by Martha Twine
- The number of potential terrorists being watched in the UK at the time of the Manchester bombing had swelled to nearly three thousand five hundred.
- Latest figures show that the three thousand potential terrorists monitored since 2015 has grown after the return of UK-born people who left to fight with ISIS.
- About four hundred ISIS-trained fighters are believed to have returned from war zones in Syria and Iraq.
Our Authorities were always alert, and they operated discreetly, within the laws provided for that purpose, to deal with the threat, without avoid alarming the public unduly. On 16 September 2010, in a speech on the threat to national security, the Director General of MI5, Jonathan Evans, said:
‘We have seen a persistent rise in terrorist activity and ambition in Northern Ireland over the last three years… we cannot exclude the possibility that they might seek to extend their attacks to Great Britain, as violent Republican groups have traditionally done…It is also clear that many of the dissident Republican activists operate at the same time as terrorists and organised criminals, with involvement in both smuggling and the illegal narcotics market, despite public denunciations of drug dealing’.
On the subject of Al-Qaida, Jonathan Evans said,
‘The fact that there are real plots uncovered on a fairly regular basis demonstrates that there is a persistent intent on the part of Al-Qaida and its associates to attack the UK…Some of those we see being encouraged or tasked by Al-Qaida associates to mount attacks here are not people with the skills or character to make credible terrorists. [I can vouch for that] Others are.’
The security services of the world worked together to ensure that the 2012 Olympics took place safely for participants and spectators. On 25 June 2012, Jonathan Evans said:
‘At the forefront of our minds are the Olympic and Paralympic Games. The security preparations for the games have been long and thorough…We are working as part of a mature and well-developed counter-terrorist community in the UK and with the close support and co-operation of friendly Services overseas, who have been extremely generous in their assistance.’
The 2012 revolutionary coup planned by Al-Qaida did not happen, faced with the cooperation of military and security forces from numerous countries. The order went out from Al-Qaida to terrorist collaborators that the ‘revolution’ had been postponed until 2015. The reason given was that preparations were not ready in time for 2012. But in 2014, Al-Qaida instructed its employees to withdraw from the British Isles, owing to the proactive initiatives of the British military and security services. This was tantamount to admitting that they had lost the war in Britain, although they continued to fund terrorist groups active on the British mainland, including Islamic State.
Al-Qaida had bases in both Ireland and France, from where it supported the planning of attacks on Britain. After Al-Qaida’s withdrawal, the North American mafia and IRA were left supporting private armies they had amassed to run prison camps, which would never now be needed. They were not out of pocket, but their raison d’être had shifted dramatically. Gradually their leaders began to leave the British Isles for destinations like the Seychelles, the Caribbean, Ireland and North Africa.
Those unable to leave the UK were left in limbo, as their glorious revolution faded into a fantasy world of extremism. The emphasis had by now shifted to the overt terrorism of Islamic State. Those terrorists still funded by Al-Qaida continued the covert war against British citizens, including myself, mainly because they could not see any way out that would not be construed as failure. Activists not close to the centre of power were losing Al-Qaida funding, and reverting to banditry and organised crime, in order to earn a living
By 2015, Islamic State was a key player on the terrorist stage. It held territories in Iraq and Syria, and created armies in over a dozen countries. (Source: Washington Times, January 4, 2017.) As Al-Qaida began to withdraw its own staff from the UK, Islamic State were coming to the forefront increasingly in Europe. British Jihadists who went to fight in Syria, returned to the UK and continued to support Islamic State.
Al-Qaida’s policy was that those planning terrorist attacks should do so outside the country they were targeting. Al-Qaida was funding the importation of Islamic State officers to the UK to plan attacks on the European mainland. Islamic State officers planning terrorist attacks on the British mainland were mainly based outside the UK, although they controlled terrorist cells within Britain.
As the ISIS campaigns in Syria and Iraq began to stall, a confidential US Government report by the National Counterterrorism Centre, circulated on 28 December 2016 to counterterrorism agencies across the country, stated that ISIS had abandoned trying to put together huge plots such as the September 11 attacks, and warned counterterrorism agencies of a ‘new landscape’ where lone killers could strike and massacre quickly. This report reflected terrorist attacks in Nice and Berlin in 2016, and anticipated the 2017 UK terrorist attacks on Westminster Bridge, Manchester and London Bridge.
According to the Washington Times, the report said,
‘The steady rise in the number of lone actor operations is a trend which coincides with the deepening and broadening of the digital revolution as well as the encouragement of such operations by terrorist groups, because intensified [counterterrorism] operations have disrupted their ability to launch larger plots…
Lone actors now have greater capability to create and broadcast material than a decade ago, while violent extremists can contact and interact with potential recruits with greater ease’.
The report warned of the danger posed by small autonomous cells or individuals who do not report to a central command. It highlighted an ISIS terrorist training magazine, published online, which recommended the use of vehicles to mow down civilians in Nice or Berlin-style attacks.
(Sources: Washington Times, 4 January 2017, Daily Mail, 5 January 2017.)
While each of the subsequent terrorist attacks in Europe had its own idiosyncrasies, it is my contention that the covert electromagnetic infrastructure painstakingly constructed by Al-Qaida over many years in European countries, including the UK, as described in this book, provided a network of support which made it easier for terrorists to operate. There were safehouses within the electromagnetic environment in the UK and France, ready to receive and conceal ISIS officers plotting terrorist attacks.
On 10 July 2017, Baroness Manningham-Buller, former Head of MI5, said in the House of Lords:
‘On the tempo, it is clear that the pace has accelerated markedly. During the five years I was privileged to lead MI5 -2002 to 2007 - we had fifteen significant plots, three of which were not detected in advance. These were: 7/7, evidently; 21/7 two weeks later, when the detonators failed to work; and Richard Reid, the shoe bomber, who was stopped by an alert air hostess.
‘Now we know from the Home Secretary that after Westminster [the attack on Westminster Bridge on 22 March 2017] and before Manchester [the Manchester Arena attack on 22 May 2017] my former colleagues and the police detected and prevented from materialising five other plots in as many weeks. That shows there is a very high level of plots indeed…
The second factor is the scale of the problem – we have already heard the figures – which I think is genuinely unprecedented. I am not one to exaggerate, but when we are told that MI5 has five hundred active investigations, involving three thousand subjects of interest – as well as a vast pool of some twenty thousand other, on whom it cannot focus at the moment, but about whom there have been past concerns, and whom it would like to go back to look at, if time and resources allowed – it is pretty serious. Even I find this scarcely imaginable.’
(Source: Hansard, 10 July 2017, pages 1091 – 1092.)
There are a lot of assertions in this book. What evidence is there to support them? I spoke to many terrorists, and learned who their masters were, what training they had received, how they occupied their time and what attacks they had carried out. Some of the evidence is based on personal experienc
e, including observations of the activities of the British military and security services. But personal contacts and personal experience alone do not constitute evidence in a court of law. You need the evidence of at least two witnesses for that. Some of the points made in this book are supported by reports in the press, or official statements by the Authorities. Others are not. Where there is only my own report of what took place, it is obviously nothing more than that. But it is my expectation that future events will tend to confirm or support what I have described.
Other victims of terrorism have told their own stories. There are points of convergence, but on the use of secret technologies to construct the covert electromagnetic terrorist environment, published material is scarce. Some of the technical developments I describe are hard to accept. I realise that, and do not expect to convince a skeptical reader. But my hope is that more about the covert use of these technologies by criminals and terrorists will enter the public domain at a future date.
Some of the statements in this book may be incorrect. I have no special expertise in terrorism or sonic and electromagnetic technologies, being just an old pensioner, so it would be surprising if I had got everything right. But I have reported what I heard, saw and experienced, to the best of my ability. My reason for doing so is that these developments need to be recorded and brought to people’s attention, so that if they are faced with such a terrorist threat they will be able to recognise it. I always reported anything significant to the Authorities, and as the book demonstrates, the Authorities always took such reports seriously and responded appropriately.
Technologies behind secret terror attacks
Much of what happens in this book is consistent with mainstream science. Occasionally, I give references to internet articles and websites which provide scientific insights into what is going on. You don’t need to check them out, but if you do, it will become apparent that modern science is already in the realms of what we describe as science fiction. I use Daily Mail Science articles a lot, because they reporting cutting edge scientific developments in a way that is understandable to non-scientists like myself.
The terrorists that attacked me operated in an environment that was underpinned by ultrasound and electromagnetic technologies. Ultrasound imaging can show you sights that the human eye cannot normally see.
A number of terrorist groups, including Al-Qaida, Islamic State, the US mafia and the IRA, have been working together using a multinational ultrasound and electromagnetic computer architecture, designed by the US mafia, which gives super-normal sight and sound, and which you can enter, like a secret world, once you put your wi-fi headphones on. In that environment, you can speak to each other without others hearing you, - in this case, via private commercial satellite. Add MRI scanning technologies, and you can see each other without others seeing you, and you can be linked, as if by Skype, across any distance. If you have the right receivers and transmitters, you can live in an entirely different world, which is invisible and inaudible to other people.
Using these technologies, terrorists constructed secret offices, secret communications systems, secret towns and a secret global network that interpenetrates our everyday world. This global electromagnetic and ultrasonic architecture enabled them to carry out covert attacks with much less risk of discovery.
This book demonstrates how covert use has been made of ultrasound as a communications medium for terrorists and organised crime, working together. They can talk to each other silently, and all you can see is someone listening to their smartphone, using earphones or an earpiece. Most of the terrorists have micro-chip transmitters located within their heads, which enable them to locate each other, and send and receive silent communications.
These technologies are already available in the outside world. There are computer games on the market that can be controlled using the mind alone. You just need a wireless headset that links you up to the application software using ultrasound. This is described as the brain-computer interface. On 1 December 2012, Scientific American listed six electronic devices you can control with your thoughts.
Other futuristic devices include using thought to drive your car, controlling a prosthetic arm by thoughts and controlling a toy helicopter.
Using the electromagnetic architecture, US mafia technicians created a virtual reality environment, within which employees operate on a different level from the everyday world. This environment could be extended to your house, by hacking into your house wiring, if you have old-fashioned electrical arrangements. A favourite hacking entry point used by terrorists is the time clock that operates the thermostat in some gas boilers. It is easy to hack into them at close range, if you obtain the remote-control device provided with the gas boiler.
Many terrorist offices look like underground call centers. There are rooms full of people sitting at desks with laptops and headphones. But they are deep in another environment, communicating across the road or across the globe. In some cases, they are manipulating avatars, designed to conceal their identity while carrying out electronic and electromagnetic attacks on innocent people remotely, using locators for their victims that work like Global Positioning Satellite coordinates, linked by wi-fi to a private commercial satellite.
Al-Qaida planned to use these covert technologies to take control of people inside their homes, and to create invisible prison camps in which people could be restrained, managed and killed, without anybody realising it. This was planned as part of Al-Qaida’s war on Christendom. The process was insidious, proceeding a little bit at a time. The objective was stark - to kill white people and replace them with non-whites.
The targeting of old people’s homes went ahead in advance of other types of attacks, because old people didn’t move around much. They sat in the same chair, and spent a lot of time in bed, making them easy targets to find. If they reported attacks, they were unlikely to be believed, and if they died, no one would be very surprised, because of their age.
That does not mean that old people did not notice if they were being attacked. From what I heard, they often watched calmly and fearlessly, fully aware that no one would ever believe them if they reported what was happening to them. I was told that one old lady gave her youthful attacker an old-fashioned look.
The Al-Qaida initiative to wipe out Christendom began in September 2011. In 2013, a British government document, made public by the Health Service Journal, revealed that statisticians had noted an unexplained increase of about twenty-five thousand in deaths of elderly people, mainly women, between the summers of 2012, and 2013.
There is no causal link between these statistics and covert terrorist attacks on the elderly; but if there was a link, a rise in deaths of elderly people would be the first thing to look for.
It must be stressed that there is nothing to link these figures with covert terrorist attacks on the elderly, but given that the IRA have been funded by Al-Qaida to target elderly white people in ‘Christendom’, it is interesting that the increase in life expectancy trends reverses around 2011-2012, which is when the Al-Qaida objective kicked in.
An IRA terrorist called Karen T, told me that she had started her terrorist training with attacks on old people’s homes in Devon, and had known the perpetrators involved in the scandals that resulted in the closure of the notorious Veilstone care home there.
Electromagnetic Weapons
In this book, there are a lot of references to the use of electromagnetic weapons, both by terrorists,
and in some cases, by the military of NATO allied countries. What are we talking about? I read on Wikipedia that when used against humans, electromagnetic radiation weapons can have dramatic effects. Such as an intense burning sensation caused by Raytheon’s ‘Active Denial System’. Also, more subtle effects such as the creation – at a distance – of a sense of anxiety or dread, intense drowsiness, or confusion in an individual or a group of people. Three military advantages of such weapons are:
That the individual or group of people would not necessarily realize that they were being targeted by such a device.
That microwave radiation, like some other radio frequency radiation, can easily penetrate most common building materials.
That with specialized antennas, the radiation and its effects can be focused on either an individual or a large area such as a city or a country.
Potential military/law enforcement uses for such weapons include:
1 Capability to influence an enemy force to flee rather than stand and fight, by imposing on them a sense of great anxiety or impending disaster.
2 Ability to convince captured enemy combatants that the greater sense of physical well-being which seemed to accompany their being even slightly cooperative was much more desirable than the overwhelming sense of uneasiness and dread associated with their being uncooperative or hostile.
3 Ability to impose a feeling of overwhelming drowsiness on an already weary enemy force.
4 Ability to deprive an enemy force of sound, uninterrupted sleep for a prolonged period.
5 Capability to persuade, indirectly the close comrades of an enemy soldier that the soldier – perhaps an infantry soldier who admittedly hears voices or strange noises that no one else is hearing – is mentally unsound and is not to be taken seriously. Such feelings, voices, or strange noises and dreams can be imposed on the enemy with some precision by specialized, microwave-type radiation antennas.