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Terror in Britain

Page 13

by Martha Twine

  ‘They’re better than my original ones,’ he said, grinning proudly.

  I discovered that the two black guys who ‘snuck in for a laugh’ had just come out of prison. There was no proper supervision of the kids, and the man and woman supposed to be in charge of them were totally unsuitable. If I had not been there, the two girls, and probably some of the younger boys, would have been abused by the older boys and the adults. They would never have realised that the IRA was behind their holiday, but the kids would have been contacted later, and drawn into a life of crime, in preparation for terrorist service.


  In the second year of my virtual captivity by the IRA, they hit on the idea of making money from selling me as a human subject for their terrorist training camps. The microchip transmitter in my head offered them rare opportunities for practising tracking and targeting a ‘British citizen. They set up the training camp with the cooperation of the North American mafia, who set up the technical infrastructure required to support this.

  Up till then, most of the terrorist training was carried out on old people in nursing homes and hospices, or on vulnerable people, mentally or physically disabled, unemployed and single parent families. The terrorists did not have many opportunities to train on someone fit and well, who had worked in the outside world.

  It looked like a real money-spinner to those claiming ownership of me. Soon all the IRA and North American mafia units in the area had signed a contract agreeing to send their junior staff to be trained, for a fee. In return, they would receive a certificate of attendance, which stated that they had successfully completed certain types of attacks on me.

  In practice, the course was a rip-off. The students received very little training of any sort, and the tasks they were set were impossible to complete. They were either sent home without a certificate, necessitating further training courses, or they bribed a low-level operative £10 to be given the authorised certificate.

  The content of the course was the same in all cases. The students arrived at night and were made to stay on duty outside in the countryside, irrespective of weather or temperature, often with no outer clothing, food or water. They were allowed to go to a canteen for breakfast at six o-clock, but before they got there, perverted operatives would target laser beams at the bladders and bowels of all the female students, causing them to void the contents, after which they were made to stand in line with the rest, being jeered at by males.

  Some of the units complained about the treatment of their female students, but the complaints fell on deaf ears. Having set up the course, there was nothing that the IRA were prepared to do to introduce supervision or quality standards, because it would affect profit margins. The course was in fact little more than a job creation exercise for aging under-employed terrorists, of which there were many.

  Most of the male teachers on the course preyed on younger males, treating them to the same tortures as they meted out to female students, if they did not participate in sexual acts. There was also a ‘Thursday night initiation’ event for young males. The male students were encouraged to drink a fair bit, and then their brains were exposed to microwave beams, which expanded the alcohol content in the brain. They were then facilitated to carry out an atrocity, for example, the brutal gang-rape of a young male or female student, aided and abetted by their repellent teachers. The incident was videoed and played back to the hung-over lads the next day. The teachers then blackmailed the boys into carrying out unpaid services at future training courses.

  Relatives of senior IRA families were not treated like that on training courses. They did not have to stand out in the cold and wet all night, nor were they attacked by their tutors, and they were given prime opportunities to complete their tasks, which were signed off as achieved, irrespective of performance.

  The tasks the IRA students had to complete consisted of the following:

  - Spend one shift, lasting eight hours, in ‘conversation’ with me via synthetic telepathy. They were to say abusive things, and make malicious comments about whatever activities I was engaged in. This proved difficult, as I drowned them out with a radio – talking rather than music being the more effective, as the IRA technicians could modulate their microphones to reduce the volume of music in the students’ headphones, and in my audio-receptors.

  - Sit in their ‘police station’ watching plasma screens displaying me getting undressed, bathed or on the toilet. The female students were to say rude things at me, while the male students were to aim electronic close-range laser beams causing pinches or pricks, or to try to knock me over with their gravity oscillators. I did not intend to put up with this, and I deployed a range of shielding devices, including waterproof fabrics, plastics, aluminum, sun block blinds and the like. I could subvert their objectives at night simply by keeping lights switched off, as most of their facilities lacked night-vision cameras.

  - Aim ‘masers’ - a type of microwave laser beam - at my head, in an attempt to wipe words and thoughts out of my mind. They tried to make me forget the names of things, by focusing these beams intensively at me. The beams only had a short-term effect, and wearing a waterproof rain hood tended to prevent them, because they were unable to find where I was, as it blocked the microchip transmitter in my head.

  - Watch my mental pictures from a kind of MRI viewer that was linked by wi-fi to the microchip in my head. * The IRA had an arrangement with the nearby North American mafia underground research base, to use their technical facilities, connected by wi-fi.

  - Operate an infra-red device to find out where I was sitting or lying through the walls of my house.

  - Discover what I was looking at, by monitoring a webcam receiver linked by wi-fi to the transmitter attached to my eye camera.

  - Direct a harmless type of microwave beam at me, which would reflect the outline of my body, showing how I was sitting, standing or lying in more detail.

  - Direct a laser gun to attack my genitals, arms, legs or other body parts via wi-fi, using coordinates set up beforehand by the IRA technicians. The students used a kind of smartphone screen known as a ‘voodoo doll’ screen, which showed a stereotyped human form, with different parts of the body highlighted, and buttons to press to emit different types of painful sensations. This method requires a CD of biodata to be inserted into a laptop, in order to establish the exact position of the victim, after which the coordinates are entered onto the voodoo doll screen. *

  *For more on this, see the book ‘Project Soulcatcher’ by Robert Duncan, Higher Order Thinkers Publishing, 2010, ISBN 1452804087. Robert Duncan notes that there is a unique body resonance signature, heart beat signature and brain wave print for every individual.

  - Male students were required to operate a small electromagnetic oscillator device, working in couples, where each student targeted one of my feet, attempting to raise and reduce the gravity on each foot, as I walked along. This was supposed to demonstrate ability to restrain a victim within a virtual prison camp environment.

  - Operate the oscillator device in a public place, in an attempt to make walking difficult, and deter me from leaving the house. I stopped this by dragging a walking stick with a plastic cap on the base, or by pushing a wheeled shopping trolley, both of which prevented the attacks.

  - Use a tracking device to pick up the wi-fi transmissions from the microchip in my head, and follow me via satellite, when I went out. There was a short-range device, and a long-range wi-fi satellite device which could follow me if I went on longer journeys.

  Once the British military came on the scene, much of this stopped. I remember watching at night, when IRA students were due to carry out a night field exercise. This involved night orienteering and tracking a human quarry, trespassing in people’s grounds, wading through streams, and getting completely lost. When these events occurred, military aircraft or helicopters would appear, shining search lights down onto the students, and herding the young criminals back into the vehicles that had brou
ght them.

  Over time, my use of shielding devices meant that the IRA were no longer able to offer me as a human subject for terrorist training apart from training in synthetic telepathy, but they lied to their clients that I was available, took the money up front, and then blamed their clients for their lack of skill in being able to find me. For an extra fee, they would alter their telemetry print-outs to show that they had carried out all kind of attacks on me as well. Eventually, their management got wise to this, and stopped money changing hands.

  After the first year, the IRA management began to think that the training course had the potential to be an accredited course for their officer cadre. In the weeks after the decision was taken, specialist teachers were brought in, and eventually some skills transfer was achieved. So what did the trainees finally get taught?

  - Martial arts

  - Making fire grenades in bottles, and throwing them

  - How to stall a car at close range, by means of electromagnetic intervention

  - How to ‘guide’ birds into car windscreens, and create potential accidents

  - The correct way to carry out an assassination attack, using electronic weapons. This involved a hit man, two female navigators to plot the victim’s position; GPS coordinates; and a telemetry operative, to get an accurate fix on the victim’s body.

  - How to harass a victim using synthetic telepathy

  - How to mob a victim wherever they went, using ‘gang stalking’ techniques

  - Following a victim’s car using wi-fi tracking

  - Release of chemical agents from gas canisters, at close range, via a laser delivery agent.

  Not all the trainees got the chance to learn all these skills, but opportunities were provided, particularly to young members of established IRA families. At the end of three years, the IRA decided to have a passing-out ceremony for their graduates. This took place in July, with a garden party, presenting of certificates, and posing for photographs.

  The graduates now had to earn their new rank of Lieutenant, by proving themselves capable of carrying out a killing. For members of IRA families, this was organised for them, so that all they had to do was point a device at someone and the deed was done. The real work of carrying out the killing was undertaken by technicians, but the young cadets were able to demonstrate that they had won their spurs. In one case, a female student who belonged to an important IRA family was taken to a hospice, where she had to kill a child. I heard that she wept when she was obliged to carry out the killing. Old people’s homes were used selectively in a similar way, so that students from influential IRA families could get their Lieutenant’s rank.

  The IRA training unit had a tradition of holding alumni events on Bank Holiday weekends. These events were not strictly related to training courses, but they benefited from running in parallel with them, because big events with a host of activities created a sense of occasion. Known as ‘hunting parties’, they offered senior veterans from the local IRA aristocracy a chance to get together in a relaxed environment, to enjoy good food and drink in convivial male company, and to relive the ‘glory days’ when they once killed British citizens or fought in campaigns overseas.

  These ancient ‘hunters’ were no longer capable of doing much, so there were ‘gamekeepers’ on hand to ensure that they all bagged a few ‘pheasants’ when they went out with the boys on Saturday and Sunday night field exercises. The ‘pheasants’ were usually vulnerable British citizens, mainly elderly, who lived on their own, or in sheltered accommodation. IRA technicians had done the field work, setting up the viewing sites, ensuring the quarries were in range and immobilised at the right time, through the use of sedative gases, administered in advance. All the ‘hunters’ had to do was to fire their weapons, to be ensured of a kill.

  The weapons were remote electromagnetic devices that left no mark, but which could cause heart failure and strokes. As always, hospices, hospitals, and nursing homes were the easy options. There was an element of risk in these hunting parties, and as the British Military began to increase surveillance over the area, these types of killings stopped. Instead, the IRA identified those within their employment who were not worth keeping on, who could be offered as substitute targets. The targets were often people who had not appeared in the outside world for some time, ex-convicts - both male and female, people with behavioural problems, the criminally insane or mentally retarded.

  Towards the end of the IRA’s three-year training course, a technical specialist was brought in to conduct formal training in electronic heart attack techniques. There was much interest in this course, and several IRA units signed up to attend it. The assassination techniques involved:

  - Locating the heart, using the victim’s existing biodata – conducted by a telemetry operative

  - Imposing a small electromagnetic field over the location of the heart – conducted by the telemetry operative

  - Calculation of the GPS coordinates for the heart area, and identification of the exact hit point within the heart – conducted by two individuals referred to as the ‘navigation team’

  - Setting up of the electronic weapons to carry out the hit – conducted by the hit man

  - Activating the electronic weapons to complete the hit – conducted by the hit man.

  Several trainees at a time participated in the preparation of each stage. I would be lying in bed in the early morning, when I became aware of an area around my heart, being tested, tentatively, by the trainees, using electromagnetic devices. They all had a go. Then, individually, they aimed small lasers at my left chest, in the general area of the heart. This was not going to achieve much, but it gave them the general idea of how it would feel to trigger an attack, if they had been given the powerful electronic weapons required.

  The training course management offered a modest prize of £100 as an incentive to any operative able to finish me off. In the meantime, one of the Afro-Asians was commissioned to work with the assassination team to prepare and carry out a serious assassination attack. I was dozing in my greenhouse, listening to music in the early evening, when I became aware of an electromagnetic field superimposed on my heart area.

  I thought nothing more of this, as it happened regularly during the training course, when, suddenly, I heard a helicopter swoop down really close. There was a bang. I heard some screaming, and saw two women running away from a car in the road below, their long brown hair streaming behind them, and their eyes wide with horror. I looked at the small car. Both the back passenger-doors were open, and so was the front passenger door. Lying on the pavement outside the front passenger door, I could see a pair of feet. One of the Afro-Asians had been hit.

  A few minutes later I heard the sound of an ambulance siren racing to the scene. I learned later that the would-be assassin had had a heart attack, but had recovered later in hospital. He was given a week off work. The British military helicopter hit the weapon he was holding in his hand, as he was getting ready to shoot at me. To make sure his weapon was extra powerful, he had added further electronic boosters under his armpit, which he could activate by squeezing his arm against his side at the critical moment. When our military hit the weapon he was holding, the charge ran up the wires along his arm and blew the armpit booster. This was what had caused the heart attack.

  On another occasion, I was sitting in my father’s garden on a sunny afternoon. It was still and peaceful. Again, I felt an electromagnetic field superimposed on my heart area. Suddenly I heard a helicopter coming in fast and low towards the house next door, at the level of the third floor. There was a bang, and I heard what sounded like three people screaming. It turned out that the hit man and his two navigators were leaning out of the window, looking into our garden, all holding electronic equipment, and the military helicopter targeted the equipment they were holding before they could trigger it. They all sustained skin burns, and the skin on the top of their hands was pulled towards their weapons, tearing, as it was vacuumed up by the electric charge. They h
ad plastic surgery to put the skin back. Those involved were the female IRA-Al-Qaida officer known as Esme, her male business partner, and the assassination specialist brought in to conduct the training.

  After that, the trainees wore plastic gloves to protect their hands when they carried out attempted attacks on other British citizens in our area. I heard that when the British military hit their weapons, the electric charge pulled the gloves off their hands, and some of the skin on their hands went with it. After that, the assassination attempts stopped.

  Assassinating people by electromagnetic weapons might be hard to detect, but it was not easy to achieve, except by professional specialist hit-men. Our Pakistani neighbours, who were affiliated to ISIS and Al-Qaida, had a much simpler approach to getting rid of people. They just locked them in one of the attic rooms in their large mansion, and forgot about them. Then after a few months, they sent someone in to clean up the mess.


  Al-Qaida provided money to US mafia and IRA groups for the production of ‘child batches’ to be brought up ‘outside of Christendom’. The objective was to produce a group of white child soldiers with a war-like background, without Western ethics. To achieve this, Al-Qaida sponsored groups of white outlaws and criminals recommended by the IRA, to breed or procure children to be brought up to fight for the cause from their earliest years. Al-Qaida money flowed to these gangs, who prospered unsupervised, in whatever way they chose. The people that I met running Al-Qaida batch kids, were child traffickers, paedophiles, and people who had been in prison and had no job, including some that had been classified as criminally insane.

  They took the money, spent it on alcohol and drugs, denied the children adequate food and clothing, and abused the children and their female supervisors. The female supervisors were typically single parents and drug addicts, incapable of running their lives without assistance. They were forced into a life of slavery that involved limited use of electronic weapons, control and training of kids, drug trafficking and prostitution.


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