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Forbidden Love (Forbidden Trilogy)

Page 8

by S. R. Watson

  “Thank fuck,” Grayson exclaims.

  The minute we enter my room I’m surprised by Grayson’s actions. He takes out his phone and scroll through it for a few seconds before placing it on my iHome docking station on my nightstand. Lifehouse’s “Everything” begins to play from the speakers and I’m so moved. I can’t help the tears that fall, but these are happy tears. He knows how much music means to me. He said he has a difficult time expressing himself so he is using the music as a form of expression. He saunters over to where I’m still standing by the door.

  “Listen to the lyrics baby. They convey my love for you so perfectly.” He uses his thumb to wipe away my tears before placing a chaste kiss to my lips. He eases me down to the chair I have in the corner and places my feet on the ottoman. “Sit here. I’m going to run us a bath. Have you eaten?” I simply nod because I’m still in shock at his tender side. Satisfied with my answer, he walks to my bathroom and closes the door. I can hear the bath water running. What had escalated to a shitty day is now looking up. Grayson doesn’t see that the attitude adjuster is him. His cock is just an added bonus. I’m so irrevocably in love with this man. He has managed to not just alter my mood, but my perception and receptiveness to love as well. I’m now willing to let go and let love in.

  I’m pulled out of my reverie by the sound of the bathroom door opening. Grayson strides past me and out of my room. He briefly converses with Jordan before returning to the room with two wine glasses and a bottle of pinot grigio. He doesn’t say a word to me, he just grabs the iHome and takes it all to the bathroom. I don’t have to wait long, he is at my side in seconds pulling me up. “Come love.” Wow. The lavender aroma permeating from the bath is heavenly. Little tea lights are placed along the tub and help to create a romantic ambiance. He shuffles through the music on his phone until he finds the playlist he’s looking for. Joi’s Lick starts to play and I giggle. So gone is the lovey-dovey music. He has replaced it with music that conveys he wants to fuck. I gather that my assessment is correct from the sudden wickedness in his eyes. He slowly unbuttons his dress shirt and I’m spellbound. His chest and abs are a picture of perfection. Every etched line screams to be licked. He sees the lust in my eyes and begins to remove his pants just as slowly. The massive bulge in front of his boxer briefs is unmistakable.

  He walks over to me and lifts my tank over my head before licking the swells of my breasts pushed up by my demi-cup bra. “I love these,” he murmurs. He unsnaps the front clasp and my double D breasts falls heavily against my chest.

  He cups them in his palms and massages them. “I want my dick right here,” he smiles. He yanks off my sweats and panties as one. His eyes peruse my body, yet I’m surprisingly at ease with my nudity. “Damn, your body is so amazing love.” He spins me around and grabs my ass. “This ass is my favorite.” I can tell that he has removed his briefs because his naked erection is nudging my ass. He tilts my head to the side so that he can place tender kisses along my neck. One hand splays across my stomach while the other hand fists my hair. A small moan slips past my lips as I melt into him.

  “Hmmm, I think you like it a little rough. I like the way your body responds to the hair pulling. I plan to find out what else your body likes.” He gives my hair a slight tug to test his theory and I nearly come undone. I grind my ass against his erection, desperate to soothe this ache he is causing between my legs.

  “Please Grayson.” My voice cracks as I struggle to maintain control. He smiles knowingly and guides me to the tub.

  “Patience love.” He gets into the bath first before assisting me to take a seat between his legs. “Let me take care of you.” He pours us a glass of wine before leaning us back against the tub. His hand in my hair is gentle now as he massages my scalp.

  We listen to slow romantic music by various artists and continue to finish off the entire bottle of wine. I’m relaxed and horny as hell. The wine has heightened my libido and is driving my boldness. I want this sex god now. No more swooning. I turn to face him and inch forward until I’m straddling his thighs. I rub myself against his hardness while I capture his lips in a searing kiss. He is caught off guard by my forwardness for a second, but then he returns my enthusiasm. His tongue duels mine in a punishing kiss. In my continuance of taking the lead, I grab his cock and place it at my entrance. I slide down, taking each delicious inch until I’ve taken all of him. “Grayson,” I moan.

  “That’s right baby. Take what you want from me.” He grips my hips and I begin to move. His girth stretches me wide as my slow grind already threatens to push me over the edge. I can feel Grayson’s corded thigh muscles tighten beneath me as we begin to pick up the tempo. And just like that, my lead is taken away. He sets an Olympic pace as he impales me on his cock faster and so much harder. Gone is the tenderness. The man in front of me is raw and unapologetic with his fucking. “Damn, your pussy is so good baby. Fuck, I can’t get deep enough.” He angles his hips and I damn near feel his length in my stomach. Water sloshes over the side of the tub as the rhythm picks up even more.

  I’m sure Jordan is getting our sexcapade in surround sound, but I can’t bring myself to care. Grayson yanks my hair back, exposing my neck to him. His teeth sink into my skin and it is enough to send us both over the edge. I scream out his name, extending the syllables as I ride out my orgasm.

  “Damn, I love how vocal you’ve become love. I bet the neighbors know my name with that pronouncement. So fucking hot!” I flush crimson. I may as well have given Jordan front row tickets to the show. I cover my face, but Grayson is not having it. “Don’t be ashamed of your sexuality. Own it. Embrace it.” His erection rises above the water line between us and I smile. Seems like I’m not the only insatiable one.

  “Well that was fast,” I say looking down at his cock.

  “It’s you sweetheart. I just can’t get enough. Come on, let’s get out. I want you in the bed.” When we get into the bedroom, Grayson picks me up and throws me on the bed. Sexual deviance stares back at me as he stealthily climbs into the bed. He grabs me by the ankles and pulls me the rest of the way to him. My body hums from his dominance. He wraps my legs around his waist and I tingle with anticipation. He leans down and kiss me ever so gently, but I don’t want gentle. I want to scream. Take me damn it.

  His right hand slides down to the base of my neck and a small gasp slips past my lips. My back arches on its own accord as I grip the sheets. Grayson smiles wickedly as he tightens his grip. He watches closely for my reaction so I can’t hide my desire to have him squeeze tighter. Moisture pools between my legs and I begin to claw at his arms. I need more. This is a side of me that I’m not familiar with. He loosens his hold and I can’t help the disappointment that ensues. “Interesting,” he says. He plunges his shaft in me and I grip his ass so that he’ll go deeper. He wanted me sexually uninhibited, well here I am.

  “Please don’t stop,” I beg.

  “Not a chance love.” His hands find my throat again and I begin to tremble with need.

  “Please Grayson. Do it.” I don’t have to explain what ‘it’ is.

  “I need you to tap my arms if it gets to be too much baby.” I nod my understanding, but this is unsatisfactory. “No. I need you to verbalize that you understand,” he insists.

  “I understand. I will tap your arms if your hold is too much,” I assure. The predatory gleam in his eyes is back as his smile broadens. His grip tightens on my neck as he fucks me with fervor. He alternates the intensity of his hold around my neck with each stroke. The feeling is intense.

  The initial sensation of oxygen loss brings about an uncertainty. Before I can panic though, Grayson slightly releases his hold again and holy hell. Stars begin to dance behind my closed eyes as the feeling of falling takes over. He continues this erotic strangulation sequence as he pounds me into oblivion. I can feel the build-up and I’ve never felt this orgasmic. I’m completely euphoric when my orgasm ripples through me. Grayson finds his own release and we ride out the waves together. I
don’t know what the fuck that was and the aftermath scares me. I can’t believe I asked him to choke me. Who is this person I’m becoming? I’m so ashamed. When he pulls out, I turn on my side to face away from him.

  “That was fucking earth shattering love.” He forces me to turn to face him. “Don’t hide from me. You’re discovering your sexuality, that’s all. You’re learning what turns you on. If you enjoy breath play, that’s okay. I’ll make sure you’re safe.”

  “What the hell is breath play? How can I like something if I don’t know what it is?”

  “Breath play is what we were doing. It is also called erotic asphyxiation. Basically a fancy term for purposefully withholding oxygen to the brain for sexual arousal. It can be quite dangerous if not practiced right. You naturally gravitated toward this type of play from the mere touch of my hands to your neck and that’s perfectly okay.” He strokes away the hair that is drenched in sweat and sticking to my face.

  “Ha. You didn’t say perfectly normal. You think I’m nuts. Who the hell in their right mind asks to be choked?” I went from being sexually inexperienced to sexually dark in the blink of a relationship.

  “To hell with normal babe. We’re creating our own normal and that is all that matters. I love that you trust me enough to allow yourself to be sexually free. I won’t let you fall. Ever.” His promise to protect me warms my heart while simultaneously frightening me that he has experience with such an act.

  “Grayson? How is it that you’re so comfortable with breath play?” The smile drops from his face in an instant. He momentarily looks away before facing me again. He studies my reaction as he carefully chooses his words.

  “Siobhan, my sexual history is extensive—some I’m not proud off. I’ve experimented with the many facets of sex and have very distinguished taste. My sexual appetite is pronounced and my stamina can be intimidating. This is my past and part of our future. My past sexual encounters have no bearing on our relationship as I’m clean and always tested regularly. I do want to introduce you to my predilection of sex, but I will take it slow. You’re on your own journey right now.” His admittance of his extensive sexual history slightly disturbs me, but it is just that— history. This fact doesn’t stop me from digging deeper though.

  “Is this why you’re considered a sex addict by your therapist?” He sits up and pulls me into his lap.

  “I’m not your textbook sex addict nor am I what you may visualize. My libido doesn’t affect my job, I’m not harboring a huge selection of porn, and sex doesn’t consume my every waking thought. My sexual desires are not compulsive or uncontrolled. My hypersexuality and the emotional suppression that was attached to the stigma of sex earned me the classification. There are varying degrees to sex addiction, but it is an addiction no less.” His uneasiness is transparent. He is worried I may run. “I love hard, Siobhan. There is no threat that I will cheat on you. I can’t promise not to corrupt or introduce you to my kinky ways though,” he winks. He attempts to lighten a touchy subject, but his sincerity touches me. It is in this moment that I know that I will gladly step over to the debauchery side of sex with this man.

  “Let me in Grayson. I want to know that side of you. I want all of you.” I am pinned to the spot by his cerulean iridescence.

  “Be sure you’re ready for what you’re asking love,” he warns.

  “I’m sure. I’ve never been more sure of anything before.” He begins to kiss me slowly and I know the conversation is over. He flips over to lie on his back while positioning me to straddle him. I gladly insert his hardness inside me and start a leisurely grind. He brings us both to one last orgasm before we both fall asleep from exhaustion.

  I’m startled awake by Jordan’s presence at the end of my bed. “Get up my newly nympho friend,” she giggles. “You guys made me listen to your marathon sex last night. Holy shit, that guy has stamina. I was slightly jealous that Trevor was out of town visiting his brother. Your woman bits should be beyond sore after that production.” I look around, but his side of the bed is empty. The coolness of the sheets indicates he has been gone for some time.

  “Jordan,” I groan. I don’t want to talk about my night of hot sex with Grayson, although she is right. My sex is really sore.

  “What? I never heard Liam put it down like that. That man had you screaming his name. That was so fucking hot. All I could image is him in that damn towel and the water droplets beading down his eight pack. Shit, you’re lucky. I may have been inclined to forgive him too.”

  “Oh. My. God. You’re insufferable. Check out your own man,” I laugh.

  “Hey, I can’t help it if I have eyes and ears. By the way, he left about two hours ago. He said he would call you later. He didn’t want to wake you after your late night.”

  “He didn’t say that last part, crazy ass,” I chortle.

  “No, but it was inferred. You guys were at it until at least one this morning.”

  “I can’t believe you stayed up and clocked our sex time,” I say shaking my head.

  “Like I had a choice,” she huffs. “On a serious note, Bailey is really pissed that you didn’t tell her you were seeing her brother. She was upset with me too for a second, but then she realized it wasn’t my news to share.”

  “Yeah, she kind of went bat shit crazy in the parking lot.” I flinch at the recall.

  “Well, I’ve arranged for us to have a girls’ night this Friday at Drai’s to squash this drama. I can’t have my friend and my bestie on the outs with one another.” Jordan places a hand on her hip, something that she unconsciously does when she is serious.

  “I don’t have an issue with her. I want to fix things. She’s the one defending his relationship with Vanessa.”

  “We will get to the bottom of this Friday then,” she insists. I hate agreeing without knowing if Grayson has plans for us this weekend, but this is important. I can’t let things remain the way are between us.

  “Okay, fine.”

  “Things will be back to normal by margarita Monday,” Jordan assures. I’m not so sure. She leaves my room and I force myself up to get ready. My limbs scream in protest. I’m deliciously sore all over. I will indeed reminisce about last night with every step today. When I come out of the room, Jordan is in her usual spot sipping on her undoubtedly second or third cup of coffee. It makes me happy to resume our normal morning routine.

  The week past blazingly fast. Grayson left on another business trip mid-week and won’t be back until tomorrow so this little girls’ night tonight worked out. Once again, my bed looks like my closet and dresser vomited clothes as I try to find something to wear. I hate trying to put a look together. I suck at it. Jordan stands in the doorway snickering at my frustration. She dangles a sequin dress on her finger. “I have a dress for you Shiv. I guess I should have told you before you wrecked your room,” she chides. I march over to her and grab the dress, ready to be done with this hunt for an outfit. I rid myself of my tank and sweats and slide the taupe mini dress over my curves. It has a V-neckline, but it supports the girls. My ass on the other hand is a different story. The length hits me mid-thigh and I know from experience that any ass shaking will inch this baby right on up. Well, I don’t plan on dancing much anyway. I will people watch tonight and try to resolve my issues with Bailey.

  “This one will do.”

  “Are you freaking kidding me? You look hot!” She runs to her room and comes back with matching pumps. I haven’t attempted to wear heels since I broke my ankle. I hope I don’t bust my ass.

  “We’ll see if you’re still saying that when you are picking me up off the floor. It’s been a long time since I’ve worn heels.”

  “Pssh, whatever. It’s like riding a bike. You’ll be fine.” She leaves me alone to do my own hair and make-up while she gets herself ready. When she comes back, my jaw nearly drops to the floor. Her dress is smoking and a bit risqué. It is black sequin with an open back. It barely covers her ass. I would be falling out of the bottom if she gave me that one t
o wear, but it is sexy as hell on her. “What do you think?” she says twirling in a circle.

  “I think you’re going to be fighting the men off with a stick without Trevor by your side tonight.”

  “We as in plural darling, but that’s okay. We can hold our own. We can be the sexy sequin twins that you get to look at, but can’t touch,” she surmises.

  “You can be such a dork, you know that right?”

  “Yep and you wouldn’t have me any other way.” She laughs and I join her because she’s right.

  The base of the music vibrates through the floor. Bodies gyrate to the beat and completely fill the dance floor. The strobe lights and smog make it difficult to see what little path there is to make our way toward the pool bar. We finally make it to our reserved cabana and I stop short at the presence before me. Vanessa is sitting there, legs crossed in a body hugging dress of her own. What the fuck is Bailey playing at? I can’t believe that she invited her.

  My emotions are running high right now. I’m so pissed. I feel like I’ve been ambushed. Jordan grabs my hand and squeeze. “Did you fucking know that she was going to be here?”

  “Of course not,” she says affronted. “You know I wouldn’t do that to you.” It is at this moment that Meghan, Angie, and Bailey arrive carrying a hand full of drinks.

  Bailey sees me and I just want to wipe the smirk off her face. “I see you girls have made it. I took the liberty of getting us started with tequila shots. Oh, and I invited Vanessa because I think if we are going to get to the bottom of this, she needs to be here.” Jordan snarls and I can tell she is just as pissed as I am. “Please sit ladies.”

  I lead the way. I refuse to give them the satisfaction of having me walk out. Jordan follows suit. The other girls are clearly lost at the scene unfolding in front of them. I knock a couple shots back in rapid succession as I stare at the two of them sitting across from me.

  “Okay, well I’ll start us off. You ladies may not be aware, but Siobhan has been seeing my brother since last semester behind my back. She’s had plenty of opportunities to be open with me, but instead she chose to sneak around with him,” Bailey accuses. The girls look shocked at the news.


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