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Finding Eva (Highland Creek Series)

Page 15

by Marie Garner

  “Want a beer?” Bryan greeted him when he opened the door, knowing that he was having a hard time with Eva gone.

  “Yeah,” he said, following Bryan into the kitchen. He nodded at Conner, who sat at the table, as he popped the top and drank deeply. “Where’s my favorite niece?”

  “You mean your only niece? Our sisters hijacked her, told me that she needed a girl’s day out. They’re taking her to get a pedicure and have her nails done.” Aaron was happy that Kelly had their sisters to dote on her, especially when her mother was such as bitch.

  “When will Eva be back?” Bryan asked, leaning against the counter and crossing one foot over the other.

  “Tomorrow. She texted me this afternoon and told me that she will be coming home after she does a couple things at her house and runs by to see her sister.”

  “So what has she said?”

  “Nothing really, and that’s what frustrates the hell out of me. She texted me the other night, cancelling our date, and said that she needed to go home to see her parents. I called her but she didn’t answer, and she said that she wasn’t in the right place to talk to me. Whatever the hell that means. I am just worried because this is not like her.”

  “I’m not trying to cause problems, but you don’t really know her well enough to know that this is not like her,” Bryan pointed out, ever the pragmatist.

  “Just because you haven’t spent a lot of time with her doesn’t mean that I haven’t. You don’t know her. She is loyal and caring to a fault. She would not just ignore a person; that’s part of the reason why the stuff with her mom hit her so hard. She would never do that to her own child, so she doesn’t understand why her mother did that to her. If she said that she can’t talk, it’s because she was too upset to talk. And she has been through too much the past couple of months to have to deal with more shit.”

  Conner quickly jumped to her defense, not wanting Bryan to think anything bad about her. “Aaron’s right. I’ve gotten to know her from working with her every day. She is not one that is going to just take off and not say anything, which is probably why she texted him but doesn’t want to talk. She is pretty strong though. Give her time to process everything and come back in her own time.”

  “I’m trying.” And he was, but it took every amount of self-control he had to not drive to her parents’ house and make sure she was ok.

  “We get it,” Bryan told him. “You can’t help yourself. She is hurting and you want to help her. Sorry about what I said earlier. I guess I have just been burned too badly to be willing to trust unconditionally.”

  Aaron slumped deeper into the couch, frowning. “It’s ok. I just really like this girl and don’t want to let her go. I mean, I could really fall for this girl. Hell, I am half in love with her already. I don’t know what I am going to do come July, short of tying her ass up and making sure she stays here.” He sighed deeply, shaking his head in frustration.

  Bryan snorted, kicking Aaron in the foot. “It’s not worth it if it’s forced. Trust me, I know. Although I will admit mine and Ashley’s situation was a bit different, we always knew the score, and she was always a bitch, but I tried to do right by her when she happened to get pregnant. Learn from me though, all she will do is resent you if she feels like you took her choices away and made her stay somewhere she doesn’t want to.”

  Aaron kicked him back, irritated at his brother and the situation in general. “I got it, and I’m hoping that she will come back with the shit figured out about her mom. Speaking of Ash, not that I ever want to, but have you heard from her?” Bryan cringed as he often did whenever his ex-wife was brought up.

  Bryan focused on peeling the label off his beer bottle while he talked. “Nah, not since she signed the papers last week. I tried to get in touch with her one last time, see if she wanted to at least see Kelly, but she was a bitch about the whole thing. I knew she was a bitch, but damn. I know this sounds bad, but I am just glad to be rid of her.” He looked up from the beer bottle, Aaron and Conner thankfully ignoring the sheen of moisture in his eyes, before he clenched his jaw and swallowed deeply. Aaron felt bad, not noticing the dark circles under his eyes, because she was so worried about Eva.

  Aaron quickly moved to reassure Bryan, patting him on the back. “At least Kelly never has to worry about her being in her life. And you are a great dad, so Kelly will be fine.”

  “Has she even asked about Ashley?” Conner spoke up. Everyone knew that Ashley paid little attention to Kelly when she was married to Bryan, so who knew if she even missed her mother.

  Bryan shrugged. “Not really, and that is really telling. Ash never really played with her or anything, and Mom or one of the girls had her more than her own mother. She was more excited to see the girls today than she ever has been to be with Ash. I figure that I will cross that bridge when I get there. My only concern is that she is old enough to know that her mother was a bitch, and I hate that for her.”

  “Damn, dude.” Aaron shook his head.

  Bryan stared at Aaron pointedly. “Yeah, so when I say don’t force it, I am speaking from experience.”

  Aaron nodded. “Well, if you ever want to talk about it, just let me know.”

  Bryan stared out the window, pensive as always when he thought about Kelly, making Aaron wonder what the hell had happened between his brother and his wife that put that look on his face. “Thanks. You guys want to order pizza?”

  Aaron knew that he wouldn’t say anything else about it, he never did, and while he respected his brother’s boundaries, he hoped that he was at least talking to someone.

  Dinner was a noisy affair, especially when all the Sawyer boys got together, and Aaron was glad to just shoot the shit about anything and everything. He felt good to get the stuff about Eva off his chest, although he was a bit concerned that he was starting to sound whiny talking about his feelings. He just wanted his woman back in his arms, so she could stop hurting. He had always loved Elizabeth, but her ghost was really starting to piss him off. Beer, pizza, and a baseball game, all in all a great evening with his brothers. Still, he couldn’t help but feel like he was missing something. He tried not to look eager when his phone beeped with a text message, but he smiled when he saw Eva’s name.

  Eva: Hey, handsome. How’s it going?

  Aaron: Good, with my bros. You feeling better?

  Eva: Much :). Thanks for understanding. I’ll fill you in when I see you.

  Aaron: Anytime, babe. You back tomorrow?

  Eva: Yep. Can’t wait to see you. Missed you. You better be ready for all this.

  Aaron: lol. I’m always ready ;)

  Eva: Promises, promises. See you tomorrow.

  Aaron: I’ll be waiting.

  “That your girl?”

  Aaron looked up to see Conner watching him. “Yeah.” He smiled. “She wanted to see how I was doing. She said she will tell me everything tomorrow.”

  “Good. Do you know if she’s heard from Gwen?” Conner gnawed on his lip nervously.

  Aaron studied his brother, wondering what brought that on. “She hasn’t said, but I am sure she probably saw her when she was home. Why, what’s up with you two? You looked real chummy at the cookout and then later at Boot Scooters.” He knew that Conner was attracted to Gwen, especially given the blush that overtook his face when Aaron asked the question, but since she was married he would never mess that up. Gwen had left the same morning Eva had, and he knew his brother was headed for trouble if he tried to continue to pursue a married woman.

  Conner tried to brush it off like it was no big deal. “I was just wondering. I haven’t really heard from her since she’s been back and I was curious. No reason in particular.”

  “Right.” Aaron believed that like he believed cows could fly. His brother was fishing. “I thought you guys were friends. Weren’t you guys talking pretty often the past week or so?”

  “Yeah.” There was that damn blush again, and that said something since Conner was rarely embarrassed.

“We are, and we had been talking all last week and then when she first got home we kept talking. Last night, though, I just asked her about her day and she texted and said she is trying to make it work with her husband so she doesn’t think talking to me is a good idea.”

  He furrowed his brow, wondering why his brother was asking if they decided to be friends. “Were you guys trying to start something?”

  “No, not really. We were just friends, but I get why she can’t talk to me right now. She is committed to making it work and feels like a friendship with me would be a bad thing.”

  Aaron didn’t know why, unless some shit went down that they weren’t saying. He figured it was their business, and they would work it out on their own. “Damn, dude, that sucks.” Even if he didn’t know what was going on, he still felt bad about it.

  “What the hell are we doing?” Bryan asked. “In a minute we are going to be swapping recipes and asking about bras. We have never been this strung out by women at the same time.”

  “We can’t help it. There is something about a woman that tends to tie you up in a thousand knots that makes you want to simultaneously get free and be wrapped tighter. Women…” Aaron took a deep gulp of beer “…what the hell would we ever do without them?”

  Aaron didn’t know how he got through the day, but somehow he was able to get some work done. He couldn’t wait to hear all about her trip home, but he figured she needed a little loving tonight so he spent some time setting up what he hoped would be a romantic dinner. He may have gone a little overboard, but he really wanted to make sure that she had a good time.

  The doorbell rang a little after dark. Aaron opened it, ready to have her tell him everything. He was a bit taken aback when she launched herself into his arms, her lips claiming his in desperation. Aaron quickly gripped her, his hands bunched in the back of her shirt, as he deepened the kiss.

  “Hey, you.” His lips brushed hers when he finally pulled away.

  “Hey back.” She nibbled the corner of his lips. “I missed you.” She didn’t stop touching him, rubbing her hands through his hair.

  “Did you have a good trip?” She nodded her head and leaned closer to nibble the side of his ear.

  “Can we talk later?” She breathed in his ear, licking the shell of his ear, causing Aaron to shiver. “I want to forget.” Although this was not what he wanted—Aaron wanted to know what happened—all the blood rushed from his head to his penis, and he stopped thinking about his quest for information. She half-pulled, half-dragged him into the living room, pushing him down on the couch before she unbuttoned his pants and freed his member. Aaron didn’t know what she wanted until she leaned down and licked the length of him, causing him to jerk up before he gripped the back of his couch.

  “Babe,” came out in a groan. He wanted to touch her, but Eva clearly had other ideas as she continued her ministrations. He fisted his hands in her hair as she cupped his balls, massaging them, as she continued to lick the length of him. He felt himself getting close as she licked the precum, and he tried to give her a chance to pull back before he blew his load.

  “Babe, I’m close,” he said, pulling her back slightly, but she shook her head and continued to suck.

  He gripped her head and rocked his hips to match her movements, feeling the pressure building as he shot his load into her mouth. She seemed to be on a mission, taking it all as she sucked him dry, and he leaned back and groaned her name loudly. He lay there unable to move before she kissed his now flaccid penis and tucked it into his boxers before looking up and smiling at him. Aaron held out his hand and somehow found the strength to pull her up so she could rest her head on his chest, reaching to kiss his jaw. He rubbed her back, still trying to come down from the amazing orgasm she had just given him.

  “Not that I’m complaining…” he kissed her hair and continued to touch her, not getting enough after she had been gone for a couple of days “…but what was that about.”

  She laughed softly. “I don’t know, I just wanted to. I missed you,” she leaned her head back as he moved down and kissed her deeply.

  “Missed you too. Wanna talk about it?” He stroked Eva’s hair, not wanting to stop touching her.

  She crinkled her nose as she stared at him from where she lay on his chest. “Yes, but not tonight. I just want to lose myself in you for a couple of hours.”

  His mouth fell open, brown eyes widening. “I thought you said it wasn’t bad?”

  “It’s not, but it was harder than I thought, and I am emotionally wrung out. Talk tomorrow?” She looked so cute he couldn’t tell her no. Plus, he had missed holding her and knew whatever she had to say could wait.

  “Of course.” He smiled and kissed her before scooping her up and carrying her upstairs to make love to her.

  Eva stretched sleepily, glancing to the left when she hit a hard body. Aaron, she thought with a smile, who made good on his promise to make love to her all night. Her body ached in the best places because he always seemed to know what she needed. He anticipated her needs before she did, and she had never had a more generous lover. Not wanting to think about the fact that it was the best sex she had in her life, she decided to wake her lover so she could get some more of his delicious body.

  She studied her prey, not knowing where to begin. Aaron was sprawled out on his back, his head on his pillow with his arms and legs spread wide. Eva kissed his chest, looking up to see if he responded. Nothing. She decided to kiss farther down, loving the way that his muscles rippled as she moved. She reached down and gripped him and could feel him harden in her hand. She looked up to see him smiling down at her and couldn’t help the grin that covered her face.

  “Hey,” she whispered shyly, unsure why she was timid all of a sudden.

  “Get up here,” he told her before he reached for her.

  She went willingly, stroking him one more time before she moved, hearing his sharp intake of breath. She kissed him lazily, enjoying the early morning sunlight that streamed through the window as she made slow love with her guy. She loved the way that he cherished her, kissing her slowly before stripping her out of her sleep shirt and rubbing his hands all over her body. He flipped her over gently so she lay on her back before he kissed his way down her stomach, kissing her thighs.

  “Aaron,” she said impatiently, putting her hand on his head and tugging gently.

  He chuckled, knowing what she wanted, and bit lightly on her thigh before looking at her innocently. “Kinda busy.” He continued to kiss the insides of her thighs, crawling closer to her center but slowly torturing her by just missing it. He knew she was getting impatient by the way she squirmed and moved, trying to force him closer.

  “I need …”

  “I know what you need.” He chuckled and licked her folds in one long stroke.

  She arched off the bed, and he moved her leg over his shoulder and spread the other one before he anchored it. He feasted, plunging his tongue in and out slowly, and Eva thought that she was going to die from the exquisite torture. He was ruthless, attacking her. All she could do was writhe and moan while he held her down. She couldn’t think, knowing that she was close, moving her head from side to side when he moved his tongue to plunge two fingers inside her.

  “Babe, let go.”

  She grunted, trying to press closer when he moved his fingers frantically as she just lay there unable to speak if her life depended on it. When he pressed them onto her clit, she lost it, already sensitive from his earlier attention, and she exploded on his fingers. She lay boneless, unable to move, as he continued to stoke her with his fingers.

  “Not yet.” He kissed her, seemingly on a mission, and continued to work her over. He freed himself, already ready, and replaced his fingers with his cock as he stroked it up and down her slit. She grabbed his head, pulling him down for a kiss as he plunged to the hilt. She lay there, still reeling from her earlier orgasm, as he rocked slowly in and out. Eva knew that wasn’t working for her, and curled her feet around the back
of his legs, trying to find some way for him to go deeper. He responded by trailing kisses down her neck while saying her name, wanting this as much as she did. He increased his pace, and she knew he was close.

  “So … close …” she told him, and he reached between them to play with her clit again.

  He was trying to kill her, she was certain, because she didn’t think she could take any more stimulation. This was unlike anything she had ever experienced, even with him, and she knew they had somehow turned a corner from summer sex into something more. She didn’t know what to do, and she was suddenly ready to get this over with. She used his distraction to her advantage, rolling him over before he knew what was what while she sat on him.

  “My turn.” She smiled and planted her hands on his chest before she lifted up to slowly pull him out. She got to the tip before she sat back down, causing him to throw his head back and yell her name. She laughed, loving what she did to him, and continued to push in and out. He leaned up and played with her breasts, licking one nipple until it pebbled before moving on to the next one. She was close and oh so thankful when he wrapped his arms around her and began to move in and out rapidly. Eva swore she saw stars as she screamed his name, writhing in his arms as he pushed a couple more times and let go himself.

  They rode it out together before he collapsed on the bed with her on top of him. She lay on top of him, not wanting to move, while he rubbed her back and kissed the top of her head. He was always touching her, like he couldn’t get enough, something she would consider later on. His heart beat rapidly, and she turned her head to kiss his chest, thankful that she had this amazing guy even if she didn’t quite know what to do with him. For now she was just going to lie in his arms and enjoy the day, strangely feeling like she was home and passing out before she could think about it.


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