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Bent Uncensored

Page 30

by James Morton

  Reports Commissioned by the Hon. KT Griffin, Attorney-General, South Australia, into Alleged Corruption in the South Australian Police Force, Government Printer, Adelaide, March 1982.

  Robson, F, ‘After the fall’, Sydney Morning Herald, 11 August 1995.

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  Royal Commission on the Alleged Shooting at and Wounding of John O’Connell Brophy, Report of the Royal Commission on the Alleged Shooting at and Wounding of John O’Connell Brophy, a Superintendent of Police, Government Printer, Melbourne 1936.

  Seggie, R, ‘Aspects of the Role of the Police Force in New South Wales and its Relation to the Government 1900–1939’, doctoral thesis, Macquarie University, 1988.

  Shanahan, CP, Report on the Anti-Corruption Commission Investigation into any Involvement by Western Australia Police Officers in the Death of Andrew Petrelis, Corruption and Crime Commission of Western Australia, 17 May 2007.

  Sherman, L, ‘Becoming bent: The moral careers of corrupt policemen’, in Sherman, L (ed.), Police Corruption: A Sociological Perspective, Anchor, New York, 1974.

  Silvester, J, ‘Cops, robbers, drugs and money’, Age, 18 March 2003.

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  Skelton, R, and Shiel, F, ‘The myth of a clean police force’, Age, 12 June 2004.

  Skolnick, JH, ‘Corruption and the blue code of silence’, Police Practice and Research, vol. 3, no. 1, 2002.

  Stannard, B, ‘How we got Finch’, Bulletin, 22 November 1988.

  Stewart, DG, Report of the Royal Commission into Drug Trafficking, Australian Government Printing Service, Canberra, 1982.

  —Report of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Alleged Telephone Interceptions, parliamentary paper, Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, no. 155, 1986.

  Sutton, C, ‘Masters lifts lid on Adelaide’, Sun-Herald, 2 October 1988.

  Swanton, B, ‘The promotion of police integrity’, Police Journal, vol. LVIX, no. 3, September 1986.

  Swanton, B, and RW Page, ‘New South Wales Police’, in Swanton, B, and Hannigan, G, (eds), Police Source Book 2, Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra 1985.

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  Taylor, N, ‘Corruption list dents confidence’, Sunday Times, 13 April 2003.

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  Walker, R, ‘The New South Wales Police Force 1862–1900’, Journal of Australian Studies, vol. 15.

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  Wood, JRT, Royal Commission into the New South Wales Police Service: Final Report, Sydney, 1997.

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  21 Division (NSW Police) 66, 87, 94

  Abbott, Cecil 94, 157

  ABC, Lewis sues for defamation 200–1

  Abela, Nicholas 154

  abortion, illegal, police protection for 68–9, 117–22

  Achilles, Operation 132

  Adam, Frederick ‘Bluey’ 48–9, 119–21

  Adelaide Advertiser 172

  Adshead, Gary 233

  Age tapes case 155–6

  Agostini, Antonio 4

  Ahern, Mike 209

  alcohol trade, illegal, police protection for 27, 29

  Allan, Norman ‘The Foreman’

  as senior officer 84–7

  authorises illegal phone taps 157

  crime statistics reporting under 98–9

  investigation clears 95 promoted by MacKay 66–7

  relations with Kelly 72–3

  Sydney abortion rackets 137

  Allen, Dennis ‘Mr Death’ 142

  Allen, John 241

  Allen, William ‘Bill’

  attains senior rank 94

  granted a pension 98

  heads gambling squad 90–1

  interview with Lees 105

  amphetamines 164–8

  Anderson, Frederick ‘Paddles’ 68

  Anderson, James 78

  Anderson, John David 250

  Anderson, Michael 250

  Anderson, Walter John 149

  Andrews, Nigel 154

  anomie culture 3

  Arantz, Phillip Neville 87, 98–9, 108

  Argyle diamonds case 234

  armed offenders squad (Vic) 243–5

  Armstrong, Superintendent 27

  Armstrong, Warren Earl 204

  Arnold, Rupert 50

  Ashby, Noel 246, 248–9

  Ashton, Graham 248–9

  Askin, Robert (Robin)

  allegations against police sent to 92–3

  in Arantz affair 98

  NSW Police under 84–7

  relations with Kelly 72–3

  asset recovery legislation 42–3

  Atkinson, Syd 138

  Attwood drug storage facility 165

  Austin, Brian 212

  Australian Federal (Commonwealth) Police 111, 251–3

  Avery, John 65, 95, 104, 216

  Ayton, Les 145

  bad-apple theory 5–6, 60–1

  Bahnemann, Gunther Ernst Martin 191

  Bailey, Raymond John 190

  Bandido motorcycle gang, police infiltration by 256–7

  Barbecue Set 89–90

  Barker, Tom 53

  Barnard, Police Magistrate 31

  Bart, Operation 106–7

  Bates, Harvey 92

  Batman, Henry 26

  Bax Task Force 222

  Bayeh, Louis 93, 102

  Beach Inquiry 122–5, 244

  Beamish, Darryl 262

  Beattie, Peter 213

  Beck, Merv 89–90

  Beerburrum mail robbery 189

  Bell, Virginia 1–2, 218

  Bellino, Antonio 206–7

  Bellino, Geraldo 206–7, 212

  Bellow, Geoffrey 272

  Bennett, Colin 112–13, 181–2, 187

  Bent, Thomas 32

  Berman, Margaret ‘Peggy’ 119–22

  Bigham, Trevor 48

  Bikie Bandits robberies 189

  Birdwood, General 44

  Birkett, Norman 1

  Bischof, Frank Erich 180–7

  Bjelke-Petersen, Joh

  acknowledges possibility of corruption 201

  appears before Fitzgerald Inquiry 209

  instructions on policing prostitution 205

  Lewis backed by 210

  on police education levels 193–5

  prosecuted for perjury 211

  resigns during Fitzgerald Inquiry 207

  Black Dahlia murder case 146

  Black Uhlan motorcycle gang 166

  Blamey, Thomas 29, 43–8, 151–2

  Bleechmore, RC 174

  Blissett, R 98

  Blogg, LJ 124

  Boggo Road Gaol, prisoners released from 4

  Bolton, Brian 189

  Bond, Alan 228

  Bonnette, Karl 75

  bookmaking, illegal 57–60, 86, 186

  Bottom, Bob 90, 155–7

Bottomley, Keith 4

  Boulton, William 207–8

  Bourke, Patrick 26

  Bowen, William Fenton 117–19, 121

  Bowman, Sally and Wendy 190

  Bradley, Stephen 85

  Bradshaw, Norman 119

  Braidwood district inquiry into crime 23

  Brammer, Mal 222, 224–5, 264

  Bredmeyer, Justice 72

  Briars, Operation 245

  bribery, Royal Commission into 23–4

  ‘bricking’ 112–14, 148–9

  Briddick, Philip 161

  Brifman, Shirley

  interstate operations 181–4

  lies to Gibbs Royal Commission 186–8

  officers named by 88

  on Sundown murders 190

  police involvement with and death of 77–9

  Bright, Sir Charles 173–4

  Brisbane Courier-Mail 152–3, 198, 199–200

  Brooks, William 36–40

  Brophy, John O’Connell 46

  brothels, illegal see prostitution

  Brouwer, George 106–7, 248

  Bruhn, Norman 54

  Bulger, Allen 211

  Bull, Brian 105, 229

  Bunning, Matthew 170

  Burgess, Harry 206, 210

  Burns, Gary 82

  Burton, Alan 75–6

  Button, John 262

  Byrne, Thomas 147

  Caccamo, Vince 223–4

  Caldero, Michael A 144–5

  Callaghan, Anne 41

  Callaghan Conspiracy case 41

  Callaghan, Terence 41, 43

  Callinan, Ian 203

  Cameron Royal Commission (Vic) 33

  Campbell, Fred 195

  Campbell, Gary William 183

  Campbell, Robert 200

  cannabis, illegal trade in 161–3, 233

  Capri, Operation 239

  car-stealing racket 75–6

  Carney, Thomas 82

  Carroll, Ian Revell 12

  Ceja Task Force 109, 168–9

  Cessna, Roy 92

  Chaffney, Frank 63

  Chalkley, Thomas 15

  Chartres-Abbott, Shane 245

  Childs, Walter 55

  Chinese Gambling and Immorality, Royal Commission into 23–4

  Christie, John Mitchell 33–4

  Christie, William 17

  Chuck, Joe 58, 63

  Churchill, Larry 103, 218

  Clark, Terrence 189

  Clarke, John Edward ‘Ratty Jack’ 77

  Clauson, Paul 201

  Coates, James 45

  Cobra, Operation 129–36

  coercion into corrupt practices 264–5

  Cole, Col 101–2

  Collins, Anthony 162

  Collis, Peter 76

  Coman, Walter 91–2

  Comanchero motorcycle gang 256–7

  Commission of Inquiry into Possible Illegal Activities and Associated Police Misconduct see Fitzgerald Inquiry

  Committee of Eight 188

  Commonwealth and New South Wales Joint Task Force 156

  Commonwealth Police see Australian Federal (Commonwealth) Police

  Condello, Mario 127

  confessions, obtaining 112–14, 144–55

  Confessions of a Bagman 209–10

  Connor, JD 188

  consorting squads 56–7, 130

  Conte, Victor 206

  Cook, Kimbal 101, 103, 215

  Cooke, Edgar 262

  Cooper, Jack 189

  Cope, Judge 31

  Cornelius, Luke 248–9


  five stages of 1–13

  international attitudes to 7

  means of controlling 258–69

  Corsair, Operation 257

  Corset Gang 160

  Couzens, Peter 246

  Cowan, Malcolm 83

  Cowdery, Nicholas 157–8

  Cowper, Charles 18, 21–2

  Cox, Dick 90

  Cox, James 20

  Cox, Russell ‘Mad Dog’ 11–12

  Cox, Stephen 168–9

  Crabtree, William 94

  Crank, John P 144–5

  Creed, Colin 11–13

  Crime and Corruption Commission (WA) 236–7

  Crime and Misconduct Commission (Qld) 212, 239–42

  Crime Commission (NSW) 254–6

  crime statistics, manipulation of 87, 97–8

  Crimes Act 1958 (Vic) 150

  Criminal Interrogation and Confessions 146

  Criminal Investigation Branch (NSW) 65

  Criminal Justice Commission (Qld) 209, 212

  Criminology in Focus 4

  Crookes, Gary 217

  Cross, Stella 151

  Crossley, Peter 213

  Cunningham, Lovena 154

  Cutmore, ‘Snowy’ 54

  Dale, Irene 187

  Dangerous Liaisons 239–40

  Darlinghurst Gaol 19–20

  Darlinghurst Police Station 82, 89–90

  Day, Lloyd Edward 70

  Day, Tony 102

  de Marco, Joanna 91–2

  Deak, Ferrenc 101

  Delaney, Colin 81, 83–4

  Demol, Duncan 218

  detective divisions see also names of police forces

  gaming investigations 29

  London Metropolitan Police 32

  Longmore Royal Commission on 32

  training for 49

  Dethridge, Judge 42

  Devine, Tilly 68

  Dickie, Phil 199–200, 206

  Dillon, Col 206

  Dilorenzo, Anthony 222

  Dixon, David 180, 221, 266–7

  Dixon inquiry into police corruption 185

  Domican, Tom 102

  Donaldson, Ray 217, 219

  Donnelly, HR ‘Bill’ 46–7

  Don’t Tell the Chief 246

  D’Orazio, John 237–8

  Dovey, Tracey 238

  Doyle, Brian ‘The Cardinal’ 71, 78, 88, 94

  Driscoll, Linus ‘The Pom’ 77

  drug trade

  amphetamines 164–8

  cannabis 161–3, 233

  heroin 168–9

  police involvement with 159–78

  Drug Traffic 180

  Drummond, Doug 211

  Drury, Michael Patrick 140–1

  Dugan, Darcy 71, 74

  Duncan, Alexander 48–50, 117

  Duncan, Assistant Police Commissioner 187

  Duncan, George 83, 263

  Dunn, James 38

  Dunn, Ray 115

  Dunn, Tom 45

  Duy Le 168–9

  Dwyer, Noel 206–7

  Dyrenfurth, Eric 268

  Eade, Wayne 1–2, 218–19

  Eagle, Operation 90

  Eagle Task Force 257

  early-intervention counselling 263

  Ebert, Michael 134

  Edwards, Cyril 76

  Egan, John Wesley 159–61

  Electoral and Administrative Review Commission (Qld) 209

  Ellund, John 224

  Evans, Richard 8, 51–2, 63

  Ewing Royal Commission (NSW) 53–4

  Fabian, Robert 52

  Faher, Deborah Joy 135

  Fahey Liberal NSW government 215–16

  Falconer, Bob 232–3

  farewell dinners, mixed attendance at 72–3

  Farran, Reginald 69–70

  Farrell, Frank ‘Bumper’ 82, 263

  Federal Bureau of Narcotics (Australia) 92

  Fellowes, William 40

  Ferguson, Ian 168–9

  Fergusson, Donald

  apparent suicide of 78–9

  in Mellish case 85–6

  in Olympic rowing squad 62

  involved in abortion protection racket 69, 138

  mentored by Kelly and Krahe 71, 74

  Fergusson, George ‘Monkey’

  cross-examined at Royal Commission 64–5

  internal inquiry conducted by 59

  MacKay’s support for 62–3

ed to sergeant 53–4

  Filthy Rat 105

  Finch, James Richard 138–9

  Fitzgerald, Gerald Edward ‘Tony’ 203, 213–14 see also Fitzgerald Inquiry

  Fitzgerald Inquiry

  events leading up to 179–203

  Herbert’s evidence to 149

  on corruption levels in Queensland 10

  operation and results of 204–14

  submissions to 261

  Fitzroy, Mabel 44

  five stages of corruption 1–13

  Flannery, Chris 140–1

  Flannery, Robert George 115

  Fletcher, Steve 4

  Florida, Operation 223–4

  food and beverage industry 6–7, 27, 29

  Ford, Jack 119–20

  Ford, Norman ‘The Doorman’ 190

  Fosbery, Edmund Walcott 22–3

  Foster, Cliff 252

  Fowler, Graham ‘Chook’ 103, 217–19

  Fowler, Walter Rufus 41–3

  France, treatment of suspects in 147

  Fraser, Andrew 167, 169

  Fraser, ‘Mad’ Frank 6

  Fraud Enforcement Agency (NSW) 218

  Freeman, George 74–5, 79–80, 91

  Funnel Creek murder case 149

  Galbally, Frank 119

  Galea, Perce 72, 88


  in NSW, Beck takes action against 89–91

  in SA, corruption associated with 36

  in Victoria, attempts to police 29

  gang violence in Melbourne 164–5

  Gao, Jamie 270–3

  Garland, Edward 71

  Garton, William 69–70

  GDU7 (witness) 1–2

  George, Morres 139

  Germany, treatment of suspects in 147

  Getting Justice Wrong 157–8

  Gibb, Peter George 123

  Gibbs, Harry 207

  Gibbs Royal Commission 182–8

  Gibson, Carl 213

  Gilchrist, Marion 52–3

  Gipps, George 16–17

  Girling-Butcher, Tim 100

  Godber, Peter Fitzroy 9

  Golding, James 39–40

  Goldsmith, Ian 12

  Gordon, Bob 199

  Gore, Kevin 77

  Goyne, Lorraine 133

  Gray, William 172

  Grierson, William ‘Billy’ 226, 230–1

  Grigg, Neville 82

  Grose, Francis 15

  Guardsman Task Force 165

  Gudgeon, Maxwell 161–3

  Gudjonsson, Gisli 146

  Gulbranson, Norman 78, 187

  Gun Alley 46–7

  Gun Alley murder case 37

  Gunn, Bill 199, 201–2, 204–7

  Gymea, Operation 222, 254

  Gypsy Jokers motorcycle gang 178, 230–1

  Hackett, James 71

  Hadgkiss, Nigel 216

  Haines murder case 145

  Haken, Trevor 217

  Halkett, Craigie 30

  Hall, Alan 200

  Hall, Richard 76, 266


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