by Naomi Niles
“...he sounds like a bastard...”
“...and what did you say to that...”
“’s a shame she isn’t nicer to everyone...”
It was the most innocuous, boring conversation that I’d ever caught the tail end of, but because of the situation, it became inadvertently hilarious to me and Danica. We were really desperately struggling to hold in the giggles, clinging on to one another for support.
“Do you think they’re gone?” she finally asked when it had been silent for a while.
I leant out to peek. “Yep, whoever it was has finally vanished.” I stared at her for a few seconds, wondering if we could recreate the magic, before settling on the sensible decision to head back for some sleep before the morning came around. “Come on; let’s get you to bed.”
We laughed all the way back to Danica’s cabin, which was the moment I realized that those girls had actually done us a favour. Sure, they’d interrupted the best moment of my whole damn life, but they’d also given us an inside joke, something to laugh about.
As I dropped her to her door, her expression finally turned shy. “Do you...” she started, biting her lip. “Do you think I could have your number? Just so we can keep in touch after this week?”
“Of course!” I exclaimed, scolding myself for not being the one doing the asking–what an oversight. “Give me your phone.” I typed in my number and handed it back to her smiling. “Now send me a goodnight text, so I have your number, too.”
“Okay,” she said with a grin, giving me one small peck on the cheek before sending me on my way.
My good mood had me sailing on cloud nine back to my cabin, and that only intensified when I saw the One Unread Message notification on my phone.
‘Hi, Rhett; it’s Danica. Thank you for a wonderful night. I look forward to spending more time with you. xoxox’
With that, I went to sleep with the biggest, beaming smile spread across my lips.
Chapter Five
I woke up the next morning with a light, buzzing feeling in my heart. I couldn't believe how well things had gone with my surprising night out with Rhett. When he turned up at my door, my heart had instantly started to flutter as I knew things were finally going to step up a notch. There was no way he would have turned up at my door for no reason.
And that kiss! That was really something else.
I remembered his lips against mine, and the way that made me melt against him. His big, strong body felt so right against me; he made me feel so feminine, so protected, and like a goddess all at once. Having the attention of someone as gorgeous as Rhett all focused on me was overwhelming and exciting, and I loved every second of it. I felt like I was basking in the warmth of his sun, and I hoped things would only get better.
I instantly glanced down at my phone, noticing that the screen was lit up. Just knowing that he’d taken the time to send me a message made me feel on top of the world.
‘Good morning, beautiful. I cannot wait to see you again today. xxx’
The kisses he’d written sent my insides wild with desire, and I jumped out of bed anxious to see him all over again. As I dragged the brush through my hair before spinning it up into a messy bun, the grin didn’t leave my face even once. I looked like a bit of a fool in the mirror, but I didn’t even care. I was light, swelling with happiness, and I couldn't wait to see how things were going to go today.
I wondered if he would stick to his words and to come and see me at college. The thought of having him there, on campus with me, made me feel far more excited than it should. Especially, as it might not happen.
I shouldn’t get too carried away when I had no real idea where his head was at. It might just be a fling, for all I knew. In fact, if this did turn out to be nothing more than a little fun, I would be okay with that. Sure, I liked Rhett a lot, but I would be happy to only have this time with him, if that was all it was going to be.
As long as I got the rest of the week with him, I could cope with whatever would come next.
As my group and I walked towards the ropes course, my heart pounded happily against my chest. The girls were buzzing with excitement, too, practically shrieking with the events that were to come.
There was definitely some flirtation going on between Rhett’s group and mine, but it was all very tame and innocent. Nothing more than a sweet, summer romance that they’d think about all year. I even suspected that there might be something between Holly and Ricky–a confidence boost I knew she needed.
“Right, Belions,” Rhett called out, taking control of the situation. “We’re doing team building tasks today, so we’re going to need to work together if we want to keep our first place.” The kids all nodded and made agreeable noises. “We’re currently the team to beat, so everyone is against us–which is perfect. They are all jealous and struggling to cope with our success.”
As he continued to motivate the team, to rile them up into a frenzy, I focused on his lips. As much as I loved the activities and the fun, it was him that my brain centered around. I knew the team building activities well enough from my own time here, which meant I didn’t actually need to focus.
The only problem was my distracted state got even worse as we started training. Everything we did seemed to involve being far too close to Rhett, touching him in one way or another. Under normal circumstances with anyone else, that would be absolutely fine. I wouldn’t have thought anything of it, but with all the chemistry radiating between us, it felt downright inappropriate. I was so aware of every aspect of his entire body–his breath, his skin, his lips–I found it difficult to even think about what was going on around us.
As the day drifted towards the time of the competition, I found myself feeling closer to Rhett than ever. We hadn’t been able to discuss us and our feelings during the day, of course, but I felt like there was a lot of unsaid tensions being explored–just between us. Every brush of skin, every knowing look, even the odd wink where possible. It was nice having a juicy little secret; it made me feel even more connected to him.
This time, the counsellors were much more involved in the competition, even taking part in some of the races to “prove our worth,” so Rhett and I didn’t have that tension of waiting to see how our team was going to do. We were helping them, getting mucky in the mud alongside them–a part that I’d really been looking forward to when I signed up to be a camp counsellor, which now felt like time taking me away from my time with Rhett.
Unfortunately, the camp counsellors played dirtier than the kids, which meant we really had to up our game. It was tense, there was a lot of cheating and trash talk on the field, but fortunately, my and Rhett’s competitive spirit won out in the end, and we came first–but only just. It was the closest we’d come to letting our top place position slip, and there was a definite air of pressure in the air.
We celebrated as normal, but there was something a little lacking. Rhett and I knew it...and so did our kids. As we all hugged and cheered, my mind whirred with guilt, knowing that a massive part of things going wrong was my fault. I wouldn’t get distracted again, I would have to find a way to concentrate on both Rhett and the teams–because let’s face it, there was no way that I wouldn’t be able to think about him at all. I needed to do better for my team–they deserved the best that I could offer them.
But then Rhett leaned forward and whispered in my ear, making my promises all fly away. “Lake again tonight?” I nodded, all of my feelings for him floating to the surface all over again.
How the hell am I supposed to worry about team building activities when he was driving me so crazy with desire at every damn opportunity? It was impossible!
As the moonlight overtook and it became officially night, I slid another sundress over my head. This time it was a shocking red colour–guaranteed to get Rhett’s attention. It was cool, but not so cold that this outfit was inappropriate, which was perfect for me. It meant I could show him the girly sid
e that he didn’t get to see during training.
Then, I allowed my hair to hang loose and put on a small amount of makeup on my face–just enough to highlight my eyes. I enjoyed Rhett staring into them because the look he gave me made me feel amazing, so I wanted to make them pop as much as I possibly could.
‘I’m waiting, and the stars are looking beautiful. xxx’
I heard my phone ping, and a small shiver ran down my spine. As I read over his words, I couldn't even consider playing it cool and making him wait. The image of his beauty under the wonderful starlit sky was firmly fixed in my mind, and I needed to see him for real.
I quickly grabbed my flip flops, debating whether or not this message warranted a reply before tossing my phone onto my bed sheets and racing outside to talk to him face to face–the way I liked best. Messages were nice enough, but hearing his chocolaty-smooth voice was music to my ears, a sound that I would never tire of.
My eyes lit up when they spotted him standing under the pale moonlight facing away from me, over to the water. He was wearing a tank top and shorts, showing me all of the muscles that I lusted over, and his hair was the typically messy style that I’d come to associate with him. His body was so sculpted, which was clearly down to his athletic lifestyle, and that was something I hadn’t even realised I desired until I saw Rhett for the first time.
When he heard my footsteps moving closer to him, he spun around showing me that face that was now in every single one of my dreams. “Well, hello there,” he grinned, immediately pulling me in for a hug as soon as I was close enough for him to do so. “You look wonderful.”
“You don’t look too bad yourself,” I eyed him up and down appreciatively. I was being much flirtier than I normal was with guys, but then again, I couldn't think of anyone that I’d liked as much as Rhett. “Come on, let’s head back down to the pier.”
But this time we didn’t quite make it down to the water’s edge. Instead, we sat surrounded by the bushes we’d hid in the night before, recalling the memory as if it was something that had happened ages ago, as if it was a solidifying moment in our relationship.
Which, I suppose in a way, it was.
Then all of sudden, we were kissing like horny teenagers that couldn't get enough of one another. I wasn't totally sure what happened–one moment we were laughing and reminiscing, the next moment our lips had crashed together and our hands were everywhere. I had no idea who made the first move, only that we were equally keen for one another.
And this time, it didn’t seem like anything was going to stop us.
As we kissed for what felt like hours, I knew we were losing track of time, but I didn’t even care. I didn’t want to leave, and eventually there came to a point where I actually found myself wanting to take things to another level.
Rhett seemed to sense my newfound passion because his hand started to work its way up my dress and over the top of my bra. I could tell that he was testing the waters, seeing how far I was willing to take it. The heady fog of desire that was slowly consuming me. I felt ready to go very far indeed...
But then something stopped me. I had no idea what it was; I just quickly pulled back and glanced at the watch sitting on Rhett’s wrist, panic coursing right through my veins.
“Oh... It’s, erm, it’s really late. We should probably be getting back,” I stammered, feeling my face heat up. I had no idea why I stopped things from progressing, except for the fact that we were outside and it felt a little uncomfortable taking things to that level when anyone could interrupt. “Big day tomorrow.” My reasons were logical and truthful, but that didn’t stop me from feeling awful about putting a halt to something that was promising to be amazing.
“Of course.” Rhett didn’t seem annoyed at all by my semi rejection, which calmed me down slightly. At least he wasn't mad about my freak out; he was even smiling kindly at me. The fact that he seemed to respect my boundaries made me like him even more. He was just so sweet and lovely, unlike any guy I’d ever spent time with before. “Let me walk you back.”
As he dropped me outside my cabin, kissing me passionately once more, my heart pounded wildly against my ribcage. While he held me in his arms, I found myself regretting pulling away and not allowing things to escalate.
I just hoped that it wouldn’t be my only chance.
Chapter Six
As I lay in bed, preparing myself to get up for the very last day at Camp Woodtree, my mind was all over the place.
The sports and activities had gone so well–much better than predicted–and my and Danica’s team was a shoo-in for the overall first prize. We already knew that we’d won when we’d done so well every single day, but it would be nice to have that confirmed. I knew the kids were so excited to go and receive their medals at any rate.
However, the last day wasn’t only going to be about that main prize. The children would also be rewarded for individual performances throughout the week, which the parents would be there to see them receive. That was as much of a huge event as anything else.
After the awards ceremony, the counsellors were to take the kids and their parents around Camp Woodtree, to let the moms and dads know what their children had spent the week doing. I wasn't sure if that was just a chance to show off the camp’s facilities or if it was more of a reassurance thing, but I wasn't particularly looking forward to it. The children I could cope with–I had a bond with them–but who knew what the parents would be like. When I thought about my own parents, it made me despair even more.
In all honesty, I was a complete mixture of emotions. On the one hand, there was an elation that we’d done so well all week, that I’d managed to have such a positive impact on the kids. It had given me pause for thought about my own life and the direction that I wanted it to take.
But on the other hand, I was incredibly sad that it was all coming to an end, that the experience of a lifetime was practically over. I didn’t have any plans for the rest of the summer, and after being around such awesome people in such close proximity, the endless weeks with nothing to do and no one to see felt a little bleak.
Plus, the thought of not seeing Danica again was awful. Utterly unbearable. I had no idea how I was going to cope.
Sure, I’d agreed to go and visit her at college, but that was ages away–after the summer ended. It would be weeks until I could do that, and that felt far too long away. I had Danica’s phone number, and I could keep in touch with her that way, but it wasn't the same. It wouldn’t be like waking up knowing that I was going to get to see her beautiful face every day, knowing that I could talk to her and even kiss her if I wanted to. I was going to miss holding her in my arms, feeling her pressed up against me.
I didn’t know how the hell I was going to go on without that.
Last night, as we sat under the stars, I snapped a picture on my phone, which I took a quick look at before the day began. She was only half aware when I took it, so in the image she’s half smiling and half talking, which somehow makes her look even cuter. Her bright, sparkly eyes shine with excitement, which is just how I’ll remember her: as a shining light who made absolutely everything brighter.
Then my eyes drifted over to my packed suitcase, and my heart sunk all over again. The dream was coming to an end. Tonight, I would be back in my own home, in my own bed, far away from Camp Woodtree.
I didn’t want things between myself and Danica to be just a fling. I was already in far too deep for that. I really liked her a whole lot, and it seemed like she felt the same way about me. I just hoped that we could make things work when we weren’t living in one another’s pockets.
Before I could allow myself to get too wound up and upset over something that I currently couldn't do anything about, I pushed the door open and stepped out into the cool, fresh air all over again.
“Rhett!” I heard a familiar voice call out the second my feet hit the grass. “Look what we made for you.” Ricky rushed to my side handing me a giant card that t
he boys had obviously spent some time making in secret. To say I was touched by their effort would be a huge understatement. I was overwhelmed they’d taken the time and effort to do that, when they really didn’t have to.
I read the words inside the card aloud. “To Rhett, Thank you for the best week of our entire lives. You rock! From Ben, Ricky, Gary, Mark, Timmy, and Frank. “Aw, guys, that’s so great!” I smiled widely to cover up the emotion currently circling me.
“The girls did one, too, for Danica.” They were all standing next to me by this point, bouncing around like excited little monkeys. “To say thanks to you both. None of us want to go home–we don’t know what we’re going to do for the rest of the summer without this place.” You and me both, I almost said. “And, we live too far from each other to meet up easily.”
“Well, you’ll just have to come again next year!” I grinned, throwing my arms around each of them in turn. “Do it all again. Meet up then.”
“Will you be here?” Gary asked, staring up at me with his puppy dog eyes, causing guilt to flow right through me. I had no particular plans to return, but maybe if these guys come back, I would feel compelled to. I’d grown a bit attached to them, and I couldn't imagine them doing what we’d done with someone else as their counsellor.
“Yeah, maybe. If you lot are here, I wouldn’t want to work with anyone else. Now come on, let’s go and meet your parents; it’s time to collect our prize.” I tried to ignore the way that my heart fluttered with nerves at that statement.
As we sat in the same hall where we had our orientation, where everything all began, I made sure that I had myself positioned as close to Danica as I could be in polite company. Once we started to show the parents around the camp, our groups would go their separate ways, I didn’t know if I’d be able to catch a glimpse of her again–a thought that terrified me.