Cherished by Two Angels [Notorious Nephilim 5]

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Cherished by Two Angels [Notorious Nephilim 5] Page 12

by Carolyn Rosewood

  “If you don’t like this, get afraid, or it’s too uncomfortable, just tell us, love. Okay?” said Niko, his voice gentle.


  “I’m going first, just so you know who’s doing what.”

  She couldn’t speak. As Niko spread her ass cheeks and teased the opening of her anus with his dick, a sliver of fear tried to push its way in, but she mentally chased it away. Niko wasn’t Rake, and neither was Reeve. These men weren’t going to force their way in or keep fucking her even when she was crying and in pain. She trusted them.

  Niko’s cock felt so much larger than the butt plug he’d just taken out, and Sofia tensed. He went so slow that she had to blink back tears. He wasn’t going to hurt her. He’d never hurt her, from the first time they’d made love. She relaxed her muscles, and he slid in a bit more, still moving slowly.

  His breathing became rapid, and he made soft grunting noises. She knew that amount of control must be torture for him, and that realization sent her passion to new heights. That he would take so much care and exercise such self-control was more than she’d ever hoped for with any man, especially Rake.

  He continued to thrust for several minutes, and Sofia’s climax was right there, poised on the edge. The sensations inside her ass were so different than being fucked in the pussy and just as wonderful. Niko pulled out, and Reeve put more lube into her before slowly sliding his dick inside her ass. By now, it no longer stung or filled her with fear. She was so close to coming, and when Niko reached under her to play with her clit, she exploded in a blinding orgasm that had her screaming their names until she was hoarse.

  They removed the spreader and the cuffs, and she used the bathroom and drank some water. When she returned to the bed, they asked her to lie on her side and she did, then Reeve cuffed her arms overhead again. Both men put on condoms, and Niko moved in front of her and played with her nipples and clit before sliding his cock into her pussy. He held onto her leg, draped over his hips. Sofia couldn’t move, and she loved the feeling of being completely at their mercy.

  Reeve spread her ass cheeks and rubbed lube into her anus again, then slid inside. He was able to move faster this time, and the sensation of having both her pussy and her ass fucked at the same time sent Sofia over the edge. Her climax was shattering and went on for long moments. Both men massaged her arms and legs as they fucked her, and she couldn't keep track of all the competing impressions.

  When they pulled out, put on fresh condoms, and changed places, she let go and experienced the floating feeling once again. She was lost in a sea of pleasure, and she hoped it never ended. When she climaxed again, the contractions left her breathless and dizzy. Both men finally came, and after one of them brought a wet washcloth from the bathroom and cleaned the lube off her ass, they wrapped their arms and legs around her and she drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Sofia lost track of the days that passed. Every morning she’d wake in either Reeve or Niko’s suite, the three would have breakfast together, then they’d go down to the basement where Michael, Vince and, Jerry were working.

  Reeve showed her how to read blueprints, and Niko showed her the financial spreadsheets for the project. She made several suggestions about the financials, and when Niko took them to Zach, he thanked her for saving them some money.

  She had dinner with Reeve, Niko, and her three cousins every evening. Niko and Reeve had offered to let Michael, Jerry, and Vince stay at the resort, but the three drove back to Chicago every day.

  After dinner, she’d make love to Niko and Reeve. Both men continued to treat her with respect while bringing her to unbelievable heights of passion. She didn’t think about Rake once in over a week, and when Niko pointed out one morning that her original two weeks was up the following day, Sofia was genuinely surprised.

  “What am I going to do?”

  “Call your supervisor and ask for more time.”

  That meant she’d have to tell her about Rake and the ongoing FBI investigation. How could she do that? “By the way, what’s going on with the FBI?” Neither Reeve nor Niko had mentioned Jordan or the investigation since Gregory had made the call during their quarterly meeting.

  “He can’t tell us any details, but Gregory talked to him two days ago. Jordan strongly suggested you stay here for now.”

  Niko had taken her laptop days ago, explaining Jordan had asked for it. Sofia hadn’t cared. But now that reality had come crashing down, she needed to make some difficult decisions. She had a job, an apartment, and financial obligations. She couldn’t simply hide out here indefinitely.

  “Can I use your computers to pay my bills online? I mean I can’t just ignore my rent and utilities or my credit cards.”

  “Of course.”

  “What if Julie won’t give me more time off?” She’d worked for Julie Prescott since graduating with her MBA seven years ago and had barely taken any sick days let alone not returned from vacation on time.

  “You won’t know until you ask her, love.”

  “Do you think it’s safe to tell her what’s going on?”

  Niko nodded. “Sofia, she already knows. We didn’t want to bring up the subject, but the FBI has already interviewed Julie as well as several of your coworkers. They had to find out if Rake or his friends were using any of them to find out information about you. Jordan believes the place is clean. He hasn’t talked to any of them.”

  “You should have told me that. I’m a very private person at work. What if I didn’t want them to know what’s going on?”

  “It was out of my hands, too, Sofia. I had nothing to do with the FBI going in there to talk to them.”

  “Am I still in charge of my own life?”

  “I can’t imagine how this must feel. I really am sorry, Sofia.” He pulled her close, and she marveled at the way her body responded to his scent and the feel of his muscles underneath his clothes. The power he held over her transcended everything else going on in her life.

  “We made the wrong decision at the time not to tell you. Please forgive us.”

  “I’m just scared, Niko.”

  He placed one finger under her chin so she had to look into his eyes. As usual, a sense of peace enveloped her. How was he able to do that?

  “I know you are. That’s why we’re trying to do everything we can behind the scenes so you can simply relax and help us plan the party.”

  “And I’m having a lot of fun doing that. I’m sorry.”

  “You have nothing to apologize for. Come on. You can make the call from my office if you want.”

  Julie was sympathetic and told Sofia to take as much time off as she needed. She’d already reassigned her work and assured Sofia the job would be waiting for her when it was safe to return. Julie asked if there was anything she could do, or someone Sofia wanted her to call, and Sofia told her no. She thanked Julie a dozen times for being so understanding, then ended the call.

  Niko came back into his office, followed by Reeve. They perched on the desk.

  “That was easy,” she said. “Looks like you two are stuck with me for a while. But I feel guilty.”

  “About what?” asked Reeve.

  “You’re running a business here. I should be paying you to stay.”

  “Don’t be silly,” said Niko. “And besides, you are working in a way. You’ve already saved us some money and you’re helping to plan the party. Our parties in turn bring in more guests.”

  “Susan’s cousin was here when you had an eighties-themed party. She loved it.”

  The men smiled. “That was a lot of fun,” said Niko. “Although we did have to pinch hit for a singer halfway through it.”

  “Why? What happened?”

  “Zach and Emmett took off with Abigail. Zach was our rock star singer. We had to persuade one of the bus boys to finish the sets.”

  “He did a good job,” said Reeve. “We might consider using him this time. I think he has the voice to pull it off.”

We have to at least ask Zach if he wants to do a few sets. He’ll be insulted if we don’t.”

  “Yeah. It's not like he’s never sung music that old before.” As soon as Reeve spoke the words, fear swept over his face. Niko shot him a look of disbelief. Both men cut their gaze to Sofia. Why did they both look so upset?

  “During your thirties party, right? The photo in the lobby…with all of you dressed in vintage clothing. You said you’d had a party.” Hadn’t they said that? Sofia recalled the conversation. They hadn’t actually told her they’d had a thirties party, but what else would explain the photo or their comment about Zach having sung songs that old before?

  “And speaking of parties, we should start practicing.” Reeve stood up. “Niko and I will be playing in the band. Do you want to come to rehearsals?”

  “I’d love to. Are you sure you don’t mind?”

  “Of course not. You can help us choose songs. We haven’t even started, and the way your cousins are working, that room will be ready in less than two weeks.”

  Over the next five days, Sofia helped Reeve and Niko choose songs then watched them, Zach, and other staff member rehearse in one of the ballrooms on the main floor. As they practiced songs like “Stormy Weather” and “Someone To Watch Over Me,” she closed her eyes and imagined how the room in the basement would soon look. She could almost smell the wood polish on the tables, the cigarette smoke, and the booze.

  Tiffany had helped her pick out a costume earlier in the week, and Sofia couldn’t wait for Reeve and Niko to see it. She’d chosen a full-length red gown with sequins that would enhance the few curves she had. Tiffany had even found long black gloves for Sofia to wear. She’d also promised to roll her hair and do her makeup the day of the party.

  For the first time since her divorce, Sofia felt safe, protected, and loved. It was impossible not to feel that way around Niko and Reeve. She was head over heels in love with both of them, and there was nothing she could do about it. No matter what the FBI’s investigation of Rake turned up, her life would never be the same again.

  Who fell in love with two men? Her grandparents and parents must be rolling over in their graves right about now. And what would she tell her cousins, aunts, and uncles? They’d think she’d lost her mind. No. This was impossible. She couldn’t tell anyone, especially not Reeve or Niko.

  She had no choice but to keep this in her heart and hope like hell Rake was caught so that she could go back home and return to her job one day. Even though the thought of returning to her former life now felt wrong—completely wrong. What would she do without Reeve and Niko?

  She’d grown to love it here, and it felt more like home to her than the house she’d shared with Rake ever had. She belonged here. But she knew she couldn’t stay. And since neither man had said the “L” word, she also knew this was only about sex for them. Sure, they were letting her stay while the investigation continued, but that didn’t mean they loved her. Wouldn't she know it if they did? Surely they would have said something.

  She caught Niko’s gaze, intense and worried. Sometimes she swore the two of them could read her thoughts. It was downright spooky, just like all the weird things that went on here were unsettling. She smiled, but the look in his eyes didn’t disappear, so she averted her gaze. They had a party to get ready for. This wasn’t the time to give them anything else to worry about.

  Their lovemaking that night was as passionate as always, but Sofia’s mind kept wandering. Niko must have sensed it because long after she should have been asleep, he rolled out of bed and motioned for her to follow him. Sofia wasn’t sure Reeve was actually asleep, but she tiptoed just the same. It was uncanny the way neither one of them appeared to sleep more than a couple of hours a night. How the hell did they do it?

  “Want a drink?” Niko began to mix two of them without waiting for her to answer. She walked onto his balcony and took a seat on the sofa. The windows were open, allowing the fresh, clean scent of an April night to drift in. It conjured up images of flowers in bloom and the promise of warm days to come. Would she still be here in the summer?

  “What’s on your mind?” He sat next to her and handed her the glass. She sipped, used to the amount of Kahlúa he now put in her drinks. Smiling, she recalled the first time he’d mixed one for her. She’d nearly choked on it.

  “I wish I’d seen you smile like that earlier.” He took a long sip. “You know, Reeve and I were talking the other day. We never asked if you wanted to play in the band for the party. Would you like to?”

  “Oh, no. But thank you for asking. I haven’t played in years. I couldn’t perform in front of all those people.”

  “Sofia, I think you have more strength in you than you know.” His voice was soft and quiet. The words brought tears to her eyes, though she didn’t understand why.

  “No one has ever told you that, have they?”

  She shook her head because she didn’t trust her voice right now.

  “Something is bothering you tonight, and I wish you’d tell me what it is.”

  “I can’t.”

  He took her drink and placed it next to his on the table in front of them, then pulled her into his arms. “Yes, you can, love. You can tell me anything.”

  “Not this I can’t.”

  “Why not?” He stroked her hair. Sofia loved it when he and Reeve did that. Rake had always hated her hair. He said a woman should have long hair, and that’s precisely why she’d always had it cut short—because he hated it. “Because I’d sound like a damn fool.”

  “Not possible.”

  She shrugged out of his embrace and looked into his beautiful eyes. “What kind of a woman lets a guy control her, even after she’s divorced him?”

  “You think because your crazy ex is using his power as a cop to harass you that makes you a fool?”


  “Well, you’re wrong. You’re not a fool. You’re a beautiful, intelligent woman who is a genius with finances and who has a head for planning one hell of a party to boot. And I’m betting you could play an instrument right now if you really wanted to.”

  “Stop it.”

  “Stop what?”

  “Stop telling me how wonderful I am.” She didn’t want him to ever stop, but hearing such things said about her from a man wasn’t something Sofia was used to. She didn’t know how to handle it.

  “No. I won’t. I won’t ever stop. You’ll just have to deal with it, Sofia Annunciata Gemma Fillipone.”

  “You forgot the Benson.” He wouldn't ever stop? Was that just an expression, or did he mean this was a permanent arrangement? How she longed to know.

  “No, I didn’t. I just chose not to acknowledge it.”

  “I can’t run from the past.” That was for sure. It was going to catch up with her in a big way. Of that she was certain. She couldn't shake the overwhelming certainty that this entire situation was about to come to a head, and very soon. If she’d been asked to say why or how she knew this, she wouldn’t have been able to.

  “You’re right. None of us can. But we can move forward. We have the gift of free will, which means we can shape our futures.”

  She studied his face. How did his skin stay so smooth? She’d never seen him shave, or Reeve either, for that matter. In fact, as she stared at his chin now, she realized she’d never even seen a five-o-clock shadow on either of them. “It’s not like you to be so profound or introspective.”

  “I’m worried about you.”

  “Don’t be.” The last thing she wanted to do was give Niko anything to be concerned about. Why the hell hadn’t she simply kept her big mouth shut?

  “Then tell me what you think you can’t tell me, and I’ll stop worrying.”

  Maybe she should just say it? At least then she’d know the truth about how he felt. She recalled how difficult it had been to tell him her real name, the first night he’d seduced her. She felt that way now, only she couldn’t help feeling there was more at stake this time. “I realized somethi
ng a few days ago, but it’s impossible. It’s not a situation I ever imagined I’d be in, and it’s irrelevant at any rate.”

  “Why is it irrelevant?”

  “Because it’s one sided.” It had to be. They enjoyed her in bed, and considering they spent nearly every waking moment with her as well, she was certain neither of them had gone near another woman, but that didn’t mean anything. It didn’t mean they loved her.

  “How do you know it’s one sided?”

  She swallowed against the sudden lump in her throat. Again, she had the uncanny feeling he could read her thoughts. “I just do.”

  His grin was quick and made her pussy wet. “Okay, great and powerful Oz.”

  “Stop it, Niko.” She didn’t know what else to say. He was verbally backing her into a corner, and she had no idea how to get out of it.

  “You might be wrong, you know.”

  “I’m not.” What if she was? What if he and Reeve loved her, too?

  “You won’t know until you test it.”

  “I can’t.” Her voice sounded half-hearted.

  “Yes, you can. Just say it.”

  “Say what?” He’d never fall for such a juvenile trick.

  “Whatever is dying to come out right now.”

  “What are you? A mind reader or something?”

  “Don’t need to be. It’s written all over your face and in your body language.” That was probably true. Her grandmother had always told her that she wore her heart on her sleeve.

  “How do you just say something that you know if you give voice to will fuck up your life forever?”

  “Oh, this is serious. Okay then. How do you do it? You just take a deep breath, exhale, then let the words flow out on the exhaled breath.”

  “You know this how?” He made it sound so easy.

  “I’ve done it before.”


  He didn’t say anything for so long Sofia was hoping he’d finally given up. She leaned into his embrace again and inhaled deeply. No matter what happened when all this was resolved, the scents of lilacs and oregano would forever remind her of this place, and of Niko and Reeve.


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