Chasing Him

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Chasing Him Page 6

by Kennedy Fox

  “Knock, knock.” We all turn toward the door when Kiera’s voice echoes down the hallway. Jackson immediately perks up but tries to cover his smile.

  “We’re in John’s room,” Emily announces. “Hope you don’t mind. I invited her over. She wanted to meet Maize.” She looks at me with pitiful eyes.

  “It’s fine,” I say. I’ve known Kiera since we were kids, and she’s basically a Bishop with how often she’s here.

  “Oh my gosh,” Kiera squeals as soon as she spots Jackson. “She’s adorable!” Kiera reaches out and grabs Maize out of his hands and starts making googly eyes. “There is no denyin’ she’s yours, John,” she teases, walking closer as she studies her features.

  “Or mine,” Jackson taunts. I give him a look, daring him to test my limits right now. “But considering she has John’s temperament and scowl, I can’t even pretend it could be an option.”

  Kiera snorts and rubs her finger along Maize’s cheek. Just like she does with Emily, Maize looks up and flashes a little smile. My chest tightens, knowing that she’s not only going to miss Bailey but an actual mother figure in her life. I only hope I can be enough for her, so she doesn’t feel the void.

  “You look pretty natural holding that baby,” Emily comments, giving Kiera a knowing look. If I had to guess, it has something to do with Kiera wanting to get married and start her own family soon. She and Emily went to college together and are the same age, so with Emily settling down, Kiera’s been more vocal about wanting that too.

  Jackson growls in protest, but everyone ignores it. He only pretends that he doesn’t care who she dates, but we all know better. He’s been in love with her since before either of us knew what it meant.

  Kiera Young is a strawberry blonde bombshell and always has been one of the prettiest girls around, yet she’s always struggled in the relationship department. The rest of us have our suspicions as to why they never worked out. Kiera’s been in love with Jackson, too, but since he insists on sleeping with half the female population in town, she’s never told him—though, to be honest, she hasn’t exactly been discreet about her feelings.

  She’s been dating our local vet, Trent Laken, since early last year, and it’s made Jackson turn into a complete dumbass—well more than usual anyway. Instead of telling Kiera how he feels, he whores around and denies wanting her. No one really understands why.

  Her parents and our parents have been family friends since we were kids, and ever since Jackson could chase her around the ranch in diapers, they’ve been inseparable. They’d be perfect for each other if he could get his head out of his ass and man up; otherwise, we all know what’s going to happen—she’s going to find someone who realizes how amazing she is and scoop her up for good.

  He continues to pretend they’re just friends no matter how many times we tell him he’s gonna be too late if he doesn’t say something soon. The denial was believable in our teen years, but as we got older, it became more evident. They talked and hung out all the time, and anytime one of her boyfriend hurt her, Jackson would knock his teeth out and console her. If he had any brains at all, he would’ve used those opportunities to finally make his move.

  “Please don’t tell me you want to have babies with the vet?” Jackson scoffs, crossing his arms.

  I smack him and narrow my eyes at him.

  “So what if I do?” Kiera retorts. “I’m not gettin’ any younger.”

  Noticing things are about to get heated, I step in and take Maize from her arms. “I’m just going to go feed her, so she lays down for a nap,” I explain. Emily gives me a funny look, knowing damn well Maize just woke from a nap.

  “So that means having babies with just anyone?” Jackson snickers.

  “Trent is not just anyone,” Kiera argues. “Plus, it’s not like there’s a line of guys offerin’ to start a family with me.”

  “Oh, so you’re just goin’ to settle?” Jackson grunts, and I should really walk away, but this whole scene is like a car wreck.

  I can’t look away as he continues to dig his grave deeper.

  “I’m not settlin’,” she confirms. “Now you listen here, Jackson Bishop.” She pokes a finger in his chest and steps right into his space. “You don’t get to tell me who I can and can’t have babies with, ya hear? You’re supposed to be my friend, and last I checked, friends are supportive and caring, not super jackasses like you’re being.”

  “Why don’t we go check on the horses,” Alex interrupts, likely trying to defuse the situation. This isn’t the first time Kiera’s had to put Jackson in his place, and the fact that she’s the only person who can says something right there. If it were anyone else telling him off, Jackson would be pushing right back.

  “Yeah, fine,” Jackson says as Alex pulls on his arm toward the hallway. He walks around Kiera without saying another word.

  “Well, that was entertaining. Can we leave now?” Evan says, breaking the awkward tension once Jackson and Alex are gone.

  Kiera visibly relaxes and releases a deep breath. “I swear to God, that man makes me want to stab him sometimes.”

  “Oh, is that all? He makes me want to choke him with a rattlesnake in his sleep,” I tell her.

  Emily and Kiera chuckle.

  “I’m going to get her bottle now,” I say before thanking Evan again for putting together the crib before he and Emily head out.

  “Do you mind if I hold her once more before I go?” Kiera asks, reaching for her. “I have to load up the trailer and get back to the ranch soon.”

  “Of course,” I say, handing her over. She follows me out to the kitchen with Maize in her arms.

  Kiera’s a horse trainer, and we outsource our horses to her often when we have more than we can handle. She trains them for trail riding and helps run her family’s ranch, so we see each other a lot, which means anytime Kiera comes around, Jackson acts stupider than usual. I think he does it to get a rise out of her.

  “She’s seriously beautiful, John.” Her voice is soft and sincere, not anything like it was a few minutes ago. Kiera doesn’t have a mean bone in her body except when it comes to her tolerance for Jackson’s behavior.

  “I know.” I grab the formula from the cupboard and scoop it into a bottle before I mix it with water. “Her mother was gorgeous too.”

  “I believe it.” I turn around and see Kiera smiling wide. “I know I shouldn’t be in a rush to have babies, but I can’t help it. I’m not in my twenties anymore, which means I only have five or so years left before complications could arise.”

  “Well, I hear the Bishop sperm is pretty powerful.” I chuckle, shaking the bottle to mix it up. “I’m actually surprised Jackson is the only one who doesn’t have a baby, considering his reputation.”

  Kiera rolls her eyes as if she’s thought the same thing. “That’s because he’s too selfish to ever consider having a family and kids. He wants to be on his own time clock and do whatever the hell he wants. It was cute at twenty-one maybe, but ten years later, it’s pathetic.”

  “Geez, Kiera. Don’t hold back,” I tease, reaching for Maize again.

  Her shoulders drop, and she releases a frustrated breath. “Sorry, I shouldn’t unload on you like this. He’s just so…frustrating.”

  “Welcome to my life twenty-four seven.” I groan.

  “Why does he refuse to grow up? I don’t understand,” she asks as I take Maize from her hands.

  I sit at the table where I can hold and feed her. She happily takes the bottle and starts sucking away, staring up at me as if I’m her whole world.

  “Jackson has always been the wild child,” I say. “He’s rowdy, likes to play pranks, be obnoxious, and hasn’t yet figured out that he’s not a teenager anymore. He needs a good dose of tough love to crack through his stupidity sometimes.”

  “What he needs is a swift kick in the ass,” she remarks, twisting her finger around a lock of her hair.

  I chuckle and nod. “That too.”

  Chapter Five


  “Is that what you’re wearing?”

  Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I gaze down my body at the outfit I picked out. “Yeah, what’s wrong with it?” I ask Kat, who’s staring at me as if I have a third eye.

  “Are you going to a Valentine’s fundraiser or a funeral?” She narrows her eyes at me, disapproval of my black shorts written all over her face.

  “That depends. Considering I’m going to a church event on Valentine’s Day, it very well could be the death of my social life.”

  Kat snorts. “Well, as much as I’m diggin’ this Gothic chic look, it’s gonna scare away any potential men suitors, so let me pick something out for you. Something a little less…sad.”

  Rolling my eyes, I cave and take off my black dress and sneakers. I’ve been here for three weeks now, and Kat has used every opportunity to try to find me a man or, rather, a cowboy—her words, not mine. Though I’m perfectly content to just spend time with my grandma and be back on the ranch again, she seems to think I need a guy to get over my feelings for Cade.

  Kat tosses me a bright red top with black cut-off shorts and then tells me I can borrow a pair of cowboy boots.

  “Much better!” Kat praises. “Definitely bangable now.”

  I burst out laughing and double-check myself in the full-length mirror. “These boots really bring out the hillbilly in me,” I tease, clapping them together.

  “Girls!” Gigi knocks on the door. “Time to go.”

  I’m not sure how I got talked into going, but I find it hard to say no to Kat and especially Gigi. She’s an active churchgoer, but Kat and I both know it’s because it’s more of a gossip gathering than anything.

  Once we’re packed into the truck with Gigi’s famous lemon pound cake, we head into town, and Kat fills me in on all the details. There’s a cakewalk, private auction, games for kids, and other activities to help raise money. All the profits of the annual event goes to the local food bank, which cements my decision to participate.

  “I’ve died and gone to cake heaven,” I say as soon as we walk into the banquet hall and inhale the sweet scents. The crowd is already overwhelming, but if I’m being honest, I didn’t have anything else to do.

  Gigi sets her cake on the table and walks us around, introducing me to all her friends. I’m not sure why Kat thought this would be a good place to meet guys because, at this rate, the only guys here are under ten or over seventy.

  “I’m not sure if you’re aware, but I’m not looking for a sugar daddy,” I tease Kat when we’re alone.

  “It’s all about networking,” Kat reassures me. “They all have grandchildren, ya know.”

  “And that helps me how?”

  Kat faces me and flashes a devilish smile. It’s all I need to suspect she’s up to something.

  The event begins when an older woman grabs everyone’s attention and starts explaining the details of the cakewalk. Squares with numbers are placed on the floor, and when the music ends, a number will be called out and whoever is standing on that number gets to choose a cake to buy. This continues until no cakes are left, and since I’m determined to get a cake, I’m playing to win.

  Only three cakes are left when my number gets called.

  “Yes! Finally!” Kat and I high-five, then she helps me pick one. “Triple layer chocolate it is! I plan to eat this in one sitting.”

  “Then plan to puke it all up later.” Kat snickers.

  “It’d be totally worth it.”

  “Yeah, you can taste it going down and back up!”

  Laughing, I pick it up and bring it to my nose. Yep, would totally be worth it.

  Before walking away, I feel a tap on my boot, and when I look down, I see a small hand from underneath the tablecloth. Setting my cake back down, I pull back the tablecloth and see a little boy. He can’t be older than two years old.

  “Hey.” I smile, kneeling to his level. “What’s your name?”


  I laugh when he tries to say his name. “Nice to meet you, Riwey. I’m Mila. So what are you doing down here?”

  At first, he’s shy but then grins wide. “Hiding.” He puts a finger up to his lips to signal me to keep quiet.

  “Oh, who are you hiding from?” I whisper with a smile.

  “My grammy,” he responds, peeking his head out to look around.

  I look over my shoulder and spot an older woman walking toward us, calling out his name. “Riley Bishop! Come here before I paddle your behind.”

  Riley giggles, sinking farther under the table. Now I definitely know this is a one-sided game of hide and seek.

  “I think your grammy is looking for you.”

  He shakes his head and covers his mouth with both hands.

  Dropping the tablecloth, I look over the table and see his grandmother searching around, growing frustrated as she asks another woman if she’s seen her grandson. After a minute, I make eye contact with her and jerk my head at the table, so she gets my signal. With a grateful smile, she walks over and plays along.

  “Hmm, I wonder where he could be,” she says loudly. Both of us hear Riley giggling, and we both smile and laugh. “Riley, come out.”

  I peek under the tablecloth again and see him shaking his head.

  “Don’t you wanna come out and play?” I ask and realize I’m trying to negotiate with a toddler.

  “No!” He stands his ground.

  The woman releases a frustrated breath, and I can tell she’s not in the mood to crawl under there and grab him.

  “Your daddy is waitin’ for us, so you best get your behind out here before I come after you,” she threatens, but Riley doesn’t budge.

  “Let me see if I can help,” I say to her softly.

  I crawl completely under the table until the tablecloth drops back down, and Riley and I are alone.

  “So how old are you?”

  He holds up a finger. My guess is he’s closer to two than one, but I smile and nod.

  “What’s your favorite color?”

  He shrugs.

  “Favorite food?”


  I chuckle. “Me too. Well, cake. And ice cream. Really anything that’s sweet and delicious.”

  “I love iscream!”

  “Yeah?” I perk up, acting overly excited. “Should we go get some? I heard they have a sundae bar with sprinkles, cookies, and chocolate sauce!” I hold out my hand, hoping he takes the bait.

  I’m relieved when he finally takes my hand and agrees to come out from under the table. He lets me pick him up and giggles when his grandma gives him a stern look.

  “Were you hiding from me?” she teases.

  “You found me!” he says, and we both laugh.

  “I kind of promised him a sundae,” I tell her, worried about her reaction about my bribing.

  “Well, what a coincidence. I was on my way over there too.” She winks at me, and the three of us make our way the kitchen area.

  “Vanilla or chocolate?” I ask Riley, and he points at the chocolate. “A man after my own heart. That’s my favorite!” I grab a bowl of the chocolate and set him down so he can point out which toppings he wants.

  “Oreos, gummy bears, and sprinkles. Your daddy is never gonna trust me with you again,” his grandma teases.

  “Well, you blame me if you need to,” I say, laughing at the mountain of candy Riley picked out. You can’t even see the ice cream anymore. Carrying his bowl, we walk over to an open table and sit.

  “What’s your name, dear?” she asks.

  “Oh, sorry. My name’s Mila Carmichael.” I hold out my hand, and she takes it with a big smile.

  “Lovely to meet you, Mila. I’m Rose Bishop.”

  “Nice to meet you too. You have a very energetic grandchild.”

  “Very much so. Good thing I’m the grandma and can sugar him up before sending him home.”

  Laughing, I look at Riley who already has a mouthful of ice cream and candy.

  “You’re g
ood with him,” she says after a moment. “He doesn’t normally take to people so quickly.”

  “I have six brothers and sisters and a couple of nieces and nephews. I’ve had my fair share of talking kids out from under a table.”

  “Wow, big family! You’re a natural.” She smiles widely. “I haven’t seen you here before.”

  “Oh, I’m actually visiting from Georgia. My grandma and cousin are here somewhere.” Just as I start looking around, I spot Gigi and Kat walking toward me.

  “Rose!” Gigi exclaims. “You met my granddaughter, Mila.”

  “She’s yours? Well, I shouldn’t be that surprised.” Rose smiles, wrapping her arm around Gigi and motioning for her to take a seat. “Katarina, hello dear! You look lovely tonight.”

  “Good to see you, Mrs. Bishop,” Kat says, giving her a side hug. “Thank you!”

  “I’m so excited y’all came!”

  “Of course,” Gigi says. “Mila’s only here for a month, so Katarina and I are showing her all around.”

  “Only a month, huh?” Mrs. Bishop frowns, which confuses me. “That can’t be long enough.”

  “Well, I don’t want to overstay my welcome,” I interrupt.

  “Oh, you’d never,” Kat blurts. “Plus, you aren’t leaving till you meet a real Southern gentleman.”

  I roll my eyes and sigh. “I actually did!” I wrap my arm around Riley’s little shoulders and smile. “We both like ice cream, which is more in common than I’ve ever had with any other guy, so I’m thinking he’s the one,” I tease, crossing my fingers and getting a rise out of Kat.

  Mrs. Bishop and Gigi both laugh as Kat frowns.

  “You should come tour our ranch,” Mrs. Bishop says, grabbing my attention. “Plenty of Southern gentleman stock.” She smirks, giving me one of those looks, and I know she’s up to something. What is with these Southern women always trying to play matchmaker?


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