperation of Jim who tried, but did not quite manage to give as good as he got. "Maybe," Frank thought, "that was merely out of politeness to visitors to Nebus." Who cared though, big Frank was heading home soon with enough readies in his bank account to take a very well earned holiday. He could maybe even visit Carshalton on the way there or back. Oh yes he was back on a roll.

  He bounced out of bed early the next day and after a quick swim and workout, showered and dressed in a smart but casual blue sweater and slacks set which, he was pleased to think, had now been paid for by Nebus. He felt good. Looking in the mirror he decided he looked good too. One last attempt at impressing Dr Bernie wouldn't hurt. He enjoyed a very full and nutritious breakfast, now safe in the knowledge that its health and energy providing qualities would not be required to sustain him in the gym at Nebus that day or ever again.

  Jim arrived bang on time at 8.30 and they headed off around the bypass trading blows against each other’s beloved team, knowing that their jousting would soon come to an end and enjoying it all the more for that fact. Frank mentioned as they arrived at the plant that he would be a bit later than usual leaving in the evening. Jim put out a hand to shake Frank's and explained he was finishing early to take his wife to the cinema so this was farewell.

  "You're not too bad for a bluenose," he said as they shook hands.

  "Pity you're a Jambo bastard," Frank replied and smiled as he headed towards reception.

  Jim picked up his paperback, the third that week and started reading.

  Inside the team were ready and waiting with smiles all round. David confirmed that only a few gaps remained and they could induce most of the data they required while Frank rested later that day and in the morning they only had a few tests to repeat to check readings and calibrations on stuff already covered. Frank was in too good a mood at the prospect of going home to worry that it might be re-doing some of what had been tested after his lapse at the bar. Everyone seemed happy and an end of term type of atmosphere permeated the Penicuik suite. Frank almost felt sorry he was going to be heading home the next day. Almost. Even Bernie smiled at him again. "I wonder," he thought, before deciding he would be a good boy and hopefully not be kept too late at school that evening.

  They all went to lunch together for once and even Doc Gibson and Nurse Mrs Gibson joined them. Frank felt like it was his birthday, a feeling accentuated when a cake arrived from the kitchen after they had all eaten their main course. No candles or piping with his name he noted.

  "We asked the chef to produce something special for the last day we would all be together," David explained, looking even more childlike than ever. “The chef here is excellent and loves being given a challenge."

  Frank looked for any evidence of "special sauce" from a pissed-off chef but decided he was safe enough and helped himself to a huge slice as it was passed around. It wasn't half bad he thought as he took a large forkful.

  After lunch they all headed back to the Penicuik suite and most of the team began number crunching on their computers. The only one who didn't was Bernie who walked over to Frank when everyone else was busy.

  "I knew from your records you had been a piss-head but I thought you were over it," she said in a remarkably friendly way.

  "I was," Frank started, ”but I got really bored and lonely in the hotel and decided to get drunk and start a fight. It's a Para thing. Anyway that's it out of my system for another ten years or so. I suppose that's me off your list of possibles for good then?"

  "Not for good, but certainly for a week or two." Bernie smiled as she said it and walked back to her desk to get on with her work.

  Frank was left on his own for the moment and wandered about vaguely trying to look busy. After a few minutes of that he decided to have a look at David's graph to see how much red there was left. It couldn't be much. He had been given a log-in of his own which allowed him access to the graph and websites he had needed for some of the testing and he signed in to have a look. After the usual wait the graph came up.

  Frank stared at it looking for any areas of red in the rectangle but he couldn't see any at all. After a while he gave up. Just as he was about to sign off he noticed a message underneath the graph which read, “testing complete”. That was strange. If it was complete surely he could head off. There had been mention earlier of keeping him about till they were 100% sure they had his full brain activity recorded but this suggested that they already did. He looked up and saw that Bobby had come into the suite and was talking to David.

  Frank walked over and when they finished their chat he said: "The graph in the computer looks like it's complete. It even says so underneath. What exactly do you need me for this afternoon?"

  David looked at Bobby who took the lead.

  "Technically we have finished recording the full spectrum of your brain's activity, that is true; however we are keen to compare David's result's with the comparative study I have been working on in D Section. The best way is to retest some specific brain activity using the equipment there in order to ensure we are comparing like for like between the two studies."

  Bobby paused and stared at Frank. Frank stared back. It all sounded fair enough to him.

  "So I'll be heading down to D Section with you and there I'll be wired up to an identical set of scanners?"

  "Yes," said Bobby. "We have prepared a programme of specific cross sections of what has been tested here and we will induce a small period of sleep while we run it. It should only take about half an hour or so. You'll need an hour to come to afterwards."

  Frank paused again. "And then we're done and I can go home?"

  "Yes," said Bobby again. "We are really pleased with the way you have helped us I have to say. I have taken the liberty of adding a little bonus to your fee as a way of saying thank you."

  "Fair enough," said Frank, "when do we start?"

  "No time like the present. The team may well be away or busy when you finish, so best say your goodbyes now." Frank nodded, distracted by the thought of the added bonus. Maybe a holiday with Charlotte was on the cards. Sounds like he could afford it.

  He turned to the team who had been summoned by David and thanked them all as he shook their hands. He managed not to wince as Shona insisted on giving him a big hug of farewell but was glad when Bernie followed suit. David give him a big grin as he shook his hand at the end of the line-up.

  "It's been a pleasure. I am really excited by what we can work on now and a lot of that is down to you."

  "It has been fun," said Frank, not necessarily meaning his time in the Penicuik suite, but thinking rather of the whole three weeks.

  Chapter Eighteen

  As the days passed and Blaine’s excitement and enthusiasm grew, Delores seemed to be pushed further and further to the side. During the day she had nothing to do. She played no part in the scientific aspects of Blaine’s preparation. In the evenings they would meet up in the apartment and talk, but seemed to have less and less in common. Blaine was still guarded about the treatment and she resented being kept out of the loop. She also noticed how his mood had improved recently. Bobby had warned her that Blaine’s painkillers were going to be increased and she might see some personality changes. Changes which would continue after the treatment too. But there was more to it than that. Blaine was starting to enjoy his involvement with Nebus Bioscience. He seemed to look forward to the days in the labs and less to their time together in the evening.

  Eventually Delores felt sufficiently excluded to give Blaine an ultimatum.

  "I know you have a lot on your mind, honey, but I need to be involved. I need to know what you are thinking. I appreciate this chance of survival is an opportunity for you; for us. But I feel left out of what's going on. I need to know you still feel the same way about me and our future together."

  Blaine looked at her and was a little bit taken aback. H
e had been in an adrenalin-fuelled world of science and selfishness and knew he had been neglecting her.

  "Of course I still love you, honey," he replied. "I don't want to leave you out of anything in my life but there are risks with this treatment as well as the possibilities and I would rather face them alone. We'll be together full time soon enough; I just have to focus on what lies ahead for now to make sure that happens. I know you feel left out but ultimately this stage is all about my body and there is nothing you need to do on the practical side of things. But I need to know you'll be there for me afterwards."

  Delores nodded. She wasn't convinced.

  "I thought I might go and visit my sister in Atlanta for the last week and then head back after your treatment is finished. Until then I don't know what good I can be to you."

  If she had hoped Blaine might try to talk her out of it she was sadly disappointed.

  "Okay, honey. If that's what you want. You must be bored rigid here at the moment. Come back when I'm through it all and then we can be together."

  Delores nodded agreement although inside she felt angry. She didn't even know if her sister was home. She stood up kissed him on the forehead and headed for the door.

  Realising his lack of concern too late Blaine stood up too and moved to intercept her before she reached the door. As he did so though he felt himself go light headed and grabbed at the table, knocking his plate onto the floor with a crash.

  Delores spun round to see him struggling for balance and rushed back to help him back into his seat.

  "I'm sorry sweetheart," she said. "I keep forgetting how ill you are. I'm selfish; please forgive me."

  Back on his seat Blaine quickly recovered. He held her hand and pulled her down beside him till he could kiss her face.

  "I've been selfish too," he said. "Go and visit your sister. This stage is all routine but must be boring as hell for you. I'm in very capable hands here. When this is all done, that's when I'll need you most."

  He kissed her face again and she helped him over to the bed to lie down. He felt well enough recovered that he didn't actually need to but he had regained her sympathy and was not going to blow it again. He closed his eyes once he was safely on the bed and lay still as Delores removed his shoes. She kissed him on the lips and quietly made her way out of the flat to the waiting transport. Once she had left Blaine opened his eyes again, sat up slowly this time and headed for the sofa to watch some TV. He wasn't that tired yet.

  The next day Delores booked a flight for that evening before going to see Blaine. They had lunch together and she confirmed she would be heading off to visit her sister in Atlanta as discussed (Fortunately her sister had been about). They made small talk till it was time for Blaine to go back to the Nebraska Suite. She noticed he looked much better than he had the night before and hoped he could keep his spirits up for the battle ahead. It seemed as though he would be able to cope better without her at this stage and although that disappointed her she felt she understood. She was a diversion, perhaps, and he needed to focus on the goal.

  They kissed tenderly but quickly as they parted and he whispered in her ear that he loved her. She mouthed the same back before turning towards the exit. Now she had something to do she felt better. Delores was fairly close to her sister but hadn't managed to visit her or her kids for over two years. She had never been a big fan of her brother-in-law but it sounded like he was away on business and they could have a proper catch up together. She headed out through the door without turning round and focused on the journey ahead. She was looking forward to a distraction and getting back to the States. Blaine watched her go and breathed out. Yes he loved her but with everything that lay ahead and no option for the moment of explaining the details to her he had felt boxed in when they were together. It would be different once everything was over and done with. Or at least he hoped it would be. Either way he could concentrate on the recording and mapping sessions without any diversions now and unwind at the end of each day in his own company.

  The following week passed quickly and Blaine watched till all the areas of the graph had turned green. Bobby was pleased at the progress they had made and confirmed that he and his team would spend the next day checking and double checking the data. If everything was in order the transfer would be carried out the day after that.

  Blaine was still excited, although his body had adjusted to the new painkiller regime and he was no longer euphoric. The pains in his back and neck were still there but were bearable. His main problem was the grinding fatigue of getting through each day. If the transfer worked out okay and he regained his former energy levels or better, then it would have been worth it just for that.

  He spent the next day in the apartment largely alone. Bobby had popped in as had Dan very briefly. Nick the minder had checked every few hours to see if he wanted anything and had organised food for roughly each mealtime. Blaine wasn't hungry though and had only been able to toy with each plateful. He was far too on edge to eat or focus on anything but the next day’s procedure.

  What would it be like to inhabit a different body? How easily could he adjust? A thousand possible situations popped into his head and he tried each time to think them through logically. Eventually though he realised that there was no way on earth he could prepare himself accurately. Whatever it would feel like would happen and he would just have to deal with it.

  Bobby had left a sleeping pill for him with the advice that he take it. Blaine knew it was good advice. With his brain rushing around with so many unanswerable questions it would be the only way of getting anything like a good night's sleep. He took the pill at around half past nine in the evening, having given up trying to follow a film on TV. Even with the soporific effects of the drug it took a while before he drifted off to sleep. But in the end he did and slept right through till the next morning.

  He awoke before his alarm went off but only just. Today was the big day he thought to himself. He shaved and showered more carefully than usual. Strange as it seemed when he thought about it, he wanted his body as clean and tidy as it could be for its new owner. He had a light breakfast before he headed over to Bobby's office as agreed. Bobby checked him over again and then explained that the procedure would not take place till late in the afternoon as the donor had to go through some minor checks. Deflated Blaine plodded back to his room where he kicked his heels impatiently for several hours. He tried and failed to get interested in daytime TV, or a book or any of the magazines in the apartment. He even struggled to focus on the latest financial figures from Nebus. He showered another twice before the appointed time eventually arrived and he could head back to Bobby’s office.

  Bobby was keen to coordinate everyone's movements and ensure that timings were strictly adhered to. He emphasised again that it was important that Blaine and the donor didn't meet prior to the transfer taking place and kept him in his office till a phone call confirmed that the donor was safely in room B of the suite.

  Together the two men walked the short distance to the Nebraska Suite and entered. Blaine looked over at room B and wondered what was going through the mind of that poor son of a bitch. Deluded he must be and desperate too but Blaine felt sorry none the less.

  Between rooms A and B were a group of Bobby's team members. They didn't look up or acknowledge the new arrivals. They seemed tense and entirely focussed on what each of them had to do. Computer screens were being checked, clipboards signed and passed around and short confirmatory conversations taking place throughout the room. Blaine noticed that his minder Nick was standing talking to another heavy set individual and that the two security personnel had positioned themselves exactly between the two rooms. It looked for all the world as if they were standing guard to keep the occupants of each room separate.

  Bobby led Blaine into Room A and signalled that he should get up on the table. One of the men in white coats who were already in the room helped him up and then started connecting up the now familiar equipment. Once it was all in place and
the team had run through a series of tests and checks, most of them left the room.

  Bobby walked over to Blaine and smiled. It was a fairly thin unconvincing smile but he was obviously giving it his best shot at reassurance.

  "Everything is ready here and next door," he said to Blaine, still trying to smile as he spoke. "I am very confident in this procedure and so should you be. In a few hours you will wake up in the donor’s body with a long and healthy life ahead of you. Now please take this sedative, lie back and relax."

  Blaine did as he was told and felt the feeling of handing over all responsibility return. He liked the feeling. It was similar to being a passenger on an aircraft. His safety, health and future were now in the hands of somebody else. There was nothing he could do. Nothing he should do. Just relax and let it all happen. The sedative kicked in and he drifted off into a deep sleep. He dreamt happy dreams and then all of a sudden was aware that he was not dreaming at all. A strange feeling of limbo somehow. Then he was aware of nothing till he started to come round some time later.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Bobby led the way out of the suite and round the corridors to D Section. He didn't say anything as they went and seemed a little bit nervous but Frank didn't care. One afternoon's kip and he was offsky home.

  They arrived at the secure reception area and Dr Bobby motioned him through the doors as the security guys opened it for them. No questions were asked regarding Frank's right of access. Clearly Bobby ruled the roost here.

  As they went through the door into D Section Frank was a bit disappointed. He wasn't sure what he had expected but D section was pretty much a copy of the rest of the building. He followed Bobby Bartleman along a corridor identical to the ones he had become used to until they arrived at a "The Nebraska Suite", which was remarkably similar to the Penicuik suite. Inside there was a similar arrangement of desks and computers with a number of people working at them, none of whom looked up as he and Bobby entered. At the far end of the suite were two rooms, just like the Penicuik suite, but as he approached he noticed that instead of one being a gym and the other one the bedroom-like area which had been used to record his sleeping brain's activity, here both rooms were set up with tables and the familiar recording equipment. Someone had imaginatively named them Room A and Room B.


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