by Naomi Niles
But she was my mother, and I was almost regretting my decision to stay with the Deans. But I’d tasted the good life, and I didn’t want to go back to the trailer. I didn’t want to go back to that life.
I had plans now. Plans to go to college and make something of myself. I could be an engineer, my guidance counselor said.
“You’re very quiet, Dylan. Aren’t you glad to see me?”
“Of course, Mom.”
I helped her into the car, then I put her suitcase in the trunk. Should I tell her now? Or wait until we arrived at the trailer? I wondered Mr. Dean hadn’t given me any guidance on it, but told me that it was up to me.
“Whose car is this?”
“It’s Taylor’s. She is Mr. Dean’s daughter. It was the only one available today to bring you home.”
“The Deans have been good to you.”
“They have.”
I didn’t know how much of my new life to share. This seemed like a touchy subject and it might push her back onto drugs. But I was also pissed at her. Now that I’d experienced people who care, I didn’t understand why she didn’t.
She said she did, but her actions said something else. I had to remember that. I couldn’t trust her. I could trust the Deans. They were my new family.
“I can’t wait to sleep in my own bed.”
I turned down the driveway. My breath caught in my throat. I hadn’t been back since a day after my mother had been taken away in an ambulance when Mr. Dean had brought me back to get some clothing.
The place looked exactly the same. Nothing had miraculously happened to make it better. It might have even looked worse.
What little lawn there was hadn’t been mowed.
“Home sweet hovel,” my mother said.
I helped her out of the car, and she walked into the house. I grabbed the suitcase, reluctant to return to the place of my nightmares. I steeled myself.
It was even smaller and more cramped than I remember.
“You bought groceries,” my mother said.
“Mr. Dean stocked the refrigerator for you.”
She spun around to look at me. I stood in the doorway, not really wanting to enter. I felt as though if I did enter, I’d get sucked back into the vortex that was my mother’s life. I didn’t want that. I saw a future for myself. At least, a better one that I had before she’d been taken away.
“Then I guess I owe him a lot. He took care of you while I was gone and he bought me food. He must realize just how much you eat.”
As if she knew how much I ate. Most of the time there was no food in the house, so I found food elsewhere.
She finally looked at me. “You’ve filled out.”
It was all the food I was allowed to eat. All the food available, I thought of saying, but that seemed mean. It wasn’t her fault in some ways, but it really was. She couldn’t hold down a job because of her drinking. And the drugs. People stole from her.
I was of two minds and couldn’t decide what I should feel. I was so thankful for Mr. Dean, but I felt guilty leaving my mother. I wished he’d come with me today, but I understood that this was my decision.
The first of many difficult ones I’d make as a man, he said. I had a responsibility to her, but more so to myself since I was only eighteen. I was just starting out. Mr. Dean had said that it would be okay to be selfish right now. It would benefit me in the end.
But she was still family.
Maybe it would be easier for her if I wasn’t around.
“Mom, I have to tell you something.”
“Well, come in. It’s your house, too.”
I put down her suitcase and stepped a little closer. “I’m eighteen now.”
“I remember,” she said.
She eyed me, a small smile on her face, as if she was glad to see me. That made this that much harder. “I’m going to stay with the Deans.”
The smile fell off of her face. “Oh?”
“I think it’s a better environment for me.”
“Better than your mother?”
I nodded, not being able to say the words.
“How will I stay sober for you?”
Mr. Dean had warned me that she would use guilt. “You have to stay sober on your own. It isn’t fair to make me part of it. I’m just eighteen.”
“Don’t you have to live with me?”
“No. I have a choice.”
“Clearly you’ve already made it.”
Chapter Eighteen
I couldn’t stand it anymore. Dylan had been giving me the cold shoulder all weekend. Now it was Sunday afternoon, and I was ready to explode. I had hoped he would just calm down, but he was still not talking to me.
I really had to go through with my plan to buy him a present. Maybe that would make him accept my apology. My father did it for my mother all of the time – bought her flowers when he was in the doghouse.
I still had the list I’d photographed.
“Going to the store,” I called to my father, who was in the living room.
“Where to?”
I stopped next to his chair. “To an electronics store.”
“I’m going to buy Dylan something so he forgives me.”
My father chuckled. “I’m not sure that will work, but I admire your spirit. Have you apologized?”
“Have you offered to go to his next tournament?”
“No, I haven’t.”
“A man wants to know that he’s supported, Taylor. That would go a long way to apologizing to him.”
“Okay. I’ll do that, too,” I said.
But I still wanted to go through with my plan. I thought it was a good one.
“Okay, kitten. Drive carefully.”
“I will, Daddy.”
I kissed him on the cheek. I drove to one of those big box stores. When I entered, I was already lost. I’d never built a computer. I wouldn’t even begin to know where to look for the parts. I finally stopped someone in a store shirt.
“Can you help me?”
He was older, probably college aged, and I looked younger than I was, so he got that look on his face that said he was going to hit on me. Just my luck. “Sure, I can help you. You looking for a new phone?”
“No.” I showed him the list, and I lied. “I’m looking to buy something for my boyfriend. This is the list of what he needs to build his computer.”
The smile only dimmed slightly. Cocky bastard. He was going to hit on me, anyway. I sighed.
“Okay. Let’s go over to the computer department and see what of these things we have.”
I followed him. He pointed to several of the things on the list. I looked at the prices. Thankfully, I didn’t have a budget. I didn’t spend that much money regularly so Daddy wouldn’t mind if I did this month.
I looked at each one carefully. “So, what will get him to his goal of building a computer, faster?”
He pointed out a few items. I chose them. “Thanks for your help.”
“What a great girlfriend you are to him,” the guy said as I went to pay for them.
“I am.”
I walked away, flattered that he was interested, but not really into him. He was cute, but my heart belonged to Dylan. Well, sort of. I’d been thinking about him a lot the last week, ever since he saved me.
I knew he was bringing his mother home today and my thoughts were with him. He was going to tell her that he was staying with us. I was glad. I might not get to see him as much, otherwise.
Then I went to another store to buy wrapping paper. I had no idea if we had any. I didn’t often wrap presents. I didn’t often buy presents, either. For my mom, sometimes. At Christmas, my parents had always done my shopping for me.
Maybe that should stop? Maybe it was time for me to take some responsibility.
If Dylan could do all he’d done in his life, then maybe I could step up. Then maybe my mother would listen to what I had to say about my futur
I bought some manly-looking paper then stopped for a coffee. Helena was working behind the counter.
“Hey, girl,” I said.
“What can I get you?”
“Just a coffee today. Nothing special,” I said. “I bought Dylan a present. He wants to build his own computer, and I bought him some part to help.”
“He still not talking to you?”
“No, and I hope this breaks the ice. I hate that he’s mad. I screwed up, but it isn’t the end of the world.”
She handed me a coffee. She rarely charged me. No one else was in the shop, so she could talk as she wiped down the counter.
“You really must have hurt his feelings.”
“I never think of a guy as being that sensitive.”
“Some are, but this was a big deal to him, Taylor. You shit on it.”
I frowned, feeling bad about it all over again. “I know. I know.”
“He may never forgive you.”
That would be awful. “I hope he does.”
“He also doesn’t know how much you are trying. You’ve never worked this hard to apologize.”
“I know. I’m not going to get any credit for it since he doesn’t know that I don’t normally do it.”
Helena laughed. “You know I love you, but it is karma.”
“Yeah, I know, but I’m trying to be better. Not as selfish. Dealing with Dylan has certainly opened my eyes.”
“He has been a good influence on you. I heard your dad took out a restraining order for Greg.”
“Yeah, he did. Greg has to change schools. He’s been expelled from ours, anyway.”
“That’s all scary stuff. I hope you’re okay,” she said.
She’d been by my side a lot, and I was grateful for such an amazing friend. “Why did you put up with me?”
Helena laughed again. “I don’t know. I guess I hoped you’d change.”
“Well, then I guess the wait was worth it. You’re a really good person, Helena. I don’t know what I would do without you.”
“You’re going to make me cry.”
I hugged her. She really was the best friend anyone could have. “I better go. I want to have this wrapped before Dylan returns.”
I wondered what was taking Dylan so long. I was excited to give him his present. Maybe he decided to stay with his mother? That would be disappointing.
I paced my room. The present was wrapped and ready to go. I thought he’d like it, but was now second-guessing what I had chosen.
I called Helena.
“Hi. I think I may have bought the wrong thing.”
“Oh, stop, Taylor. He’ll love it. There is no guarantee that he is going to forgive you. You’re some girl who he is living with.”
“I’m hoping I’m at least his friend.”
“You haven’t been acting that way.”
“I know, but I’m trying to make up for it.”
“Relax, Taylor. He’ll love it. Just don’t get your hopes up that all will be forgotten. You really hurt him.”
“Did he tell you that?”
“He didn’t have do.”
I frowned. No one’s approval had ever been so important before. People sought me out for approval, not the other way around. This was a whole new concept for me.
“Wait, I heard the front door.”
“Don’t pounce on the poor guy,” Helena said.
“I’ll try not to.”
I disconnected the call as I looked out my bedroom door. I could hear Dylan and my Dad talking and wished they would hurry up. I wanted to get past this. I wanted to make things better.
I crept down the steps to listen.
“She was crying when I left. I feel like a heel,” Dylan said.
“Dylan, you have to take care of you. She’s proven that she can’t do it. As men, we have to make the hard choices. No one could fault you for choosing to live here. This is your best chance to get ahead.”
“I still feel as if I’ve done something wrong.”
“You haven’t. You can still visit. You aren’t turning your back on her, just getting out of a toxic situation.”
“Why can’t I get her out of that situation?”
“Because she’s the parent. She’s the adult. She has to get herself out of it.”
I sat on the steps, my leg bouncing. As much as it was an interesting conversation, I wanted them to finish. I wanted to give Dylan his present.
“I don’t know, Mr. Dean. I’m feeling guilty.”
“She’s your mother. Of course, you would, but sometimes we have to be selfish. We have to take care of ourselves in order to take care of someone else.”
“Will the feeling go away? Will I eventually be okay with my decision?”
“I think you’ll be okay with your decision tomorrow. I mean it, Dylan. You made the right decision.”
“If I’d stayed with her, would you have talked me out of it?”
“No, son. It was your decision. You have ambition and that’s okay.”
“Thanks for your support, Mr. Dean.”
“You’re welcome. If there is anything I can do, let me know.”
Dylan left the living room and mounted the steps. I didn’t move. I wanted him to see me.
“Hi,” I said.
He grimaced. “Hello.”
He didn’t stop on his way up. Really? “Dylan.”
“What, Taylor?”
He didn’t look at me. Man, he really could stay mad for awhile. “Will you please talk to me?”
“Not now.”
He kept going. I put my hand on his leg when he reached me. “Please?”
“Not now, Taylor.”
“I have something for you.”
“I don’t want anything from you.”
Okay. That hurt. “I bought you something.”
“Again, not necessary. Let me go, Taylor.”
I frowned. “Please, Dylan.”
He moved down the steps so that he was eye level with me. “I’m not interested. Now let me pass.”
I put my hands in my lap. “I think you’ll like it.”
“Stop. Just stop.”
“Is everything okay up there?” my father said.
“Yes, Daddy.”
Dylan just frowned down at me. Why wouldn’t he let me give him a present?
“It’s okay, Mr. Dean,” Dylan said.
He walked past me. I must have made a face.
“Leave him alone, Taylor. He’s got some things on his mind.”
I didn’t move from the steps, but watched as Dylan walked down the hall to his room and closed the door behind him. I was upset now. I wanted to make things right and no one would let me.
“Did you buy him something?” Daddy said.
“Give him some time. It’s been a tough day.”
“Okay, Daddy. What’s for dinner?”
“No idea. I’m thinking take out.”
“Sure, honey. Let me figure out where your mother is,” he said. “She might have something planned.”
My mind wasn’t completely on dinner. I was thinking about Dylan. How much time should I give him? I knew this shouldn’t be about me and that I was being impatient.
“Did Dylan bring his mother home today?” I asked my dad.
“He did, and he’s wrestling with the decision he made to stay with us.”
I nodded. Okay. I was being selfish. “Wow. I can’t imagine if I had to leave you guys.”
“Well, it isn’t the same situation.”
“Yeah, I know. I can’t imagine you guys doing anything bad to me. Other than take my car away.”
My father laughed. “You know that isn’t the same thing.”
“I know, Daddy. I know.” I glanced up the steps to Dylan’s room, then back to my father. “Maybe we should let Dylan choose dinner. He might have a comfort food he w
ants. That’ll make him feel better.”
“That’s sweet, honey. I’ll ask him after I talk to your mother.”
I nodded and went to my room. I looked at the gift I had wrapped for Dylan. I wanted him to have it, but now I didn’t need to see his face when he opened it. I just wanted him to know that I had been thinking about him.
I wanted him to know that he wasn’t alone. That I was here for him even if it didn’t seem like I was. I picked up the package and headed into the hallway. I put the box down by his door. I knocked, then walked away.
Chapter Nineteen
“Come in,” I said, but no one entered my room.
I had thought I heard Taylor outside, but she didn’t enter. Instead, I heard someone walking away. Intrigued, I got up from my pondering and opened the door.
On the floor was a box wrapped in paper with hammers on it. I looked toward Taylor’s rom, but her door was closed. I couldn’t hear anyone else around. I looked down at the package again. This was what Taylor was trying to tell me about.
It had been a bad day, and I guess I had been rude to Taylor. I sighed then picked up the package. I closed the door and stared at the thing. I couldn’t remember the last time I got a present.
I had to admit that I was a little excited, except that Taylor probably would have no idea what to get me. It didn’t matter. She was trying to get me to forgive her. I missed her company.
I set the package on the desk and sat to stare at it, just enjoying the moment. I’d made the right decision. This was the best place for me to be and part of that was because of Taylor. I guess it was time to forgive her.
Opening the package, I knew I had to talk to her. Inside was something from my list for what I needed to build my own computer. I stared at it. She must have come into my room and seen my list. I couldn’t even be mad at her for invading my space.
This was beyond sweet and so Taylor. I grinned. I couldn’t help it. This present had made the day so much better.
I left it on my desk and went to find her. I tapped lightly on her door.
“Come in.”
She was sitting at her desk. She turned and her mouth opened a little when I opened the door. Guess she hadn’t expected to see me. “I got your present.”
She nodded.
“You’re welcome.”
She eyed me warily. I stepped into her room. “That was really cool that you gave that to me. How did you know?”