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Page 17

by Kassanna


  Ellory lifted his hand and waitress sauntered over. He dipped his finger into the juices of the rare steak he had just consumed. Sucking the flavor from his finger, he smiled up at the pretty brunette. “Another T-bone, rare.”

  “All right, sugar.” She sashayed away, passing one of his pride members as she sauntered down the narrow aisle.

  He leaned against the cracked pleather of the booth as Zima sat down. “Report.”

  “Reese is dead, and El claimed the human woman as his mate. With the impressive kill of a challenging lion, rumor is, he has cemented his place as Chieftain.” She commented dryly as she moved into the seat across from Ellory.

  “I think we need to change directions. I assume the human won’t be taking him back to Reno?”

  “He won’t let the bitch out of his sight. I’m surprised she can go to the bathroom alone.”

  “Don’t be petulant, Zima. I told you before you joined El’s pride he was peculiar. I want you to siphon some more money into my back account. I’m bringing Kaseo over. He’ll be your new contact.”

  “Why?” She arched a brow.

  “Don’t question my motives just do as I say.” Ellory leaned forward and reached out to caress her cheek. “Please tell me that Reese at least killed the damn eagle.”

  “She has a broken arm. So, she won’t be flying for a while.” Zima pulled away from his palm and lifted a menu from end of the table.

  “That idiot couldn’t even get a kill right.” Ellory sucked in through his teeth. “What are you doing?”

  “I was going to order something to eat. I drove out here without grabbing anything on the way.” Zima continued to study the menu.

  “You don’t have that kind of time. I want you back in pride territory within a few hours. I want the monies in my bank by the end of the day.”


  “No buts; fifteen thousand dollars needs to be in my account, immediately. My funds are running low. You knew what you were getting into when you signed on to spy for me. Sadly, my expectations must have been too high since you couldn’t even keep El occupied. We’ll have to rely on your other specialties, like creative accounting.”

  Zima sigh was filled with annoyance. “Ellory, that’s a lot of money to move and cover up in a day.”

  “Make it happen, Zima. You’re dismissed.” Ellory lifted his fork in one hand and his knife in the other as another plate, with a two inch thick steak, was placed before him.

  “Will that be all?” The waitress inquired pleasantly.

  “For the moment.” He flashed a smile.

  When the server left, his lips curved down. He turned his gaze on Zima. “You’re still here?”

  “I was just leaving.” She pressed her lips together in a firm line and tossed the menu aside. The seat crackled as Zima slid out.

  “Good. One more thing, with Reese dead, he can’t pave the way for my son. Makeup some story and ask that Kaseo be granted membership to the pride. Also, I want you to drive a wedge between El and his mate. Start with the woman, insinuate certain things about your relationship. Humans are so easily manipulated that there shouldn’t be a problem, even for you.” He waved his fingers in a shooing motion.

  Ellory watched Zima stomp down the aisle. Her sweet little ass twisted to and fro in the tight skirt she wore, and her heels tapped a light staccato on the linoleum floor. He felt his cock harden. Ellory lifted his hand and crooked his finger. His waitress sauntered over.

  She held a slip of paper in her hand. “Need something else, honey?”

  He turned his head and glanced at her name tag. Deloris. Ellory smiled wide and met her gaze. “I do actually. I have this sudden urge to fuck.” He lifted his pelvis and dug into his pocket pulling out a hundred dollar bill. He tossed it on the table and pushed his plate toward her. “That should cover the cost of my dinner. Wrap it up and meet me behind the diner. Keep the rest as your tip. I’ll see you in ten minutes.” He scooted out of the booth and grazed his erection against Deloris’ ass as he passed her. The scent of her arousal had him adjusting his dick, human women were so predictable. He whispered. “Alley. Eight minutes. Tick tock.” Ellory ambled out the door.


  “I don’t understand, it’s only been a week since we met. Why do we have to clean up the room today?” El complained as Nae re-entered the bedroom with a large garbage bag.

  “You want me to stay? Then, we need to clean this mess up. My cousin is arriving today.” She opened the mouth of the bag for him to put trash in.

  He stared. She was beautiful with her tied back under one of his bandannas. His sweat shirt practically swallowed her, hanging down to her knees with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows. “I’m a lion, I should be resting.”

  “Yeah, I looked up your species traits. Y’all are a lazy bunch.”


  “No need to make excuses. Now that I have an idea of what I’m working with, we’ll make this happen.” She waved her hand around the room.

  “Woman, I have no clue what you said.”

  “That’s fine. You just keep picking shit up.”

  El cocked a brow.

  The side of Nae’s mouth curved up in a mischievous smirk. “I’m helping.” She rattled the bag.

  El bent to pick up a few loose papers. He smoothed the crumpled sheets out and stared at the picture with ‘Reno’ typed out next to a series of numbers. The picture was an almost exact likeness of him, but the eyes were off. The man was smiling, but pure hatred was reflected in his gaze. El checked the other page. Anger welled up in his belly. The motorcycle in the grainy image was similar to his custom bike.

  He folded the documents and slipped them into his jeans pocket.

  “Hey, you’re supposed to be working. My cousin will be here.” Nae paced to the nightstand and lifted her phone from surface. “Aw hell, her fight already landed.”

  “That’s a bad thing?”

  “Yes. I wasn’t there to meet her.” Nae’s shoulders slumped. “Crap, I thought we had more time.”

  “I’m sure she’ll understand.”

  “You don’t know Shay.”

  El’s cell rang. He leaned in and pressed his mouth to hers before breaking the kiss and answering his phone “What?”

  “We have a minor situation” Gunter’s annoyance came through clear over the line.

  “I’m willing to bet my information trumps yours.”

  “Try me.”

  “You first, old man.” El made a motion to Nae and exited the room when she nodded.

  “There’s a knockout of a woman here, long red hair, smooth skin the color of pecans. She smells something like mint to me but Ari swears its catnip and all Trace can do is stare. He growls every time one of us gets close to her. I believe she’s related to your mate, and you need to come get her before Trace kills someone. He looks feral.”

  “Well damn. That is interesting. Hold on.” El held the phone down and called out to Nae. “Gunter is on the phone, he says your cousin arrived at the bar and wants us to come get her now.”

  She appeared in the doorway. “Great! Gimme a minute and I’ll be ready.”

  “All right, I’ll meet you at the truck.” El raised the phone to his ear once he was out of the door. “Gunter?”

  “What is it?”

  “Ellory is here.” El’s grip tightened on the phone, and the slim plastic cracked. He relaxed his hand.

  “How do you know?” Concern etched Gunter’s voice.

  “I have his picture from Reno.”

  “Hell!” A crash drowned out the rest of Gunter’s words. His voice was muffled, “Dammit Ari, I said stay away from her, or I can’t be responsible for what that tiger will do to you. Trace—shit—Trace no fucking shifting.” Gunter’s voice became clear as he yelled. “El come get the woman. Now! We can discuss everything else when you get here.” The line went dead.

  The End


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