Hollywood Daddy (A Single Dad Romance)

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Hollywood Daddy (A Single Dad Romance) Page 68

by Naomi Niles

  “Ooh look,” she gasped, leaning in to me, seemingly sharing none of my fears. “Frank just won the Best Friend award.” We jumped up and yelled and cheered, happy for one of our children to have won. These awards were nothing to do with the actual sports, which made them even more important to the kids.

  And then Danica’s girl Holly–the shy and quiet one–won the Most Improved award and all fourteen of us went mad. Some of the other parents glanced around at us in shock, but we didn’t care–she deserved it. She really was a great kid, and she’d transformed during this week. I just hoped that she could take that forward with her, to lead a more confident life.

  Then the time came for us to collect the main award for winning the week of activities. As we stepped forward to collect our medals, the parents of our children cheered for us, but everyone else only gave a half-hearted clap, allowing their blatant jealousy to shine through.

  None of us cared about any of them. We were our own little family, and that was all that mattered.

  Once we were done, we were shipped out with our teams in a blur, and it wasn't until I was standing by the ropes course, regaling the tale of us winning the obstacle course day, that I realised I hadn’t even said goodbye to Danica.


  I didn’t see Danica again until we were waving the kids cars off. Some of the other counsellors had already gone back to their cabins to gather up their belongings, but I was hanging around until the very last second, just in case. And thankfully, that patience paid off because it didn’t take long for Danica to make her way over to me.

  “Well, that was a crazy day.” She smiled brightly at me, trying to disguise the tears that were already filling her eyes. “I can’t believe that we’ll be going home soon.” Her voice cracked with emotion, which brought everything to the forefront for me, too.

  As I considered her words, a tight knot of stress began to form in my stomach. The reality of it all really hit, and that didn’t feel good at all. Sure, I’d been very aware of what was coming, but it didn’t reach its full impact until I could hear the sadness in her voice.

  “Yeah, well...” I heard myself saying, in a tone that sounded angrier than I intended it to. I just had no idea how to say goodbye without completely and utterly falling apart. “We all knew it was only going to be a week.” I sort of wanted that to be a joke, but it definitely did not come off that way at all. I sounded like a dick, and I knew it. I just wasn't sure how to retract that.

  “Right,” she nodded, a seriousness on her face. “Okay, well... I mean, it’s been fun, though?” There was a question in her tone, one that wanted an answer from me, but I knew that I couldn't give it without bursting into tears.

  “Mhmmm,” I nodded, looking everywhere but her. I focused on the trees, the cars, the children...anything but those damn eyes. “Yeah.”

  A loaded silence filled the air. I could tell Danica wanted me to say something, anything, to make things right between us again, but for some reason, I couldn't. The tension was absolutely rife between us, and I wondered if anyone else could see it. It felt so obvious to me that I would have been very shocked if others were oblivious. But as always, no one else was paying us any attention whatsoever.

  “So do you have any plans for the rest of the summer?” she eventually asked politely, sounding like she’d only just met me. The last few days simply melted away, and we became strangers all over again.

  I didn’t want to even think about the rest of the summer. It seemed so bleak and endless without her, so I gave her the most idiotic answer ever. “No, not really,” then I shrugged, as if her words meant nothing to me, but the reality was they cut deep. I wasn't sure why I was so desperate to hide my emotions; all I could focus on was holding it together. “Do you?” My tone was childish and petty, and she could sense that.

  “This and that,” she replied evasively. I could sense that she was looking at me curiously, but I absolutely refused to return her gaze. “Right, well... I’m gonna go pack.” When I didn’t say anything back to her, I felt her slink away taking my last chance with her.

  I stood there for a few moments, staring out into the emptying car park, wishing that I’d done absolutely everything different. It was unlikely that Danica would ever want to speak to me again after that act of rude stupidity, which ruled out any college visits, any possible future–the one thing that I’d been clinging on to keep myself going.

  What an idiot I was!

  I hung my head in shame, knowing that I’d lost her forever.

  As a single tear began to fall down my cheek, I turned and made the long sad walk back to my own cabin, safe in the knowledge that I’d totally fucked everything up, and that after everything, we would be leaving on bad terms after all.

  Chapter Seven


  As I stood in my now empty cabin, idly staring around to see if I’ve left anything behind, my mind was fixed firmly on the memory of Rhett’s face. What the hell was wrong with him? Why was he acting so...dickish?

  I had such high hopes that we would leave here on good terms, that we would make arrangements for the future. Sure, it wasn't likely that I would be able to spend time with him over the summer, what with the upcoming wedding, but afterwards at college, like we arranged.

  I’d tried to convince myself that I would be totally fine if things between us ended as a mere fling, but I was wrong. The closer I got to Rhett, the more I liked him, and I’d even managed to convince myself that I might actually be falling for him.

  I quickly shook that thought from my head, trying to block it out. There was no point in allowing my thoughts to go down that route–I’d only end up more upset than I already was.

  Knock, knock.

  I jumped at the sound of a light tapping on my door, my heart racing wildly. Did I really hear that? Or was I imagining things?

  Knock, knock.

  Nope, that was louder. There was definitely someone there.

  I swung the door open quickly, not wanting to get my hopes up just in case I was wrong. But no, there he was, staring at me with those deep, dark, penetrating eyes, looking like a dream come true.

  “Rhett?” I gasped, hardly able to believe it. “What are you doing here?”

  He looked suitably embarrassed at his previous actions, which caused me to step back to allow him inside. I wanted to hear what he had to say, to listen to his explanation. I owed myself that much, him, too.

  “I’m sorry, Danica,” he said sadly, as he stepped past me. “I didn’t mean to act like such a douche earlier. I just... I don’t know, I hate saying goodbye. It feels too hard.”

  Emotion welled up inside of me at his words. I knew exactly what he meant, but it felt even more difficult now that he’d vocalised it. “I know.” I nodded, trying to keep my voice steady. “I know.”

  Instead of replying, he took me in his arms and held me close to his body. As I inhaled his familiar, musky, manly scent, I tried to really savour the moment. I would miss this so much, and I didn’t want to let him go. I tried to think of the right words to say, but nothing came to mind. I was blank with lust, desperate for this moment to never end.

  “If I don’t do this now...” Rhett pulled back and stared deeply into my eyes. He placed a kiss lightly on my lips–an action which sent desire coursing through my body. “Then I’ll always regret it.”

  Did he actually mean what I thought he did? Was he suggesting that we take us to a brand new level? The hooded, desire filled look that he gave me told that me he really did, that he really wanted me. Was I ready for this? Did I really want this to happen? Here? Now?

  I stepped backwards and moved to lock the door. Of course, I wanted this. I did not want this opportunity to slip through my fingers.

  Then Rhett gripped hold of my fingers, and he led me towards the bed, before pulling me in for another deep and passionate kiss. As our lips moved against one another, I realized that all the pent up feelings that we’d been trying to keep at least a
little under control were finally flowing free. There was definitely none of the doubt I’d felt during our last make out session, nothing holding me back anymore.

  As his hand began to snake its way up my top, running over my skin, I didn’t feel the same nerves as before. Instead, there was only excitement, and I wanted more, so I tugged it over my head, revealing only my bra to him.

  “Oh God,” he panted, leaning in to rein kisses over my neck and collar. “You’re so beautiful.” I ran my fingers through his hair as he lips sent sparks of passion racing right through me. This moment felt so perfect, so amazing, and I never wanted it to end.

  He guided me backwards, until I fell back onto the sheets, where I got one more look at him, noticing his eyes were on fire with a desire that felt like it could eat me alive at any moment. I wanted to take a few moments, to calm my racing heart, but a hunger overtook me and I found myself tugging at Rhett’s top, wanting to see the muscles I just knew he was hiding under there. I’d had a feel of them now and again, but this time, I would get to really explore them.

  As his abs popped out and Rhett hovered above me, my lips began kissing them all over. I couldn't control myself, the passion racing through me was too much; it was too powerful and intense.

  Rhett slid my shorts down gently, tracing his fingers over my skin as he went. He was being sweet and passionate, but far too slow for my liking. I was enjoying the sensations he was giving me, but I needed more. I needed him now.

  So as soon as I was only in my underwear, I yanked at his belt, watching his trousers fall from him. We were together, most of our skin on show for one another, and my heart was pounding, not just with lust, but emotion, too. My veins were bursting with it, until I almost couldn’t contain it anymore. There were a million and one things that I wanted to say, but I couldn't catch my breath for long enough to speak. His mouth was everywhere, claiming me, and a fog of desire had totally taken over me.

  I felt his fingers slip around my back and unhook my bra, which was then whipped from my body, exposing me completely. Rhett pulled back to look at me, to examine every aspect of my skin, which didn’t make me feel as self-conscious as I thought it might. Under his lustful gaze, I felt powerful and sexy, like a goddess. He so clearly wanted me as much as I did him, and it was impossible not to feel beautiful.

  Then his tongue started to flick over my nipples, and I almost totally lost it there and then.

  “Oh my God,” I panted loudly. “Rhett.” My back was arching in pleasure as he drove me increasingly wild with each second that passed.

  With that, I felt his hand move slowly up my leg, tantalisingly so. He was about to explore just how much he turned me on, and I couldn't wait for it. At first, he stuck only to the outline of my underwear, which made my heart pound wildly with anticipation and frustration. Now that we’d gotten this far, I needed things to go further. I needed him, and every second that I wasn't feeling him felt wasted.

  Eventually, I kissed him with such passion that he could no longer resist and he yanked my underwear down, tossing it aside like a mere inconvenience to him. Then his fingers inched in, really exploring my hot, wet desire. My hands gripped tightly to the sheets beneath me–just to keep me centered–as I closed my eyes and threw my head back in ecstasy. I’d never felt so good before, I almost didn’t know how to cope.

  “That feel good, baby?” Rhett asked, in a husky voice. There was a confidence in his tone, one that I enjoyed listening to. He knew just what he was doing to me, how much he was turning me on.

  “Oh, fuck yes!” I cried out. We’d spent the last few days dancing around one another, never really letting loose, that it felt good to be finally able to do so.

  He kissed down my stomach as I squirmed and bucked with excitement. It felt like my whole body was on fire, and I didn’t even know what to do with myself. Eventually, another finger slipped inside of me, then another, before they were rapidly pulled away from me and replaced with a tongue.

  As he tasted me, I gripped onto his hair, groaning and crying out with bliss. I was aching for him desperately, but everything that he was doing to me made it too difficult to even think. I was teetering dangerously close to the knife’s edge of desire, and I couldn't take it anymore.

  “Oh shit, Rhett, I need you!” I finally screamed. “I want you. I’m so close.” My breaths were coming out short and ragged–and I could only pray that he knew what that meant. It had to be now, before I lost myself completely.

  He moved himself over me once more, kissing me lightly as he teased my entrance. “Are you sure?” he whispered, sounding a little unsure. I nodded frantically–there was no way that I was going to let him get away from me now. If he left at this moment, I might just die of frustration.

  That was enough to have him plunging into me. A sensation that rocked through my entire body, causing me to yell out in pleasure. It was likely that the whole camp could hear us, but I didn’t even care. I was far too lost in Rhett to even consider anyone else.

  I clung tightly to him for a few moments before swinging him around and positioning myself on top. If I was only going to get one chance to be with him–which I really hoped wouldn’t be the case–then I wanted to feel him from every angle. I wanted him to see all of me.

  He looked stunned for a few moments as I stared down at him, but it was a pleasant shock, one that soon turned into more desire than ever before. I wanted to surprise him, I wanted him to remember me always, no matter what, and so I rode him passionately, driving him crazy.

  After a few moments, he sat up and pulled me in for a deep hug, allowing us to kiss passionately all over again. We both moaned as our bodies moved in unison, and as the pressure of pleasure began to build up inside of me, I dug my nails deeply into his back, clinging on for dear life.

  As the waves of pleasure consumed me, and I crumbled and buckled above Rhett, he held onto me tightly, stopping me from falling apart. As the orgasm rocked through my body, he pressed his lips up against mine, making me feel closer to him than I ever had anyone else before.

  As the pleasure got its grip on him, I stared into his eyes the entire time, losing myself in the loving way that he was looking at me, making me feel like the most special girl alive.

  Moments later, we both collapsed on the bed side by side, laughing happily. “That was amazing,” I panted, elated. “Just...wow.”

  And, I really meant every word. That had been the most intense experience of my entire life, which was a wonderful way to end such a great week, but that also made it much more difficult to walk away.

  “I don’t want to leave,” I admitted to him.

  “Me neither,” he said, sounding about as solemn as I felt. “But, we’ll keep in touch, right?”

  “Of course!” Relief flooded through me at the fact that he did still want to see me again, after all. “I’d love that.”

  But then the memory of the wedding, which would occupy the next few weeks, filled my mind, souring my mood ever so slightly.

  “Come on,” Rhett finally broke the magic by sitting up in the bed. “We better get dressed. It really is time to go.”

  Chapter Eight

  Rhett–Two Weeks Later

  Ever since my much too short time at Camp Woodtree, Danica had infected my every thought. I could not shake her from my mind, no matter what I was doing. I considered her lips while I was in the shower, I remembered her laugh as I ate my dinner, I went over and over our conversations while I worked my terrible summer job as a shelf stocker... There was just no end to her. It was as if my entire life had only become about her, and no matter what I did, I couldn't stop that.

  After the best week of my whole life, I came home with a newfound hope in my heart. I really felt like we could make it work, that we would keep in touch until the summer was over, and we could see each other once more when we went to college.

  I’d been excited to start my sports management course at Grange before, but now the knowledge that I was going to be near to
Danica again meant that I couldn't wait for the summer to end–a feeling that I’d never had before. I normally lived for the summer months where I could work my crappy dead end job during the morning, then spend all afternoon surfing or rock climbing, or something like that.

  Now it all felt a little...empty.

  All I wanted to do was to be back in the middle of that magical week where everything had felt so simple. I knew it wasn't going to be as easy to keep things going when we weren’t living a few doors down from one another, but I hadn’t expected things to get this hard.

  I’d tried to call Danica a couple of times since returning home to recreate the spark, but she’d never answered my calls. I’d also send her a couple of texts, but I’d only had one reply.

  ‘Hi, Rhett, sorry I haven’t been in touch–things have been absolutely crazy! I’ll talk to you soon...promise! xoxox’

  That felt very much like the ball was in her court, so I hadn’t sent her anything since. I didn’t want to come across as needy as desperate–even if that was exactly how I felt. I was just endlessly waiting for her to contact me again, but it was as if she’d fallen from the face of the planet. I just kept staring at the one photograph I had of her on my phone, telepathically willing her to get in touch, but she never did, and it was absolutely driving me insane.

  Maybe it was time to accept that the whole thing had meant a lot more to me than it had her. Maybe it was time to let things go, to consider it as nothing more than a week-long fling.

  Out of pure frustration, just for a distraction, I snuck into the back room at work and phoned my best friend.

  “James?” I hissed into the receiver, as soon as he picked up. “Do you want to go for a hike this afternoon?”

  “Sure, bro,” he replied in the typically lazy way he always spoke. I could hear the waves in the background which meant he was down at the beach. He wouldn’t have been sunbathing, though. He was like me in that respect–he always had to be doing some kind of activity.


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