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RAGE (The Rage Series Book 1)

Page 6

by MJ Riley

  It was expensive, as well. However, for the first time in his life, David found himself fixing the man with a smug grin. “Sounds good to me. I'll pay.”

  Marshall's mouth fell open in surprise for a moment—before he began grasping for words. “David, no. You just started your new gig. I fully expected—”

  “I'm not your date, Marshall, am I? And I'm certainly not your girlfriend.” Marshall's expression made his stomach warm with satisfaction. Not that he didn't adore his friend most days but paying his own way for once in his life felt amazing.

  The Wagyu, he was sure, wouldn't even compare.

  Chapter Ten

  Charlotte gazed at herself in the mirror critically.

  She was wearing a deep navy-colored gown with a modest neckline that accentuated her curves and fell straight to the floor. With it, she'd paired a diamond necklace and studs, and a small black clutch. She'd pinned her hair half up, letting the rest flow down to her waist.

  She was ready for the annual company charity ball.

  It was one of the events she looked forward to the entire year. Though the daily workings of the company did stimulate her to some extent, it had never been her dream to run Mathers. Her father had thrust it upon her when he'd announced he was retiring. He should be lucky, the young woman mused, that she was intelligent enough to prevent the whole thing from falling down about her ears.

  But now, she was facing the one night where she could give away piles of his precious money to causes she believed in. She shivered in excitement, as she remembered the checks she'd signed in the past few days. Some of them were as large as ten million dollars, donations to foundations that fed the hungry in Africa, provided medical supplies to the needy in the southeastern region of Asia, and helped South American slum inhabitants have access to clean water.

  She supposed she was always somewhat proud of the company, but tonight you could see it on her face. Tonight was her night.

  Her head held high, she left the high-ceilinged, gorgeous bathroom of the MET and stepped out onto a floor crowded with the New York elite. She was so intent to make her way to the heads of the foundations that she worked with that she ran headlong into a very tall and very hard form.

  Before she could fall, strong hands caught her by the shoulders, and she breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you. I'm so sorry I—” The comment died on her lips, as she realized that she'd collided with none other than David Marscomb.

  She couldn’t help but notice how well he cleaned up.

  As they'd worked together for the past few weeks, she'd grown used to him in his overly-small lab coats and slacks. For certain, she'd salivated over him a number of times if only when his back was turned. But now, he was clad in a charcoal suit that fit him perfectly, hugging the lines of his broad shoulders and highlighting his trim waist. His hair was slicked back from his face and he wore a tie, completing the picture of a breathtakingly sophisticated gentlemen.

  Despite herself, she clenched her thighs.

  The man was simply too delicious.

  “You'd better be careful in those heels.” His casual smile made her weak at the knees. “Not everyone has reflexes like me.”

  She found her own lips curving at his joke. “They are incredibly high. I'm going to need a change of shoes by the end of the night.”

  “I could just carry you...though I'm sure that might incite some stares.”

  Her body warmed at the notion. Damn him. He could say that he wanted to order a cheeseburger in that alluring northeastern twang of his and she'd fall all over herself.

  And it wasn't just because of his looks.

  By this point, David had been working for the company for over two months. He'd led the tech department to create over twenty new prototypes, each worth their weight in gold. However, that wasn't what drew her to him the most. The man wasn't only intelligent, he was kind, as well. She knew that she wasn't the most tech-savvy mind around, but still he worked patiently with her on every additional project he'd built, making sure that she understood exactly how it worked. She had to admit that his instructions were much simpler than any Addy ever offered her, and for that, she was eternally grateful.

  Truthfully, if the man weren't such a great instructor, she doubted she'd be able to keep up with the fountain of projects coming from his department. It seemed like every other day, there was a new idea he was pitching to the design team, and they had not even shot him down once.

  It was, perhaps, because he was never cocky or proud when it came to his creations. Often, he cited that he'd been inspired by an older prototype that one of the other designers had come up with and had only improved it slightly. This bolstered the team he worked with and kept them from feeling as if he was simply trying to outdo them all. In fact, even though most of the prototypes now being built were of his own design, there were several that he had helped other techs complete. Men and women were proud to finally see their work on the drawing room floor, and they admired him all the more for helping them put it there.

  The Department of Research and Development adored him. He was constantly providing them with new resources to look into when it came to sourcing companies and coming up with innovative ways to cut costs. Though it wasn't his job, the man did it anyway, and he was damn good at finding the cheapest and most efficient ways to produce devices that would otherwise cost a fortune.

  The human resources department received a rash of cases involving both men and women who said they wouldn't work with the man because they were too infatuated with him. These, of course, Charlotte found highly amusing. Though, she couldn't deny that she was a bit jealous of some of the women who got to work all day in the same office as him—not that she didn't appreciate their night hours together, but she couldn’t imagine what it would be like to be on the same floor as him and watch the divine way his behind tightened as he walked past her whenever she wished.

  That would be heaven.

  All in all, their newest employee seemed to have no faults. He was generous, kind, and patient. His humility knew no bounds. The only strange thing was that he'd asked for an advance on his first few months’ salary.

  Charlotte had tried to think of why he would need it. She wondered whether he had financial problems or medical bills. He didn't seem like the type who would be buried under a mountain of debt, and he looked as healthy as a horse. The small detail, however, didn't fluster her. He wasn't the first employee to make the request, and he certainly wouldn't be the last. If anyone deserved an advance, it was David.

  Within the next two years, Mathers Incorporated was going to be a different company. Charlotte hoped it would be run by its stockholders, and not by anyone with the Mathers name.

  “I think I'll just try standing until I can't anymore.” As she replied to his offer, she took a glass of champagne from a passing waiter and sipped the cool, crisp beverage.

  “Planning on drinking ourselves into a stupor, are we?”

  His humor was refreshing. Usually only Addy dared to banter with her, and her jokes were of a completely different caliber.

  “Hardly. Can't be hiccupping up on stage.”

  “Right.” His lips curved as he also took a glass. He appeared to consider for a moment before raising it slightly. “To helping those in need.”

  Her blue eyes softening, Charlotte clinked her glass against his without hesitation. “To those in need.”

  After they'd both drank, he spoke again, and this time his tone was slightly lower. “That dress suits you, by the way. You look absolutely radiant.”

  Almost immediately, she flushed.

  This was the latest in a series of comments that had her trying to figure out the man's motives. Though Addy had mentioned several times that she hoped that neither she nor David were doing anything against company policy when they were alone together, Charlotte didn't feel horribly guilty about flirting a bit.

  Since the comment about her perfume, which was indeed J'adore from Dior, every so often David s
nuck in little flattering remarks that warmed her blood and made her feel more feminine than she had in ages. He'd comment on her shoes, her hair, or even her lipstick in the most complimentary fashion, and she was tempted to tell him how she felt about his appearance in turn. She hardly thought, however, that her words would be as carefully constructed as his. To her, the tech expert was lust personified, and she was finding it harder and harder to resist the urge to just lose herself in him.

  The attraction between them was palpable and had been since the first day they'd met. Of course, they'd been cordial. Of course, she was his boss and he was her employee. However, if they tried to ignore the spark that had bloomed since the first time they'd touched, it could only be flagrant denial.

  As the man's dexterous fingers worked over his machinery, she couldn't help but think of how deft they must be in bed. She could only imagine what fingers like that could do to a woman, and she did.

  There had been more than a few nights when she'd been alone in bed and found her hands drifting southward, as she mused on the deep tenor of his voice and the fullness of his mouth. As she touched herself, she imagined his relentless mouth on her and the way she would make him groan as she rode him through the night.

  Of course, now, among the upper crust of New York and the people who had donated to her charities, was no time to think of such matters. So, she merely thanked him for his compliment, tried not to shiver at the way his gray eyes perused her form, and left him.

  As excited as she was about the charity ball, Charlotte found it hard to concentrate through its events. There was a raffle that raised ten thousand for children without lunches in the South Bronx and an auction of one of her favorite emerald necklaces to benefit the poor of the city. She herself came on stage on several occasions to thank everyone profusely for all they'd done, and as she smiled in the face of their applause, all she could think of was finding David and throwing herself into his arms.

  “You seem distracted,” Adeline said, clad in a gorgeous yellow oriental-style dress that showed off her athletic physique. However, despite the fact that the woman was all dolled up, she maintained her brash attitude. “You're usually jumping for joy at emptying your coffers.”

  Charlotte merely stuck her tongue out discreetly at the woman. “I am having a lovely time.”

  “Certainly—wherever it is that you are because you certainly aren't here.”

  Scowling, the blonde cast her friend a frustrated look. “You are insufferable, you know that?”

  “And always right.” The redhead's lips curved in a sardonic grin. “Or you wouldn't be frowning like that.”

  Without a word, Charlotte merely took another glass of champagne, her fourth of the night, from a nearby tray and downed half of it in one gulp. “Whoa there, girl,” Addy cautioned, her expression slightly alarmed. “I didn't mean to upset you that much.”

  “You're not upsetting me,” denied Charlotte. “I just...I'm just distracted. I need some air.” With that, she drained the rest of her glass and handed it to a stunned Addy before breezing past her.

  She managed to smile as she made her way past additional guests, down two levels, past numerous great works of art, and finally out into the gardens. When she felt the cool summer evening air on her face, she inhaled deeply.

  She wasn't usually so short with Adeline, but she was on edge. She couldn't explain it. Tugging her silk wrap over her shoulders, she set out over the stone patio and past the hedges, nodding to other guests as she sought a place to be alone for a while. She needed to gather her thoughts, or at least try to think of something other than him.

  “Are you ok?”

  Charlotte's head jerked up as a familiar voice addressed her. Unfortunately, it was the voice of the one person most dangerous to her composure at the moment. “Hi, David.” She went for a light tone. “Enjoying the party?”

  “I'd be enjoying it more if you didn't look so upset,” he responded, frowning. “What's wrong?”

  “Nothing's wrong.” She backed away slightly, as he took a step towards her, enveloping her in his clean, spicy scent. “I just need a moment.”

  “Do you want me to stay with you?”

  “No!” As he took another step toward her, she held up a hand and moved backwards again. This time, however, her heel caught on the edge of the stonework, and she gave a cry as she began to fall backwards. “Damn it!” she exclaimed, cursing at her own clumsiness.

  With lightening speed, David caught her in strong arms. As he lifted her back upright, her body was pressed flush against his, and her face flamed. His mouth was inches from hers, and he said in a husky voice, “I warned you about those heels.”

  And then, he kissed her.

  Despite the feelings she'd been warring with all evening, Charlotte almost immediately melted against him. His mouth was warm, inviting, and carried just the slightest hint of whiskey and mint. His tongue explored the line of her lips until she opened for him, and he delved inside. The moment his tongue touched hers, she moaned softly and her hands clutched at the lapels of his jacket as he plundered her lips.

  Her blood ran hot through her veins, and suddenly she wanted to feel every part of him against every part of her. She barely noticed that he had maneuvered them into the shadows, as she continued to work her mouth against his. With every stroke of his tongue against her lips, her knees weakened until she was clinging desperately to him, her sex throbbing for attention. Breaking the kiss, David stared down at her, his eyes alight with desire.

  “Damn, you're sweet.” Then, his mouth dropped to hers again.

  Charlotte bit her lip against the gasp that threatened to make itself known. At the same time, his lips caressed the shell of her ear before plying her neck with soft kisses that made her shudder. She had ceased standing of her own accord for quite some time, and he held her aloft easily, pressing her against him as his tongue dipped into the hollow of her throat.

  “David...” She breathed his name, her eyes fluttering shut as she tried to maintain her sanity. “David, wait.”

  Reluctantly he stopped, his mouth still hot against her neck. “What is it?”

  “Not here.” She managed, her chest heaving as she attempted to regain her breath. “My apartment. Uptown.”

  The man's gray gaze caught hers, and for a moment, she sensed hesitation there. When he spoke, however, his words contained only concern for her. “Are you sure?”

  She cast him a small smile. “I'm sure that if we don't find a taxi in the next five minutes, we're going to end up doing something very inappropriate on the lawn.”

  His low chuckle in reply sent shivers down her spine. “Lead the way then.”

  Discreetly, they snuck like teenagers around the side of the museum, relaxing only when they reached the open plaza at the intersection at Eighty-second Street. Raising her arm, Charlotte gestured for a taxi, and one stopped almost immediately.

  She told the cabbie the address as they slid inside, her thighs clenching as David pressed a heated kiss against her inner wrist.

  The ten minute ride seemed to last forever. By the time they reached her building, she fairly threw the money—far more than the fare—at the stunned driver before following David from the taxi. The man paused as he gazed up at the pristine exterior of the restored structure. Everything from the doorman to the grand expanse of wide windows and open patios spoke of her family's wealth, and for a moment, she was embarrassed.

  David, however, only kissed her hand before nodding at the doorway. “Is he going to let me in, or do I need a background check?”

  Charlotte laughed and tugged him past the grinning doorman and into the elevator.

  No sooner were they in her apartment, and she turned to him, suddenly nervous. It was the first time a man had ever seen where she lived. Normally, she was so self-conscious about her family name that she insisted on going to her lovers' houses instead of her own. David took in the high ceilings and expensive furniture with an unreadable expression. When he
looked at her, however, he smiled.

  The gesture was dark, sensual, and wicked.

  Without a word, he picked her up, his hands sliding beneath her thighs as he walked her over to the kitchen counter before sitting her atop it. His mouth covered hers once more, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, arching against him.

  This wasn't like her.

  She would never leave a company event, a charity event, to be with a man. However, there was something about David that she couldn’t resist. Though he was perfectly polite and humble, there was something dark and sexy about him that made her slick and wet when she thought of his hands on her. And now, she finally had her wish.

  The dexterous hands that she had so admired slid the skirt of her dress up high on her hips, revealing her tanned thighs, as he nipped at her lower lip. When she returned the gesture, he groaned and lifted her so she pressed even closer to his body. Before he broke away, he lifted his hands to the straps of her gown. Within minutes, he had drawn the garment down to her waist, revealing the lacy black bra she wore beneath. He stared at it for a moment, transfixed by the sight of her breasts in the barely-there confection. Then, he buried his face between them.

  Charlotte's fingers delved into his dark hair, as he bit and licked at the exposed flesh above the hemline of her lingerie, leaving small red marks in his wake. At his ministrations, her thighs clenched in anticipation. When he finally tugged down the lacy cups to take one of her brown nipples between his lips, she gasped as the sensation shot straight to her core.

  Her legs wrapped around his waist as he drew upon her flesh, making her stomach clench in want. With a low moan, David laved her aureole with moisture from his tongue before sucking the nipple into his mouth once more, making her shudder. Its twin got the same treatment, making her body quake with desire. Then, his lips sank lower still.


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