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Page 33

by Mankin, Michelle

  “Yeah.” Shield stepped closer.

  When Mom’s shoulders started to shake, I reached out to pull her into my arms. Saber yielded to share her. Our circle collapsed inward with her at the center, and she sobbed harder.

  My throat tightened and my eyes stung. We’d never been a demonstrative family. Apparently, that and a lot of things were going to change.

  “Can I join in?” Cork’s voice was hesitant, but his actions weren’t. He stepped close.

  “Is this Cork?” Mom asked, her tears continuing to flow.

  “Yes, ma’am,” he said.

  “Oh, baby. I haven’t seen you in a long while. Not since before your accident. Yes, you can join us. I expect you to. Come here.”

  His blue-green eyes shining, he nodded.

  “I’m sorry I’m so emotional.” Mom brushed away her tears. “I’ll get it together. I promise.”

  She brought Cork close and swept her gaze around to the rest of us.

  “We all need to focus and put our heads together. Storm is back. He’s family, and there’s only one more potential additional member to our newly formed group who doesn’t know who he is. You’re going to claim her, aren’t you, son?” she said, giving me an expectant look.

  “Yes.” I nodded to confirm. “I definitely am.”

  “Right.” She smiled softly but firmly. “Then you need to know you’re not alone anymore. We’re all here to help you.”


  ASH WAS WONDERFUL. Based on his recommendation alone, I got the first job I applied for.

  Chill Bar and Grill might not have a mermaid on the wall for customers to wish on, but it was new, fancy, and had a panoramic view of the pier from its third-floor rooftop deck. Better yet, it paid a base rate ten dollars an hour higher than the Deck Bar.

  The only issue?

  I had to wear a uniform, a skimpy one.

  Regardless, I was feeling pretty good and wanted to share the good news. And the first person I thought to call was Storm.

  In the past, there would have been no hesitation. He would have been the first person I shared any news with, good or bad. I considered calling him even now. I wanted to.

  Outside on the sidewalk, under the awning for Chill, I stood motionless, a rock in the middle of a stream. People moved past me in both directions, ones who knew where they were going and what they would do when they got there.

  But not me. Not yet.

  Fear undermining my certainty, I gnawed on my lip and glanced in the direction of Outside. Storm was probably at band practice. I decided not to bother him. It was too soon. We hadn’t been apart more than a few hours, but I felt every minute of those hours like they were as long as days.

  Get a grip, Lotus. Storm isn’t all that.

  But he was.

  He so was.

  He was everything I wanted in a man—kind, considerate, and strong. Maybe his motivation for not telling me his identity wasn’t important.

  Should I just tell him what I knew? Was I gaining more time to convince him we were good together, or was I only tainting it by staying silent?

  I was confused, and when confused, I needed my bestie. In this instance, my new bestie, not my old one. So I pulled out my cell and called Sophia.

  “Hey,” her recorded voice said. “I can’t come to the phone right now. Leave a message.”

  Shoot. It was the afternoon, which meant she was working. My days were usually flexible, but my nights were busy. Our schedules were opposite each other, and often, it was difficult to coordinate.

  I left her a message. “I got fired from the Deck Bar last night, but I start a new job tonight at Chill.” Before being fired from the Deck Bar, I would have asked her to come by to visit me at work. “I need to see you, talk to you, heart to heart. Something happened with . . . Journey. Call me.”

  After leaving my message, I noted the time and decided to risk calling Storm.

  Again, I got a voice mail. And again, I left a message.

  “I got a new job. I need to surf. I’m headed home to grab my board, then to the cliffs, the usual spot. If you and Cork get free, come join me.”

  I went home to get my board and my bikini, the red one Storm seemed to like. Throwing a beach towel over my shoulder and carrying my board, I jogged down the stairs and hit the sidewalk. Along the way, my cell rang.

  “Hey, it’s me,” Sophia said. “It’s slow, and I explained the situation, so Heidi let me leave early. I’m starving. Wanna grab a bite and talk?”

  My stomach grumbled, reminding me I hadn’t eaten breakfast or lunch. “I’m hungry too, but I’m already on my way to surf.”

  “The cliffs? Bottom of the stairs? Your favorite place?”


  “Are you alone?” she asked.

  “Yeah,” I said sadly. “I’m alone.”

  “Not for long, you’re not. I’ll go by my place, make a few sandwiches, and snag some drinks and my gear. Meet you there,” she said brightly. “It’ll take me fifteen minutes, tops.”

  She wasn’t kidding.

  Sophia lived in a huge mansion on the cliffs. Her housekeeper, Esmerelda, would make the sandwiches. She was awesome. It was Sophia’s parents and her stepbrother who weren’t so nice.

  “See you soon,” I said, and hung up.

  I continued walking, my flip-flops snapping on concrete, then packed sandstone. Storm didn’t return my call. I strained my ears for the bloop of a text, or a ring, but neither came.

  Was he that busy at the studio? Or was the band more important than me? Was he more like Saber than unlike? Or had I been the problem all along?

  My brow was creased when I reached the entrance to the stairs, but on the way down, it smoothed. I lifted my chin into the welcome breeze and filled my ears with the steady roar of the surf. Forcing unsettled thoughts aside, I exhaled my tension and inhaled something much better.

  Turning my head toward the panoramic view, I took in the matte-blue sky and the limitless stretch of sparkling turquoise. This was my reward, my solace, my foundation. I always had myself to rely on, and I always had this. The ocean was unchanging.

  When I emerged from my dressing cave a few moments later, Sophia was waiting.

  “Hey, you. Sexy bikini.” She quirked a black brow. “Expecting someone else?”

  “Hoping.” I pressed my lips flat. “I invited him before you called, but he’s at band practice. OB Hardy is going on before the Dirt Dogs at Surf Fest.”

  “Holy shit!”


  “Understandable then, him not being here, I guess.” She searched my eyes. “But you’re worried about his priorities after being with Saber?”

  I nodded. “Yes.” She got me.

  “Sit.” She gestured to the colorful beach blanket that reminded me of Storm’s tattoos. She’d spread it out on a large smooth section on the rocks. “Eat. Drink. Then we’ll surf. For now, bestie land therapy is in session.”

  She folded her shapely legs underneath her. Her black hair was loose, and her Roxy shorts wet suit was new. It clung becomingly to her curves. She was the one who was sexy.

  I sat, giving her a smile. “All right.”

  Crisscrossing my legs, I took the sandwich she gave me. It was fancy artisan bread, sprouts instead of lettuce, and some unknown spread instead of ordinary lunchmeat. Nevertheless, I took a big bite and chewed.

  “Delicious,” I said from behind my hand, chewing and then swallowing.

  “Esmerelda’s the best. Almost like having a mom.”

  “I know.” I patted Sophia’s knee. What I meant was I understood, though it had been a long time since I’d had someone to look after me like a mom would in my life. “Things tense again at home?”

  “They’re always tense. My getting wasted the other night didn’t help. My dad’s been going on and on ever since about me being more responsible, and how I should get a real job.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “He’s never going to understand
me or my dreams. Not a big deal. Just life as usual, you know?” She shrugged.

  She was spouting bullshit when she shrugged, same as I did. Families could be wonderful, but the people who knew you the best could also hurt you the most with their disapproval.

  “So . . . Journey?” She unwrapped her sandwich and gave me an expectant look.

  “Not Journey, actually. He’s Storm.”

  “He’s what?” Her voice rose to incredulous heights, and so did her brows.

  “Storm Hardy. Saber and Shield’s brother. You heard me correctly.” I gave her a wry look. “I’m hooking up with my childhood best friend.”

  “Okay,” she said carefully. “I think it’s much more than hooking up, and this can’t be all bad. But why does he go by a different name?”

  “I don’t know. He didn’t tell me. I only figured out who he was myself last night.”

  “Why didn’t he tell you?” Her brows plunged together. “Why the secrecy?”

  “I wonder those same things myself.” I set my unfinished sandwich down. My stomach was suddenly too tense to eat. “Though he did try to tell me after we slept together in LA, but Saber called. He also tried again the other night, but I stopped him.”

  “Why on earth did you stop him?” she asked, her expression revealing she was at a loss.

  “Because I didn’t know what his secret was then. Only that it would hurt me. He said my knowing would probably end what we had.” I sighed. “I’m a coward.”

  Sophia shook her head. “You’re no such thing. You’re only human like the rest of us. Though harder on yourself than most.”

  “He seemed pretty sure that it’s going to be over with us after.” I peered at her through my lashes. “That I’m going to hate him for the lie.”

  “Will you?” she asked. “I mean, do you hate him now?”

  “I can never hate Storm.”

  “What about Journey?”

  “I don’t know Journey like I knew Storm.” I said. “They’re similar, but he told me himself when we first met that he’s not the same person he once was.”

  “I think he’s probably more the same person than different, or you wouldn’t be so drawn to him.” Sophia took my hand. “I think you’re mainly afraid. Afraid to take a risk. Afraid to lose what you already have.”

  “You’re right,” I whispered. “I’m not sure what his motivation was for keeping his identity secret before I asked him not to tell me. Did he think he would be obligated to stay if I knew? It’s always been him for me. But maybe it’s not always been me for him. Maybe it never will be.”

  “There’s no sure thing in this world except the sea and the sky.”

  “I was thinking that same thing when I came down here.”

  “We both have artistic hearts and minds. We process and see a lot of the world the same way. It’s one of the many reasons we’re so close.” Her expression soft, Sophia smiled encouragingly. “I imagine you and Storm were a lot alike and saw the world through a similar lens.”

  “Yes.” I nodded.

  “You and Journey too. No matter what changes he’s been through, he’s still Storm, and those similarities remain. Like the ocean you love so much . . . it’s permanent, but it also changes depending on the wind, the tides, the density of the water, or the rotation of the earth.”

  “Journey’s been through a lot of changing conditions without me.” I frowned as I stared at the water. “We’ve been separated for a long time.”

  “Right, but you started falling for the man he is now before you knew he was also the boy you loved then.”

  “Yes.” There was no use denying it.

  “You put the restrictions on your relationship, honey.” Sophia squeezed my hands. “You modified the conditions. It’s up to you to decide if you love him enough to conquer your fear.”


  CORK OPENED THE door to the apartment and stepped inside first.

  Lotus was home. Without seeing her, I knew it. I could feel her presence.

  Bright like a beacon—my beacon—she appeared, beaming light everywhere. She was also wet and dripping from her shower, wearing only a white towel tucked into the cleavage between her amazing breasts.

  “Oh,” she said, her pretty eyes rounded. “You’re back. I got your message. Sorry you couldn’t come. The surf was great today.”

  I’d missed that opportunity to spend time with her, but I wasn’t going to miss this one—or any more if I could avoid it.

  “Find something to do,” I told Cork on my way to her. “With the television loud or your headphones on.”

  Her brows rising, Lotus backed into her bedroom as I advanced. Stalking her, I kicked the door to close it and walked her across the room into the far wall.

  “I guess you missed me.” Her back against the plaster, she lifted her chin.

  “I did.” I whipped away her towel, and she gasped. “Fuck, you’re so damn beautiful,” I growled, my nostrils flaring.

  Her citrus and salt scent filled my lungs, and the view of her completely naked with only a few crystalline water droplets scattered on her sun-kissed skin tipped me over the edge. Ditching my shirt without explanation, I reached for her.

  She didn’t need any explanation . . . she just jumped into my waiting arms.

  Lifting her, I wrapped my arms tight around her. I held her close, my long fingers digging into her silken skin at the sides of her breasts, clasping her to me as if both our lives depended on there being no space between us.

  Lotus twined her slender arms around my shoulders, getting closer still, her round tits crushed to my chest.

  I went straight for her mouth. Her lush lips were a lavish reward. Not bothering with finesse, I plundered my treasure, thrusting my tongue inside. She whimpered, making little mewing sounds as she sucked hard on my tongue.

  Hell fucking yes. She was totally with me.

  Her arms tightened around me, her nipples fine points. Her shapely legs cradled my hard cock, and I could feel the beckoning heat of her. Breaking the seal between our mouths, I grabbed one of her legs, lifted it, and brought it up around my waist. Then I pressed her into the wall, rocking my erection against her.

  “Get your shorts off,” she said quickly. “Please.”

  “No need for niceties.” Glaring hungrily at her, I inched back to untie the drawstring. “You want me to fuck you, just ask.”

  “Yes. Fuck me, please.” Her eyes were hot, their surface a mirror where she danced abandonedly within flames.

  “My pleasure.” I grinned darkly.

  Shorts out of the way, I got my arms around her and went for her mouth again. Her arms wrapped around my neck, she kissed me as hard and hungrily as I kissed her. Her ankles were crisscrossed at my back. I didn’t release her mouth, but I made an adjustment. Shelving her delectable ass on my hands, I positioned and drove my cock into her, pinning her to the fucking wall.

  Moaning, she tore her mouth from mine. Her chest heaving, she gasped for breath. She was on a razor’s edge of need, and so the fuck was I.

  “You’re so tight, so perfect for me,” I said, planting my mouth on her neck. I sucked on her skin as I drove my cock into her wet sheath again and again.

  “You’re so good.” Her tits bounced as I pounded into her. “So perfect for me.”

  Wrapping her limbs around me tighter, she took what I gave, and she got off on it.

  Giving it to her harder, faster, I stared into her darkened eyes. Wild and unashamed, she stared right back at me. We were joined in every possible way.

  But it wasn’t enough. It would never be enough, so I drove into her deeper.

  “Don’t stop,” she panted.

  “Can’t.” I hammered her harder into the wall.

  “Oh yes! Yes!”

  It was coming for her fast. I saw it in her eyes, felt it in her cunt tightening around my cock.

  Stiffening, I planted my feet on the carpet and drove into her one last time. She was in my arms, yet she flew. Engulf
ing her in my embrace, filling her full of all of me, I went over the edge with her. Wherever she went from now on, I would go too.

  Afterward, we both went into the bathroom and took a shower together. That led to me taking her another time against the tile wall.

  Stepping out of the bathroom later, I snagged a towel from the bar and wrapped it around my waist. She took another one and tucked it between her breasts.

  In the bedroom, I went for my discarded clothing. She went to the small closet for hers. I was quicker getting dressed.

  “Taking you out to dinner to celebrate your new job,” I said, sweeping my appreciative gaze over her. She looked so sexy in a lime-green tube top and faded denim overalls.

  “I have to start that new job in just a few hours.”

  “Plenty of time to eat together.”

  “Okay.” She nodded.

  “Thank you.” I crossed to her, cupped her nape in my hand, and kissed her tenderly. “Spending time with you is my favorite thing to do.” Searching her gaze, I said, “You know you mean more than anything in the world to me, right?”

  “No, I didn’t know.” Her lips curved. “But I like the way you showed me, and you telling me is pretty great too. It’s starting to sink in.”

  “Good.” I wanted to sink into her again. Of that I was certain.

  I might not know exactly what I was doing, but somehow, amazingly, with her I did. I took her hand, leading her out of the bedroom. Even though she knew the way, I just wanted an excuse to touch her.

  “Hey, Cork. Dude.” I stopped in front of the couch where he was sprawled and waved my hand at him.

  Focusing on me instead of whatever he was listening to, he pulled his headphones down to his neck.

  “I’m taking your sister out. Want me to bring some food back for you later?”

  “Sure. That would be great. Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  I opened the front door and gestured for Lotus to precede me. She did and locked the door with her key while I brushed her damp hair away from her nape. I pressed a kiss into her fragrant, citrusy skin. It wasn’t only her tropical cocktails that scented it. I now knew it was her Fanny Bay hair products and lotion.


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