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The Price of Love

Page 14

by Vicki Hopkins

  Jolene understood as soon as she heard the French pronunciation. “Thank you Grace,” she said, giving Geoffrey and Robert a sneer.

  “So, Lady von Lamberg, would you prefer the official tour by the beaufetiers amongst a crowd of tourists, or would you rather have a more private and intimate tour guide?”

  Before she could answer, Robert interjected.

  “If it’s private, Grace and I will be attending. Remember, ‘ol chap, that we are together for the sake of appearances, not so you can spirit the lady away into some dark hallway and kiss her.”

  Jolene pondered the choices looking into Geoffrey’s hopeful eyes and then announced her decision. “Well, I would like the group tour, but I would also enjoy time alone with the three of you. Mr. Chambers, lead the way.”

  Like a true Englishman proud of his heritage, he suddenly looked like a puffed-up peacock strutting about the courtyard. “I suggest you take a pamphlet and follow along,” he said, offering her one. “You two already know the story.” He bypassed Grace and Robert who did not seem to mind.

  “The tower we are standing before now is the Bell Tower, built in 1190. It is here where Sir Thomas Moore was kept prisoner before Henry VIII had him beheaded.”

  Jolene followed along with great interest as Geoffrey played the private Yeoman of the group. From tower to tower, he spewed his intelligent rhetoric. They stopped at the traitor’s gate, and he made a particular point to tell the gruesome stories of heads mounted on stakes. They climbed up stairs, walked upon the wall from tower to tower, and up and down winding staircases. They even had a roaring laugh at Grace running through the room past the rack that had been used for torture.

  “I swear,” she complained vehemently, “that room is haunted with the poor souls stretched to their death.”

  “Not as bad as the wandering ghosts upon the Tower green where heads rolled,” teased Robert. He gently made a slashing movement across her neck with his index finger, provoking a scream from Grace. Jolene gave him an approving nod, but he acted as if he did it to make her happy rather than his companion.

  As they meandered along, the group came to a narrow, spiral staircase. Geoffrey let Robert and Grace climb the steps ahead of them, since the stairs were only wide enough for one person to ascend at a time. Jolene went ahead of Geoffrey. About halfway, she felt both of his hands slide around her waist pulling her to a halt.

  “Turn around,” he demanded, in an enticing voice.

  The temptation was too hard to resist in the dark spiral staircase. Jolene obeyed. They faced each other eye-to-eye as Jolene stood a step above and Geoffrey on the step below.

  “Let me kiss you,” he entreated, staring at her lips in anticipation.

  Jolene trembled in his grasp. “Someone will see us,” she weakly protested.

  “No one will see us. No one is behind us. I checked. And Robert and Grace are far ahead by now.”

  “They’ll wonder what is keeping us,” Jolene reasoned. Why, she had no idea. She wanted the kiss and felt as tortured as the souls they had walked past in the last tower.

  No verbal assent left her lips but she lean forward. He took advantage and pulled her close slamming her into his hard body. His warm lips wrapped around her mouth with a fervent kiss. Shivers of pleasure sped through her veins like fire. She lost her balance when her knees weakened, but he held her up in his arms like a strong warrior in armor.

  The fairytale moment in the tower suddenly broke when she felt a strong hand squeeze her shoulder. Robert’s voice echoed in the confined space of stoned walls. “Would you please behave and get on with the tour. It looks as if it’s going to rain.”

  Jolene jerked away from Geoffrey. Flushed from embarrassment and hot from his touch, she spun around. Robert offered his hand to help pull her up the stairs. He acted as if he were rescuing her from a dark knight.

  She hesitated until he cocked his head and gave her a brotherly, scolding look of shame on you. He was right. She scrunched her face acknowledging her indiscretion. Robert responded by clasping her hand and jerking her forward up the stairs and away from Geoffrey. She was afraid to turn around and see the look upon his face.

  When they reached the top of the stairs and exited upon the path that led to another tower, Jolene finally turned around. Geoffrey’s eyes sparkled with desire. It only incited her to quicken her step and keep pace with Robert and Grace. It did not take long for her knight to reach her side and offer his arm again.

  Grace knew if she touched him, she would be back under his spell. “No, I’m all right, Geoffrey. I can manage on my own.”

  He pouted but stayed close to her side.

  * * * *

  After traipsing through every corner of the Tower, the foursome decided to leave as the sky threatened rain. As they departed, a few drops had already started to fall, so they hastened to Geoffrey’s parked motorcar. Everyone climbed inside, and the group headed for a late lunch as they had planned beforehand.

  Geoffrey remained silent as he drove through the London streets back to the heart of the West End. Jolene turned around to see Robert chatting with Grace but could not make out what they were saying. She wondered if Grace made an impression upon her brother. In spite of Grace’s infatuation with Robert, she had not decided whether they were a suitable match personality wise. Their appearance together did make them look like a handsome couple.

  Her eyes shifted to Geoffrey, who apparently had not recovered from their interrupted kiss. Jolene hoped it would not lead to some kind of altercation between him and Robert over the matter. She was not surprised that Robert had returned to see why they had delayed.

  “Thank you for the wonderful tour of the Tower, Geoffrey. You obviously know your history. I am extremely impressed.” She smiled trying to break his silence.

  “You are welcome. And yes, my English history is quite extensive.”

  His cool response gave her a chill. He had been so cordial during their last few hours together, and now his demeanor had changed drastically. “I hope you’re not mad at me,” she whispered. “Public displays of affection are frowned upon in Austria.”

  “It’s not you,” he clarified, rolling his eyes toward Robert in the back seat. If Robert had heard his comment, he had decided not to respond.

  A few minutes later, they arrived at a restaurant. Jolene was thoroughly confused as to where they were in London. In the distance, she could see Big Ben.

  They entered a pleasant-looking restaurant where Geoffrey had apparently made reservations. Led to a large table, Jolene sat next to Robert, and Geoffrey and Grace across from each of them respectively. They perused their menus and placed their orders.

  “Do you have a preference as to what you would like to see next?” Geoffrey softened his voice a bit, as he asked the question.

  “Oh, dear, I don’t know. Is it too late in the day to drive by Parliament, Big Ben, or Westminster Abbey?”

  “Robert and Grace, do you mind if we take another hour or two?” Geoffrey looked at them for an answer.

  “No, it’s fine with me. It will take an hour or so to walk through the Abbey.” He turned to Grace. “Is that all right with you?”

  “Oh, yes, the Abbey is so quiet. There are only dead monarchs and friendly ghosts.”

  Jolene laughed until Geoffrey turned to Robert and made a snide comment. His voice was clearly agitated. “Don’t worry, Robert, it’s hard to steal kisses in the Abbey under the scrutiny of the clergy.”

  Robert challenged Geoffrey’s remark directly. “Taking advantage of a woman in a dark location is not stealing in my opinion, but a direct attempt to use a secluded location to your advantage.”

  Jolene tensed. Though the two were cousins, it became obvious there existed tension between them she did not understand. She glanced at Grace whose face mirrored her own concern.

  “It’s all right, Robert,” Jolene commented. “I am as much to blame, because I leaned into the kiss before he stole anything.”

ps confessing her own indiscretion would help to calm them down. Thankfully, the food arrived halting any further verbal darts flying across the table. Instead, everyone grew quiet and focused on their meal.

  “Well, I’m looking forward to the Abbey,” Jolene finally announced. “All those dead monarchs buried there and seeing where coronations have taken place, I’m excited.”

  Everyone looked at her with a dull expression. Perhaps it would be a good place to say a prayer.

  * * * *

  It had been an exciting day seeing only a fraction of the sites in London. When Geoffrey told her of the hours they could fill in museums alone, she tired at the thought. Nevertheless, after finishing lunch, the four planned the week ahead visiting other highlights.

  Geoffrey returned her and Grace to the Whitefield’s residence. She took a moment and smoothed his ruffled peacock feathers. Robert bid goodbye to Grace, who smiled at him as if she wished he would kiss her. Jolene took Geoffrey’s hand and gave him a heartfelt thank you for the time he spent spouting off English history.

  “For my sake, please do not be harsh with Robert about interrupting us,” she implored. She fluttered her eyelashes using her womanly powers to persuade him. “We have become friends, and there is nothing between us other than common interests that we share. He seems to have taken the role of being my overseer.”

  Geoffrey raised his eyebrow in surprise. “I find that hard to believe,” he confessed. “But if that is what you say, then I will not pursue my irritation with him further.”

  “Please don’t. Between the two of us, I did enjoy the kiss.” She smiled at him and suddenly his eyes returned an affectionate gaze. “I’ll see you in the morning,” she said, wanting to give him a peck on the cheek. However, Robert stood at her side staring at the two of them. He had quickly taken his role of brother quite seriously. It was gratifying to have someone care for her welfare.

  The men left, and Grace and Jolene climbed upstairs to their rooms. “How did you and Robert get along?” It appeared to Jolene they were, but she wanted to know directly from Grace. “It looked as if he behaved politely while in your presence.”

  “Yes, he was polite. Not one kiss stolen. And here I thought he was such a rascal always trying to take advantage of the ladies.”

  “Well, that can be a good sign. He is being respectable to you as a lady.”

  They stopped at the landing for a moment. “Well, he could very well be treating me that way because I am Alastair’s sister.” Grace frowned. “That’s it. He treats me like a sister.”

  Jolene giggled.

  “What’s so funny?” she asked in irritation.

  “Believe me, Grace, he treats you nothing like a sister.” Jolene gave Grace a hug. “If it’s meant to be, he will come around. Do not give up hope.”

  They parted and went to their separate suites. Jolene wanted to relax before dinner, but a knock came at the door. “Come in?”

  Maria entered. “My lady, is there anything that you need?”

  “Not right now. I am a bit tired, so I am going to rest. Come back to help me prepare for dinner.”

  “Yes, my lady.”

  After removing her jacket, she retrieved the diary from the upper shelf of the armoire and began reading. Maybe she could put together a few more pieces of the puzzle before the evening meal.

  Chapter 15

  An Invitation

  After a week of tours, Jolene had seen enough of London to last a lifetime. From palaces to museums, Geoffrey continued to impress her with his knowledge. Beyond the obvious charismatic personality, he had proven himself intelligent, well informed, engaging, and driven in his pursuits. Though Robert contained some of those qualities, she had noticed when spending further time with him that his ambitions left much to be desired.

  Geoffrey had taken on a different approach altogether by not making any further passes in dark corridors. Perhaps he feared that advances would turn her away, though she did admit she enjoyed the kiss. She felt both slighted and relieved, since her continued reading of the diary produced an urgent need to visit Paris. A male suitor would only distract her from her pursuit, although she admitted it would be an appealing distraction.

  The month passed with afternoon teas, a trip to the opera, visits to museums, and time with Grace, Robert, and Geoffrey. As the season came to a close, she received one last invitation to dine at the Chambers. She accepted without hesitation looking forward to spending more time with the duke, duchess, and Robert.

  On the day of the dinner, Jolene spent the afternoon reading from the infamous diary. She read a note where Jacquelyn had become impatient with her absent husband, who had taken a trip to Paris. As his excursion lengthened, she decided to surprise the duke by arriving at their townhome and joining him in his pursuits. Little did she know that his pursuits were directed toward another woman—her mother.

  Dorcas had written a rather scathing portrayal of having walked in upon them the night they arrived. They found His Grace in a scandalous situation.

  When we arrived in Paris, we went directly to the townhome. To my mistress’ horror, she found her husband in the parlor with another woman. I saw it with my own eyes. One hand was up her skirt, the other fondling an exposed breast while he ardently kissed her.

  My poor mistress swore at him and screamed that he was an unfaithful bastard. I have never seen her so angry. Then to my utter shock, she walked over to the woman and slapped her across the face calling her a whore. I am sure she would have struck her again with greater force had it not been for the duke grabbing her wrist.

  The entire account struck a chord of disillusionment in Jolene’s heart. Adultery of the worse sort had been committed with no thought of others. Both were guilty of disloyalty to their spouses. What madness had driven them to do such a thing?

  Love, Jolene answered herself. Did love make two rational people irrational? Their professed affection received no accolades from her heart. Though she knew without any doubt that some men strayed from their marriage beds and took mistresses, the reality of such behavior appalled every fiber of her being.

  As a faithful Catholic, who believed strongly in the sanctity of marriage, Jolene found it impossible to condone what the duke and her mother had done in his own townhome. Three months after her birth, her mother committed adultery. Where had her father been when all of this had gone on behind his back?

  Even though she had read the account, hundreds of unanswered questions remained. There were too many pieces of the puzzle scattered across her mind. Frustrated, Jolene slammed the diary shut and threw it toward the end of the bed to rid herself of the sordid tale. In a few hours, she would be the guest of the Chambers and in their presence. Clearly, she needed to calm down.

  Reclining on her back, she focused her eyes upon the ceiling. Inhale, exhale, she repeated, drawing breaths in and out to compose herself. She had only a few hours before dinner to recuperate from the risqué picture burned into her mind of her mother fondled by her lover. Thank God, Robert would be there. Even if he said nothing, his presence alone would make her behave. On the other hand, she could focus her attention on Geoffrey instead.

  “No, that will only get me into more trouble,” she said aloud, shaking her head. “It would be best to channel my emotions elsewhere.”

  Jolene picked up her pillow and gave it a strong punch.

  * * * *

  The Whitefields and their family members had not received an invitation to dine with the Chambers. The dinner party had been arranged as a family affair. If they only knew how much of a family affair it would be, they might never get around to dinner.

  When Jolene arrived, Geoffrey dismissed the butler and insisted on greeting her at the door. Dressed in a pressed shirt with a high starched collar and white tie, he looked dashing. His black dinner jacket with tails, impeccably tailored and well fitting, enhanced his tall frame and broad shoulders.

  As usual, the moment she saw him, a sense of energy tingled under her sk
in. No doubt he felt the same, because a sly smile spread across his face knowing exactly how his presence affected her state of mind. Keep focused, she reminded herself.

  “You take my breath away.” He leaned forward and kissed her briefly on her cheek then drew back a respectable distance. “Welcome to our home.”

  Jolene did not flinch at his touch, nor did she object to his behavior. She merely smiled demurely and took his arm as he escorted her down the hall.

  They entered the large sitting parlor. Lord Chambers and the duke quickly rose to their feet, as well as Robert, who flashed an edgy look. No doubt, he didn’t approve of her clinging to the arm of his cousin.

  Lord Chambers took a step forward and greeted her. “Welcome to our home, Lady von Lamberg. Please, make yourself comfortable.”

  As if planned ahead of time, all the seats were taken except for a settee for two people. The expression on his mother’s face beamed with approval. Perhaps the sole purpose of the event had been geared toward matchmaking.

  Jolene lowered herself slowly on the seat and scooted over an inch as Geoffrey joined her. She reached over and gathered her skirt that had touched his pant leg. With a quick rearrangement of fabric, she sat totally disconnected to the man who had already weakened her resolve. Her mind wanted to focus on the duke and duchess, while Geoffrey continued to draw her attention to the warmth radiating from his body.

  “It’s good to see you again,” the duke said. He returned to his seat next to her mother.

  Finally, Jolene regained her wits about her and glanced around at everyone. Robert appeared unusually quiet, and she could not help but wonder if he and Geoffrey had a disagreement earlier.

  Her mother sat as she normally did, close to her husband. Poised, but remaining silent, Jolene smiled at her warmly. It surprised her that it came naturally, rather than being forced.

  “My son tells me your touring of London has come to an end.” Lady Chambers captured her attention away from the duchess.

  “Yes, we have ended our tour.” She looked at Geoffrey and smiled. “I must say he is quite the historian when it comes to English history and especially the sites of London.” Jolene saw him soak up her compliment like a dry sponge. His mother proudly agreed.


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