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The Texas Bodyguard’s Proposal

Page 5

by Karen Rose Smith

  She studied his face as if she was trying to figure out why he was asking. He wasn’t entirely sure himself.

  “I don’t want to talk about it,” she said, her voice small, not at all defiant as she rebuttoned her blouse. She looked like a young woman who’d gotten caught up in something beyond her ken. Was that what had happened? He didn’t know. What he did know was that he had to leave. Now. Before he took her into his arms and kissed her.

  Instead of kissing her, he handed her the message slips. “You might want to listen to the one from your mother. She sounds as if she really does miss you.”

  To his surprise and dismay, Gabby’s eyes filled with tears. But she blinked hard and fast and held her emotions in check. Did she do that often? Did she pretend she was feeling something other than what she was?

  He couldn’t take her into his arms. He couldn’t. But he could touch her. Knowing he was tempting fate, he reached out and gently passed his knuckles down her cheek.

  Lightning without the storm.

  Maybe he was wrong and this storm was inside of him. He had instinctively known her skin would be soft. This close he spotted the light spray of freckles she usually covered with makeup.

  “You ought to let the freckles show all the time,” he said softly.

  Then before he ran his fingers through her hair, before he pulled her onto the bed, before he kissed her until they both felt what passion was all about, he turned and left her bedroom.

  Right now he was sorry he was leaving, but he wouldn’t be sorry about it later. He’d done the right thing.

  He always did the right thing.

  Chapter Four

  An hour later, Rafe sat on the passenger side of the limo beside the chauffeur and glanced into the rearview mirror at Gabby. He could still feel the softness of her skin on his fingertips.

  That was ridiculous! Of course he couldn’t.

  He rubbed his forefinger against the tips of his other fingers anyway as if to skim the sensation away.

  When the limo drew up in front of McCord’s jewelry store, Rafe thought the columns out front showed that this was indeed a special place. The lavender velvet displays in the windows, the silver sculptures surrounded by diamonds and rubies, emeralds and tanzanite reminded Rafe of the caliber of clientele who usually shopped here.

  He opened Gabby’s door and tried not to be affected by her when she climbed out, her dress skimming up her thigh. He shot a comprehensive look at the door to the store and back at her. She’d changed into a white dress with crisscross straps across the back and the front. Although the style was almost demure, there was nothing demure about the material. It hung in loose folds from her breasts and molded to her when she walked. And with those spike heels—

  He came up beside her and leaned near to her, her long pearl earring brushing his jaw. “Stay close. Move quickly. Let’s get inside before a crowd forms.”

  When she didn’t argue with him, he found himself placing his hand at the small of her back to guide her forward so she didn’t dawdle. His fingers skimmed bare skin. She looked up at him and almost tripped.

  Damn, but he wished this assignment was over.

  Just then the front door of the store opened and Blake motioned them inside. To Rafe he said, “Everyone here has been personally invited so there’s no need to worry about security inside.”

  “I always worry about security.”

  Blake sent him a quick rueful smile. “Just stay close to her. Don’t let her out of your sight. I don’t want anyone backing her into a corner or…getting too friendly. She’s been through a rough spot and I want that to be over for her.”

  Rafe was Gabriella McCord’s bodyguard. He didn’t need to know the details of her life. But he did wonder if that rough spot was all about her relationship with the Greek tycoon. Just how rough had it been? Had the relationship itself been rough…or the breakup?

  The floor in the entrance level of the store was gray marble. A lavender-and-silver theme was obvious in the cases lining the walls on either side. Up ahead marble steps gave way to lavender-and-gray plush carpeting, mirrored cases with gray leather club chairs and stools at the engagement diamond case. Black trim edged the ceiling and the floor.

  Automatically he checked the security mirrors that accompanied the cameras. There were at least twenty to twenty-five clients on the first level and about that many on the second. Some of them carried cups of coffee from an urn at the side of the room. Others nibbled on delicate pastries. Gabby had already sped off to speak to a group in front of a case with an assortment of necklaces and bracelets.

  When Rafe moved up behind her, he heard one of the men say to her, “I should let you pick out a necklace for my wife.”

  Gabby gave him a slow smile. “Now, T.J. After twenty-five years, I’m sure you know what your wife wants much better than I do.”

  “What if I pick out a couple of things and you give me the pros and cons of each?”

  The man was twenty years Gabby’s senior and married or not, he was definitely flirting, Rafe decided.

  “I’d be glad to give you the pros and cons, but I have to warn you, I have this knack for picking the most expensive piece.”

  He let out a mock groan. “I should have known. But your choice will be well worth it if she really likes it.”

  Gabby escorted T.J. to the counter where one of the many clerks stood ready to help him.

  Gabby lightly touched the man’s arm. “I’ll be circulating. Just flag me when you want me.”

  “Will do. It’s good to see you again, Gabby. You should spend more time in Dallas.”

  “There’s never enough time,” she replied and crossed to another group of people.

  “He was interested in you,” Rafe said into her ear.

  Gabby swivelled around suddenly, looking surprised. “He’s married! And besides that, I’ve known him for years, ever since I was a kid. When I’d come to Dallas, he and Eleanor would take me riding on his ranch. He doesn’t have any hidden agenda, Rafe, so don’t look for trouble where there isn’t any.”

  Rafe almost made a comment but didn’t. Her life is none of your business, he reminded himself again. But he wasn’t going to let her get into a situation today that she couldn’t handle.

  A woman in a conservative gray suit with her hair done up in a sleek chignon, onyx and diamond earrings at her ears, walked down the steps toward Gabby and gave her a hug. “It’s so good to see you.”

  “You, too, Marjorie.” Gabby turned to Rafe. “Do you know Marjorie Dunham?” At his nod, she remarked, “She’s a friend, as well as the manager. She does a wonderful job. Marjorie, Rafe is my bodyguard, so if you see him following me around, it’s because Blake has hired him to do that.”

  “It’s a very good idea.” Marjorie pointed outside the front door where a crowd was gathering. “Word has gotten out that you’re in here.”

  “Word was supposed to get out. This is a publicity event.”

  “Blake sprung this on both of us rather quickly. Did you manage to sleep after your trip from London?”

  “Oh, I didn’t come straight from London. I flew to New York first and spent some time there.”

  The older woman looked at Gabby sympathetically. “Are you finished with what happened in London?”

  Gabby went very still and a painful look came into her eyes. From where Rafe stood, she seemed to be transported to somewhere else, somewhere far away.

  But then she answered Marjorie’s question. “Yes, I am. At least, I hope I am.” She hesitated a moment then went on, “I came to Dallas to get away from all of that. So why don’t you show me the newest pieces of jewelry that you might want me to model.”

  “I have the perfect necklace for you to wear with that dress. You can show it off while you’re working the crowd.”

  Then Gabby was off, up the stairs with Marjorie, Rafe on her heels.

  Gabby sat on one of the stools while Marjorie showed her a necklace. Necklace didn’t seem to be the
right name for something so spectacular. There were four strings of diamonds alternating with rubies. When Marjorie clasped it around Gabby’s neck, Rafe wished he was doing that. Not because it was his duty. But because it would be his pleasure.

  When she turned around and asked him, “What do you think?” the jewels seemed to add brightness to Gabby’s eyes, a broader tilt to her smile. If a diamond-and-ruby necklace could do that for a woman, every woman should have one. It lay at the perfect spot, just above the V made by the crisscrossing straps. His gaze automatically went there, went to that V, but then he realized he’d rather look at her face.

  There was color in Gabby’s cheeks and he didn’t think it was all from the makeup brushes he’d seen on the vanity in her bathroom. The eye shadow and the mascara added depth to her eyes, but it was their shot-with-gold-brown color that brought his eyes to hers every time.

  “I think you should be able to sell a bunch to this clientele. If you just walk around, everyone’s going to ask you about it.”

  “That’s exactly what we want.”

  Marjorie came around the desk to Gabby again. “Blake is working on the canary collection. I think he’d like you and Penny to get together. If you see what she’s come up with, you can plan a wardrobe around her pieces.”

  “That sounds like a good idea. I’ll have to give her a call.”

  “Now let me introduce you to some of the clients you don’t know. I pointed out to Blake that instead of just arranging these get-togethers with his wealthy clients, he ought to think about his more average clients, too, treating them the same way he treats these folks. If each one of them believes they’re buying here for a once-in-a-lifetime experience, they’ll come back for the next big occasion. That’s how we need to grow the business again. We need to remember names and faces and truly know our customers once more, the way it used to be.”

  “Is there anything I can do to help with that?” Gabby asked.

  “There sure is. The people here today are being given an e-mail address we set up for you. They know they can ask your opinion on jewels with wardrobes, the best quality of gem for the money, the artistry of some of the pieces. Just let us know if the e-mails become overwhelming. We can answer them for you. But the more clients you connect with, the better it is for the store.”

  “Are you going to do this with the other stores?”

  “After your trip to Italy, you’ll stop in here again, then fly out to the West Coast stores, and try it with them. By then we should have some idea if our strategy is working.”

  A worried expression came over Gabby’s face.

  “What’s wrong?” Marjorie asked.

  “After this six-month campaign, and I am dedicated to doing this for Blake, I’ll be spending more time in Italy. I want to buy a house there.”

  “You’re tired of jet-setting?”

  “Jet-setting isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.” She stepped up to Rafe. “I heard Blake tell you everyone in the room is cleared for security purposes. I’m going to be mingling pretty steadily. It might be easier for both of us if you just stand at the side of the room. If I need you for something, I’ll look your way. Otherwise, I’m fine.”

  “Blake wants me to stick with you.”

  “I won’t be out of your sight. I just want the freedom to move from one group to another quickly, from one person to the next. If I decide to go into one of the back rooms with someone, I’ll let you know and you can accompany us.”

  He knew he still didn’t look convinced, because she gave him one of those superbright smiles. “Let’s just try this for a little while, okay? If it doesn’t work, you can go back to being glued to me.”

  Glued to her. Now there was an image that would turn him on if he gave it too much thought.

  “The store’s getting more crowded. We’ll try it for fifteen minutes,” he decided. “If I lose sight of you, I move in.”

  For that moment, they focused on each other and the crowd vanished. They were two people attracted to each other, knowing they shouldn’t be.

  A month ago another man had been looking over her shoulder, maybe looking after her. A month ago. How could she be looking at her bodyguard like this so soon? After five years, Connie’s voice still echoed in his heart. What did Gabby do, flit from one man to another every month?

  He stepped back, stepping away from temptation.

  Gabby looked perplexed, as if wondering what she had done wrong.

  A female voice shouted Gabby’s name. The woman was dripping with jewelry and looked as if she wanted to buy more.

  “Deedee,” Gabby said lightly and turned away from him, obviously eager to help any way she could.

  Rafe thought she was such a contradiction. One minute she seemed like a social butterfly. The next she was doing her part to help her family, and it wasn’t even her immediate family. How close was she to the McCord cousins…her aunt?

  It didn’t matter.

  Still, as the event wore on, he not only protected the socialite heiress, he watched her—watched for a fake smile, watched for a flutter of flirting lashes, watched for inattention when she was supposed to be listening. He couldn’t fault her. She didn’t seem to be playacting but genuinely attentive to each person she spoke to.

  That hadn’t been his experience with famous people. Billionaire businessmen had no time for underlings. Stars could be impatient with fans. Politicians listened, but only to achieve their own agendas.

  What was Gabby’s agenda? Why had she made that visit to Libby Dalton?

  Rafe couldn’t figure her out…couldn’t figure out if she was feeding her own ego or if she had a heart of gold. Connie’s heart had been golden. His marriage to her had taught him that.

  Gabby migrated around the store for a good hour, taking business cards, giving hers. She asked clerks to take jewelry from the case, held necklaces and earrings up to women’s faces in mirrors, motioned to their wardrobe or suggested color schemes, laughed and entertained and never ignored anyone.

  After a while, the crowd of invited guests began thinning. Blake appeared at Rafe’s elbow. “I’m going to open the doors soon to everyday shoppers. I suggest you whisk Gabby out of here.”

  “You don’t want her to consult with them?”

  “No. They’re here to see her, not to buy jewelry. Gabby insists I should treat every shopper the same. I’m willing to try whatever will work. But for now, I suggest you leave by the back door.”

  “I’ll round her up. But what if she wants to stay?”

  “I’ll talk to her.”

  Gabby did want to stay. He overheard her say to Blake, “Let ten shoppers in at a time. Let’s spread the word they can talk to me. More fans will come into the store. That will be to your benefit.”

  Blake agreed and Rafe kept close to her.

  After another hour of that, Rafe ordered the limo to the back entrance. Once in the car, Gabby laid her head against the back of the seat and closed her eyes.

  Rafe had climbed in beside her this time in case she wanted to talk. He pressed the button to raise the window between them and the chauffeur.

  Stooping to the cooler, he took out a bottle of cold water and handed it to her. “Here, hydrate.”

  She opened her eyes and gave him a wry smile. “So now you’re a nutritionist?”

  “If I was a nutritionist, I would have given you granola instead of that pancake.”

  She laughed, and she was even more beautiful when she laughed. “I guess as a security consultant, you wear many hats.”

  “Meaning?” He arched a brow.

  “Meaning protection doesn’t always just involve safety.” She uncapped the water and took a few swallows. Her lipstick was still intact, though some of it edged the rim of the bottle now.

  “Shouldn’t you hydrate?” she asked teasingly.

  Her expression was too friendly, her lips were too inviting. The desire that rose up in him made him angry. “You know, Gabby, there’s no reason to flirt with me. I’
ll keep you safe whether you do or you don’t. Don’t look at me as relief from some kind of stress.”

  She looked shocked at his words and hurt came into her eyes. She was speechless for a moment and that surprised him. He’d expected a quick comeback. She didn’t seem to have one.

  Instead she peered out the window for a few moments and then she turned back to him. “I was just trying to be friendly, Rafe. I thought if we could have a conversation, it would be easier to be together. Obviously men don’t think the same way as women. I really should have remembered that.” Then she concentrated on sipping her water and didn’t talk to him again the whole way back to the hotel.

  He was messing up this assignment big-time. Thank goodness in a few weeks, Gabriella McCord would be someone else’s headache.

  Had she been flirting with Rafe?

  After changing into shorts and a T-shirt, Gabby sat at the kitchen table, reading fan letters. Rafe had settled on the sofa with his laptop. He obviously did a lot of IT work in addition to handling the jewelry stores’ physical security systems. She supposed now it was all interconnected. She sighed. The tension between them was much thicker than the syrup she’d used on her pancake that morning.

  She hadn’t been flirting with Rafe in the car, she told herself now. She’d just been trying to establish some kind of connection between them, even if it was a light joking one. But obviously her attraction to him had shown.

  Apparently he wasn’t attracted to her. His disdain was obvious. He thought she was a shallow model who hopped from one bed to another. If only he knew. As odd as it seemed, Miko had been her first lover. She’d been saving herself for that perfect romance…the perfect man.

  But there wasn’t a perfect man, just as there were no perfect women. Her idealistic, romantic fantasies had gotten in the way of reality. Rafe was definitely reality and she just wished he respected her.

  Rubbing her temples, she realized she had a headache. After setting the letters aside, she wandered over to the baby grand and glanced at Rafe. He looked up and she guessed he was aware of her every move. That didn’t help the claustrophobic feeling that was beginning to surround her.


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