Terror in Britain
Page 11
There was another IRA terrorist unit in the next town, which targeted their own victims; and woe betide the terrorists in our area if they tried to poach them! Our area got increasingly over-targeted.
Some of the IRA terrorists had particular religious sensitivities. They would not target people who attended the local Catholic church. On one occasion, they were giving people broken right forearms, as part of a research programme. They induced falls by projecting an electromagnetic field over victims, unbalancing them and making them fall over, particularly when they were coming down stairs. But Catholics were exempt from these attacks.
I was in my living room reading at about ten thirty p.m. An apartment in the house opposite had been let to a couple of Afro-Asians. They described themselves as ‘Daesh’. Through my connection to the Al-Qaida electromagnetic environment, I found myself looking into the apartment opposite. I heard a strange laughing sound, and I saw a young white woman with shortish fair hair, lying face down on the ground.
She was wearing a T shirt and a pair of panties. At one side, sitting in a low chair, was one of the Afro-Asians. He was making the laughing sound, because he had just taken a canister of laughing gas. A third man was sitting in the position from which I was viewing the scene, but I could not identify him, as I was looking through a camera in his eye. It appears that some internal switchboard operator had failed to disconnect me from the circuit, enabling me to see what was happening.
I took in the entire scene in one moment. In the background, I saw a Caucasian man disappearing through a doorway. His face had been intentionally obscured by whoever was cam-cording the event. I was concerned about the health of the female. I heard a woman whispering behind a door leading to the room.
‘What shall I do?’ she said.
‘Call for a doctor,’ I said. ‘Put a blanket over that girl. She may be losing heat.’
‘I can’t,’ said the woman. ‘Nobody can. Only the boss is allowed to go in there.’
‘Well call up the boss and tell him what’s happened,’ I said.
‘OK,’ she agreed.
She got on her mobile and talked to someone. My vision was partly obscured at this point but I could still hear. About five minutes later, a medic arrived. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Then I heard steps in the room opposite, and whispered comments.
‘Can you walk?’ the medic was asking the Afro-Asian.
‘No,’ he said.
The medic tried to lift him, but he was too heavy. The medic helped him into a better sitting position. The medic beckoned the woman who had called for help. She came in timidly. He examined the prone female.
‘We’ll have to move her,’ he said.
Together, he and the woman carried the woman’s body out of the room. That was the last I saw or heard of them, as the scene went completely dark at that moment. It later emerged, from whispered discussions that I heard on the Syntel system, that some kind of secret research experiment was being conducted. The experiment involved paralysis of human subject’s bodies, so that they could not move or make a sound. Each subject was connected via wi-fi to telemetry diagnostic equipment that measured heart, blood pressure and other bio indicators. Electronic equipment of some sort was used to induce extreme pain, and to measure what that did to the woman’s body, until she died. Finding out at what point she died was key to the experiment.
A lucrative private contract had been agreed with an electronic weapons manufacturer who needed experiments of this sort to be carried out on white people. A similar experiment was carried out once a month, for several months, on unwanted women members of the terrorists’ staff. Women were getting nervous that it might be their turn next.
I heard that the girl I saw lying face down had committed the sin of standing under the boss’s window talking to a man friend, after ‘lights out’. These employees all lived a slave’s existence.
Events of this kind were unusual, and had a bad effect on staff morale. Those involved had to keep a low profile. I found out that the death experiment involved the participation of the two other perpetrators in the room, a telemetry operative - whose eyes I looked through - and a ‘pointer’ to direct the equipment at the victim. The ‘pointer’ was the Afro-Asian who had been unable to walk. He had requested to be given some minor wounding to make it look as if he was a victim. He inhaled the laughing gas as an anesthetic. It was well worth his while financially.
The man I saw disappearing through a door at the back of the room was one of the IRA general managers. He was known to associates as Michael – but they never used their real names. He was present to supervise the killing operation, because it represented an important, lucrative, contract for the IRA.
The Al-Qaida research facility in Algeria, staffed mainly by North American and French mafia scientists, specialised in human genetic modifications. There are strict laws governing human genetic modification, but in Algeria the North American mafia operated without any restrictions. They produced several types of sub-human slave species useful for their terrorist requirements.
Their main slave product was a black genetically modified male sub-human. The genetically modified foetuses were delivered by caesarean section. There were different batches of these guys. Within each batch, they all looked the same. They were no taller than five feet high, and clinically obese in Western terms. They did not look quite normal, having large round heads, and their IQ was definitely lower than normal. But they felt human emotions and suffered fear and pain.
They aged fast, and looked elderly by the age of thirty. Their life expectancy was only forty years. They were designed to eat a simple vegetarian diet of gruel, to be taken in liquid form. But once in the West, they gravitated to fast food, which created health problems including diabetes and constipation.
They had no concept of ‘mother’, and no previous interaction with women at all, which was what first led me to suspect that they had been produced by some laboratory process. With no family, they exhibited hive-mind traits, preferring to do everything in a large group. Their lack of basic education left them in a primitive condition. They were sensitive about their physical appearance, and used to get together to practice ‘standing tall’, and measuring each other to convince themselves that they were still growing.
The Algerian sub-humans were designed as spies and prison camp guards. As spies, they were positioned to keep watch on people and places, without moving for long periods of time. They were not proficient in reading or writing, learning mainly by ear, but they had a special gift in being able to replicate any sound they heard, repeating conversations verbatim in any language – whether they understood it or not, sotto voce, into concealed microphones attached to their clothes. Some were fluent in English, French and Creole.
The spies were ‘cyborgs’, with cameras attached to the retinal nerve of one eye and inner ear implants. They were linked by wi-fi to underground processing centres, which recorded what they saw and heard, and analysed it. I was told by an Islamic State soldier that such spies were used in Syria, to good effect.
Production of these sub-humans exceeded demand. Some of the batches were trafficked as slaves, offering sexual services and house cleaning to Islamic State terrorists. Others were given training in the use of electronic weapons and synthetic telepathy. They lived in cellars and underground shelters, in insanitary conditions. Those brought to the UK had to acclimatise to daylight, as they had spent much of their time lying in the dark on their bellies staring through a tiny hole in the wall, just wide enough for their weapons.
The dwarves referred to themselves as ‘Daesh warriors’. They were taught that they were here to fight Al-Qaida’s war against white people, and that, when the war was over, they would be given white people’s houses and property for their personal use, in whichever country they were located.
Al-Qaida had planned to use them as prison camp guards, for the repression of white women, in the Europea
n theatre of war. In the UK, the IRA trained the dwarves to attack white women covertly, focusing particularly on older women in restricted environments such as nursing homes. The attacks were carried out from cars and buildings close to where the women lived, using infra-red to locate their targets through walls, and working with technical specialists to deliver laser and electromagnetic attacks. The objective was to erode the health of victims through the infliction of pain, confusion of mind and externally-induced malfunction of vital organs.
Al-Qaida had a contract with the IRA to import to a significant number of Daesh dwarves from North Africa to Britain. Every week, sixteen of them arrived in my local area. They came from France by boat to minor UK ports, where they were collected and taken to reception centres. There they were given forged identity papers of citizenship of an EU member country, giving them the right to live and work in the UK. After Britain leaves the EU, the status of these illegal immigrants will be untenable, and they will be taken to French-speaking countries instead.
I met some of the Daesh dwarves. It was difficult to tell them apart. Because of this, they were desperate to make a personal impression. Wanting to be seen as special, they cultivated an air of self-importance and a swaggering walk, boasting to each other about how they had tortured big tall women. Despite this, they were uncomfortable except in the company of their own sort. Their behaviour was acutely dysfunctional. If intimidated, they had a tendency to crawl under a table, blanket or tarpaulin.
These Daesh dwarfs had evolved their own subculture. They motivated themselves to carry out attacks on people by getting together, all facing into the centre of a ring, and masturbating, making loud growling noises. After this, they believed a spirit had entered into them, which enabled them to carry out warlike activities. Although malefic and prone to kill anything smaller than them, they developed deep attachments to members of their own group.
They were frequently employed to spy on me when I was outside gardening. They listened in to my thoughts, repeating them loudly into a microphone, which broadcast on an ultrasound frequency clearly audible to anyone with the right receiver. These activities gained them a small cash payment, which they gleefully lost on one-armed bandits in the IRA canteen. Regrettably, their main interest, apart from gambling, appeared to be visiting the Al-Qaida child brothel, which was open to Islamic State, Daesh and IRA employees from one p.m. until three p.m. every day.
Despite their less than appealing habits, the Daesh black dwarves had an air of innocence. They had all been schooled in a Daesh version of Islam, and could refer to texts that they knew by heart. On one occasion, when they had been parroting at me while I was gardening, I decided to give them a dose of their own medicine.
‘Right,’ I said. ‘We are now going to have a reading from the Quran. Let’s hear you parrot that for a change.’
There was a copy of the Quran in my bookshelf, and I selected a section which describes how people should be kind to elderly widows, and show them respect.
As I began my recitation, I was surprised to see all the Daesh dwarves get out small prayer mats, and sit in a devout pose. Later I learned that, after my reading, they had clustered together, questioning about the text they had just heard. It was new to them, because they only knew texts written by their own religious teachers.
The Daesh dwarves preserved their own military dignity. On one occasion, during the wars that were to come over our terrorist area, several Daesh dwarves had been fatally wounded, and men from the local research centre had to humanely terminate the lives of any still breathing, using lethal injection. The one dwarf still unharmed stood to attention throughout the process, a lone figure with no one else to mourn their passing.
‘I had to do it, it was my duty. Now I want to join my dead colleagues. Life has no meaning for me,’ he said.
The most genetically modified human species produced with Al-Qaida funding were a group of white research centre technicians. They were less than five feet in height, with large bellies, and thin arms and legs. Their faces were round and strangely child-like, although they looked old. Their appearance was so un-human that they always wore masks with inane smiles on them.
As described earlier, North American mafia research staff conducted non-consensual experiments on humans. Once the research experiments were completed, they terminated the people they had experimented on, in order to prevent evidence of their activities being discovered. The genetically modified white sub- humans were bred to carry out this gruesome work.
The job of these sub-humans was to carry out whatever tasks needed to be done at close range, in order to terminate human research subjects. This might involve climbing up to the third-floor windows of buildings, where victims were located, and pointing electronic devices at them, which were operated remotely, from a safe distance, by IRA henchmen. The IRA would not take the risk of carrying out these tasks, for fear of discovery, but the white sub-humans were like monkeys, hopping on roofs at night, and lurking in the shadows. It was hard to see them.
‘Where have you come from? How were you constructed?’ I asked one of them.
‘I came from the United States,’ he said. ‘I was first created as an embryo, and put in the fallopian tubes of a female. Then, at a later stage, I was removed and put in the womb of another female. Later, they cut open the side of her body and took me out’.
These sub-humans were sharp mentally, and could run rings around lower-level IRA operatives. I suspected that they had probably spent their entire life in underground research bases belonging to the North American mafia. The only time they left the terrorist compound was in cars driven by others. They had no personal rights, no registers of births and no legal possessions, but they had a family feeling for each other, doing everything in their power to protect their clan.
They wanted to be mistaken for normal humans, and copied the mannerisms and expressions of the North American mafia and IRA staff with whom they worked. On Syntel, they sounded like IRA supervisors. You would never guess that they had lacked a normal childhood or education, to hear them talking. They had a good sense of humour, and could be heard cracking jokes, in low whispers, at the expense of their colleagues.
On the electromagnetic computer system, they used avatars that looked like old-style gangsters, with hats that concealed their features. Within the terrorist compound they went around with an ageing group of paedophiles, male prostitutes and child traffickers, forming a kind of risqué gentleman’s club. They cultivated English public-school accents. No one ever saw them without their disguises, and few realised that they were not human.
A number of IRA terrorists who acted as virtual prison guards for me told me that they had worked at the Al-Qaida research facility in Algeria. They were posted there by the North American mafia, who brought Western expertise to the large encampment, as part of wider financial deals between the two terrorist groups.
Originally the Algerian stronghold was an old-style Al-Qaida base, with limited infrastructure, and a large number of North African tribespeople, armed with rifles, wearing dark robes and long head gear. They kidnapped people and held them to ransom. They operated a large training programme in the use of firearms, guerilla warfare and prison camp management. The IRA people I met were not trained as warriors. They went to learn prison camp techniques. Some of these, such as the faeces group controls described in chapter seven, were brought in by the North American mafia. In Algeria, brutal torture and execution methods were taught as standard to prison camp guards. Prisoners did not live long, and were given hardly any food or water.
The concentration camp was divided along gender lines, in accordance with Islamic principles. Women jailors guarded, punished and executed women prisoners, and men did it to men. But the women prison guards were supervised by men. It was an excessively repressive regime. The women who tortured and executed women victims would end up as victims themselves if they failed to obey orders with great en
thusiasm, to the letter.
I spoke to a female IRA-Daesh terrorist, an Anglo-Pakistani known as ‘Esme’, whose family used to live in South Africa. Esme spent some time working in Al-Qaida’s Algerian Centre. She could barely read or write, having been brought up outside the normal education framework, like so many terrorist kids. She had been trained first by the North American mafia in Los Angeles, and then by Al-Qaida in Algeria. She was the leader of a North American ‘Faeces Group’. Her victims tended to come from poorer groups within society, and those least able to protect themselves.
In Al-Qaida’s concentration camps, Esme’s job was the control of women prisoners. As part of this, she regularly tortured a woman to death, pretty much every day.
‘Torture and death were a daily routine for us, really,’ she told me, calmly.
She recounted how women prisoners, completely covered with black robes and headscarves, were tied down on the ground, and how she was given a whip with several metal barbs on it, and ordered to beat the women. This she did with such determination that her male supervisors had to order her to stop, eventually, as she had cut a hole through the now-dead body of the woman, and was ploughing into the earth.
Most of Esme’s victims were white North American women who had been kidnapped by the mafia, or by unwanted mafia employees.
‘Did any of them talk to you?’ I asked.
‘One woman laughed at me, and said - you can do what you like, but you cannot change me,’ said Esme.
‘What happened then?’ I asked.
‘Oh, she didn’t speak again,’ Esme replied.
Esme was praised for her diligence by the Algerian Al-Qaida organisation, and promoted to a leadership role in the IRA-Al-Qaida cooperative arrangements in the UK. That meant that Al-Qaida’s funds for Faeces Group work were channelled through her. She was given carte blanche to start up similar groups across the British Isles. She began her work in IRA units in the South of England, The IRA were embarrassed at having to work with her, as she was fairly uncouth, and lacked the judgement required for a management post, but they did not wish to upset Al-Qaida.