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Finding Eva (Highland Creek Series)

Page 3

by Marie Garner

  “The good thing is you’ve done nothing wrong. All you need to do is be amazing for Kelly.”

  “I try. And talking about that really took a load off. Come on, I’d like to play with my baby before you have to go.”

  “At that statement right there is why I said you should keep Kelly.”

  Aaron pulled into the house two and a half hours later, ready to get the day done. He still couldn’t believe Elizabeth’s daughter was coming to get the house, as though she was entitled. He wasn’t kidding when he said he thought she shouldn’t get the house after her treatment of Elizabeth. He parked behind the SUV in time to see one of the most gorgeous women he had ever seen come around from the back of the house. Dressed in short white shorts, a light blue blouse, and a pair of sunglasses covering her eyes, she looked like sex on legs. Her long honey-brown hair swayed softly as she walked closer, her lips turned up slightly. He climbed out right before she reached his car, pushing her sunglasses on the top of her head revealing light green eyes.

  “Hello…” she reached out her hand “…Eva Matthews.”

  Although irritated by his attraction to her, he answered, “Aaron Sawyer,” and shook her hand, unable to deny the chemistry he felt when he touched her soft hands.

  She raised an eyebrow. “And you are?”

  He narrowed his eyes at her question. “I was your mother’s lawyer. I believe you spoke with my paralegal earlier?”

  Her eyes widened in recognition. “Oh right, nice to meet you. Then I guess you’re the man to see about getting the keys to this place.” She gestured to the house. Her casual body demeanor made him angry as he thought of Elizabeth, and he couldn’t help himself from antagonizing her.

  “That would be me,” he said, his tone snide. “I was surprised it took you so long to come and claim the inheritance. I thought you only lived a couple hours away.”

  She gestured with her hands as she continued talking, “Well, I teach and we just finished the school year last week, so I decided to wait and come down on summer vacation. I didn’t have a lot to remember my mother by, but I did want to see the house.”

  “Right,” he murmured. “You know, I never understood why she left the house to you, and if I must be frank, I advised her against such actions. Elizabeth was my friend and I just don’t understand why you two were estranged.” He ignored her outraged gasp and barreled through. “She was one of the kindest, honest, and most generous women I’ve had the pleasure of knowing, so I don’t understand how you could ignore her. It is almost criminal, and after all that she gave you this house and all that money …”

  “Excuse me!” she interrupted him, having heard enough. “You knew nothing about my relationship with my mother, so you should stop making assumptions and do your job.”

  “All I made was an observation. You never came to see her, but came around for your inheritance.” He pointed his finger toward her, causing her to step back and glare at him.

  She clenched her jaw, breathing rapidly. She got in his face, her anger unabated by his arrogance. “Again, you knew nothing about our relationship so you have no place to judge me. But since you’re so good at making assumptions, I won’t try to dissuade you. Should I go see your paralegal at the office since I talked to her about a half hour ago?”

  Her eyes flashed green fire, and she was close enough for him to smell her—something light and fruity—and it wasn’t helping his earlier attraction, regardless of the fact he thought she was a bitch. “What does my paralegal have to do with anything?”

  She poked him in the chest to emphasize her point, looking up at him. “I was done with this conversation after your first accusation about my relationship with my mother. I have nothing more to say to you and would appreciate it if you would let me by so I can speak to your paralegal about the keys. I’d hate to bother you since you feel I am undeserving and would hate to think you had to give me something you don’t want to.”

  “Don’t bother …” he stepped back to dig in his pocket “… I brought the keys with me when she called. You can come by and sign the paperwork on Monday.” He dropped the keys in her outstretched hand. “I’ll make sure she has all your paperwork in order so we can get you in and out. I would hate to think that you wouldn’t enjoy the fruits of your mother’s labor.”

  “You’re an ass!” She hissed and headed up the front walk to escape into her mother’s home. He watched her go before he headed toward his mother’s house.

  “Where the hell are you going?” she yelled across the lawn.

  “Next door. My parents live here,” he yelled back.

  “Good to know they raised such a well-mannered son! Do me a favor and move your damn car off my property!”

  He couldn’t believe her—or how fast the situation went from sugar to shit—and shook his head as he mumbled to himself about irritating women.

  “What was that?” she asked.

  Damn he thought. I can’t believe she just heard me.“Nothing, princess.”

  She gave an indignant huff as she slammed the door on her way inside. Served her right, he thought, and got into his car to get it off her property. That one right there was a piece of work. Gorgeous, he thought as he slammed the door to his truck and walked toward his mother’s house, but a serious piece of work.

  Aaron arrived at the office by 7:30, loving the early morning quiet that existed before his paralegal came in around 8:00. He turned on lights as he walked through, sitting down at his desk in quiet contemplation. Any other day he would be going over his schedule, but this day his mind was focused on the beautiful woman he saw yesterday. His groin tightened just thinking about the green eyed beauty that introduced herself as Elizabeth’s estranged daughter. He had seen a couple of pictures interspersed throughout Elizabeth’s house, but he wasn’t expecting the punch in the gut that he got looking through those sea green eyes. He would just have to chalk it up to temporary insanity, because he couldn’t think when she introduced herself and went off about the situation with her mother. Although his brother, Conner, was considered to be the ladies’ man, Aaron was not shy of female company. The fact that he was so rude to her was made worse after the conversation he had with his mother after storming into her house.

  “What is wrong with you?” Aaron’s mother Susan had asked after he slammed into her house yesterday. She was standing at the counter chopping onions to go with the hamburgers they were having for dinner.

  “That … that …”

  “Use your words.” His mother smirked.

  He glared at her because he didn’t want to hear it after all the stuff with Eva. “Real funny, Mom.”

  She pursed her lips in confusion. “What’s wrong with you?”

  “Elizabeth’s daughter finally showed up to claim her inheritance. Ungrateful brat,” he muttered before reaching into the fridge for a beer.

  “What was that about? If she just showed up, that means you just met her. So in the five minutes you talked to her, how did you develop the notion that she was a brat?”

  He took a drink of the beer, putting the bottle down with a little more force than necessary. “What do you call a girl that doesn’t speak to her mother for years, and then all you do is show up when you get money after she has died.”

  Her eyes widened. “Did you say that to her?”

  “I implied it.” He shrugged, not understanding the big deal before he took another swig of beer.

  “Oh, you stupid, stupid boy.” She put her hands on his face, staring at him. “Is that what you think?”

  “Well what else is there to think? Elizabeth was one of the nicest women I have had the pleasure to know and work with and that woman was never around.”

  His mother gaped at him. “She didn’t know.”

  “What do you mean she didn’t know?”

  “I mean she didn’t know her mother was here. I would never betray a confidence, but Elizabeth’s secrets have been buried for too long. She and I had a long conversation a couple of y
ears ago, and she told me all about her daughter. She said that her daughter had been told that she was dead over twenty years ago.” She turned back to her onions, mumbling about her idiot son.

  “Dead? Who would do that to their own child?”

  “That’s her business, and although I may not have agreed with her, I didn’t say anything. But my point is that you judged that poor girl and you didn’t even know her.”

  “Mom, I was awful.” Aaron thought back to the conversation and felt a little sick to his stomach. “I accused her of being a bitch to her mother.”

  She slammed the knife down and jerked her head back around, not believing what she was hearing. “Aaron! I can’t believe you. Why did you do that?!”

  He threw his hands up in frustration. “I wasn’t thinking!”

  She rolled her eyes, washing her hands since she was finished cooking. She leaned against the counter, wiping her hands before saying anything. “Clearly. Other than being rude, what else happened?”

  “Nothing. I gave her the keys after our argument, and she told me to get my car off her property.” He welcomed the pull of the beer, not knowing if he was more irritated at his mother for getting mad at him or himself for being an asshole to this girl.

  “Well at least the girl has some spunk…” his mother laughed, pushing him to the side to get hamburger out of the refrigerator “…just like her mother. What does she look like?”

  He grabbed some of the meat from the bowl, pressing it into patties with his mother to avoid answering the questions. When he did answer, it consisted of her basic characteristics. “She has light blondish-brown hair, green eyes, about five-four or so.”

  “Is she pretty?” It was a casual question, but she smirked when she said it.

  “Mom.” He slid his eyes toward her, lips pressed in a thin line, while she continued to pat some hamburgers for dinner.

  “What?” She chuckled, putting a hamburger on the plate. “It was a simple question, which you answered for me.”

  “Whatever.” He washed his hands, grabbed his beer, and walked into the living room, her laughter the last thing he heard coming from the kitchen.

  Aaron worked quietly throughout the morning, finishing some work that he had been putting off for a new client he had, Mrs. Martin. She was a sweet older lady, if not a bit of a busybody, who wanted him to amend her will to add her new great-granddaughter that she was so in love with. Her words, not his. The door chimed and he waited anxiously to see who it was, knowing Eva could be expected at any time. Although he couldn’t see into the outer office, he could hear his paralegal greeting the new person. Part of him hoped it wasn’t her, because he didn’t know what to say to her. “I am sorry you called it correctly yesterday when you told me I was an asshole, but I was so tongue-tied with lust I acted like a dick.” That would win her over real quick. He was out of time when his paralegal popped her head into his office door, and he knew instinctively who had come through that door, and he owed her a serious apology.

  Aaron hated eating crow, but he figured it was a dish best served warm, and when he saw Eva with the clear look of irritation, he knew he’d have to do some smooth talking to get her to forgive him. She was still as gorgeous today as she was yesterday. Damn, he thought as he adjusted his seat to be more comfortable. He hoped he had imagined that part. Not going to get in her pants if she hates you.

  “Thank you, Mary. Ms. Matthews, please have a seat.” Mary backed out smoothly, but Eva looked like she wanted to refuse his request. It was amazing the way her emotions played out in her eyes; today they flashed anger and irritation and then finally resignation as she sat dignified in his office chair. “I trust Mary took care of you,” he began after she made herself comfortable.

  “Yes, she was very helpful.” Of course she was. Mary Littlejohn was one of the best paralegals he had every worked with.

  Green eyes continued to stare at him. He pretended to straighten papers that didn’t need to be straightened and cleared his throat. “I am glad to hear that. I know that you must be wondering why I asked her to bring you back here after all that happened yesterday, but I wanted to apologize.”

  She crossed her arms.“For what?”

  “Excuse me?” he asked, taken aback by her abrupt tone.

  She leaned forward in her chair. “What part are you apologizing for?” She ticked each point with her finger. “The part where you told me that I didn’t deserve my inheritance from my mother? The part where you accused me of being a bitch to my mom by ignoring her all these years? Or the part where you overstepped the bounds of professional courtesy by offering an opinion about something you shouldn’t have?”

  There were no words. Damn, she’s amazing, he thought as she went through her mini tirade. He fidgeted in his chair. “Uh … all of it? I was informed that I made some assumptions about you that were not true, especially with regard to your relationship to your mother, and I should not have done so.”

  She waved her hand in the air. “Well let’s start with the fact that it wasn’t your business to begin with.”

  He leaned forward, bracing his elbows on his desk. “That’s valid, but I allowed the fact that I knew your mother personally to cloud my judgment. I realize I snapped at you for no reason, and for that I truly am sorry. It wasn’t fair to you, especially with everything you have been through. My mother clarified my understanding of the situation, so I just wanted to make sure you knew that I was sorry.”

  “It’s ok,” she said slowly. “Don’t worry about it.”

  “I knew your mother, and I can’t reconcile the woman I know with someone who let her child believe she was dead.”

  “I don’t want to talk about it with you. I appreciate your apology, but do me a favor and let’s keep this relationship professional.”

  Ok, he thought, looking at her ramrod-straight back and pursed lips. He had clearly overstepped his boundaries, again, but he couldn’t help it. He sensed some pain there, and he wanted to make sure she was ok.

  “Of course,” he said smoothly, realizing he wasn’t going to get anywhere today. “Let me give you my business card. You are more than welcome to call me at any time and I will be more than happy to assist you. I grew up here, so if you want information, I am a pretty good source.”

  “Thanks for the offer but I am not going to be here long. I basically just came to see the house and settle some things so I can put it on the market.”

  “Put it on the …” He trailed off as she stared at him. “Am I butting into personal business again?” She just nodded, giving him a small smile. “My bad, this is me backing off.” He raised his arms in surrender.

  She just laughed as she got up to leave. “Don’t do that.”

  He leaned back in his chair, crossing his hands over his chest and grinned. “Do what?”

  She returned the grin. “Be nice.”


  “Because then I may start to like you,” she said before turning around to leave, walking out to the sound of masculine laughter.

  “Still just as gorgeous,” Eva thought as she waved bye to the competent Mary, who promised to file the paperwork and expedite her inheritance as she walked out the door. If he really knew that all I thought about was having him slam me on that desk throughout his whole apology, he’d probably have me arrested. She took note of his card, seeing his cell phone in the professional black font, and let her mind wander to all the things she thought about doing to him in that office. It was just as well; she wouldn’t be here long enough to get too attached. She headed home to start going through her mother’s stuff.

  Pulling into the driveway of the house, Eva thought of her plan of action, deciding that the bedroom would be the best place to start. All I want is some answers, she thought, and shouldered herself to begin her journey. Thirty minutes later she was ready to scream in frustration, having learned next to nothing about her mother. She noticed that she liked nice things, if the designer duds hanging in the closet were any
indication, her private label beauty products speaking of a wealth that she was unfamiliar with.

  She went through the perfume, surprised they shared at least one of the same fragrances, and painstakingly went through the clothes and shoes. There were some she tried on, laughing at the fact that she and her mother wore the same size. Here was a woman that she didn’t know but thought she might be able to move beyond the whole situation and forgive her mother if only she knew why. The big problem was that she couldn’t find that answer wrapped up in finery, the doubts and speculations killing her. It didn’t help that she hadn’t eaten much that day, which always made her a bit loopy. Her stomach growled on cue.

  In her search to find food downstairs, the sound of the doorbell sidetracked her and she wondered who it could be. No one knew she was here except her family, a couple of friends, and Aaron. She hoped it wasn’t him; he was a complication she didn’t need while she tried to sort through everything. She opened the door to see a smiling, pretty, middle-aged woman with blue eyes and chestnut brown hair holding a casserole dish on her front step.

  “Hello, I’m Susan. I was your mother’s next door neighbor and one of her dear friends.”

  “Hello, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Eva,” she said before she shook her hand.

  Aaron had her nose, remembering that he said his parents lived next door. “I hope you don’t mind my asking, but are you Aaron’s mom?

  “Yes…” she shook her head in disbelief “…that bonehead son is mine. He told me what he said to you yesterday, and the only thing I can say is he’s a man and we both know they just don’t think sometimes.”

  Eva laughed, feeling better despite the day, and knew she would like Susan instantly. She was so open and friendly, unlike the initial impression Eva had of her son. “Well, he apologized today when I came to his office, so all is forgiven. Would you like to come in?” She stepped back, opening the door wider.


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