Cherished by Two Angels [Notorious Nephilim 5]

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Cherished by Two Angels [Notorious Nephilim 5] Page 11

by Carolyn Rosewood

  The raucous laughter that filled the room made her smile, despite her sudden moodiness.

  “You accidently booked strippers for your own birthday party?” asked Reeve. “Male or female?”

  Sofia rolled her eyes. “Female.”

  He laughed so hard that tears leaked out of the corners of his eyes. “I wish I could have been there.”

  “Me, too,” said Niko.

  “Yeah, I’ll bet you do.”

  “We were there,” said Jerry.

  “Yeah,” said Michael, “and it was one hell of a surprise, that’s for sure. You should have seen the look on grandma’s and grandpa’s faces.”

  “So,” said Sofia, “what do you guys think? You going to be able to get this place in shape?”

  “I don’t think Sofia wants to talk about her birthday party,” said Vince, placing his arm around her shoulder and giving it a quick squeeze.

  “You’re so observant.”

  He chuckled. “Okay. Short answer, yes. We can do the work. Long answer, it will take about a month.”

  Sofia’s heart sank. She wouldn’t be here for the party after all. Unless they’d let her come back to attend it. She’d ask later.

  “Sounds good to us,” said Niko. “Let’s go upstairs and hammer out the details.” He glanced at her. “Sofia, you’re welcome to join us.”


  Reeve put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. “Of course. You’re part of this. You can hire the outside entertainment.”

  “Oh, good. I think I’ll book the Chippendales. Give you all some serious competition.”

  The men’s easy laughter lifted her mood. At least for the time she had left here, she’d have the chance to work closely with Reeve and Niko, and her three favorite cousins. That would help keep her mind off Rake.

  Chapter Fourteen

  That evening, Sofia joined Reeve, Niko, and her three cousins for dinner. Reeve and Niko had insisted Michael, Vince, and Jerry stay the entire day. They’d taken them on a tour of the resort, and Sofia had been amazed at all the services they offered. She’d asked how large their staff was and discovered they employed close to three hundred people and had sixty suites, not including those the owners lived in.

  While they ate, she did the math in her head. Sixty suites, with each of them filled for two weeks at a time all year, meant they had over fifteen hundred guests each year. How did six men find the time or energy to seduce that many women? That came out to two hundred and fifty women a piece, or almost five a week. Not possible, and not something she wanted to dwell on too long.

  Then again, she wasn’t sure Zach and Emmett were still seducing guests. They’d both looked pretty chummy with Abigail while walking around the lake the other day. That made this place even more bizarre, and suggested a staggering amount of sex going on behind closed doors.

  She watched Reeve and Niko chat with her cousins as easily as if they’d known them all their lives. They’d both spent nearly every moment with her for the past three days. When would they have had time to seduce anyone else? And if they had…Sofia wouldn’t let her mind go there. It was too clinical to think about. Surely Susan’s cousin had been exaggerating about this place. Even with the use of condoms, why would anyone take such risks?

  “Sofia? Something on your mind?” Michael regarded her with that intense look he got right before he managed to coax a secret out of her, so she averted her gaze and pretended to be fascinated by the spinach salad.

  “Just plotting my world domination.” It was an old joke between them. Their favorite cartoon was still Pinky and the Brain.

  “Looks more like you’re ready to puke. Do you need to talk?”

  She shook her head. “I’m fine, Mikey. Honest.” Calling him “Mikey” was part of their secret code. It meant the subject wasn’t open for public discussion.

  His quick smile might not fool Vince or Jerry, but she hoped it would satisfy Reeve and Niko.

  After dinner, she walked out to the parking lot with the men to say good-bye to her cousins. The night air was cool, but she could smell spring on the way. She’d always loved this time of year. She glanced around at the dark woods ringing the property. Was Rake or another cop hiding in those trees, waiting for the opportune time? Had they bugged the phones here as well?

  After hugging each of her cousins at least ten times, she finally allowed them to climb into Jerry’s SUV and watched them drive away. Michael had whispered in her ear, saying she could talk to him about anything if she needed to, and she’d nodded in response. She knew that. She’d always known that.

  Sofia put one arm around Reeve’s waist and the other around Niko’s. The three walked to the end of the lot to watch the taillights disappear around the first bend in the road. A strong breeze blew from the southwest, sending a chill through Sofia. Had she been out here alone she would have run for the front doors at full speed.

  She glanced up at Niko. “Thank you.”

  “For what, love?”

  His eyes seemed to glow in the dark, but that was impossible. More than likely it was a reflection from the parking lot lights. “For hiring them. I feel safer knowing they’ll be here every day.”

  “Thank you for suggesting them,” said Reeve. “They know their stuff and aren’t going to charge us a fortune.”

  “They’re honest men,” she said. “And you two are pretty damn close to heroic in my book as well. Thank you for sticking up for me in the meeting, and for calling your FBI friend. You didn’t have to do that.”

  Niko gave her a quick squeeze. “Yes, we did. We can’t have you running around this place afraid of your shadow. It isn’t right.”

  “Rake makes my family history look boring, doesn’t he?”

  She caught the glance that passed between them.

  “Yep,” said Reeve. “We were thinking the same thing.”

  As they walked back toward the front doors, Sofia wondered how much they actually knew about her great-grandfather. “Will you tell me sometime?”

  “Tell you what, love?”

  “About him. About Frankie Fillipone. You probably know more than I do.”

  Reeve held open the door for her, and she stepped into the lobby. “Sure. Okay.”

  Sofia stopped in front of the wall that housed dozens of portraits. She hadn’t given them more than a passing glance her first day here. She’d been more focused on getting to her suite. But now she studied them, captivated by the largest one in the center.

  A woman dressed in flapper garb and strappy pumps smiled out of the photo, but her eyes were what gave Sofia chills. They were dark and reminded her of Rake’s eyes—cold and full of malicious intent.

  “That’s Lilith,” said Niko, his voice hard and with an undertone Sofia couldn’t quite identify. “Our cousin. We named the resort after her.”

  Sofia turned around and studied Niko’s face. It was difficult to imagine him and Reeve having a cousin like Lilith. She must have been descended from the same parents as Gregory. They shared the same sneer to their upper lip.

  “And the others?” she asked, turning again to face the wall. “Are these also family or are they guests?”

  “Both,” said Reeve. He placed a hand on the small of her back as if to lead her away, but Sofia rooted her feet to the spot. She tilted her head to study a photo of twelve men—six standing and six kneeling—taken out front. At least, it looked like it had been taken out front. They were all dressed in clothing from the late twenties or early thirties, and she’d eat the frame if two of them weren’t Reeve and Niko. She also recognized Zach, Emmett, Gregory, and Demetrius.

  “Was this taken during one of your parties? Who are these other men? Are they also owners?”

  “Yes,” said Reeve.

  “Where did you get the clothing? It looks so authentic.”

  “Some of our guests leave things behind,” said Reeve.

  She whirled around. “You’re kidding.”

  “We should hav
e shown you the room downstairs. It’s filled with clothing and other accessories left behind for the past ninety-three years. We have it cleaned and save all of it.”

  She grinned. “Does that mean I’ll be able to find a costume for the forties party?”

  “It sure does.” Reeve took her arm and led her away from the wall. She turned to glance at the pictures again, wishing she had more time to see them all and caught a worried glance pass between Reeve and Niko. They did that way too often in her presence.

  “Do you two have another meeting tonight or something? You look a bit anxious.”

  “Nope,” said Reeve, smiling down at her. “We’re all yours. Care to escort us back to my suite?”

  She grinned. How could she refuse an offer like that?

  Sofia hadn’t been in Reeve’s suite before, and she admired the navy and gold colors. She spotted the display of six bass guitars against one wall and walked over to have a look. As he explained the origin of each, she gently ran a finger down the frets. “How long have you been playing?”


  “I love how you two speak of things as though time has no meaning.”

  Niko moved next to her. “What do you mean?”

  “Well, when you talk about this resort it sounds like you’re talking about things you actually did, but that’s not possible, of course. You’re not that old. And at the meeting last evening when Demetrius made that joke about Gregory and J. Edgar Hoover having been drinking buddies, no one commented. You’re all so connected to your ancestors and the history of this resort. It makes me ashamed I know so little about my own family, but my grandfather was always so reluctant to talk about them.”

  “We did promise to tell you more about Frankie,” said Reeve.

  She smiled. “Yes, you did, but right now I miss being naked with both of you. Tales of Frankie can wait.”

  Sofia wrapped her arms around Reeve’s waist and snuggled into his muscled chest. The cotton shirt he wore felt cool against her skin, but his fingers lightly brushing her bare arm nearly burned her skin. Both men were always so warm. She lifted her face with the intention of kissing him, but before she could react Reeve picked her up and threw her over his shoulder.

  She laughed as he carried her down the hallway. Sofia watched Niko’s shoes as he followed.

  “Way to go, Reeve,” he said as they entered a dimly lit room. “Act like a caveman.”

  “I miss her.” Reeve laid her on a huge four-poster bed and covered her body with his, kissing her deeply. She wrapped her arms and legs around him and pulled him close. Rustling sounds next to the bed suggested Niko had removed his clothes already. They weren’t wasting any time tonight.

  “We’ve both missed you, Sofia.” Niko slid next to her on the bed as Reeve moved off her and began to undress.

  “It hasn’t even been twenty-four hours since I left your suite.” She smiled and opened her arms to embrace him.

  “Really? Felt more like a month.” Niko kissed her tenderly, moving his tongue inside her mouth until she was moaning and writhing underneath him. Despite everything that had happened since her arrival at the resort, as soon as either of these men touched her, all she wanted to do was give her body to them. She’d never known making love could be so erotic or emotional.

  Reeve rummaged in a dresser drawer and pulled something out. Sofia didn’t want anything to distract from Niko’s incredible kiss, but she took a quick peek and caught sight of a large pink flogger and furry handcuffs.

  “Give me her arms,” said Reeve.

  Niko released her mouth and glanced up. “Slow down. I want to enjoy this.”

  “Enjoy it with her cuffed to the bed.”

  Niko shook his head as if disgusted. “Sofia, is it all right if Reeve handcuffs you?”

  “Of course,” she said. Breathing was already difficult. These men were so damn sexy she couldn’t even think with them both naked.

  Niko gently removed her sweater then slid her bra straps off her arms, but left the part covering her breasts intact. It was more erotic than being completely bare-breasted. Reeve pulled her arms overhead and cuffed each wrist to part of the brass design on his headboard so that her arms were about two feet apart.

  The men each kissed her then slid their tongues down her neck, one on each side. Sofia groaned as they each teased one nipple through her bra cups. Niko took the fabric in his teeth and slid it down over her breast, and when Reeve saw him doing it, he mimicked the gesture on her other breast. By the time her bra was completely off, Sofia’s pussy was soaked, and she was overcome with desire.

  Niko sucked and gently bit her nipples while Reeve slid off her jeans, panties, socks, and shoes. He spread her legs and licked her pussy in long slow strokes, making sure to include her clit, until she thought she’d go out of her mind. When the men switched places, she begged them to fuck her.

  Reeve lifted his head from her left nipple, and the smoldering look in his eyes sent a shiver through her body. “Patience, Sofia. We’ll get there eventually.”

  She rattled her handcuffs, and the sound forced a giggle from her throat. It was like something out of a horror movie, only she’d never seen a scary movie this decadent. They took turns torturing her pussy and nipples with their tongues, then Reeve uncuffed her and turned her onto her stomach.

  “I don’t have fancy furniture like Niko does,” he said, “so we’ll have to improvise with pillows.” He cuffed her wrists again, this time behind her back. Then he lifted her hips and positioned them so they were draped over several pillows and her ass was up in the air.

  Niko tucked a pillow under her head. “Are you comfortable like this, love?”

  “Yes, Niko. Thank you.” Sofia was still amazed by the care they both took with her comfort. One of them placed a spreader on her ankles so they were about three feet apart, then warm lube was rubbed into her ass crack and a finger gently inserted into her anus.

  She moaned as the finger moved in and out slowly. “We’re going to try a butt plug a bit larger than the one I used the other night, so if it hurts too much just tell me, okay?” Niko’s voice was sexy and soothing. Sofia nodded, because speech wasn’t a priority. All she wanted to do was feel and enjoy.

  The butt plug stung for a few seconds, replaced by a delicious sense of fullness. Someone massaged her ass cheeks, and she tensed in anticipation. Her pussy was so wet she was certain the pillowcases would be soaked in a few moments.

  “Did you see Reeve’s flogger before?” asked Niko.

  “Yes.” Sofia giggled. “The giant pink flogger. TGPF. Get it? Instead of TGIF, it’s TGPF.”

  “How much did she drink at dinner?” asked Reeve, his voice full of humor.

  “Hardly anything,” said Niko. “She’s drunk on something else.”

  “I’m drunk on you two.”

  Niko nuzzled her left earlobe. “And we’re crazy about you, too, love. Now get ready for some serious spanking.”

  A shiver ran down Sofia’s spine at his words. She was afraid to believe this was more than just sex for them, but she wanted it to be. That realization swept through her like a sudden gust of wind, unexpected and strong. She was in deep, deep trouble here. It was best to check those emotions at the door and enjoy their bodies but nothing more.

  One of them struck her with the flogger, and it was more of a dull thud than a sting, but she yelped in surprise. “Oh, I love that.”

  “Good,” said Reeve, “because I’ve been itching to use it on you since I first spotted you in the dining room.”

  She giggled as he struck her three more times. When Niko reached underneath her hips to play with her clit, Sofia moaned loudly. Reeve continued to spank her with the flogger, and it began to ache in a pleasant way that made her hyperaware of every sensation—the thud of the leather straps, the tiny contractions from Niko’s fingers flicking her clit, the fur around her wrists, and the fullness in her ass from the butt plug.

  Niko moved behind her, and Sofia heard a draw
er open and close. “That one,” he said.

  She tried to turn her head further to the side but couldn’t, and that only added to her arousal. It was so sexy not knowing what they were going to do next.

  “One more butt plug, love, and then I have another surprise for your lovely ass cheeks.”

  Niko gently pulled out the butt plug and then filled her ass with more lube. When he slid another one in, it felt huge, but in a few seconds Sofia grew used to it.

  “You know what’s going in there next time, right?”

  Her breath hitched in her throat at the raspy commanding tone to his voice. She wanted it—wanted them both to fuck her in the ass.

  Someone smacked her right ass cheek hard. “He asked you a question.”

  “Yes, sir. I know what’s going in there next. Your dicks.”

  “Damn straight,” said Reeve. “But for right now…” He moved next to her and slid his fingers underneath to play with her clit as Niko had done earlier. She had no idea what Niko was going to spank her with, but the first strike told her it was narrow, and it stung like crazy.

  Each swat made her flinch, and the pain competed with the fullness in her ass and the contractions in her pussy, taking Sofia to a place she’d never been before. It was as if she were floating above the bed, watching the scene unfold. When her orgasm came it was slow and prolonged, going on for what felt like an hour. She cried out with pleasure, and writhed as much as the cuffs and spreader allowed.

  Reeve took over spanking her, and soon her ass was on fire. She was getting close to the limit of pain she could take when he finally stopped then gently massaged her ass cheeks. “I can’t wait any longer.” His voice was rough and deep, and Sofia moaned again.

  She heard a condom being unwrapped, then Niko moved behind her as well. As Reeve slipped his cock into her swollen, wet pussy, she heard another condom being unwrapped. Reeve thrust hard and deep then withdrew and Niko plunged his dick inside.

  Sofia closed her eyes and shivered as they took turns. Her arousal built until another climax was close and her pussy was sore. She didn’t want them to stop. Someone removed the butt plug, and she moaned in anticipation. She heard fresh condoms being unwrapped, then one of them put more lube into her ass.


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