Terror in Britain

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Terror in Britain Page 7

by Martha Twine

  The research clinicians spent much of their time carrying out ‘unnecessary operations’ to meet the requirements of the IRA and their subcontractors. These included:

  - Routine castration of ex-convicts, paedophiles and other staff on their payroll with a history of crimes of violence

  - Insertion of Nano-transmitters into the heads of all employees

  - Insertion of eye cameras linked to the retinal nerves of some staff

  - Insertion of inner-ear implants into the heads of some synthetic telepathy operatives

  - Insertion of metal plates into the heads of child ‘super soldiers’. The plates had electrodes extending into the brain, through which a manager could influence the children remotely via wi-fi.

  The scientists were responsible for obtaining and supplying viruses and bacteria for close range remote applications, using carbon-dioxide lasers or water droplet sprays as delivery agents. There was a section specialising in psychological warfare, including use of psychosis-inducing drugs, and virtual reality displays, projected into the brains of victims, using lasers to beam light through their skulls. The clinicians worked with scientists and radio engineers to develop remote assassination methods.

  The underground bases had many levels; access to which was strictly limited, so that operatives could not go into areas other their own. Entrances to the base were guarded, and no one without a security pass could enter.

  Milton Keynes is a town in the East Midlands. It was also the location of the North American’s mafia’s science and technology research headquarters in the British Isles. The technology was secret and involved unethical people - doctors who didn’t mind doing evil things to human beings, scientists who happily played around with genetically modified foetuses, creating Frankenstein monsters. Staffed almost exclusively by people from North America, these scientists had their own subculture.

  Spying was high on their agenda – attempting to spy on NATO, space stations, and Western defence mechanisms in Europe, North America, or wherever. Private commercial satellite, wi-fi, and infra-red are used by all terrorists these days, but the Milton Keynes mob used laser mirror technologies and heated plasma, combined with infrasound and ultrasound. They were linked to other underground facilities, mainly below large country houses located across the British Isles.

  Could that happen without the British military’s knowing about it? I think not. But it is well understood that there will be foreign nationals acting as covert spies around military bases, and the host country will know about them, and monitor their activities without overt intervention. After all, if they removed the spies, others would replace them, so better the devil you know.

  I got to know about these technologies by observation and personal experience. There was a US mobster who lived nearby. He let the Milton Keynes lot use his premises. One day I was walking down the road, when I caught sight of someone standing behind their hedge, pointing a very long telescope at me. It was at least five feet long, large, heavy and the end of it curved to touch the ground. It had to be supported by a kind of tripod. It looked like those long Swiss horns that you see in the Alps. I stared at the man and his implement. He shimmered a bit. He was there, definitely, but no, he wasn’t. Was it a hologram? I wasn’t sure. I was reminded of the poem by William Hughes Mearns:

  ‘Yesterday, upon the stair,

  I met a man who wasn’t there.

  He wasn’t there again today,

  I wish, I wish he’d go away.’

  A few days later, I was looking out of the kitchen window into our rhododendron hedge; in the middle, there was a shimmery spot. The next day, the shimmery spot had grown to twice its width, and there were no rhododendrons in the shimmery bit. Within a week, it was a massive archway. Then, one evening, I was lying in bed when I saw a light in my work room. I watched in astonishment as people entered through the archway. There were three figures crouched around a TV screen. They were all a bit shimmery in the dark, but I could see that there were two middle-aged men and a woman, in her thirties, with shortish blonde hair. They had a conspiratorial manner and were giggling audibly, their shoulders shaking with laughter.

  I looked at the TV screen they were watching. A senior man from the North American mafia office up the road, in his sixties, with silver hair, was standing in the nude, proudly displaying himself, while other males in their fifties and sixties, equally unclad, disported themselves. It was a homosexual porn movie, starring a group of local terrorists. What gave it an interesting edge was that several of the participants were stoma patients, wearing their prostheses.

  Why did some of the men have stoma bags? Because they belonged to a culture of abuse in which, from their earliest years, children were the target for indecent assaults. Electronic and ultrasound devices were used in attacks on their colons and lower intestines. In later life, these guys all had intestinal problems that had to be treated by surgical removal of tracts in the intestine.

  It turned out that the blonde woman I saw in my work room was a professional IRA photographer, here on official business, reporting an IRA conference. She was co-opted to provide special services for the terrorists’ gay group. She was sworn to secrecy, and this was why she and her mates had chosen my work room for a private viewing. But it showed that somebody knew my workroom fairly well, and had, no doubt, visited it in the past.

  After the air tunnel incident, I noticed similar shimmering air tunneling linking different terrorist safe houses. There were two that crossed roads. There was also one from an IRA-US mafia hideout to the bedroom of an attractive female IRA employee. I saw it developing, but I doubt that it got to its final destination, as later that week, there was a big wooden stick laid across the gap in the hedge where it had emerged. Somebody decided to put an end to that plan.

  The Milton Keynes mob were developing infrasound technologies locally. I do not understand why they chose to do this, because infrasound technologies are easy to detect. The terrorists built a large operations hall, two roads down from us, with a grand façade, like a private clinic, to house their infrasound equipment. One night, at three o’clock in the morning, there was the most awful noise. It was like a machine that had gone wrong, groaning and shrieking. At first, I thought it might be some kind of burglar alarm malfunctioning, but the tone was much too low, more like a terribly loud lawnmower. It went on for an hour.

  I gathered from IRA gossip on the synthetic telepathy chat-line that the Milton Keynes mob had left suddenly, because of the activities of the British Military, and that local IRA technicians were trying to make the infrasound device work, without success. No doubt the neighbours had something to say about that. The IRA didn’t try it again for six months. When they did, it made the same horrible noise. They switched it off immediately, and that was the end of their infrasound operations. Once the advanced technicians had left our area, the local scientists just couldn’t figure out how to make the technology work.

  Spying was an integral part of the North American mafia’s business, and the IRA also took a strong interest in military industrial espionage. One of the IRA groups attached to our local terrorist unit had a family member who worked as a secure government courier at the European Space Centre. He had an Irish passport, and, as a member of the European Union, had gone through whatever security procedures he needed to, in order to become a courier. These posts are carefully checked, but evidently there was nothing to link his background to anything suspicious. His job meant that he carried sensitive documents from place to place. It would not be easy for anyone to access documents unofficially, but I guess they tried.

  Another IRA family with members living in the East Coast of the United States wanted their son to get a job in the US National Security Agency. Their son kept applying and going for interviews. He had to sit all kinds of tests in order to qualify for consideration. Each time, he was rejected, and then he was ‘timed out’ and wasn’t able to apply anymore. His family blamed him for being a failure. But I wonder whethe
r the National Security Agency had asked their British counterparts if they had anything on this guy. You would expect them to, and if they did, my guess is that the British gave him the thumbs down. But that didn’t seem to have occurred to his family, who were not the brightest of the bright.

  At an early stage in my kidnap, I woke one night and found myself within the electromagnetic environment, in a military office. The staff had Irish accents and wore greenish uniforms. A grey-haired man in his fifties, dressed in civilian clothes, was ushering in a man of about thirty. He had dark hair and brown-rimmed glasses, and looked studious, with a long fringe, flopping over his face. The room contained videoconference equipment. On the video screen were two people I recognised as IRA staff from where I used to live in Greater London. At one time, they had infiltrated a counterterrorism unit, and had operated in the same building as the local police station – the Metropolitan Police had later kicked them out. They wore synthetic telepathy headphones. The grey-haired man greeted them as old friends.

  The young Irishman was helped to put on headphones by the older man. They all tried to communicate with each other via synthetic telepathy. The young man could not get the hang of it, and everyone was laughing at him. Then a young woman in green military uniform brought the two Irish men cups of tea. From their conversation, I gathered that the young Irishman was applying for a post at a North American military base in Yorkshire, for which competence in synthetic telepathy was required.

  I don’t know if he got the job, but I suspect not. Six months later, I was an involuntary witness at a North American Mafia training course on synthetic telepathy in Los Angeles. The room was divided into two parts. There was an inner glass area, where only participants could operate. Then there was an outer area, with wooden benches for people to sit on and watch participants through the glass. I saw the young Irishman with the long fringe sitting on the wooden benches, taking notes and asking questions.

  It looked to me as if the IRA had tried to get one of their people into a US NATO post in the UK, via the Irish Republic, but had failed to do so. But it is possible that he was successful and managed to get a transfer to a military post in California, where he made contact with US mafia operations.

  The North American mafia had an entire wing of their operations devoted to drama and acting ability. They needed actors who could pretend to be other people in a lot of different situations. They also needed people who could pretend not to be themselves in order to stay covert. These actors did not necessarily have North American or Irish accents. They had to be able to blend into their surroundings easily, sometimes at short notice.

  The US mafia used gang-stalking a lot in the States. This involved a troupe of actors hounding a victim in the street without doing actual violence. They would harass them at traffic lights, giving them knowing looks, sidling up to them, brushing against them, laughing loudly at them, as if sharing a joke at the victim’s expense. Then there was open tailing of the victim en masse. Wherever the victim went, these guys would appear to be busily doing something nearby; often on their smartphone at street corners.

  Victims might find their cars scratched unattributably, rubbish thrown into their gardens, petty break-ins into garages. There might be nuisance phone calls where the caller could not be traced. These actions were designed to unnerve the victim and to affect the balance of their minds, particularly if the US mafia wanted the victim to become paranoid and registered for mental health purposes, as an unreliable witness.

  A more sinister application of the acting groups was ‘rent-a-mob’. Political demonstrations against a democratically elected government would be infiltrated by these people, suitably disguised. These guys were often the first to smash shop windows, or start a fight with other demonstrators, after which they faded out of the picture. The actors went through a lot of training for these roles, including practising throwing bottles and stones at the police. Some of them were not just actors and threw fire bombs in bottles, designed to cause maximum trouble and confusion. Ambitious young Western terrorists vied for these roles, as they were seen as a fast-track to promotion into the smoke-filled rooms of the North American mafia.

  In September 2016, a local conference was held on how to harmonise terrorist practices between the North American mafia/IRA and European Terrorist organisations. Apparently, a terrorist working party had reviewed differences in approach between the two groups and was proposing that the North American mafia/IRA should alter their practices, to fall in line with Al-Qaida/ Islamic State practices for the European Theatre of War.

  A woman terrorist speaker arrived, to set out the revised procedures. She was a representative of a Pan-North American-European working group, funded by Al-Qaida. Al-Qaida do not normally interfere with the operations of their terrorist partners, except to give feedback on an annual basis, when they renew funding contracts. Informal interactions are not encouraged. However there had been areas of contention, hence the harmonisation conference.

  The main area of contention was the North American mafia’s habit of arriving on the ‘battlefield’ without checking out the terrain in detail, and charging in, all guns blazing. Their European counterparts said that, in future, the Yanks should sit down and wait for specialist advisors to carry out an overview of the terrain and hold meetings with leaders of the terrorist cells to decide which terrorist groups were best suited to which tasks.

  That seems fairly straightforward as far as strategy goes, but in what circumstances would the North American mafia/IRA be working with their European counterparts? It sounded as if there were going to be joint operations across several European countries, involving representatives of different terrorist groups. The Islamic State movement had claimed responsibility for terrorist attacks in France and Belgium in 2016, but there was no evidence that the North American mafia/IRA had participated.

  Another area of contention raised more recently by Al-Qaida was the use of slave soldiers. Al-Qaida deplored this practice, not so much on ethical grounds, but because it produced poor quality soldiers. They have always stressed the importance of using volunteers, citing the good performance of their volunteer soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. By contrast, the IRA and North American mafia relied increasingly on blackmail victims, drug addicts and soldiers enslaved from childhood, who were easily press-ganged.

  However, as detailed later in this book, Islamic State rely heavily on ordinary cocaine to enhance their soldiers’ endurance, hence the correlation between drug trafficking and terrorism from central Asia.


  Al-Qaida is one of the main sources of funding of terrorist activities, and they commissioned North American mafia technology specialists to develop their electromagnetic operations. I have met a few Al-Qaida staff via Al-Qaida’s electromagnetic communications system, mainly in France, Algeria and Tunisia, and I have observed the terrorist training which they sponsor in Algeria. It looks to me as if, somewhere, there is an inner ring of Al-Qaida potentates who wish to re-open the Ottoman war, conquer the Western World and turn it into an Islamic Caliphate. Their religion happens to be Islam, but their interests are the ancient ones of empire building by invading other countries, conquering them, and demanding tribute.

  The Al-Qaida inner ring may not be the smartest people, but historically they have commanded a large reliable flow of funds from Saudi Arabia. This has enabled them to buy in high-quality staff from the US mafia - scientists, technology experts, and specialists in conventional types of warfare. They have also invested in covert technologies, chemical and biological weapons, electronic, electromagnetic and other types of radiation weapons. They commission the training of terrorist groups to use these technologies, and have a large training contract with the IRA.

  Their strategy is to start their wars in secret, with covert technologies such as electromagnetic weapons, infiltrating and destroying populations silently, reverting to overt technologies only when there is military opposition. L
ike all terrorist groups they target the poor, vulnerable and dispossessed members of society first.

  In Europe Al-Qaida require their staff to have a legitimate interface with the outside world, such as a local part time job, to enable them to blend into the population without arousing suspicion. Typically, they may appear as office cleaners, carers of elderly or disabled people, nursery nurses, shop assistants, taxi drivers, or courier van drivers. Their earnings from these types of employment are usually low enough to qualify them for welfare benefits, and some of them are registered with the UK Department of Work and Pensions. But that is just their part-time work. The rest of the time they are employed on better-paid work for their terrorist cause.

  Al-Qaida’s funding relationships with terrorist groups are always governed by a contract, which sets out the objectives that Al-Qaida wishes to achieve, and broad guidelines about how the recipients of funding are required to carry out tasks in support of these objectives.

  One of Al-Qaida’s main investments is in training of children and young people. They have infiltrated many countries, not only in the West, but in Eastern Asia as well. They require all the terrorist groups that they fund to carry out training of batches of young children ‘outside of Christendom’, and to train them up as child soldiers. This is easy to achieve in Asia and Africa, but not so easy in Europe or North America.

  Al-Qaida have made a special effort to recruit and retain black people, particularly in Western countries. Al-Qaida-funded terrorist groups are ordered not to attack black people unless specifically required to do so. By contrast, whites are never off-limits.

  I met a teenage girl called Katherine, an Al-Qaida ‘batch kid’, who had attended a summer training camp in the Irish Republic in 2015. Run by the IRA, it was funded by Al-Qaida, and there were lectures and pep talks given by Al-Qaida representatives. The batch kids were being taught a new motto to chant:


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