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Finding Eva (Highland Creek Series)

Page 9

by Marie Garner

  She bit back the laugh that threatened. “I do what I can. How have you been? I haven’t talked to you in a while.”

  “I’m good. I’ve been spending a lot of time with Eva.”

  “So I’ve heard. How is she doing?” Susan hadn’t seen her in a couple of days, so she had no clue if she read the letter.

  “She’s good. Mom, I have a question. Do you know why Elizabeth gave her up?”

  “You know she and I were really close, and one of the things she told me was why. But before you ask…” she glanced over her shoulder at him “…I am not going to tell you why she did it.”

  He ran his hand through his hair, trying to play down her suspicions. “How do you know that is what I was going to ask?”

  She wasn’t fooled. “Because I know you, and you are fishing for that girl.”

  He got up and leaned against the counter beside her, crossing his arms over his chest. “Mom … I am just trying to help.”

  She shook her head, not looking at him as she put the meatloaf into the pan. “Of course you are, that’s what you always do. Leave that girl alone.”

  “You don’t know what she’s like. She is really upset about her mother, and if I know, then I can at least try to help her through it.” He waited while his mother washed her hands and wiped the table before she leaned against the kitchen sink across from where he was standing.

  “You were always the kid I was worried would find a homeless family to bring home and put up in the basement. Any injured animal within a five mile radius was in my garage being patched up by my son. I loved that about you, because you were always my sensitive son. But you never knew when to quit. I am telling you to quit.” She gripped his face in her hands and kissed him on the cheek. “I gave Eva all the information that I have. You need to respect her enough to let her to find out what she wants to in her own time. She may never find out, she may wait for five years, or she may do it tomorrow. The key is that you have to let her do it on her own time.”

  Although he wasn’t completely satisfied, he knew that his mother had a bit of a point. Plus, she seemed to be irritated every time he brought it up, so it may be best if he let it alone for a bit.

  Aaron knew that Eva had her friend over, but he wanted to see her before he left. He felt bad for her friend, but he felt even worse for his dick. Whenever he wanted a woman, he tended to get her pretty quickly, but he felt like he was cursed when it came to sex with Eva. He was ready to just say fuck it and haul her back to his house for a quickie, but she was with her friend so he would just settle for a quick kiss. He was surprised at the gorgeous girl that opened the door. She had auburn hair and these blue eyes that seemed to glow. The first thing he figured was this must be the friend. The second thing he thought is who the hell would cheat on her? And this must be the friend because her eyes were red rimmed and it was clear she had been crying. He thought Eva was gorgeous, but he wasn’t blind and always appreciated a pretty girl.

  “Hello,” she answered breathlessly, leaning against the doorframe as she sized him up. He watched Eva walk up in an outfit that was designed to kill him. In her tank top and short shorts, he knew he was in for another cold shower.

  “Hey, Aaron…” Eva’s eyes widened when she saw him, but she opened the door wider to introduce her to the new girl“…this is Gwen.”

  “Nice to meet you.” He shook her hand and smiled. She returned the gesture, smiling broadly. Yeah, she was gorgeous; her husband must be an idiot or an asshole.

  “Likewise. I’m going to go …” She pointed her thumbs in the direction of the kitchen. “Bye.” She waved at him and went back into the kitchen.

  “I didn’t think I’d see you tonight,” she said, reaching up to kiss him.

  “I know. I ate dinner at Mom and Dad’s and couldn’t leave without seeing you. I know that you have Gwen here, I just wanted to get a kiss.” He grabbed her hips and moved her closer.

  She reached up and put her arms around his neck, standing on tiptoe before she whispered against his lip, “Well let’s make it worth your while.”

  She pushed forward and kissed his lips as he pulled her closer. He thrust his tongue in her mouth and lifted her legs around his waist. He pushed her against the door, tongues dueling, when he finally came up for air. The open door reminded him why he couldn’t take her upstairs, despite the fact that her lips continued to suck on his neck.

  “Babe.” He rubbed her back to get her attention, but she continued to play with the shell of his ear. He knew his dick was stiff as a pike and resigned himself to another cold shower. Damn. He pulled back because Eva wasn’t taking the hint and saw her slowly come down from her lust filled haze.

  “Damn it,” she said, putting her head on his chest. “We have the shittiest timing.”

  He chuckled and rubbed her back. “I know. I really did just want to say hello, not get you riled up.”

  “It’s fine.”

  “No, it’s not. I’m dying here.”

  “Me too. But I have to go back to Gwen.” She hopped down, reaching for him one more time.

  “Rain check?”

  “Story of my life.”

  Eva’s lips still tingled when she shut the door. Two weeks, she thought warily. Two weeks ago I had a nice ordered existence and was moving along great. Great job, great family, great friends. The only thing missing was a man, but that was something she could have found if she wanted. She walked toward the living room and wondered how everything had gone from sugar to shit in such a short amount of time. Take this afternoon for example, when an inconsolable Gwen arrived at her house crying so hard she could barely see to walk. A hot bath and a nap seemed to help her temporarily until she started crying again. Then cue the doorbell, because God forbid Eva catch a break today. She felt like having another breakdown but shook off her mood when she walked into the living room and saw a tearful Gwen.

  “He’s texting again.” She held up her phone, referring to Nick.

  Gwen told her he had been calling and texting all day, and although Eva thought it was bullshit, she could see Gwen was cracking a little under the pressure. Gwen’s marriage was her own, but Eva always felt like fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. She couldn’t speak for Gwen, but Eva knew Gwen was missing her husband.

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I don’t know.” Gwen slumped forward with her head in her hands, as though the weight of it was too much to hold up. She lifted her head when Eva started rubbing her shoulders in comfort, hurting for her friend when she saw new tears well in her already swollen eyes. “I love him. I fucking love that man! We have been together since we were teenagers, and I don’t remember any of the big events in my life without that man. He stood by me through everything, all my shit that I went through from before, and he really helped me with his ongoing love and support. But I won’t share. I can’t.” She shook her head vehemently. “I remember watching my mother as she waited for my father to come home night after night while he was out whoring around. I watched that strong woman break every time he did something stupid, just to break her heart all over again. I can’t do that to myself. I won’t be that woman.”

  Having met Gwen in college Eva knew a little bit about the story, but she had never heard Gwen speak of her mother in such terms. All she ever really said about their situation was the fact that her parents were divorced and that her father was out of the picture, making Eva wonder if Gwen had ever really worked through those feelings of hostility that seemed to be choking her while she dealt with the pressure from her current situation with her marriage.

  “You don’t have to be that woman.” She continued to run her hands over Gwen’s back as silent sobs racked her body. “You are not your mother. And Nick is not your father. I’m not going to tell you what I would do. I think you are the only one that can answer what’s best for you. I am not going to presume that I know best because it’s not my marriage. You have to decide what you want to do, and just know
that regardless of whether I agree with the decision, I will support you.”

  Gwen wrapped her arm around Eva and pulled her in for a one armed hug. “Thank you. I don’t know that I can trust him again. I can’t go through this again, but at least knowing that I have your support will make whatever decision I make easier.” She wiped her eyes, before saying, “Now I would really like to stop talking about my marriage. It just makes me depressed, given the fact that I am not ready to talk to Nick. At least one of us seems to be having better luck with love.” She shot her a leery glance. “Wanna tell me what’s going on with hottie lawyer?”

  Eva laughed at the nickname. “I don’t know. We’re hanging out …”

  “Hanging out?! Is that your way of saying you’re having sex with him?”

  “Not yet.”

  “What do you mean not yet? Something wrong with you?” Gwen was always talking about sex with her husband, but clearly that wasn’t enough to prevent him from straying.

  Eva looked at her with frustration. “No. Nothing is wrong with me, but we can’t seem to get it together. Whenever we are ready, something always happens to stop us. We are currently batting 0 and 3 and it is driving me crazy. If I don’t get my hands on that man, I am going to scream.”

  Gwen laughed. “I am surprised you’ve been able to show so much restraint. You and I both know you haven’t been getting any for a while …” Eva shot her a look that said she was not amused. “But it is good to know that dreadful streak is ending.”

  “Thank God for small favors.”

  “Or big cocks. What?” Gwen shrugged in response to the look Eva shot her. “Don’t be a prude. You can’t look at him and tell me that you don’t think he would have an amazing penis that he knows exactly what to do with.”

  Eva shivered in anticipation just thinking about the deliciousness he had already done to her body and the other things he made very clear that he wanted to do to her.

  “Ok, so you are just making me horny, and since I won’t be getting any tonight, we just need to stop talking about it.”

  “You could.” Gwen kicked her in the leg.

  “Could what?”

  She gestured with her hand. “Get some tonight.”

  Eva didn’t want to leave her friend, not when she was in such a fragile emotional state. Gwen wasn’t much of a crier, so seeing her hysterical for the past couple of hours was really doing a number on Eva. Nick had never been her favorite person, but now she just fucking hated him and hoped to God that Gwen was not stupid enough to go back to him in some misguided sense of loyalty.

  Eva looked unsure, torn between her needs and Gwen’s. “I really don’t want to leave you.”

  Gwen wrinkled her nose. “Whatever. It is your choice. I will be fine for the night. I am just going to poke around then go to bed. But your vagina will thank me.”

  Eva shook her head at Gwen’s use of language. “How are we still friends?”

  “You keep me around for the entertainment value. But since I am clearly not going to change your mind, why don’t you show me the house that I didn’t get to see before I crashed earlier.” They left the living room and went to see the kitchen, dining room, and outdoor patio. Gwen made the appropriate oohs and aahs before she stopped her on the outdoor patio.

  “You’re keeping this right?” Eva scrunched her face at Gwen’s question, still undecided about whether or not she wanted to keep the stuff that her mother gave her.

  “I don’t know.”

  Gwen gaped at her. “What the hell does that mean? This house is like a dream come true and it is yours, free and clear. I haven’t seen the rest of it, but if it is anything like the first floor how could you even think of selling it?”

  Eva waved her off. “I know, it is a dream. But until I get everything situated with my mom, I don’t want to consider keeping it.”

  “You still don’t know anything about why your mom did what she did?”

  “Not really.” Gwen saw something flicker in Eva’s eyes as she said it and knew Eva was keeping something from her.

  “Nothing? You mean to tell me that the woman who left you this gorgeous house, who clearly took care of her possessions and didn’t forget her child—if the pictures on the fridge are any indication—left you nothing to tell you where her head was when she wanted you to be told she was dead.”

  “Well,” Eva said, “not exactly. She left me this letter …”

  Gwen stood up straighter. “A letter? Well what did it say?”

  “I haven’t read it,” was mumbled, causing Gwen to lean closer to hear her.

  Gwen was certain she had misunderstood Eva. “What?”

  “I said I haven’t read it.” Eva looked down cringing, not wanting to see the expression on Gwen’s face.

  Gwen’s exploded, hands waving wildly as she laid into Eva. “Why the hell not?! That could give you what you want! I can’t believe we are sitting here arguing over your mother when you have the answers you want but you haven’t fucking opened it!”

  “I’m scared!” Eva screamed, causing Gwen to take a step back. “I am so fucking scared I can barely see straight! I don’t want to know why she chose to leave me. I have been over it and over it and nothing seems like it would be a good enough reason for me so I just don’t want to know.” She didn’t realize the tears were falling until Gwen pulled her in for a hug.

  “Look,” Gwen lifted Eva’s head to look her in the eyes with determination. “I know that you don’t want to know what is going on with your mother, but you have been here for over a week. It’s time. I am not saying tonight, but soon. You need to know what she said and why, if for nothing else to give you some peace. I am done with the poor me act. You need to find out what she said so you can start making some decisions.”

  “I know,” Eva said, wiping the tears and taking a deep breath.

  “And go fuck that boy.” She chuckled. Leave it to Gwen to ruin a moment.

  I can’t believe I am doing this, Eva thought as she pulled into Aaron’s driveway. After showing Gwen the rest of the house, she practically pushed Eva out the door telling her to go get some from the hot boy because an orgasm would calm her down. She did need to get some, and she thought her body was going to combust if she didn’t have sex with him soon. It was just as well; Gwen looked like she needed to time alone, especially after Nick continued to call and text despite Gwen telling him to stop. But that was her problem and Eva didn’t want to think about being in the same situation as she knocked on the door.

  Aaron opened the door with the phone up to his ear and she could hear a girl’s voice coming through the line.

  “Hey, Sis, let me call you back.” He turned off the phone with his sister still speaking, sensing that this was it.

  Eva knew there was no turning back as she walked into the door, watching him as he shut the door and stared at her for a beat before he grabbed her and pulled her to him. Finally, Eva thought, and thanked the powers that be as Aaron slammed his mouth over hers. She became his sole focus as he kissed her for several minutes before trailing his lips down her neck.

  “I’m. Not. Stopping.” He punctuated each word with a kiss as he settled over her rapidly beating pulse. She tipped her head back to allow him better access as he licked and nipped, causing heat to settle between her legs.

  “Good,” Eva whispered and wrapped her arms around his shoulders as she tried to press closer.

  He rubbed his fingers down her side, leaving goose bumps in his wake, and rested his hands on her hips. He captured her lips and pulled her closer while she instinctively widened her legs in response. Reaching between them, Aaron frantically unbuttoned her jeans, dipped his fingers in her panties, and plunged them into her cleft until both of them moaned simultaneously with need. She learned closer while he thrust his fingers in and out, the friction making her writhe with need.

  “More,” she said, her hips moving to match his rhythm.

  “More what?” He sucked on the side of her neck. �
�My fingers aren’t enough?” She moaned when he bit down.

  “So … close …” Every word seemed to be forced from her as he continued his frantic pace hitting her sweet spot, ready to orgasm just before he removed his fingers with a loud pop.

  “Not yet. I want to be inside you when you come the first time.” She wanted to kill him, her pussy aching in need. She could still feel the effects of his fingers and wanted it back. Before she could complain, he lifted her into her arms and walked her toward the bedroom. She licked the shell of his ear as he walked, causing him to lean against the wall when she bit down.

  Before she knew it he laid her on the bed, looking down on her as he pulled his shirt over his head. She got up and started kissing him, her fingers at the button of his jeans to return the favor. She put her hands down his jeans to grip his manhood, feeling the length of him as she helped free him. She gripped him, leaning down to lick him. He jerked at the feel of her tongue, putting his hands to her head as she sucked greedily for several minutes before he pulled her back on a growl.

  “Enough,” he said, helping her lie back so he could stare at her while he prepared himself. “Damn, baby.” He stroked himself off a couple of times. “You see this?” She could only stare, mesmerized at the sight in front of her. “That’s for you.” He leaned down and brushed his lips over hers. “All for you.” He guided himself to her opening, rubbing gently down the slit, and looked into her eyes once more as she nodded in agreement before he plunged into her buried to the hilt.

  “So good,” she said as she thrust her hips to meet his as he started to move back and forth, “right there.” She groaned as he hit her clit.

  “You like that, huh?” he whispered while continuing to kiss and nuzzle her neck before he took his fingers to massage her clit. “Come for me, baby.” He licked the shell of her ear before he bit down, causing her to come apart in his arms. He continued to push, enjoying the tightening of her walls around him, before he went slack with his own release. He lay on top of her, allowing himself to recover from the strength of his orgasm, before he flopped onto his back on the bed.


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