Book Read Free


Page 3

by Shelia E. Bell


  “Aisha, you have a call on line two,” the receptionist’s pleasant voice rang over the intercom.

  “Keep it up girls. I’ll be right back.” She turned and walked hurriedly to her office to answer the call.

  “Hello, this is Aisha.”

  “Aisha. Good afternoon. Thaddeus Phelps here.

  “Oh, hi Thaddeus. What’s up?”

  “I‘m calling about the lease on your building. As you know, it expires in three months.

  “Yes, I’m aware of that. But like I told you last month, I am planning to renew my lease before it expires. I can’t find another location as perfect as this one and I’m totally pleased with it.”

  “That’s great to hear Miss Carlisle.”

  “Miss Carlisle?” Aisha began to feel somewhat uneasy. She and Thaddeus had been on a first name since she had begun leasing the building three years ago. Now he wanted to come at her all formal. She couldn’t understand why he was taking such a professional tone with her now.

  “Thaddeus, is something wrong? You’re sounding different. Tell me. What is it?”

  “Well, I have some good news and some bad news.”

  “Just tell me.”

  “The good news is that the owner wants you to remain in the building. He believes your dance studio is a great outlet for these young girls you’re teaching. You’ve been a great tenant and we couldn’t ask for anyone better.”

  “Okay, Thaddeus what’s going on? You’re scaring me.”

  “Look Aisha. The bottom line is that the owner of the building has decided to sell it. He’s run into some financial hardships and has to liquidate several of his properties and your location happens to be one of them.”

  “What? Are you telling me that he’s selling this property? But he can’t do that Thaddeus. I’ve put too much into this building. There’s no way I can find a place like this with the space, the perks and all at a price I can afford. Doesn’t he have some other property he can sell?”

  “I’m sorry, Aisha. He’s made up his mind. He’s going to get rid of it. The good news is that we’re giving you a heads up on this so if you want to, you can purchase the building. All you need is a down payment of thirty-five thousand dollars.”

  “Thirty-five thousand dollars! I don’t have that kind of money. I’ve already invested every bit of my inheritance into remodeling this studio, Thaddeus. And you know that. Over half of my students are inner city youths which mean they’re paying according to their income levels. I barely have enough to cover the rent every month, now you expect me to come up with thirty-five thousand dollars?” Aisha couldn’t believe what she was hearing. All she could see was her dream going down the drain. Maybe she could relocate. Maybe she could find somewhere else. But with what? She had no funds and she was already using her small savings account to pay the rent on her apartment and her car note. What could she do?

  “Look, Thaddeus, just give me six months or so and maybe I can find a way to come up with the money. Or maybe, with a little prayer and fasting I can get the owner to change his mind about selling this building.”

  “Unfortunately, you don’t have six months, Aisha. The most I can give you is ninety days. After that, if you don’t have the money, you’ve got to move. This is a prime location and they’re lots of people who would pay top dollar for this building. I’m sorry. There’s nothing I can do.”

  Aisha hung up the phone and a feeling of hopelessness began to consume her. She turned to God. “Lord, what can I do? I can’t give up this place. I just can’t. You know that my credit isn’t the best since opening the studio. I’m up to my head in debt already trying to keep the studio going. I can’t afford to start over somewhere else. I need you to intervene in this situation Lord and I need you to do it in a hurry.” she cried out.


  Tameria couldn’t believe it when Aisha told her about her conversation with Thaddeus. “What are you going to do Aisha? That’s money we can only dream about having. I wish I could do something to help you. Shoots, I only have about $1,500 I can loan you. You already know that I’m up to my neck in student loans just to stay in med school.”

  “Thanks, Tameria. But I can’t accept your money anyway. Shoots, you’re trying to make it just like I am. God will make a way. He has to.”

  “Have you talked to your parents?” Tameria asked. A frown etched across her forehead.

  “No, I didn’t ask mom and dad. I mean they’re still trying to manage living off their pensions. I can’t do that to them. And even if they did have it to loan to me, I have no idea when or if I could pay it back anytime soon. You know the studio is barely turning a profit Tameria.” Aisha looked shakened.

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I have an appointment at the bank tomorrow morning. I’m going to see if I can possibly get a small business loan again. Something will work out. It just has too.” Aisha tried hard to make herself believe the very words she was saying to Tameria. She couldn’t fathom the idea of giving up the studio. It was her life. Surely God wouldn’t allow her to lose it.


  Miss Carlisle, we’ve reviewed your loan history with us, the loan officer spoke in a cold detached voice. Though your payment history has been fair, I have noticed that there have been quite a few times you’ve been delinquent with your payments.”

  “Yes, that’s correct. But that’s only like you said, a few times. Most of my students are from the inner city and pay on a sliding income scale. At times, I have to wait until I secure these payments and I might run a few days late in paying you. But I always call and let you know and I’ve never missed a payment. So please, I really need this loan. If I don’t get it, I can lose my studio all together and I just can’t let that happen.”

  The loan officer paused, not once did she look at Aisha. She continued to peruse the file before her, shaking her head from side to side every so often.

  Aisha’s hands were sweating. She prayed underneath her breath. “Please help me, Lord.”

  Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the woman looked up. “To be truthful Miss Carlisle I don’t see much that we can do to help you. With what you already owe us, and the thirty-five thousand you’re asking for, I just don’t see how we can approve any more loans for you.”

  “Ma’am, please. I need this loan. You have to do something.” Aisha pleaded.

  “Let me look over some figures here for just a minute.” The woman entered number after number into her desk top computer. When she finished this time she looked up at Aisha. “Miss Carlisle.”

  “Yes,” Aisha beamed. She felt like a breakthrough had just occurred. God had come through for her once again.

  “I believe we could pay off your existing loan and refinance it as one new loan. If we do that, the most we could loan you will be fourteen thousand-five hundred. And of course your payment will increase substantially, by about thirty-five percent.”

  Aisha’s face turned sour. What was she going to do? She knew one thing was for sure. She couldn’t turn this down. She would just have to accept it and then figure out some other way to get the remainder of the money. But what? “I’d like to do that.”

  “Okay, but let me remind you again Miss Carlisle that your monthly payments will increase considerably. Right now your debt ratio is hovering on the edge. You can’t afford to get another loan anytime soon and you won’t be able to get anything from us until you have at least paid this loan down by more than half of your recomputed balance.”

  “Thank you, ma’am. Just write up the papers. God and I will have to deal with the rest. Thank you,” she answered again.

  After spending an hour and a half at the bank, she left with a somewhat sigh of relief about the loan. But she would have to get very creative in a heart beat in order to find a way to come up with the remaining $20,500. She had a little less than three months to get the money to Thaddeus. She buttoned her black leather bomber jacket, pulled her matching leather
cap down over her head and raced to the coffee shop a couple of blocks from her studio. She’d soothe herself with a tall cappuccino with loads of whipped cream on top. Usually she stayed away from the caffeine but today she felt like she could use an extra boost of energy. She would go to the studio and work it off later. She sat down at the small round table, sipping on her cappuccino and reading over her loan papers. She then decided to make a list of possible things she could do to get the rest of the money. She was in deep thought, in her own world when she heard the captivating, distinct voice hovering above her head.

  “Hi there. Looks like we have something in common.”

  Aisha quickly raised her head toward the voice. It was him. The guy from the theatre. She couldn’t believe she recognized him after all this time. What was he doing here? Had he been following her? Surely not, it had been over two months since they were at the theatre. She gathered her thoughts quickly, trying not to show her displeasure of being interrupted.

  “And what exactly do we have in common?” she responded tersely while stuffing her loan papers in her purse.

  “Cappuccino, of course.” He flashed a boyish smile at her.

  “Is that right? So what does this warrant?” Aisha asked him. “Since we have soooo much in common, do I owe you a gold ribbon or something?”

  “My, my aren’t we the feisty one. Look , let’s start over again. I’m Chandler Larson. He extended his manicured hand out toward Aisha while he kept on talking. “I’m not trying to come on to you. But I do find you attractive. I’d just like to sit here and share a cappuccino with you. That’s all.”

  Aisha ignored his outstretched hand. She didn’t know what to think. She began to really look at him. He seemed harmless and she was in a public place. She didn’t have to tell him anything about her so maybe it was okay to let him sit down and drink his cappuccino.

  “Okay, sure. Have a seat. But I’m very busy and I don’t have a lot of time.”

  “That’s fine. I promise not to wear out my welcome.

  “So, Chandler, what type of work do you do?” Aisha’s curiosity had the best of her. “Are you a private eye or something?” She asked sarcastically. “I mean, you appear at the most unlikely times.”

  Chandler flashed a broad grin. Aisha couldn’t help but think to herself how handsome he was. She quickly dispelled the thought and concentrated on his answer.

  “You’re quite the humorous one aren’t you? By the way, funny lady do you have a name? I’ve told you mine so at least you can tell me yours. Can’t you?” His eyes pleaded innocently.

  “Aisha. I believe that’s all you need to know.

  “Ahhh, Aisha. What a pretty name. But of course it goes with such a pretty face.” His infectious smile captivated her and she knew that a blush must surely have spread across her face.

  She quickly changed the subject. “Now, like I asked, are you a private investigator?”

  “No, of course not. I’m a land developer. Far from a private eye, huh?”

  “You’re right about that.” Aisha muttered underneath her breath. She took another sip of cappuccino.

  “Come again?” he asked.

  “Oh nothing. I was just thinking out loud.”

  “What about you?” Chandler asked.

  “What about me what?” Aisha replied looking confused.

  “What do you do for a living?”

  “I own a dance studio.”

  “Oh, a dance studio. Why am I not surprised?” His voice was sure and she didn’t know why this man captivated her so.

  “Why are you not surprised?”

  “Because you look so graceful and poised. And that teal evening dress you had on at the theatre revealed that you do some serious working out,” he flirted.

  That uneasy feeling began to rise up in Aisha. She just wasn’t used to having some guy come on so strong. She was used to being in control of situations and making the other person feel uneasy. Now the tables were turned.

  “Look, it’s been nice talking to you. But I have to leave now. I have some business to take care of.”

  “Sure, I understand. I certainly didn’t mean to detain you, Aisha. But look, will you give me a call sometime?” Chandler reached inside his jacket and pulled out his business card.

  “Why on earth would I want to do that?” she asked. “Now, if you’ll excuse me. Good day, Mr. Larson.”

  Before he could respond to her cold remark, she grabbed her Nine West purse and dashed for the door. When Chandler moved from the table he spotted the thin leather wallet lying on the floor next to the chair where she had been sitting. Chandler assumed that when she stood up abruptly she must have forced the wallet out of her purse. He bent over and picked it up and immediately raced through the door after her. He looked up and down the street but she was nowhere in sight. How could she have vanished so quickly? Leafing through the wallet he saw the beautiful face of this strange woman on her driver’s license. He read the address on the license. Looks like I’m going to have the chance to see you again after all Aisha Carlisle. Tucking the wallet safely away in his inside jacket pocket, he smiled as he walked casually to his car.


  “Look, girls. We only have three weeks before your dance presentation. Everything has to be flawless. I will accept nothing less. From the beat and rhythm, to the musical forms, everything must be perfect. Performing at the Mayor’s charity ball is a once in a lifetime opportunity for us and I won’t blow it. So take a fiver and then back to the dance floor you go.

  Aisha couldn’t hold back the fact that she was on edge about the future of the studio. It wasn’t just having to come up with the rest of the money to buy the building that was stressing her out, she was also behind on practically all of her bills. She had to do something, but what. Her attitude toward her students was changing and her receptionist noticed it along with some of the parents.

  “Aisha, look I’m not trying to but into your business, but I know something is wrong,” the receptionist Angie said. “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “No, not right now, Angie. I’ve got too many things to do. Anyway, it’s nothing. I’m just trying to get things in order for the charity ball. This is going to be a fantastic opportunity for the girls as well as for the studio.. I just don’t want to blow it.”

  Angie knew better. Every since her boss had received the phone call from Thaddeus last week, she had been a totally different person. She was usually quite even tempered and patient with her students, but now she often heard Aisha raising her voice at them and making them do their routines repeatedly without resting. Something was wrong, but Angie didn’t know what.

  “Thanks for being concerned. Look I need to get back to work. Oh and Angie,” Aisha said turning around in a spin.


  “Have you seen my wallet? I can’t find it. You know how bad I am about misplacing stuff.”

  “No, I haven’t seen it. I’ll keep my eyes open though.”

  “Okay,” Aisha turned and went back into the studio. She would look for her wallet a little later. She was glad that she had deposited the loan check into her business account. Thank God for small miracles. If it hadn’t been for her distraction by that Chandler guy, maybe she wouldn’t have been thrown off track. She quickly dismissed any thought of him.

  “Break’s over girls…let’s get back to work!” She yelled while clapping her hands loudly.


  “Aisha, have you decided what you’re going to do about the rest of the money for the building?” Tameria inquired.

  “Nope. And I don’t have much time left so I’ve got to do something. I’m going to have to meet with my students’ parents. I can’t put it off much longer. I’m going to increase my fees. I know that might mean losing a few students, actually I might lose more than a few but I have to increase the tuition. Then I’m going to call some of the kids on the waiting list and hold an audition for more students.

  “More students!” Tameri
a was upset at hearing this. She knew that Aisha couldn’t take on any more students right now. She was already pushing herself over the top. “How in the world are you going to pull that off? I know you can’t be talking about enrolling any more kids. Girl, you must be crazy.”

  “No, I’m not crazy, Tameria. I have to do what I have to do. Don’t you know how important this is to me? It was obvious that Aisha was about to break. Tameria hated to see her dearest friend come apart like this.

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” I didn’t mean to interrupt. Tameria and Aisha both looked up at the same time. The tall, dark haired lady stood in the doorway. Elisa Santana was the mother of one of her more talented students, Gabby.

  “Oh, no, you’re not interrupting. We were just talking,” Aisha tried to wipe the tear away from her eye that was about to find its way down her red cheeks. “Please come on in.”

  “Look, I’m going to go in the studio, Aisha and watch the kids practice their routine. I know they’re going to do great at the ball,” Tameria replied.

  “Alright. We’ll talk later. Now, what can I do for you Miss Santana?”

  “Gabby told me that you are going to meet with the parents tomorrow afternoon. I won’t be able to attend. I have to go in to work early tomorrow. So do you think you could let me know why you want to meet with us?” Elisa Santana was a pencil thin, tall and quite attractive woman with olive skin. Her daughter, Gabby, looked a lot like her mother. She had the same features and was just as pretty. Elisa used to be an exotic dancer. Her stealth legs were supported by three inch violet heels. The sleek fitting mini dress she wore hugged every curve on her body and the hem of the dress almost met up with her thick auburn tresses flowing down her back.

  “Miss Santana, I’m sorry to have to do this to my parents. But I’m going to have to go up on the tuition. My expenses are increasing and unfortunately I have to pass some of that cost on to my students. If I don’t raise my rates then I’m afraid that I’ll have to make some serious cuts in other areas in order to keep the studio going. I know you’re a single mother trying to raise a teenage daughter and take care of your own, but I hope you understand.” Aisha tried to break it to Miss Santana as easily as she could. She wouldn’t be surprised if she withdrew Gabby from the dance classes.


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