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Cursed by Destiny

Page 17

by Cecy Robson

  Shayna grinned and pinched my backside, making me jump. “It’s just a formality, Ceel. Don’t worry—we’ll see you inside.”

  Misha whisked me away and placed us before a set of large ornate wooden doors carved with images of wolves during a hunt. His vampires positioned themselves directly behind us. I fidgeted a little in my shoes. Damn, a formal presentation was so not my idea of a good time. “You appear nervous,” Misha whispered.

  “That’s because I am. Can’t we just walk in through the back?”

  Misha chuckled and offered me his arm. I clung to it like a drowning woman. “Fear not, my love. You are the most desired woman in attendance. Enter knowing every male seeks your company.”

  “You’ve been sucking on crazy if you think that’s going to make me feel better.”

  His chuckles turned into full-out laughter just as two Den students in dark suits and white gloves pulled opened the brass knobs. Misha yanked me forward when I failed to move. A were roughly the same age as dirt cleared his throat as if choking on his own lungs. Unless they died in battle or from loss of their mates, weres lived until the first full moon after their one hundredth birthday. That wolf looked a dozen moons past his quota. “I present Sir Misha Aleksandr, Lady Celia Wird, and family.”

  I didn’t know how I ended up with a title, but crap, I’d be sure to return it the moment this gala was over. All I wanted was to shift out of the room and out of the limelight . . . until I caught my first real look at Aric. My heart stopped. All the attendants vanished except for him. I walked forward, drawn by the pull of his wolf and the urging of my tigress.

  He stood behind a large granite table. His dark Irish skin appeared tanned against his black silk shirt and tie. He wore his chocolate brown hair just the way I loved it, short all around except on top, where long strands hung slightly over his light brown eyes. Aric’s damn sexy face and body sizzled to smoking-hot proportions in that tux. I stopped breathing for a moment just to take him in.

  The surfer-looking were I’d seen leaning against the stone fireplace stood next to him, along with the Elders, Uri, and some other higher-ups in the supernatural world. Aric’s lids peeled back. He lunged toward me, hard enough to shove the heavy granite table blocking his path. My tigress clawed inside me with excitement, trying to reach him, knowing his wolf had tried to reach us. My hips swayed harder as I neared. I nibbled on my bottom lip. We were almost to him. I smiled and he . . . scowled.

  I stopped dead. What the hell? Aric was livid. The aroma of his fury sliced around his aura. I watched him for a few moments of stunned silence until his glare and my anger at his response made me give him my back. The tension between us beat against my skin. I waited numbly while his Warriors and my sisters were introduced next.

  Taran’s steps slowed when she caught a gander at His Royal Pissiness. She inched her way to my side and frowned. “Why the hell is he so premenstrual?”

  I forced back my protruding claws. “Oh, don’t worry, Taran. It’s not him—it’s just his wolf.” Beast rising to the surface or not, I was miffed at both of them.

  I stared straight ahead. The elderly were continued announcing the honored guests until only one remained. “And last, but certainly not least, I present . . . Destiny.”

  Taran and I jumped—she into Gemini’s arms and I against Misha. Aric’s deep warning growl made it clear I should have leapt elsewhere. Perhaps off the mountain. I couldn’t help it. I didn’t frighten easily, but Destiny scared the bejeebers out of me. Taran and I had had the oh so jolly experience of meeting Destiny in vampire court. Destiny had the ability to transfer people’s memories onto a screen by merely placing her hands on their heads. Neat trick, huh? Well, not so much if you were the poor schmuck on the receiving end. Taran and I had been exposed to her hauntingly agonizing, vomit-inducing touch. The process had felt like barbed wire scraping along my brain. I’d never wanted to see her again—never—much less mingle and share hors d’oeuvres.

  Destiny stood on the tippy-toes of her zebra-print cowgirl boots and waved excitedly like we were old pals. Her fashion sense hadn’t improved since our last meeting. Tonight’s ensemble consisted of a shin-length fuchsia dress with dark brown furry polka dots. Destiny loved polka dots. They matched what resembled a dead weasel wrapped around her neck.

  I blinked several times. Oh, good Lord, that is a dead weasel.

  A lime green bow anchored her librarian bun. Matching lime eye shadow covered her lids, clashing with her neon pink lipstick. Damn. Seriously. Damn.

  Destiny barreled toward us. Taran made a break toward the exit. Misha pulled me to him when I attempted to skitter after her. Amusement trickled into his Russian accent. “Do not fear, kitten. I will keep you from harm.”

  A horrible crunching noise had me veering backward. Aric stood with a large chunk of the granite table in his arms. The menace of a thousand barbarians marched across his face, hardening his features. He snarled once and tossed the massive hunk of rock. It landed with a loud bang at Misha’s feet.

  My eyes bulged with alarm. Misha flashed him a sinister smile and tightened his grip around me. For a moment, no one so much as breathed. Silence spread through the entire ballroom. Those in attendance waited to see who would strike first: the vampire or the wolf.

  Makawee, the Omega wolf of the pack Elders, wouldn’t allow it. She stepped toward Aric and smiled, releasing the calming energy of her magic. It stroked against me as soothingly as a mother’s touch. “Perhaps we should all take our seats now,” she said quietly. “Destiny can tell us her predictions later.”

  The crowd before us dispersed and took their seats. And although Aric had been the one to cause the outburst, I was the one many of the weres glowered at. “What predictions?” I asked Misha in an attempt to ignore them.

  Misha’s voice grew dangerously quiet and his eyes fierce. He was angered by the negative attention the weres had slapped me with. “Destiny can also foresee the future.” His vampires gathered around us and bared their fangs at those who continued to glare at me. Misha’s hand found my lower back. “Perhaps it’s best you stay close to me tonight.”

  My tigress eyes replaced my own. She appreciated dirty looks and underlying threats about as much as I did. “It’s okay, Misha. I’ll be fine. I’m not afraid of these idiots.” I responded loud enough for the furries to hear me. “Besides, I want to spend time with my family.”

  Misha gave me a slow nod. “Very well, but do not hesitate to find me if you continue to feel . . . unwelcome.”

  “Thanks, Misha.”

  He kissed my forehead, earning me yet another growl from Aric.


  Since the vampires had dined previously, they mostly danced, socialized, and made out. Makawee had been kind enough to seat me with my sisters and friends. It helped to have them close, seeing as Aric continued to glower at me all through the main course. Cranky inner beast or not, I was ready to smack him upside the head. I should have been the angry one. Those sluts repeatedly fondled him and kissed his cheeks. And while they sat a few tables down from us, I heard everything they said to him loud and oh so clear.

  “Oh, Aric,” one of them cooed. “You smell sooo good.”

  I threw the knife I’d been holding on my lap onto the table. My jealousy and fury had allowed me to easily bend it into a circle. Still, it did little to suppress my need to kill something. Bren tried to ease my temper. He nuzzled my neck, imitating the tramp’s lusty voice. “Oh, Celia, Celia . . . You smell sooo good, baby. May I straddle you like the whore I am?”

  We all thought it was funny. Aric didn’t. He growled yet again.

  “Where would you like me to touch you?” The other were purred at him.

  My claws whipped out like deadly blades. I shoved them under the table before I attacked her. The wood slivered and cracked as my hands raked back and forth against the dense mahogany, leaving gouges
deep enough to poke my fingers through.

  Taran didn’t hear the were’s comment. Shayna did and told her what she’d said. Taran smiled gleefully and rose, tossing her napkin on the table. “Excuse me. I’ll be right back.”

  Gemini chased after her, his voice panicked. “Sweetheart, where are you going?”

  Taran sashayed her way to Aric and his groupies. Gemini was at her heels begging her to return to the table. Taran ignored him and whispered something to Aric so low, none of us heard it. Whatever it was must have been a doozy. Aric’s eyes shot open. He grabbed the weres as they launched themselves at Taran while Gemini hauled her back to our table.

  Shayna sat at the edge of her seat, bouncing with excitement. “Dude! What did you say?”

  Taran flicked her hair back when Gemini released her, seemingly pleased with herself. “I merely said if they needed pointers they should talk to Celia. She knows exactly where to touch Aric.”

  A slow grin spread across my face. Aric didn’t growl that time.

  By the time dessert passed, Aric’s bimbettes halted just short of having sex with him. He remained unaffected by them, sitting still as stone watching me. But just because he failed to respond to their advances didn’t mean I enjoyed the show. I finally had enough and, as petty as it was, I decided to get some revenge. Music by Flo Rida provided me with the perfect opportunity. “Let’s go dance,” I said to my sisters.

  They followed me without thinking twice. I tapped into the smooth, silky movements of my inner cat and went wild. Taran didn’t miss a beat and joined me, matching my provocative moves with a few of her own. The last time I’d danced that way it had been for Aric, and only Aric, alone in our room. Just before he tackled me to the floor.

  Taran dazzled me with one of her more evil grins, encouraging me to be more daring. “Come on, Ceel. Is that the best you got?” My competitive streak took over and so did hers; we kept trying to outdo the other. I lowered my lids and imagined Aric watching me from our bed. My hips rocked and my body swerved in long, sensual, snakelike movements to the beat of the music, teasing the Aric in my mind with my form. When I opened my eyes, the crowd of weres that had glared met me with impish smiles and steamy glances. I ignored them. They didn’t matter. Only Aric did.

  Shayna and Emme didn’t last long, their wolves whisking them away for a little alone time after the first song. I fought back a laugh when I caught Gemini’s face. The poor guy practically drooled watching Taran. A bunch of weres had snuck their way to her. He robotically shoved them out of the way to reach her.

  Taran gave him a look that could only be described as a promise for a long night. “Hi, baby,” she whispered. “Do you like what you see?” His growl and grab told me yes. They disappeared along the crowd.

  The moment the second song ended, I left the floor, grateful for the exaggerated cat walk my tigress gifted me with. I had more than made my point, but still needed to add a cherry to my seduction sundae. I sauntered past where Aric continued to sit with his gal pals, tossing my hair alluringly so he caught a strong whiff of my scent. Judging by his familiar moan of longing, I still had the goods to stimulate his beast. I continued forward, passing a few more tables until the surfer guy stepped in front of me, blocking my way.

  He glanced down at me, making sure to fire another dimple my way. “So, you’re Celia, the tigress I’ve heard so much about.”

  I shrugged. “I suppose.” My tigress found him curious and tried to figure him out. “And what might you be?”

  “Take a guess.”

  My tigress urged me forward. Her interest in him surprised me, but something about him tugged me closer. I leaned forward, stopping about six inches away from his chest to inhale deeply. I rolled my eyes at Aric’s audible growls. Hypocrite.

  The were smelled feral, like the Serengeti. I scented trees, tall grasses, and dry scorching air. It intermixed with a hint of musk and a stronger smell of salaciousness. I knew then why my tigress had taken an interest in his aroma, and the realization made me smile. I’d met another big cat. “You’re a lion.”

  “No, sweetheart. I’m the lion.”

  I raised my brows. “Oh, and a modest one at that.”

  He analyzed me from big hair to pointy shoes, his cocky grin becoming wider. “You’re a lot smaller than I thought,” he said. “How could a little thing like you piss off the Tribe enough to command your death?”

  Hmm. Interesting. Even the lion believes the Tribe is the culprit. I didn’t answer him and removed my shoes. He watched me, the gleam in his eyes suggesting I remove a little more than just my footwear. I shifted quickly and surfaced behind him, poking him with my right toe to get his attention. He whirled around, admiration easing the surprise on his face. Thanks, Ying-Ying.

  I lowered my foot back down slowly. He followed it down with his gaze. Aric’s growls escalated, bordering on murderous. The lion ignored him, keeping his attention on me.

  “Looks can be deceiving,” I said with a grin.

  “And sexy,” he added with a playful smile. “I’m Tye Gris de Leone. Would you like to dance with me? You know, one cat with another?”

  Aric no longer growled. His sounds were more like deep sadistic rumblings, similar to clouds before the thunder cracks. I angled my gaze around Tye, convinced Aric had gone full-out wolf. His human side remained intact . . . although the human appeared ready to munch on lion. Damn. Tye seemed neither upset nor worried. In fact, amusement played like a fiddle across his features.

  I’d only just met the guy, and while his arrogance didn’t sit well with me, he seemed decent enough. It wouldn’t be right if Aric, like, killed him. I smirked. “I’d better not. My ex-boyfriend is a lunatic.”

  Aric’s murderous snarling only reinforced my point.

  I slipped into my shoes and went to the restroom to freshen up. Aric was standing outside the ladies’ room waiting for me when I exited. I scanned the area. Good thing for those sluts of his they’d stayed behind.

  “I see your list of admirers has grown,” he said in a really nasty tone.

  I frowned. “Why do you care? You have the naked tramp twins following you around.”

  “Would you prefer we all dressed the same way, like you and Misha?”

  Okay, Aric. You and your crazed beast are going down. I ran my fingers playfully between my full breasts, then slid my hands down my body, paying close attention to my waist and thighs. My lips pouted and my voice came out in a purr. “What’s wrong, wolf? Don’t you like my dress?”

  Aric’s eyes traveled slowly from the center of my halter and down to my legs. He swallowed hard before answering. “No. I don’t.”

  I smiled bewitchingly. “Really? Well, you could have fooled me. You looked at me like you wanted me. Just like you used to before Boobless came along.”

  “Who the hell’s ‘Boobless’?”

  “You know—Barbara, your former fiancée?”

  As furious as Aric was, he couldn’t suppress that grin I loved so much. And as hard as I tried, I couldn’t help smiling back. We locked eyes, and for a moment it was as if we’d never been apart. He stepped closer. When I didn’t move away from him, he took another step, and another. He was so close I could feel his heat, the same heat that intensified in my presence and soldered us together. His eyes softened. “I never wanted her. Or anyone else. You know who I want,” he murmured.

  A burning sensation built deep within my core. “I miss you,” I whispered. I covered my face with my hands. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t tell you this, but I do.”

  Aric clasped my wrists and gently pulled them down. “Don’t hide your beautiful face or your feelings from me. I can’t stand being without either.”

  His touch sent enticing chills across my skin. My heart drummed madly. This time I stepped forward, close enough that my breasts grazed his hard chest.


p; Martin’s baritone voice echoed the length of the long hall. Instead of jerking away from me in the presence of his Alpha and Elder, Aric released my hands slowly. I inched away from him, guilt heating my face despite that we hadn’t done anything wrong. Or maybe we had. Sweat glistened Aric’s forehead and my entire body tingled with anticipation and need.

  Aric’s timbre was as cool as a March breeze. “Yes, Martin?”

  The angles of Martin’s face reflected his serious tone. I couldn’t scent anger per se, but his displeasure at finding us alone tensed his shoulders like a burdensome load. “Perhaps it’s best that you visit with our honored guests in the ballroom. Don’t you think?”

  “Of course, Martin.”

  Martin had helped raise Aric, and became a father figure when Aric lost his. Their current state suggested they’d never been close or exchanged a kind word. It saddened me, knowing I’d caused this rift between them. My inner beast chuffed. The strain between them made us restless.

  Martin nodded in my direction. “Celia.”

  “Hey, Martin.” I waved awkwardly, not knowing what else to do. Shaking his hand didn’t seem right and I wasn’t what anyone would call a “hugger.” I didn’t mean to act like a dweeb, but sometimes my inner nerd shoved my tigress aside and took over. Aric grinned. The most subtle twitch of a smile curved the edges of Martin’s lips before he turned on his heel and left.

  I didn’t want to leave Aric just yet. It soothed my essence and enlivened my soul to be near him. And if he could do that for me with just his presence, his riled beast must have felt a sense of relief around me, too. Already his temper had hushed and the ire surrounding him had dispersed like dry leaves in a storm. I took a chance. “Aric, would you like to—?”

  “Yes,” he answered in a hoarse whisper.


  I laughed a little. “You didn’t let me finish.”

  “I know.”

  Aric’s gaze was so intense, my mouth tried to remember how to speak. “Will you sit with me, even for a little while?”


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