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Confession Of A Nerdoholic

Page 15

by Savannah Blevins

  “I have done a lot of things, but I’ve never received oral sex in a public place.”

  Preston quickly downed his shot. “A broom closet counts, right?”

  Sloan gave him a quick nod before she downed her own, and I patiently waited for Oliver. He raised the glass to his lips and smiled at me. “Tonight will be the last time you’ll get to use that one on me.”

  He took his shot to a round of howls from the rest of us. The party was officially starting. Thirty minutes and a handful of shots later, we had moved our party over to a booth in the corner. The game had changed.

  Preston held out his glass, prepared to make his latest wager. “Bet you girls two shots slutty Ghostbuster over there has on a thong.”

  “I’ll take that bet.” I took a long look at Ghostbuster girl. “I bet she’s commando.”

  “How the hell do you two think we are even going to find that out?” Oliver asked, just about the time the drunk girl bent over, flashing a full view of her naked ass.

  “Damn it.” Preston slammed his glass on the table. “How could you tell?”

  I shrugged. “If you can slut up the Ghostbusters, you are just that kind of girl.”

  “Take your shots.” Sloan eagerly leaned over and nudged Oliver as well.

  Oliver sat back. “What? I didn’t bet anything.”

  “Preston is officially representing the males in this game.”

  I wholeheartedly agreed, and he took his double round out of fear of getting called a pussy again. You had to love the male ego. I stood and realized I had hit that spot. That grand little spot in my alcohol tolerance level that was right between sauced and take me home, honey. Sloan realized it too. “Oh, Willis Richard Fitzwright, how I have missed you. And it’s not even a holiday!”

  The boys looked utterly confused. “Will His Dick Fit Right is my drunk name,” I explained. “At least, that’s what Sloan calls me.”

  Preston turned back and forth between us. “You two are the weirdest girls I have ever met.”

  “Willis,” Sloan screamed, standing, “I think it’s time we showed these boys how to have a good time.”

  “Wait a second.” I set my glass down and turned toward her. “What level of a good time are we talking about here?”

  Sloan went into deep concentration as she looked down and inspected the boys. “Under current circumstances, I would suggest level four, at least until we get the cowboy a little more drunk.”

  “My cowboy or your cowboy?”

  She grinned. “All the cowboys.”

  “Works for me.” I grabbed Oliver’s hand, pulling him up as Sloan repeated the gesture on Preston.

  We dragged them toward the bar. I looked over at Sloan. “What’s the order for tonight?”

  “Do you even have to ask?” She shoved Preston against the bar. “Body shots.”

  Preston’s eyes lit up, and he immediately jumped up on the bar. Oliver was more hesitant, so I gave him an encouraging slap on the ass. Okay, so it was more for my benefit than his, but it still got the point across, and he obeyed. I crawled up on a stool and started ripping buttons open. “Should I leave the suspenders?” Sloan asked, snapping one of them.


  “Then you don’t touch the hat.”

  I ran my hand down Oliver’s now bare chest and smiled. “I could care less about the hat right now.”

  I handed Oliver the bottle before placing my head at his stomach, looking up at him. He realized his cue and poured the shot down his chest. I let my fangs scratch against his chest before letting my tongue slip out, licking up my shot. The shot burned my throat, but Oliver tasted too damn good to stop. I was about to sink my teeth in for a real taste when I heard a high-pitched shrill from behind me. “What the heck is this? I know you two are kinky, but damn.”

  I shot a look over my shoulder to find Ava standing behind us with her eyebrows raised, glancing between my half naked cowboy and the nerd that was currently getting violated by Sloan. I turned and gave her a fang-filled smile, which she returned.

  “I got your message.” She winked at us. “How could I possibly resist a costume party?”

  Her own fangs burst out through her smile. That was when I noticed Brad standing behind her dressed like a lumberjack. A lumberjack with about eight fang sized hickeys on his neck. I rolled my eyes. She had the nerve to call me kinky. I pointed at the empty spot next to Oliver on the bar. “Want to join the fun? I think we could fit a lumberjack up here.”

  Oliver jumped off the bar. “I don’t think so.” He grabbed me around my waist. “Your turn is over.”

  He swung me around, flashing me a smile before he dropped to his knees. I felt the cool liquid begin to drip down my leg as he poured out the shot. His tongue pressed hot against my inner thigh as I grabbed onto the bar for support. It instantly started moving up, sparking electricity into every part of me. He kept going, even after he surpassed the spot where he had started the shot. His tongue flicked teasingly along the edge of my panty line as his hand slipped up the back of my skirt. I grabbed a fistful of silky hair, jerking his head back so I could look down at his face. “That’s it.” The ripple of ecstasy continued down my spine. “Change clothes with Preston right now.”

  He looked up at me, confused, and I turned to Preston. “You two need to change clothes right now.”

  Preston laughed, but then his expression fell. “You’re serious?”

  “Yes,” Sloan and I stated at the same time.

  Oliver stood, encircling me in his arms, smirking down at me. “We can’t change clothes in the middle of a bar.”

  I scooted him over closer to Preston. “Yes, you can. And you will.”

  Worried looks ran across both their faces as I heard Brad chuckle behind them. “I would suggest you do whatever the hell they want,” he said, gesturing toward the marks on his neck. “Trust me, you don’t want to disobey a vampire.”

  Oliver glanced down at me, waiting for me to say something, hoping for me to let him off the hook. “Strip it. Pants and all.”

  Preston eagerly started unhooking his suspenders as Sloan worked on his jeans. “We are really doing this?”

  I ignored him, jerking off his shirt. I threw it over to Sloan, who threw me back a white button up with red and yellow stripped suspenders. My mouth watered as I watched Oliver unbutton his jeans. The exchange was quick and hardly anyone in the bar noticed. There was only one thing left. I pulled the hat off Oliver’s head and trotted over to Preston. I smiled brilliantly at him before coveting his glasses and handing over his hat. “You were cute while it lasted.”

  “Thanks, Miss Elle.”

  Sloan growled over his shoulder.

  I couldn’t tell whether it was due to the fact that I told Preston he was cute, or the fact that Preston had put on the cowboy hat. Probably a little of both. I quickly returned to Oliver, placing the glasses delicately on his face.

  He smirked at me. “Better now?”


  I wrapped my fingers around one of his suspenders and pulled. “Well, it’s been fun,” I shouted over my shoulder as I dragged him through the crowd.

  He wrapped his arms around my waist and whispered in my ear. “Where are we going, oh, evil mistress of the night?”

  “Somewhere dark and abandoned.”

  My feet lifted off the ground. Oliver slung my legs around his waist as he carried me more swiftly through the crowd. “Then what?”

  I giggled innocently, placing my face between his neck and shoulder. I let my tongue graze across the skin. “I told you that you were my new favorite flavor.”

  I sunk my teeth in, fangs and all. He grunted loudly, gripping his fingers across my ass as we busted through the back door of the bar into the alley. I lapped my tongue over the bruised skin, hoping to sooth the pain. “Mmm…tasty Oliver.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  The brick scraped my back, but the unpleasant sensation was easily drowned out by ev
ery other Oliver-induced sensation. I twitched every time the rim of his glasses scraped against my skin. I desperately tried to lower myself, making his tongue rise faster, but he held me firmly in place against the wall. I balled my fingers in his hair, tugging just hard enough for him to get the point. The point being that teasing me like this was going to land him on his back, ready to learn this vampire sought something more risqué than a little blood.

  His breath ran up my leg. “Patience.”

  I panted harder, unconcerned that someone could walk out the back door and find us in the alley at any second. His fingers began to trace the line of his tongue until they reached the corner of my panty line. I whined when he stopped. His teeth grazed up my leg, taking small bites every few seconds.


  My head fell back against the wall as I desperately tried to hold it together. My legs started trembling as my fingers tightened in his hair. I clenched my eyes trying to concentrate on something else so I managed to keep the sensation without throwing myself over the edge.

  I repeated nursery rhymes in my head.

  “Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep…” this was not going to work, “and she doesn’t know where to find them.”

  Little Bo Beep wasn’t going to suffice. I had to admit it. I was Little Miss Muffet sitting on her nerd tuffet while he ate her curds and whey.


  His free hand snaked around my back, pulling me down to him. I was gone. My knees buckled as the muscles in my stomach ignited. I wanted to collapse on top of him, but he held me firmly in place.

  He slowed his rhythm as he began to hum a contented chorus. I released my hold on him as I panted. He placed a chaste kiss on the inside of my thigh. “So, that’s how you tame a vampire?”

  I wanted to scowl, but I felt too damn good. “Tame me?” I laughed, pulling him to face me. “You just unleashed me.”

  His eyes almost seemed to sparkle behind his glasses. I grabbed hold of one of his suspenders and pulled. “Come on, I’m in need a flat surface.”

  He eagerly followed me down the alley until we came to the street. “That’s flat.” He pointed to a hood of a car on the side of the street.

  “Umm, not quite what I’m looking for.”

  We continued to walk. Well I continued to walk and pull his ass along with me. “That’s flat,” he suggested again, now pointing to bench sitting in front of the bus stop sign.

  “Patience.” I tugged him along faster.

  He didn’t realize, but I already had a specific flat surface in mind, and it was only a half block away. He moaned behind me as we trudged on. “You know, it’s kind of difficult to walk in this condition.”

  I sniggered. I pulled him up to my back, letting my hand run over the source of his tortuous condition. His hands gripped my thighs as he shoved himself up against my ass. I pushed him away. “No humping the vampire, or she might get overly excited and bite somewhere she has been forbidden to.”

  I gave him another sensual rub before bolting up the street. He raced after me. The trees started to get slightly thicker and I knew we were close. Sure enough, just in front of us to left was the desired flat surface I had been in search of.

  We were at the Grove City Park. The trees were thick, and it was completely abandoned. I dragged him closer. He glanced around anxiously. “Where are we going?”

  I stopped dead still, smiling to myself. I raised my hand and pointed into the distance. “Now that’s what you call a flat surface.”

  He squinted into the darkness, trying to make out what stood in front of us. He glanced down at me, raising a questioning eye. “A merry-go-round?”

  I smiled. “Why do you think they call it a merry-go-round?” I snapped his suspender and grinned when it popped.

  “So you are a kinky mistress of the night.”

  I maneuvered him into the right spot before pushing him back. He fell with a slight bang against the metal. I worried that I might have been too rough, but he just grinned up at me.

  The cool sting of the metal hissed against my skin as I climbed over him. I gave one tiny push with my left foot, sending us spinning for the hell of it. It only made sense to go around while we got our merry on. I crawled up and straddled him, playing with the buttons along his shirt. I officially had my prey in sight, and now it was time for the kill. I slid the suspenders off his shoulders as I bent down to run kisses and light bites along his neck.

  His hand ran up the back of my skirt, gripping me tightly. He moaned, pulling me forward. “Who is teasing now?”

  I halted my attack long enough to start relieving him of unnecessary garments. As it turned out, it was all pretty unnecessary. I slid his shirt open, only to be distracted by the firm lines of his chest. I itched to taste every single inch of him. My lips caught the edge of his stomach as my fingers played with the buttons of his jeans.

  I was about to let my hand take the plunge when he flipped me over. My back fell against the cool metal. “I don’t think so, vampy.” He laughed against my ear. “The nerd teaches the lessons.”

  I licked across my fangs as I arched myself up into him. He pushed his glasses up his nose before flinging himself on top of me. His body ground against my own as he desperately sought to push my skirt higher up my legs. I busied myself with his neck while he prepared. I was determined to follow his lead. Even kinky mistresses of the night could be good little students.

  He pulled back, hovering over me, and I reflexively scooted myself down into position. He ran his hand lightly over my thigh, squeezing it gently. I placed my hands around his lower back and held on. He entered me slowly, running his nose across my cheek. I didn’t realize he was holding his breath until he moaned through gritted teeth. I pulled up against him, needing more.

  He held his balance with his right arm as he gripped the other around my backside. He started out slowly, moving in a smooth, steady rhythm as he hissed out his pleasure. When my fingers dug into his back, he started picking up the pace. My hips moved in tandem with his, lusting for that deep connection every time he pulled away.

  I leaned my head back so I could look up at his face. I wanted to watch his eyes close in pleasure behind his glasses. I wanted to watch them inch down his nose as the force with which he entered jarred them out of place. Most importantly, I wanted to push them back up his nose and watch him smile at the gesture.

  I knew he was getting close when he buried his face in my shoulder. It was a sure sign he was trying to hold on. I knew that feeling. I loved that feeling. I loved stumbling along that edge between anticipation and ecstasy. I could feel myself approaching the cliff. He grabbed one of my legs, pulling it up and over his shoulder. I squealed at the new sense of pleasure the slight change in position caused. My hands gripped his shoulder and ran up to his hair.

  He was encouraged by the sense of urgency I portrayed. “Let me see your fangs.”

  I smiled as the pleasure ripped through me. “Oliver.”

  I squeaked, clenching onto him for support as I fell over the edge for the second time tonight.

  He soon followed me, letting my legs go, falling gently onto my stomach. His heartbeat thrummed wildly against my chest. He placed subtle, tired kisses along my collarbone. We lay there for a few minutes, too consumed by our own glorious fortune to move. I felt him smile against my skin. “What?” I breathed deeply, running my fingers along his bare skin.

  “Sloan is going to bring this up every time we play that stupid game now.”

  “True, but you have my permission to shoot back with a bathroom stall at the pirate museum.”

  He raised his head to look at me. “Pirate museum?”

  “It was a Johnny Depp thing…don’t ask.”

  He shook his head and placed his cheek back against my chest. I closed my eyes, enjoying every last second. I felt a vibration against my shoulder. I tilted my head up and listened harder to realize Oliver hummed the Imperial March as he twisted a string of my hair around his finger
. I giggled and flicked the edge of his glasses. “What?” He glanced up. “Too nerdy for you?”

  “No.” I smiled, rubbing his cheek. “Just nerdy enough.”

  Chapter Twenty


  Someone should warn you that waking up with your bare ass against metal might not be the most pleasant experience. In all honesty, it stung like hell, and I fretted it might be frostbitten, which I was sure wouldn’t be very attractive. I sat up on my elbows, spitting hair out of my mouth, quickly realizing I was still wearing my fangs. I groaned. It was hard to enjoy the excesses of your night out on the town when you woke with sunlight beaming down in your eyes. That was one fact vampires got right.

  I felt certain my mood was deteriorating until I looked further down my naked body that lay across the merry-go-round. At first glance, it looked as if I had four legs and an extra set of arms coming out of my waist, but upon further focused inspection, it became clear the extra appendages belonged to an extremely hung over, yet unbearably adorable nerd. Oliver’s face was snuggled on my stomach, his glasses awry on his face, leading down to his glorious little ass that bounced sunlight off it like a crystal.

  I chuckled to myself. It would be a good morning after all, it seemed. I took the opportunity and ran my fingers through his tousled locks, which caused him to smile in his sleep. I smiled brilliantly in return. My stomach decided it was too impatient to wait for me and rumbled loudly into Oliver’s ear, causing him to stir. He grunted, shifting his face around on my stomach, as his eyes fluttered open. He winced as soon as the light invaded, and his grunt turned into an outright moan of agony.


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