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Page 6

by Shelia E. Bell

  “Lord,” she cried out loud while the beads of water continued to pound her milk ebony flesh. “You say that if I believe in you and your word that I can ask what I may and it will be done. Well, Lord, I’m asking you to open a window and pour me out a huge blessing. I can’t lose this studio. I just can’t.” The water began to turn cool and Aisha jumped out of the shower, grabbed her plush tangerine bath towel and dashed off into her room, drying off with every step she made. She slipped on a midnight blue jacquard corset-back dress. Her blue satin heels bore a crossover front strap and knotted gold metal ornament encrusted in crystals. She sprayed on a splash of Adore before she styled her hair into a single curl twist traveling down the coarse of her back. She reached along the side of the oak sleigh bed and retrieved her duffel bag, checking inside to make sure her dance clothes were all in place. She took one last glance in front of the full length mirror and said out loud, “Aisha Carlisle you don’t look too bad there girl. Knock ‘em dead tonight!”


  Crystal chandeliers extended from the high beam ceilings of the Cannon Center ballroom. A separate cocktail area was host to a bevy of drinks from hard liquor to high teas to diet sodas. The balcony offered a serene panoramic view for people watching. The pedestal stage offered an abundance of room for Aisha and her dance troupe as the crowd gathered around to watch the dynamic dance team. The upbeat music Aisha chose showed off the skillful maneuvers of the young girls before they ended some ten minutes later with a high-twist and boogie step. The girls were perfect. Aisha felt a ball rising up from the pit of her stomach to her throat as she surveyed the crowd. The applause sounded heavenly to her ears. She signaled for the girls to take another bow before they pranced off the stage. Aisha remained for a final bow and one last look at all the faces. Thank you Lord, she said to herself.

  Aisha changed back into her evening clothes and set out to locate her parents. She didn’t have to look far as the strikingly beautiful couple headed her way.

  “Honey, you were great. I know you must be very proud of the girls,” her father spoke with obvious pride. He hugged his youngest daughter before continuing. “I don’t think they made one awkward step during the entire routine.”

  Her mom responded before Aisha could say anything. “If they did, we couldn’t tell anyway. Just like your father said, we’re proud of you.”

  ‘Thanks, Momma. Thanks, Daddy. I’m just glad the two of you are here. When I looked out in the crowd and I didn’t see you, I thought you got held up or something.”

  “Excuse me.” The voice behind her sounded somewhat familiar to her. She hesitated slightly before turning around. There stood the towering Chandler Larson. His black on black Sean John tuxedo suit was tailored perfectly, fitting him to a tee. The handsome features of this man mesmerized her. She breathed in the heavenly aroma of his cologne while peering into his mysteriously dark, sexy eyes.

  “Chandler,” she mumbled. “How are you?”

  “I’m great.”

  That’s an understatement if I ever heard one.

  “Look, I’m sorry to interrupt but I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed the performance. I had no idea you’d be attending this evening’s event.”

  “Why, yes. I must say, I’m equally as surprised to see you here. By the way, these are my parents, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Carlisle. Mom, Dad this is the man I told you about. You know, the one who found my wallet . Chandler Larson.”

  “Nice to meet you both.” He extended his manicured hand out to each of them. He quickly saw features of Aisha in both parents. She had her father’s high cheekbones and her mother’s thick mane and tantalizingly sexy almond shaped eyes.

  “It’s good to know there are still some honest people around,” Mr. Carlisle said staring Chandler straight in the eyes.

  “Thank you sir. I think honesty is always the best policy. My momma used to say its better to suffer the consequences from telling the truth than to suffer the consequences from telling a lie. I try to remember that in everything I do. It’s carried me a long way, sir.”

  “Your mother is a wise woman, Chandler. A wise woman indeed.”

  Mrs. Carlisle nodded in agreement with her husband of forty two years.

  “Daddy, Mother, if you don’t mind I’m going to do a little socializing.”

  “Go on baby, do your thing.” Her father urged proudly.

  Aisha felt Chandler’s hand cuff the small of her back. A warm sensation came over her at the gentleness of his massive hand. She turned and glanced up at him. His smile fascinated her as he extended his free hand in front of him, directing her step. Like a partner leading her to the dance floor, she allowed him to maneuver her through the bevy of guests that filled the Cannon Center.

  “You’re quite a gentleman, Chandler. But really, there’s no need for you to chaperone me. I’m quite comfortable mingling on my own.”

  “So, you’re trying to get rid of me, huh.”

  “No. Of course not. I’m only saying that I’m used to these types of functions but I’m not used to having someone following my every move, if you know what I mean.”

  “Yes, I know what you mean and I understand. I’ll leave you to do your thing.” He tried to hide his obvious disappointment. He hadn’t meant to come on too strong, but this woman was hypnotic.

  “Maybe I’ll catch up to you before the evening is over.”

  “Sure,” he responded. “I see a couple of familiar faces myself. See you later Aisha.”

  “Thanks for understanding.”

  “No problem, no problem at all.” He reluctantly walked off in the opposite direction.


  “Aisha, the girls were fantastic this evening.”

  “Thank you, Miss Santana. That means a lot to me coming from you.” Elisa Santana’s daughter, Gabby, was one of Aisha’s star students. The compliment from Miss Santana elevated Aisha to another level of excitement.

  “Their routine was so original. Did you choreograph the entire dance routine?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Please, I’ve told you, don’t say ma’am to me. And call me Elisa. I insist.”

  “Okay, Elisa. How did you like Gabby’s solo? I think she’s a natural.”

  “Well, of course you might think I’m partial to her because she’s my daughter, but actually I’m not. She was exceptionally good tonight. Sometimes I tend to be a little tough on her I know, but it’s really paying off. She loves your class too.”

  “That’s great to hear. But to be honest, I don’t know how much longer I’m going to have the dance studio.”

  “You can’t be serious. You run one of the best studios in the city. Where are you going?”

  “I wish I wasn’t going anywhere. I guess I should have waited to tell all of my parents at once, and I am going to have a meeting in a couple of days, but needless to say, things are falling apart.”

  “You’re not making any sense Aisha. Come on. Let’s go out on the terrace where we can talk privately. I want all the details.”

  Aisha proceeded to pour out her dilemma to Elisa Santana. Once she started talking she couldn’t stop. A half hour later, they were still out on the terrace.

  “Aisha, you can’t give up the studio. That’s that.”

  “Elisa, didn’t you hear anything I just said? I don’t have the money. I don’t have a choice.”

  “Aisha, I have an idea. Let me check on something first and I’ll give you a call tomorrow afternoon.”

  “Are you sure? What do you have in mind?”

  “Just wait, let me look into some things first. I don’t want to give you false hope. But I’m almost sure something can be done to save your dance studio. Tomorrow, okay?”

  “Tomorrow it is. Thank you Miss Santana, I mean Elisa.” Aisha reached over and hugged the alluring woman. “Don’t thank me yet. I’m going to find Gabby and then I’m out of here. I have to work tonight.”

  “Tonight? It’s almost ten o’clock.”

bsp; “I know, but try telling that to my boss. Gotta go, we’ll talk tomorrow.” Elisa Santana whirled around. Her rhinestone t-strapped black stilettos clicked in perfect rhythm with the sashay of the draping ruffles on her black three-tiered halter dress as she proceeded to locate her daughter.

  “Gabby, come on. We have to leave. I don’t want to be late.”

  “But, mom,” the fourteen-year old pleaded. “I wanted to stay a little longer. There’s no one else leaving this early.”

  “Not tonight, Gabby. I have to work and you know it.”

  “Can’t I go home with Cherise and her mom? She has already said it was okay.”

  “What have I told you about going behind my back and making plans and then telling me at the last minute.”

  “I didn’t go behind your back. Cherise asked her momma if I could spend the night and I said I would have to check with you first. Please mom, tomorrow’s Saturday and I don’t want to be at home by myself.”

  “Don’t start Gabby. I don’t have time for this.” Elisa was quickly becoming frustrated with her only child. Actually it would save her a considerable amount of time if Gabby could spend the night with Cherise. She was glad Gabby made friends so easily. When she first met Cherise at the dance studio, Gabby and her hit if off immediately. Cherise’s mom, Stacey, didn’t work and she often volunteered to chauffeur the girls to their dance recitals and rehearsal. “Let me check with Stacey. Where are they?”

  “Right over there by the refreshment table,” Gabby pointed a few feet away.

  Elisa Santana’s long sculpted legs strolled across the room and walked up to Stacey just as she was about to put an hors d’oeuvre in her mouth. “Hi, Stacey.”

  “Hi Elisa. And yes, I said Gabby could spend the night. You don’t even have to ask and you know it. I love having her over.”

  “I just don’t want her to wear out her welcome Stacey. You know that.”

  “Girl, please, you should know better by now. Gabby’s an angel.”

  “No you’re the angel, I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  “Elisa, really, it’s nothing.”

  “Well I’ve gotta go. I don’t want to be late for work.” She kissed Gabby on the forehead, said her goodbyes to Cherise and Stacey and rushed down the escalators of the Cannon Center. Within minutes she had maneuvered the baby blue Z4 Roadster on to the open stretch of Highway 205. She turned up the volume on the surround sound system and listened to Destiny’s Child. She moved to the beat of, I need a soldier someone who can take care of me. One who carries big things if you know what I mean.”


  Elisa Santana keyed in her secret code and the massive wrought iron gates of the private parking garage swung open. She sped inside and pulled the BMW into the space that read Diamond’s Spot, her professional name.

  When she swung open the door to The Lynx Association, she stepped on to the thick plush carpet in the main entryway. The forty-foot limestone fireplace revealed the obvious, that the members of the Lynx were no ordinary people. The grandeur of the lobby with its granite countertops, marble floors and solid gold hardware gave off an aura of warmth and wealth.

  “Good evening Miss Santana,” the tuxedo-clad bellman spoke.

  “Evenin’ Thomas.” Elisa never stopped walking. She continued down the winding mahogany paneled corridor until she reached the private elevator for employees. Smiling at her reflection through the mirrored elevator doors, she leaned in closer and pouted her lips before reaching in her bag and pulling out the oversized silver and black key. She placed it inside the matching keyhole and turned. The elevator doors closed and she breathed a sign of relief.

  God, it’s been a long day already and I still have four hours to go. Wake up girl, she said out loud while continuing to glare at her flawless reflection. She fumbled through her purse again and pulled out the thumb sized glass vial, opened it and snorted a portion up her nose, and placed a dab of it on her tongue. Now, that should do it…who ever said diamonds are a girl’s best friend was definitely wrong.

  The elevator doors swung open to deafening music but she had grown accustomed to it. She swayed her hips to the beat of rapper, 50 Cents song, Candy Shop.

  “What’s up, Diamond.” One of the bartenders yelled out over the music.

  “If you have to ask, you don’t need to know,” she smiled. “Gotta go.” She rushed past him and the staring eyes of the well-dressed men sitting at the tables. Several young ladies danced erotically up on the elevated platform keeping up with every beat booming from the sexually explicit lyrics.

  “Diamond, where have you been? I thought you were off tonight.” A young scantily clad Puerto Rican girl said walking up to her.

  “No, Gabby had to perform tonight at the Mayor’s charity ball. Don’t you remember me telling you that?”

  “Oh yeah, I just forgot that’s all. It’s been wild around here. How’d she do?”

  “Great as usual.”

  They continued talking until they reached Elisa’s dressing room. She stepped out of her stilettos and eased her dress down over her firm round hips. “So things have been jumping tonight, huh?”

  “Yes indeed. But you know I’m not complaining. It’s a gold mine in here tonight and I got the cheddar to prove it.” The girl pulled out a thick wad of one hundred dollar bills from between her size triple D breasts.

  “Sookie, sookie now.” Elisa responded. “Let me take a shower and get ready so I can get my fair share. I’ll check you later. Oh, is Jason here tonight? I need to talk to him about something.”

  “Yeah, the boss man is somewhere around here.”

  “Thanks. I’ll catch him after my spot ends.”


  Tameria sat in Aisha’s office with her legs propped up on the chair next to her. Munching on a bag of hot Cheetos that she had gotten out of the vending machine, she told Aisha about a woman who was brought into the emergency room with a knife embedded in her shoulder. Aisha enjoyed hearing about Tameria’s hospital experiences. The fact that Tameria had the ability to help the sick and injured was a tremendous thrill to Aisha.

  “Tameria, sounds like you never have a dull moment at that hospital. It must work on you though, seeing the worse of the worse injuries and even death coming through those emergency room doors.” Aisha suggested.

  “That’s true, but I have to learn how to leave it behind when I walk out those hospital doors. Sometimes it’s easier said than done.”

  “I can only imagine.” Changing the subject Aisha asked, “Where’s that man of yours, the great Resident Neurosurgeon Dr. Chase Gray?”

  “He has four days off so he went home to St. Louis to visit his family. That’s a rarity for him. He hasn’t seen them in about six or seven months.” Tameria answered her friend.

  “No wonder you’re here keeping me company. Maybe Chase needs to leave town more often. That way I can get to have my best friend to myself.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” Tameria waved her hand toward Aisha and laughed. “Tell me the latest on your dilemma. Have you figured out what you’re going to do?”

  “Not really. I’m still seeking God’s direction. But one of the parents did offer to help me.”

  “Offered to help you? Offered to help you how and with what?”

  She looked around to see if she saw anyone in earshot of her office then continued talking. “You know. With the studio.”

  “And like I said, how is she supposed to do that?”

  “Look, Tameria, I don’t know just yet. She’s supposed to call me. She has to check on some things first.”

  “Just who is this person, Aisha?”

  “Her name is Elisa Santana. I think I’ve mentioned her to you before. Her daughter’s name is Gabby, one of my lead dancers. Her mother is a dancer too.”

  “Oh yeah, I vaguely remember seeing her. But how did she know about your problem?”

  “We were talking at the ball the other night.”

  “Aisha, I th
ought you said you were going to wait to see what you could come up with before you told anyone.”

  “It wasn’t like I meant to tell her. It just came out. Anyway, who knows what’s going to happen. She may not be able to help me after all and then she just might. I know that wherever she works, she’s doing pretty well for herself financially.”

  Tameria stared at her best friend with obvious concern. “And how do you know that?”

  Aisha moved around anxiously in her chair. “Cause she has a nice ride and the woman is always dressed to the nines. The girl’s got style and plenty of it too.”

  “Just be careful about telling folks your business. You know how that can backfire.”

  “Sure, I know. I’m thinking that she may know the owner of this builder. The sucker won’t reveal himself to me. He always has Thaddeus to call me. What do you think about that?”

  ”I guess I’m not surprised. The man probably has a lot of properties. Why would he want to meet his tenants anyway? That’s what property managers like Thaddeus are paid to do. What’s the owner’s name? “

  “I have no idea. And I’m not going to worry about it right now. Come on. Let’s get out of here and go get something to eat.”

  “That’s right on time because I’m on call tonight and that means no food for at least the next twenty something hours.”


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