Terror in Britain
Page 3
Another asphyxiation technique used was to target the internal lining of my nose. This was done by delivering a plastic-like substance in a fine mist to the nostrils, using a carbon dioxide laser as a delivery agent, and then applying a microwave radiation beam to the area, which caused the plastic to expand inside the nasal cavity. Blowing the nose removed the plastic fairly quickly.
I could sometimes smell chemicals in the room, possibly delivered by the same method. Opening the window soon cleared the air, and I always slept with the window open. I found that drinking liquid oxygen drops helped to clear the brain of toxic gases or chemicals. But I wondered how elderly people in nursing homes or hospitals would fare, if subjected to similar attacks.
If I sat regularly in one place, the terrorists would target me with gravity-shifting oscillators. When I was in bed, they scanned the bed with a microwave radiation beam, which registered the silhouette of my body on a screen. They also used an infra-red device to establish my position on the bed. Then they targeted various parts of my body with close-range microwave laser beams, also known as maser beams, which caused varying degrees of pain.
A female terrorist of Pakistani extraction, known to associates as Esme, directed a microwave radiation beam at my hair. She succeeded in making it brittle, and bits broke off. One of the male terrorists set a microwave laser to target a point on my leg. I could move to avoid it, but if I was asleep, I sustained some minor burns, and one ulcer on my lower leg. The microwave weapon had a safety device which meant that it switched off automatically after ten minutes, but that is still quite a long time to be exposed to microwave radiation, night after night.
Eventually I bought an EMF (electromagnetic field) shielding mosquito net, which blocked all further microwave radiation attacks. I had to order it from Germany, and it cost £800, but it solved the microwave problem. It did not prevent laser attacks, but I found that various plastics, plastic ground sheets and aluminum, including layers of folded aluminum foil also worked well as shielding devices. After that, the terrorists’ attacks were reduced to a steady state, in which they sniped at me when they could, and attacked me with oscillators the rest of the time.
A friend of mine who lived in the North East was also being targeted by the IRA. She told me that she woke up one November morning with a horizontal break across one of her front teeth. A couple of weeks later the same thing happened to me. The break was horizontal and clean. I hurried to my dentist. He looked at me almost accusingly, as if I were hiding some domestic violence incident from him. I assured him that this was not the case. He seemed unconvinced.
‘Come and look at this,’ he said to his dental assistant, ‘You’re unlikely ever to see something like it again. The only time you might see it would be if a boxer got hit in the face, or perhaps as a result of a car crash’.
The dentist fixed my tooth expertly, and forgave me for presenting him with such trying symptoms.
Another form of attack carried out by the perpetrators caused sudden short-term loss of memory and concentration, either what you were about to say, or a particular word in your mind. The device, known to perpetrators as a ‘faser’, probably involved a kind of microwave laser beam device. I have seen it used on friends and family members when they were close to me. It can be particularly dangerous if targeted at motorists.
I was frequently targeted with sleep deprivation. In the morning, chemicals were sprayed from a gas canister into my bedroom, from a room in the house next door. The chemicals got into my system. Then, in the evening, traces of the chemicals, which had got into the brain, were exposed to a microwave radiation beam, which expanded the chemicals, blocking normal sleep mechanisms. The objective of sleep deprivation was to make me available for targeting throughout the night, offering income-earning opportunities for terrorists. I tried to make up sleep during the day, spending more time in bed, which reduced my day-time activities.
I was targeted with painful laser beams on the hip joints. A number of my neighbors, those within range of the IRA safe houses, also reported similar symptoms. Of course, arthritis of the hip is widespread within the population, and it would be difficult to say whether criminal intervention had played a part in it. What I can say, was that I never had any pain before, and if I put gold nine-thousand-gauss-neodymium magnets on the pain spots, it went away, and my joints never troubled me again. The perpetrators tried moving the electronic weapon to a different spot, either the other hip, or a nearby body point; but when I applied more magnets, that was the end of the attacks.
On two occasions, I was attacked by North African Daesh extremists with a special kind of radiation beam which caused painful muscle contractions in the legs. Though intense, the attacks did not leave a mark on the body, so it could not have been a Taser. Luckily, I had a MEDICUR device to hand, which instantly switched off these attacks. The device describes itself as ‘Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy’. It operates within the range of 3-20 Hz. But if you didn’t have something like that within reach – and who does, normally? - the results would have been agonizing.
This list of attacks sounds horrendous, and it is. But some of the methods used were not typical of the terrorist community. It turned out that I lived near a covert North American mafia research facility where these technologies were available to perpetrators. I managed to discover remedies and shielding devices, but I heard of other British citizens who were victims of these attacks, who did not know what was happening, and who had no defence.
Some of the technologies used by terrorists had valid clinical or industrial purposes. But terrorists and the North American mafia had seen how they could be used covertly as harmful weapons. Apparently, electronic and electromagnetic weapons are commonplace within the criminal and terrorist communities of central Asia. Over the next three to four years, I met several unethical North American mafia scientists, working in research bases underneath large country houses owned by the IRA, who spent their time carrying out high technology attacks on local British citizens. These operations were funded by Al-Qaida. The point of these attacks was that they were invisible to the victims and could be carried out remotely by perpetrators without fear of detection.
Originally, the terrorists thought that they would make money by enrolling me in illegal human research trials, and offering me as a consensual human subject for legitimate research trials, forging all the paperwork. They entered me with several different made-up names and addresses at once, and facilitated several experimental remote procedures on me at the same time. But I found ways to shield myself and block their attacks, so they ended up out of pocket. Shortly afterwards, they were caught using multiple names and addresses on several human subjects, and lost their research sub-contract.
They then offered me as a human subject for North American mafia research on synthetic telepathy, because, unlike most of their victims, I didn’t talk back at them with my voice, so I could not be made to look as if I was talking to myself, and therefore mentally unbalanced. Instead, I ‘thought’ my words back at the terrorists. This posed technical challenges to the terrorists, who had to adapt their Syntel (Synthetic Telepathy) system in order to capture my responses. North American mafia scientists were interested in how this worked.
When the terrorists spoke on the ultrasound system, which could not be heard by the human ear without technology, they spoke into a microphone. As I did not vocalise, they could not connect me to remote telecommunications links, as they did for each other. Through a research contract, they found a way to resolve this. They appointed someone to listen to my words and repeat them on to the telecoms link. It sounds crazy, but they were keen on this, as it required little skill, and offered low-level operatives the chance to earn a little money. I called those people ‘parrots’.
I know that the existence of synthetic telepathy sounds unlikely; but there is a quite funny scientific video demonstration of how it works, on YouTube and featuring Dr. Joe Pompei of Madlabs.
After the Afro-Asian Daesh terrorists next door started attacking me, we kept finding dead birds around the garden or in the road outside - a blackbird here, a robin there. The Daesh terrorists were torturing and killing birds for fun in their spare time, using close range laser beams from the top window of their house. I noticed a wood pigeon standing bolt upright with its eyes closed as if it had been electrocuted. In fact, it had been. The terrorists had developed a method of sending a muscle paralysing gas down a laser beam, in water droplets, so that the wood pigeon couldn’t move. They then tortured it with electric shocks, and finally released it.
I saw a squirrel playing on our garden fence. Suddenly it froze for several minutes, as if it had been turned to stone. Then it leaped three feet in the air, after being electrocuted, and raced off. I looked up at the window where the terrorists often stood when they aimed at things in our garden. Sure enough, one of them was standing back from the window, and I saw him clearly.
The Daesh terrorists were paid on the basis of the amount of electricity they discharged from their battery packs. Over a twelve hour shift they were supposed to have found enough targets to run down the battery. So long as they presented their battery packs back empty they got their full wages. So they devised a method of doing this by discharging their electronic weapons into our compost heap. This was fairly harmless, although the top of the compost heap was sometimes boiling hot.
When the IRA wanted to harass me, they directed Daesh to empty the electrical charge from their battery packs on to our grass, which died, leaving a yellow mark. You could see that it was a man-made event, because there was a straight line of yellow grass leading to a large yellow patch, indicating the direction from which the laser gun had been fired. The terrorists also targeted the roots of our hedge. Soon the hedge looked like a viaduct, with a strip at the top still growing, and a lot of gaps underneath.
When I bought new plants for the garden, the terrorists would try to laser the roots, causing them to wilt. They did this one time when my gardener was there, and he was astonished to see a good healthy plant wilt within two minutes. Luckily, I found that saturating the roots with water revived the plants, if you caught them in time.
I knew that, in North America, the mafia targeted domestic pets, but it was hard to believe that this would happen in the UK. In fact, the IRA did not target domestic pets, and cherished their own. Their staff never got time to take their dogs for walks. But the IRA arranged for a dog walker, who took five IRA dogs out altogether. I often saw them out in the road, and they were fit and well. So were the guard dogs at the IRA hideout at the top of our road. They were ‘driven dogs’, with electronic implants in their brains, that could be triggered to growl and attack, but, when not triggered, they were warm friendly creatures, with wagging tails.
The North American mafia and Daesh had no such finer feelings. One of our neighbours had three European mountain dogs. They were beautiful animals, but one of them got cancer and died, because the basket it slept in was within range of the Afro-Asian Daesh staff.
The same Daesh migrants had access to a house opposite where my father lived. He had two dogs. One of the dogs started screaming, and held up its leg, as if in pain. This went on for about twenty minutes. Several people tried to comfort it, but there was nothing they could do but hold its paw. If I had been there I would have tried shielding it with a plastic ground sheet, as that usually blocks laser attacks. During this attack, the Daesh migrants also transmitted a cancer-causing substance via the laser. Three weeks later, the dog developed a tumour, and eventually died.
One day, my father and I went out in his car, and when we got back, I noticed that the front door, which had been locked, was wide open. I went in and found the bathroom window on the first floor open as well.
‘I must have done it by mistake,’ said my father.
I started checking the house, in case anything was missing. I went up into the attic, and, to my horror, I saw a dead blue tit hanging upside down from flypaper. The terrorists had left their calling card.
The IRA had a contract with a North American mafia research laboratory on an island off the British Isles. The IRA paid to have cameras put in the eyes of birds. The birds had microchips attached to their backs, and some kind of skull pad, through which the terrorists were able to ‘drive’ them by wi-fi, remotely. They frequently used woodpigeons to keep watch on me from trees, when they had no other video access. They also trained terrorists to drive woodpigeons across the road; on to the windscreens of passing cars, to cause cars to crash.
I was sad to see birds and animals being tortured, so I decided to report it to MI5, via their website. It was the first time I had done this. I found a page where you could report suspicious activities and sent a brief email. Really, I did not think much would happen, and I did not know what to expect, but it was the beginning of an astonishing set of developments that culminated in the local terrorist unit being closed down by our security services. This goes to show that it is worth reporting things, and I will always be grateful to the heroes who work tirelessly day and night to keep us and our country safe from terrorism.
What happened next was really incredible. I was in the garden weeding, and I happened to look up for a moment at a point in the sky, at about forty-five degrees to the vertical. It was as if that tiny point had become a shiny dot, and then five glorious white birds burst from it in a star formation. They were a bit like giant seagulls, nearly as large as albatrosses. They were partly pure glistening white, and partly off-white. The off-white part looked soft, like mat fleece. I did not see feathers, but the birds glowed in the light and had a proud demeanour.
These birds were clearly not real. They were some kind of manufactured, remote-controlled creation. They set about finding all the camera birds in the garden. They had swing-wing capability, and they dived into hedges and tree canopies. And here’s the really amazing thing: they did not kill the camera birds, but cancelled the wi-fi transmitters in their bodies, so that the birds were freed from captivity.
‘Let’s hear it for our military!’ I thought. They were showing that they knew about the illicit technologies used to enslave birds, and had technologies of their own, far in advance of anything the terrorists could dream of.
Sometimes I would hear my captors whispering about another prisoner they could target, if I was going to be out all day, to ensure that they got their full pay.
‘He’s available if we need someone,’ I heard one of them say.
‘Who is he?’ I wondered. ‘Where does he live? Perhaps he needs help’.
Then, one day, I heard them telling some visiting terrorists about him.
‘He was one of us, you see, but he caught us breaking the rules, and reported us. But we had people at the top who saw to it, so that we could go on working here. Now he is in prison, as we call it.’
‘What do you mean?’ asked a visitor.
‘Well, it’s an old people’s home, just outside the town, but he is always in there, so we can easily find him’.
I wasn’t able to locate where the ex-IRA prisoner was located, but everything changed when I went carol singing that Christmas. We were going round some old people’s homes, and after our singing, they very kindly offered us hot nibbles, mince pies and mulled wine, and a chance to get to know the residents.
I could hear two IRA women whispering on synthetic telepathy.
‘Now we’ve got them both together, we can claim twice as much. You claim for him, and I’ll claim for her’.
‘Right,’ I thought. ‘He’s got to be in here somewhere’.
I looked around at all the elderly gentlemen sitting in comfortable chairs with high backs, who were being brought mince pies. It could be any of them. But how to make contact?
Then I heard one of the IRA women saying, ‘Pity we can’t reach him, he’s in the wrong place.’
‘Surely you know you can never reach me in here,’ said a m
an’s voice.
He sounded irritated.
‘Honestly,’ he continued, ‘They send these stupid fools round, without telling them anything. And, of course, they find out they can’t get through the shielding, and then they start bewailing their fate.’
‘That’s exactly what happens to me, when I’m at home, too,’ I thought.
‘Who are you?’ I heard the man say.
‘I’m a carol singer, and I’m being targeted by the IRA,’ I replied.
A grey-haired man of about seventy, sitting away from the window at the back, looked up and started staring round the room. I caught his eye and nodded at him.
‘Is it you?’ My lips moved silently.
He broke into a smile and beckoned me over.
‘I’m Bill,’ he said, extending his hand. ‘Pleased to meet you’.
‘Me too, I’m Martha,’ I said. ‘You’re the first person I’ve met who is being targeted with synthetic telepathy.’
‘I see,’ he said. ‘So you’re starting to work things out. How long has this been going on for you?’
‘Nearly a year,’ I said. ‘I’ve already heard about you. Would it be OK if I came to see you some time, as there are so many things I want to ask you?’
Bill burst out laughing.
‘Well now, that’s the first time in years that I’ve been propositioned by a woman, and I never expected it at my age.’
I laughed too. It was such a relief to find someone else who understood the same things that I was experiencing. I noticed that he had a slight Irish lilt to his voice, just occasionally.
Bill laughed again.
‘Yes, I do still have a trace of my origins, though it’s many years since I visited my old home’.